#italian learning


Concurrences exercise #…idk

Short exercise about adjective-noun-article concurrence (this is not a gender-free exercise cause Italian grammar is still very related to genders and there are occasions in which is hard to find a gender-free way of writing). Make your choice and check it under the keep reading link (+ some rules).
I divided it into singular and plural versions.

(Don’t scroll too much further if you have the “expand” thing on. The questions are 7)

1.the younger sister/s
A. la sorella minora
B. la sorella minore
C. la sorella minori

D. le sorella minore
E. le sorelle minori
F. le sorelle minore

2.the big dog/s
A. il cane grande
B. lo cane grando
C. lo cane grande

D. i cani grandi
E. li cani grandi
F. i cani grande

3.the big rock/s
A. il sasso grossi
B. lo sasso grosso
C. il sasso grosso

D. i sassi grossi
E. li sassi grosso
F. i sasso grossi

4. the small egg/s
A. la uova piccola
B. l'uovo piccolo
C. lo uova piccolo
D. lo uovo piccolo

E. le uova piccole
F. le uove piccole
G. li uovi piccoli
H. i uovi piccoli

5.the broken arm/s (human body)
A. il braccio rotto
B. la braccia rotta
C. lo braccio rotto

D. le braccie rotte
E. i bracci rotti
F. le braccia rotte

6.the green field/s
A. lo campo verde
B. il campo verde
C. il campo verdo

D. li campi verdi
E. i campi verdi
F. il campo verdi

7.the black piano/s
A. le pianoforte nere
B. il pianoforte nere
C. il pianoforte nero

D. i pianiforte nero
E. li pianoforte neri
F. i pianoforti neri

Thanks tumblr for adding the “expand” thing: so very useless if it removes the keep reading link as well.
So I basically have to make this longer?

  • Pianoforte is one of the few composed nouns that acts as a normal noun (changes the final vowel when it turns plural)
  • Egg: the weirdo noun. It’s masculine when singular (L'uovo) but it turns feminine when it’s plural (LE uova). One more problem: the article. Remember that the plural is so even if you have the noun ending in -a. I wrote a post already about it if you want to get more into details.
  • Similar things happens with il braccio and le braccia. I added “human body” cause, “braccio” can also be a mechanic one (of a crane, e.g.). In this case, the plural stays at the masculine: i bracci. Again, I go more in detail in an older post.
  • Some articles, as “grande”, “maggiore and "minore”, have only singular and plural. They have no change in genre, no matter the subject:
    e.g. mia sorella minore, mio fratello minore; le mie sorelle minori, i miei fratelli minori.

1 B,E - 2 A,D - 3 C,D - 4 B,E - 5 A,F - 6 B,E - 7 C,F
