#incorrect quotes encanto


Camilo: This was a horrible idea

Bruno: Calm down, don’t Pepa out

Pepa: Did you just use my name as a verb?

Bruno: Yeah, it means to overthink something and exaggerate it’s negative qualities

Pepa: That is so mean! And outrageous! And completely unfai-!

Pepa: Oh no, I’m Pepa-ing right now, aren’t I?


Dolores: What’s wrong?


Dolores:… That’s a mirror

Agustìn: Julieta, you’re a tough one to figure out. You dont trust bad boys and yet you married one

Agustìn: *blows on tea before drinking it*

Camilo: I’m not going to tell you, I’m not a snitch

Abuela: Right, let’s try something else then. Tag a friend you recently committed a crime with

Camilo: Lmao, @Mirabel

Agustìn: I’m cold

Julieta: Here have my jacket, you can keep it for the rest of the night mi amor


Félix: I’m cold

Pepa: Well I can’t control the weather, Félix





Antonio, writing a letter to Santa: Dear Santa, I am writing to let you know I’ve been naughty this year

Antonio: And it was worth it you judgemental basta-

Dolores, taking the paper: Let’s start again

Isabela: This is outrageous! You can’t let this happen, Abuela!

Alma: I know…

Alma: But I’m bored now so I probably will

Bruno: You know, my mamá once told me that good news is just bad news in disguise

Mirabel: Was this before she pressured you into thinking your gift was so bad that you left the casita?

Bruno: Yes it was.

Alma: Does everyone know what they’re doing?

Camilo: Like, in general or the plan?

Alma: The plan, Camilo


*Younger Pepa and Félix*

Pepa: So I was thinking a spring wedding, or maybe a summer one. I don’t want it to be too cold

Félix: What are you talking about, mi vida? We aren’t even engaged yet


Pepa:Sothat’swhat I forgot to do last night

18 year old Dolores holding a 1 year old Antonio: Mamá, I accidently bonked Tonito’s head. It wasn’t very hard, and he’s not acting any different, I’m just worried-

Pepa: Don’t worry. Camilo used to get hit in the head loads when they were younger, and they’re fine!

Dolores: Oh okay

Dolores, whispering to Félix: You gotta take Antonio to a doctor

Camilo: My little brother figured out he can put sticky notes on people’s backs

Camilo: He doesn’t know they’re supposed to say stuff like “kick me” so they only have animal facts on them

Isabela:This is just a reminder that all psychiatric and therapy services are completely covered by the fire station’s health insurance plan

Mirabel: Why do you always look at me when you say that?

Pepa, when she first met Félix: Well, it rained today, but as a whole it’s been warmer than it was last week.

Félix: Why does it seem like every time you talk to us, you end up talking about the weather? Is your life so unimaginably dull that you can’t think of any events in your life to describe that might be more interesting than the weather? Let’s think of something for you to talk about other than the weather. I mean, we barely even know anything about you, other than where you live.

Félix: Let’s start there. What do you do for a living?

Pepa: I’m a meteorologist.

Isabela:We call that a traumatic event

Isabela, turning to Luisa: Not a “bruh moment”

Isabela, turning to Camilo: Not a “major L”

Isabela, turning to Mirabel: And definitely not an “OOF lmao”

Camilo: I said I wasn’t gonna cry…

Mirabel: But you’re not crying?

Camilo: I know. Its called strength

Julieta, to Mirabel:You get hysterical

Julieta, to Isabela: You worry about every detail

Julieta: And then you turn on each other

Isabela: No we don’t

Mirabel: Yes we do

Isabela: How dare you?

Alma: I raised three fully functional children

Julieta: You have three children we don’t know about?
