#japanese phrases




[ jitsu wa, totemo kincho shiteimashita ]

Actually, I was very nervous.




[ kesa asagohan wo takusan tabemashita.

Demo, mou onakaga sukimashita ]

I ate a lot for breakfast this morning,

but I’m already hungry.




[ doyoubi wa toshokan ni ikimasu.

Soshite, nichiyoubi wa jim ni ikimasu ]

I go to the library on Saturday,

and I go to the gym on Sunday.




[ ima daiet chu desu.

Dakara, shiro gohan ha tabemasen ]

I don’t eat rice because I’m on a diet.




[ moshi, ashita ame ga huttara,

ie de nonbiri shimasu ]

If it rains tomorrow,

I’ll relax at home.


Thank you very much for learning with me!!


Have a nice day!!


Bite size Japanese


Let’s learn the most COMMON and the most NATURAL ways to say GOODBYE in Japan!!

In the first half of this lesson, I’ll teach you 8 ways to say goodbye casually and formally!

And in the second half, we will learn how “sayounara” is used in real life in Japan and the meaning of “sayounara”!

“I’m so sorry for your loss.”

【 Very Formal 】



(kokoro kara okuyami wo moushiagemasu)

“I’m so sorry for your loss”



(konotabi wa makotoni goshushou samade gozaimasu)

“ I can’t imagine how difficult a time this must be for you”

But these are very formal phrases.

I don’t think there are many Japanese teenagers

who can use these phrases correctly.

【 Casual 】

⚠️辛い(つらい)(tsurai) means

“Hard” “heartbreaking” “painful”



(sore wa tsurakatta ne)

“It must have been a hard time for you.”


“I‘m sorry to hear that.”/

“That’s a shame”

【 Formal 】

⚠️残念だ(ざんねんだ)(zannenda) means

“Regrettable” “Ashamed” “too bad” “unfortunate”


( sore wa zannen desu ne)

※ Present-tense


( sore wa zannen deshita ne)


⚠️大変だ(たいへんだ)(taihenda) means

“Hard” “difficult”


( sore wa taihen deshita ne)


【 Casual 】


( sore wa zannen dane )



( sore wa zannen datta ne)



( sore wa taihen datta ne)


⚠️がっかりする(gaggarisuru) means

“To be disappointed”


( sore wa gakkari dane)



( sore wa gakkari datta ne)


Language Exchange Discord — UPDATE!

It’s been up for like a day and has about 3 people as of now. I’m not too worried tho! Especially because I still need to type up channel descriptions, set more permissions/restrictions, make more self assigned roles, and do like a shit ton of bot configuration!

Yeah I set this rule where I have to study for 2 hours before getting on for 1, so it may take a bit to get it all together. I’ll defs finish the essentials first!

Anyway, pls join if you’re interested! English and Japanese learners of all levels are welcome. And if you’re interested in helping me with the server, please reach out! ^-^ It would be very appreciated and I’m giving out special roles (and my friendship;-;) to helpful ppl!

I expect there to be a shortage in Japanese speakers and especially native Japanese speakers, but the server won’t work without them. So if you know anyone who matches these credentials and may be interested, pls let them know! It’s a great opportunity to find longterm language exchange partners and watch each other grow ^-^

Anyhoo, I’ll worry abt it when I wake up, abt 6 hrs from now. おやすみなさい!

7日目の単語 (なのかめのたんご) Day 7 Vocabulary

十一月十六日月曜日 (じゅういちがつ じゅうろくにち げつようび) Just saying the date!

The challenge where I force myself to memorize an entire vocabulary list a day

So we just started a new chapter and I don’t have the vocabulary memorized, so I’ll have to halt the video once again and get these textbook words out of the way. But like I said, I have to learn them all anyway, so I’m not too concerned!

postal stamps 切手(きって)




holiday; day off; absence 休み(やすみ)



interesting; funny 面白い(おもしろい)


cold weather 寒い(さむい)



old item (inanimate) 古い(ふるい)


kind (person); easy (problem) やさしい

inexpensive; cheap (item) 安い(やすい)

I have a lot for this list because I learned some of these a while back and I’m only relearning them, which should be a lot faster and easier than seeing them for the first time. I also rly need to get these out of the way so I can go back to finishing the JLPT N5 Vocab video, soo yah lol


And tag with “langblrs unite” as well as the language(s) you’re focusing on, and your native language(s)

Because it’d be really grand if we all had a more closely knit community, yes? With this (provided y’all use the proposed tags) people could find other langblrs more easily

idk I’m feeling kinda lonely

11-14-20 Update

I’ve been grinding rly hard for this past week.

- watching my missed lectures + taking notes

- re-memorizing rusty kana

- studying rusty vocabulary

- learning 5+ new words a day

- I started a notebook that is entirely dedicated to my Japanese studies

- created a study schedule (which seems like it will be a game changer for me, but we’ll see! I’ll share my current schedule and let you guys know how it works out.)


- I finally formed a sentence that actually expressed what I wanted to say!! (It went something like… 私は日本語の本があります。。。今日はこれを読みます。I then read like one paragraph out loud to the camera and posted it to my snapchat! lol)

- developed a new notebook system for studying vocabulary that seems to work really well


- I have soooo many posts coming your way (vocab, grammar, study methods, shoutouts) so stay tuned

- I plan to take my giant wall of sticky note vocabulary down and redo it with new words soon!

- I may or may not be starting a blog (rebelpicnic.com) even though I have no idea what it’s about, I know for a fact that I will be posting about my Japanese learning journey there as well! It’s not open yet but beware it will probably be about a lot of things before I can make up my mind Cx

Goals and Aspirations

- maybe someday I can write diary entrees in Japanese. I would love it if I could find a native speaker to critique them!

- I can’t wait to confuse my friends and family :,3

- the glorious fluency will feel so good rolling off of my tongue (cringe explanation) :,,,333

- understanding Japanese media? um? yes?

- flexing on ppl constantly?

Current Weekly Schedule

I’m currently doing a vocabulary challenge, so vocab is 毎日!(まいにち)(Every day!)

月曜日(げつようび) Monday

Vocabulary and reading

火曜日(かようび) Tuesday

Vocabulary and writing

水曜日(すいようび) Wednesday

Vocabulary — learn less words + catch up on rusty material

木曜日(もくようび) Thursday

Vocabulary and listening

金曜日(きんようび) Friday


土曜日(どようび) Saturday

Vocabulary and grammar

日曜日(にちようび) Sunday


A side note that I do take a class for Japanese so I have homework too. This is just what I will be doing on top of my classwork. I may even do more, but I consider this schedule the bare minimum/requirement. It basically helps to guarantee that I’m studying everything with some level of proportion!

a message to u

langblrs hmu and I’ll check out ur page! I’ve been really busy lately but I usually go thru all the pages of my new followers in one sitting cus I can manage my time better that way >< and let me know what you would like to see more of on here :,) love uuuu!

Daily Vocab Day 2


- head あたま

- over there (from from both the speaker and listener) あちら

- new 新しい・あたらしい

- hot; thick あつい

- afterwards あと(で)・後(で)

- (my) older brother 兄・あに

- (my) older sister 姉・あね

Tbh I’m still trying to memorize yesterday’s vocab lol we’ll see how easily I fail this C,x
