#infj aesthetic



humans are so Loud and for What

infj aesthetic
infj aesthetic


believing in soulmates/astrology/ghosts/aliens/true love etc makes life interesting and fun

infj aestheticinfj aesthetic


i feel the extreme weight of doing something remarkable for my older self to be nostalgic about

rarelylocal: trucce: kitchen sink // top rarelylocal: trucce: kitchen sink // top



kitchen sink // top

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patrickthomson:the most optimistic letter that any human has ever written


the most optimistic letter that any human has ever written

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it won’t be like what you imagined. maybe you get the road trip to the beach with coffee in your hand and the radio playing, maybe you don’t. but happy shows up. it’s in a 2 AM game of jenga with your new college friends. it’s curling up for another marathon of netflix. it’s meeting the person who will be your best man at the wedding. it’s 4:45pm in the library when the girl in the study coral across from you quietly whispers “i’m going to set everything on fire” and then turns to you and asks if you wanna take a break for dinner (say yes, she’s very nice and you both need a moment away from the stress). it’s the mornings they have omelettes and in good books and in a puddle that looks cool. it’s sometimes picturesque, but more often it’s full-belly laughter at stupid things on the floor of your friend’s house while in the background someone is debating the best way to win settlers of catan. 

i know it gets dark early now and the tired is setting in and everything sort of feels blank and hazy and you want to spend ages staring at walls thinking of nothing

but happiness will find a way in. it will be small moments. look for them.

infj aestheticinfj aestheticinfj aesthetic
infj aesthetic

INFJ, aquarius, bisexual, spiritual and witchy fron time to time, fav colors are black an all of earthy/dusty shades of green, orange and yellow.

