



Hogwarts x Haikyuu AU

pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime x f! reader 
genre:angst / fluff
warnings:a series of misunderstandings
wc: 2.3k
m.list.~taglist. ~

a/n: back by popular demand, another installment of the hogwarts x haikyuu fluff series featuring the Gryffindor quidditch team and one exceedingly persistent Iwaizumi Hajime. you may want to read the installment featuring one very smug Slytherin beater Kuroo Tetsuro (here) to appreciate the first scene in this story. 


“What are we doing here, Iwaizumi?” 

He’d grabbed your hand on a hogsmeade weekend, asking if you had any plans. You lied, crossing your fingers behind your back, telling him you hadn’t. So you find yourself seated opposite him in Madam Puddifoot’s, smothered by pink and white frills, surrounded by porcelain teaware.

By all appearances, it looks like a date. It shouldbe a date. 

But it isn’t. 

Keep reading

a/n: its been like a month since i wrote any hq x reader stuff, and i just banged this out in fifteen minutes. the concept of content creating makes me want to hurl, so this is something i simply rustled up to make people happy. even though this blogs lack of creation automatically makes the interaction wildly low. in any case, heres some iwa. ive never written for him before, and this is only like 400 smth words, so uhh yeah here

word count: 416

genre: angst

pairing: iwaizumi x reader


“Love me with all of your heart, or not at all.”

“I don’t even know if I’m able to do that.”

“I know.”

“But I can try” he stopped yelling, if you could call the broken way his voice raised and lowered yelling. The normally smooth, borderline milky way he always spoke was overshadowed by a myriad of voice cracks, all filled with different levels of pain dripping from them. His seawater eyes became rimmed with red–more and more by the second. You supposed, if you thought about it, that this was the most emotion you ever saw him express. A manly man, with more toxic masculinity running through his veins than has ever been expected . “At least I think I can.”

“Have you ever heard of love bombing?”

“Now isn’t really the time for a psychology lesson, babe.”

“It’s sort of when someone showers you with so much instant affection that your life begins to sort of revolve around them.” The sky was grey. Desolate. Rain threatened and retreated every few minutes, leaving the skin on your arms to ping with a light chill every time a gust of wind blew past. 

“And you think I-”

“You did that to me, I think.” You twisted your fingers in your hand to distract the anger bubbling within your soul. He was oblivious, like always, but you weren’t surprised by it. He wasn’t much different than usual. 

“If I did I’m sorr-“ he started walking closer to you, causing you to turn to the side and stare out into the sea. The waves slapped against the shore, all signs of a coming storm. The rain relented less and less, giving the white noise an amplifier. He was easy to interrupt.

“That’s not how you apologize.” A beat of silence passed between you two. Silence, save for the squawk of a seagull in the distance. “Hajime.”

You turned to look at him again, meeting his eyes with yours and hoping he understood everything you needed to say. He was always good at reading you, but emotions can cloud even the best intuition. 

“You can’t love me the way I want you to,” you sighed, grabbing his hands with yours and staring at the way the dark lights blend all the shapes together. “And that’s okay. Love someone else better, okay?”

Tears pricked at your eyes just as they had his. And that was it. He didn’t dare say another word, opting to simply watch you walk away. 

; See you again

Act 06. Did you just quote the Avengers?



Fun facts:

- Y/n IS the cutest girl Iwaizumi have ever seen.
- Y/n for a moment forgot the feud between Oikawa and Kageyama.
- Y/n is a huge Marvel fan. whenever Tanaka and Noya are at hers they always watch Marvel movies.
- Boys were really knocked off by her sudden outburst…guess who’s not complaining?


; See You Again

Act 05. Sugawara-San?



Fun facts:

Sugawara IS Y/n’s favourite setter. Kags is #2
To say that Iwaizumi is kinda surprised by Y/n’s messages is an understatement. But he IS happy that she doesn’t hate him tho.
Y/n is happy that he apologized even if she didn’t had anything against him


; See You Again




Fun facts:

- Y/n was nervous the entire time she was talking to Bokuto,,, poor thing
- Iwaizumi DID triggered some bad memories in her.
- Bokuto really thought he was doing something good with the gc
- Oikawa living his best life


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preorders are open now, feel free to check it out for quality iwa content!!

Stupidkawa {Iwaizumi x Reader x Oikawa}

This was self indulgent, not a request. I love Oikawa and Iwaizumi and Haikyuu in general so I couldn’t stand the fact that I haven’t written anything for Haikyuu. This has probably been written like a million times, I apologize if it’s a bit repetitive, I couldn’t help myself.


                                               (for Oikawa at least)


Squeaks and thuds could be heard at Aoba Johsai gym, which was strange considering practice for the boys volleyball club had been finished for a good few hours now. This caught the attention of a certain pretty boy setter as he walked past.

Intrigued at who was practicing this hour, he decided to walk closer. He instantly heard laughter, one that he knew all too well, but then another voice spoke up. Oikawa’s heart skipped a beat.

Where those two in there together? For how long? What were they doing?

Thoughts like those took over his mind as he took a peek inside the gym. A good amount of volleyballs littered one part of the gym, the one farthest from the door. The nets were still up, the lights were still on, and there were two people in the gym… Alone.

He could see them clearly. His two childhood friends alone in the gym, acting all lovey dovey.

It made him sick to his stomach. Tooru had always fantasized about the day Iwaizumi finally found himself a girl and in all those scenarios, he was a proud father. Never would he have ever imagined himself jealous at Iwa-chan, but here he was in all his jealous glory.

The way Iwaizumi had his hands on hers as he went through the motions of an overhand serve brought him sick to his stomach.

“You think you got it?” Their bodies were pressed up against each other and, although Iwaizumi had stopped doing the motions, he still had his hands on hers.

“I think. Let me give it a try.” Her sweet angelic voice echoed through the gym. Oikawa’s heart speed up. He’d heard her voice a million times already but he wanted to her it a billion times more.

Iwaizumi nodded at her response and let go off her, his hands lingering for a bit. He took a couple steps back and focused his sole attention on her, he was seemingly not able to look away. But how could anyone look away when she had that fiery smile, determination, and confidence?

Oikawa and Iwaizumi sure couldn’t.

Iwaizumi observed from the side of the court, his focus solely on the (h/c) haired female whose presence naturally captured his attention. Iwa was so focused on her that he didn’t notice the trash by the door.

She walked multiple steps behind the service line and smiled at Iwaizumi. Hajime’s eyebrows furrowed and he tilted head as she threw the ball high up in the air and approached for a jump serve.

Her feet left the ground as soon as the service line was in front of her. She soared to the sky like a majestic eagle and Iwaizumi fell for her more than he already had.

The same can be said for Oikawa.

A loud smack reverberated throughout the gym as her hand perfectly collided with the ball. On the other side of the court, the ball hit the floor with another loud smack. She gracefully landed on her feet and was about to turn to Iwa but the arms that suddenly wrapped around her body and brought it closer to theirs restricted her from doing so.

Iwaizumi held her tight against his body, making sure there wasn’t any space between them. She could hear the pounding of his heart as neither of them made a move to let go. Hajime rested his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. At this point, they were both red in the face.

He turned his head to her neck and nuzzled it while his eyes were closed. She closed her eyes and basked in the warmth Hajime provided her. She also placed her arms on to of the ones wrapped around her waist.

He opened his eyes and brought his lips to her ear, kissing it lightly and making the girl shiver because it tickled.

“You know, you could’ve just asked me to hold you tight like this. I wouldn’t have mind. You don’t have to pretend to not know something for me to pay attention to you.” He whispered into her ear, his hot breath tickling her and his words made her feel many things. Her knees, which were already weak at the moment, went weaker as he lightly nibbled on her ear and trailed soft butterfly kisses behind her ear, trailing them down her neck and shoulders.

Oikawa tortured himself by continuing to look at the scene in front of him with wide, blurry eyes. He knew you two were close, but he didn’t know you to where THAT close.

But then again, who was he to say a thing? He wasn’t your brother and he most definitely wasn’t your boyfriend. He was only but your childhood friend. He had no right to meddle in you and Iwa-chan’s relationship, no matter how much it hurt him. He had no right to be mad at Iwa-chan for taking the one thing he wanted most in the world, not when you were never his to begin with. He had no right to be mad at you. He didn’t even have a right to still be your friend, not after everything he put you through. It wasn’t your fault you wanted to move on, to finally fix that shattered heart of yours. It was his.

If he hadn’t been such a fool, maybe, just maybe, you’d be in his arms instead. Maybe he’d have the right to call you his. Maybe he could’ve been happy. Maybe you could’ve been happy. Happy with him instead of his best friend.

But that was just a maybe. He knew deep in his broken heart that you wouldn’t have been happy with him. Even if you were, you would be in more pain than happiness. You weren’t the one who broke his heart, he was the one who broke his own heart. And the only one who would be able to fix it was you. But at the cost of your own. Oikawa needed you to fix him. He needed your kindness and understanding. He needed you to need him. He needed you to love him.

But he knew that if you gave yourself to him, he would only break you further than he already did. He would’ve wasted all of Iwa-chan’s hard work.

He wouldn’t be able to treat you properly. He wouldn’t be able to love you properly. He wouldn’t be able to give you everything you deserved. But he knew Iwa would.

Iwa would treat you properly. Iwa would love you properly. Iwa would give you everything you deserved. Iwa would never let you down. Iwa would never hurt you. Iwa would never do what Oikawa had and would do.

Iwa deserved you and you deserved Iwa. You deserve someone who’d give and give and that person was not Oikawa.

Oikawa refused to be selfish. Oikawa refused to hinder yours and Iwa-chan’s happiness any longer.

“My, my. What do we have here? Our Iwa-chan finally found himself a girl~” Oikawa teased the two (mostly Iwa-chan), finally revealing his presence. Iwa-chan froze, still holding onto your body tightly.

“How long have you been standing there Shittykawa!?” Iwaizumi looked at Oikawa with his usual scary faced, which seemed to be reserved for Oikawa.

Oikawa watched as Iwa-chan charged at him, or at least tried to. He was held back by a nervously laughing (y/n) who had her arms wrapped around his waist, trying to get him to stop charging.

“C’mon (y/n)! Let me punch him at least once!”

“I don’t think that’s necessary Haji.”

Haji… she called him Haji. If it was even possible, Oikawa’s heart broke even more, but he buried the hurt and jealousy he was feeling and tried to be happy for his two friends.

But even he, a master faker, couldn’t fake the tears running down his face. All he could do was smile with all his might and chalk up his tears as ones of happiness. Seeing as they were too caught up in each other, he wordlessly excused himself, dragging his heavy feet out of the gym, leaving the couple alone again.

He looked up at the night sky and silently let his tears fall.

Treat her right Iwaizumi. You have her so don’t let her go. Don’t be a Stupidkawa like me.




i am 1000000% positive that i failed drawing iwachan its my first time drawing him omg but I LOVE HIM TOO MUCH TO NOT POST SJHDJSHJDH EXCUSE MY UGLY ART AND CELEBRATE IWACHANS BIRTHDAY!!!!

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