#incorrect tendershipping quotes


Ryou: I don’t want to hurt their feelings.

Bakura: Hurt their feel—do you just walk around all day thinking about other people’s feelings?

Ryou: Yeah. Don’t you?

Bakura: No. How do you get anything done?

Bakura:This is bothering me.

Ryou: Well, you are digging up a corpse.

Bakura: No, not that. That’s, uh, pretty par for the course, actually.

Bakura: What if mayonnaise came in cans?

Ryou: Well, that would suck because you can’t microwave metal.

Kaiba: Good morning to everyone except these two people.

Ryou, to Malik: [holding a fork] You know, you have a lot of gal for someone who has two perfectly good eyeballs that each cost about $16,000 on the blackmarket.

Bakura: Talk dirty to me~

Ryou: Inflation is a serious problem and lumber prices are at a high.


Ryou: The economy is in shambles.

Bakura: Am I in trouble?

Ryou: Take a guess.


Ryou: Take another guess.

Ryou: Oh, fiddlesticks.

Bakura: Look, I understand this is a tense situation, but let’s watch the fucking language.

Bakura: Change is inedible.

Ryou: Don’t you mean inevitable?

Bakura, spitting out a bunch of yen coins: No, I really didn’t.


Bakura: A fair rebuttal. However, consider this counterpoint: Y-Yes?

Ryou: Hey Bakura can I get a sip of your water?

Bakura: It’s not water.

Ryou: Vodka, I like your style!

Bakura: It’s vinegar.


Bakura: It’s vinegar, COWARD.

Ryou: I’ve got a crush on you.

Bakura: Damn, that’s definitely not a good idea.

Ryou, freefalling:Kura!

Bakura: What an idiot! [catches Ryou and twirls in a romantic way] Don’t be reckless!

Ryou, giggling: Well, I knew you’d catch me.

Bakura: You’re not baggage!

Marik, after witnessing the scene: Shujinkaku-sama! Don’t be shy! Come into my arms!

Malik: [throws a shoe at Kek’s face]

[Parent-Teacher conference]

Teacher: Amane was in a fight.

Ryou, pretending to be a good parental figure: Oh no, that’s terrible!

Bakura, not even trying: Did she win?

Bakura: I wanna be a reverse tooth fairy where I rob people and then scatter human teeth on their bed.

Marik: A dentist.

Ryou: I don’t know what your dentist is doing to you but I think you need to go to the police.

Ryou:You know, Bakura, when you generalize, you tell general… lies.


Bakura: Are you trying to teach me moral lessons through puns.

[after Ryou comes home from school with a scratch]

Bakura: Who hurt you?

Ryou, jokingly: What, you want a list?

Bakura, very serious: Yeah, actually.




Bakura: Don’t read into that.

Ryou: But I will read into that.

Bakura: HOW?! IT’S A LETTER!

Ryou: Why is there a space after it, hmmm?

Bakura: Dude, really?

Bakura: It’s a fucking letter.

Ryou: It could stand for something!


Ryou: Like Oppression! Or worse…

Bakura: Dude, I just typed the letter O, that means nothing. :/


Bakura: Oh my Gods.

Malik: I know you love him.

Bakura: I am not in love with yadonushi!

Malik, staring at Bakura: I never said who.


Bakura: Shit. Well, anyways—

Ryou: Two years ago, I married my best friend.

Ryou: Bakura is still mad about it, but me and Seto were drunk and thought it was funny.
