#jason todd masterlist


i. the meet cute pt.1

main m.list-series m.list

previous chapter-next chapter

summary: meeting your soulmate in a supermarket while buying ice is unlikely but never impossible.

pairing: jason todd x reader

warnings: unnecessary fluff and banter cause i live for it

word count: 985

a/n: guys. i live for jason todd. i’m sorry.

Jason Todd had never been the type to date: not because he didn’t like it, it was just easier that way. No attachments, no serious things; it made the whole being-a-vigilante-at-night a lot easier.

He had dreamt about it, however; having a relationship. He read books about it, and he figured it wouldn’t have been so bad. But then again, he couldn’t. And he didn’t wantto.

It was in fact just a cruel trick of fate how he found himself completely dumbstruck in the refrigerated products aisle, glad his hands were busy with his bag because if not he wouldn’t have known what to do with them. It wasn’t everyday that you met god herself in Gotham’s local supermarket.

“That’s a lot of ice for the average man,” said the woman beside him. He turned to look and found her standing tall with a smirk plastered onto her face. “Leave some for the rest of us.”

She was being playful, judging by her tone, and so Jason couldn’t help but grin too in response. “Early bird gets the ice, i guess.”

She raised one eyebrow in question but the smirk was still there, taunting him and challenging him: he accepted the challenge of course, not once leaving her gaze.

“And what would such an early bird use all of this ice for? Are you planning on dethroning mr Freeze as Gotham’s resident ice menace?”

A chuckle escaped him as he still clutched the bag of ice. He meant to keep that in his own fridge, waiting for him on those nights he would have needed it, beaten up by that city’s cruel treatment. But he couldn’t possibly tell her that. “Perhaps,” he said instead. “But since you’re the one concerning yourself with my ice, maybe it’s you who wants Freeze’s title after all.”

It was her turn to laugh, a quick challenging chuckle. And he found himself enjoying the sound, however teasing.

“You caught me, officer,” she said, lifting her hands above her head. “Tis i, mrs Freeze, but alas empty-handed.”

“Unoriginal,” he simply stated, shoving his third bag of ice in his shopper bag. “You could have chosen any name, but you settled on mrs Freeze.”

He reached for the fourth, but the girl beat him to it, snatching the last one in the aisle. He narrowed his eyes, grin spreading on his face.

“Icewoman was too straightforward,” she admitted, playing with the plastic hem of the bag.

“That was my ice, mrs Freeze.” He said, scrutinizing her gaze. She really was the most beautiful woman Jason had ever seen and he kept on wondering how everyone in the store didn’t have their eyes glued on her.

“Is it? Didn’t read your name on here…” she said, peering up at him through her eyelashes, prompting him to reveal the little piece of information.

“Jason,” he stated. “And i didn’t write it on my ice because everyone here knows it’s mine.” He explained, matching the look of challenge she had given him.

She lifted her chin in the air, but she still couldn’t look down on him. Jason reckoned he quite liked this height difference, but no matter how taller he was, she still managed to look like the one in control, superior. “I see, but my name is on it, that makes it myice.”

He tilted his head to the side, furrowing his brows, and she showed it to him, pointing at the word ’freeze’ written in capital letters on the back of the bag. “Not only is this my ice, but i think that all those bags are mine, too.”

He looked down at his own ice bags, biting his lip to refrain himself from smiling. “Seems like i’ve made a terrible mistake, then.”

She smiled, a genuine smile this time, empty of the defy the previous one held. He liked this one even more. “Looks like you did, yes.”

“Is there any way you might forgive me, mighty mrs Freeze?” He asked, jutting out his bottom lip in mock sadness.

“You can start by giving me what’s rightfully mine, i believe.” She declared, lifting both her brows and outstretching her hand.

He eyed it, biting the inside of his cheek before shaking his head and taking the ice bags out of his own shopper bag. She grasped one of them, but stopped him afterwards. “Since i’m magnanimous, you can keep two. This way, we’re even.”

“How kind, mrs…?” He trailed off, waiting for her to reveal her name too.

“A true villain like myself never reveals her real identity, Jason.” She said, pretending offense at his words.

He marveled at his name, as if he had never heard it before until now. “I think it’s heroes that never reveal their identities. And you’re far from being one since you just stole from me.”

She quirked one eyebrow up in response. “I think you are the villain, you tried stealing what’s so obviouslymine!”

He couldn’t keep from smiling any longer, and as he did so, he looked away. “Maybe you’re right,” he continued. “What does that make us? Me a villain, you the hero?”

“It makes us two idiots in the refrigerated aisle, i’m afraid.” She said, shaking her head and lowering it to hide a smile. His hands itched to lift her chin and stop her from doing just that, but he refrained himself from doing so: a stranger touching someone in public is usually frowned upon in society, and Jason is well aware of that.

“You wound me, we just met and you already called me a idiot,” he said, bringing his restless hand to his chest. “People usually do that after a week or so.”

“Maybe i really am the villain, huh?”

“That means you can tell me your name, then.” He said, attempting a serious look with his eyes.

She seemed to reciprocate it. “Y/n.”

general taglist - @henqtic@wh0re4blaise@pagesofhistory@sanctimoniousslytherpuff@maybesandohnos@youreso-golden@beforeoursunsets@o-rion-sta-r@mollysolo@dlmmdl@chaoticgirl04@badass-yn@peachybaes@dreamcxtcherr@aleksanderwh0r3@miraclesoflove@amourslover@i-love-scott-mccall@just-wordsandthoughts@onyourgoddamnleft

[if your name is crossed out, check your privacy settings! if you don’t want to be tagged anymore, tell me!]

tell me not that i am too late ━

main m.list-j.t. m.list

summary: jason meets y/n and immediately falls for her, what he doesn’t realize is that he isn’t the only one to have secrets. and some secrets just can’t be revealed.

pairing: jason todd x (assassin!)reader (reader uses she/her pronouns)

status: completed -> chapters come out every wednesday (if i remember to do it ugh)

warnings: angst, death mentions, gore details, lots of blood, some sexual innuendos :)

word count: 10.056 (total)

a/n: i’ve had this idea in my little dumb head for a while and i wanted to put it on ‘paper’ so here it is. i hope you like it, i certainly loved writing about my favorite cocky batson

chapters ━

i.the meet cute pt.1(0.9k)

ii.the meet cute pt.2(1.5k)

iii.the twist(1.3k)

iv. the stalemate(1.1k)

v. the charade (0.9k)

vi. the broken hearts (0.9k)

vii. the accident(0.9k)

viii. the reason(0.5k)

ix. the final(1.5k)

x. the afterwards (0.1k)

jason todd masterlist

main masterlist<-


tell me not that i am too late(10.0k) ↴

jason meets y/n and immediately falls for her, what he doesn’t realize is that he isn’t the only one to have secrets. and some secrets just can’t be revealed.


|| Permanent Tag list: @jasonsballsack@marvelfreakbrynnlee@hallucifer6669@seutarose@ximaginx@dekahg@firstpieplaidturtle||

|| Let me know if you wanna be tagged ||

|| Warnings: little bit of toxic relationship, gun to head, small sex mention ||

|| Reposting this cause yeah ||

Every touch was a rush to him, her cool hands on his burning skin. Their relationship was purely lust, he knew that, but god did he want more from her but he had a image to uphold. It was torturous to him.

Jason watched as she got dressed, the straps of her dress being pulled over her shoulders, a cigarette hung off his lips as he laid in the wake of their aftermath

“Quit staring.” She teased and moved to straddle him, she leaned down and took the cigarette from him, she took an inhale and leaned down to kiss him, shotgunning the smoke into his mouth. Jason sat up, his hand wrapping around the back of her neck and pulling her in for a kiss. Her lips were soft against his.

Y/n giggled as she was sitting on the couch next to Jason, texting someone.

“Whose that baby?” He hummed

“Nobody. Don’t worry about it.” She snapped

He glanced over and caught a quick glimpse as a random dude was flirting with her

“What the fuck!” He yelled, he grabbed the phone as he got up

“Fucking give it back!” She yelled and got up

“You want this?” He opened the door to the balcony and threw it out, it felt nine stories

“What the fuck Jason?!” She screamed and gently shoved him

“Fuck you!” He snapped, she stormed into the bedroom and grabbed her overnight bag

“Where the fuck are you going?”

“I’m leaving.”

“No the fuck you’re not.”

Jason grabbed her arm as she walked passed, he knew he shouldn’t have thrown her phone, it wasn’t a good thing, they weren’t even dating, why did it matter that she talked to other dudes?

“Go fuck yourself.”

She tried to pull away but Jason tightened his grip a bit, she slapped him in retaliation. He gently pushed her against the wall and kissed her. She kissed back as his knee pushed in between her legs. Jason held her hands above her head as he kissed her neck.

Her clothes were shed as he carried her to his room, soft moans came from her mouth as he left a hickey on her neck. He gently tossed her on the bed before pulling off his shirt. She bit her lip and watched. He smirked and let his jeans fall down before stepping out of them.

“Fuck..” she whispered as ran her fingers through her hair

His boxers came off next as he crawled over her, his lips on hers, her legs on either side of his hips.

“I fucking ha-“ she gasped as he slipped his cock inside her

“What’s that princess?” He smirked

“I fucking hate you.”

“I know.”

He smirked before he started to pound into her, fucking away the anger.

Jason was now determined to make her his. Things were going pretty good too. He was dressed in his red hood outfit as he came into her apartment, she was sitting on the couch watching a show. He smirked and unholstered his gun, she always talked about how much she wanted him to put a gun to her head. He unloaded it and put the gun to the back of her head as he took his helmet off

“Y/n, I think it’s time we push past all this bullshit and admit that the feelings are there.”

She smirked and turned the tv off

“Oh yeah?” She hummed, she saw Jason nod in the reflection off the black tv screen

“Fine. I’ll be your girlfriend if that’s what you want so bad.”

She wanted it too, she couldn’t lie

“Don’t fuck me over. Don’t play your fuckin games. It’ll be dangerous.”

It was a very empty threat but it was more so just to go with the vibe of what was happening

“Pull the trigger.” She said

Jason pulled it without hesitation. The pistol making a click noise

“Empty, just like your threats. Now, fucking go take that shit off. We got movies to watch.”

She smiled softly. Jason chuckled and holster the gun before walking to her room to put on some clothes he left there for times like this. He could feel that things were going to be good for once.

Anniversary Sex || SMUT || Jason Todd x Reader


|| Warning: Daddy kink, spanking, fingering, edging, clothing being ripped off, Jason being sexy, tying up, being called kitten and slut, probably more I’m forgetting ||

|| || Permanent Tag list: @jasonsballsack@marvelfreakbrynnlee@hallucifer6669@seutarose@ximaginx@dekahg@firstpieplaidturtle||

|| Requests are open ||

|| Let me know if you wanna be tagged ||

Tonight was their anniversary, two years since they had started dating. They had done the classic get dressed up and go out to dinner but that wasn’t the exciting part. The exciting part was the sex.

Jason smirked down as the front door to their house shut behind him. He grabbed Y/n’s hand and spun her around to face him. Her breathing hitched as she saw the look in his eyes. Pure lust.

Jason put one hand on the side of her neck, his thumb stroking her cheek as he leaned in and kissed her. He backed her against the wall. Her lips worked to kiss him back as her hands undid the buttons on the white shirt he wore

Jason’s lips dragged from her mouth down her jaw and to her neck. He aggressively attacked her neck with kisses and faint bite marks. She let out soft moans as her fingers tangled in his hair. Her nails scraping his scalp lightly

“I love the noises you make when you start to come undone.” He smirked as he picked his head up to look at her

Her cheeks went a light pink

“Thank you daddy.”

Her voice was soft as she tugged his shirt off

“You should see what I’m wearing under this.”

Jason picked up his head again from her neck, his lips pulled into a smirk, he licked his lips, looking at her like she was his prey.

“I’m not wearing anything under this.”

He pounced, metaphorically. He picked her up by her thighs and carried her to the bedroom. He gently threw her down on the bed, he leaned over to kiss her as a distraction as he ripped her dress right off her body. Y/n gasped


“Shh, kitten. Come get on your knees for me.”

“That was my favorite dress.” She whined as she sat up

“Don’t make me tell you twice, kitten.” His voice was rough, it went straight to Y/n’s cunt, she could feel her wetness begin to pool

“Oh shut up and take your pants off.” She backtalked, being a brat was one of your favorite things to do.

Jason grabbed her by the jaw and stared into her eyes, silently questioning her

“Did I stutter? Take your pants off.” She challenged

“On your knees, hands out.” He growled as he pulled out their sex rope

Y/n knew what was coming, she was going to be teased without mercy

“If you’re going to act like a little brat then I’m going to treat you like a little brat.“

He tied each hand to each bed posts before he smacked her ass. The sound of skin on skin was loud as Y/n cried out

“One! I’m sorry daddy!”

He smacked her ass again, the pale flesh was turning bright pink

“Two! I’m sorry daddy!” She whimpered

He chuckled and mocked her whimper

“Aw it hurts? Good.” He smacked her ass once again

“Three! I’m sorry daddy!”

Jason moved to whisper in her ear, his voice was heavy as he spoke

“I bet all our neighbors can hear you, I bet they all know what a naughty little slut you are.”

Y/n let out a small whine

“I’ll be good, I’m sorry! I was upset you ruined my dress.”

“You better be sorry.”

He untied her hands, Y/n moved to kneel at the edge of the bed. Jason gently brushed hair behind her ear as he wrapped one hand loosely around her neck

“You look so pretty with my hand around your throat princess.”

Y/n smiled a bit, Jason could be very rough with her, but also soft and gentle and that’s what she loved about him. She needed an even balance of both.

“Suck on my fingers and get them nice and wet for me.”

Y/n opened her mouth, taking three of Jason’s fingers in her mouth, she used her spit to help her get them nice and wet

“My pretty little kitten.” He cooed “I’m going to ruin you to know, you know that? I’m going to tease you until you scream for me to let you cum, I want to see all that pretty make up you spent so much time on running down your face.” He smirked

“I don’t care how good it’s going to feel. You will not cum until I tell you that it’s okay, do you understand?”

Jason pulled his fingers out and Y/n nodded

“Yes sir, I understand that I won’t cum until you say.”

He smiled and kissed her “Good girl. On your knees.”

Y/n moved her back towards him as she got on all fours, Jason spread her legs apart and pulled her arms to her sides. Her chest was pressed into the bed as she laid, looking in the large vanity mirror they had facing the bed

Jason slid one finger into her with ease, her walls clenched around his finger as she let out a small whimper. He smirked as he noticed her watching herself, he caught her eye in the mirror and winked. Y/n felt her heart flutter

“You take my fingers so well princess.” Jason said as he added two more fingers for a total of three, he slid them in and out with ease due to how wet she was

“Reminds me of the first time I ever fingered you, we were in the car driving to your old apartment, I had my hand on your inner thigh, rubbing small circles. You looked at me and begged for me to touch you. I’ll never forget the pretty Sounds that came out of your mouth, or how your thighs shook for how hard you came, or the way you gripped my wrist, crying out my name. Mm, the way I pulled my fingers out and your cum ran all over my seat and you were so embarrassed, you almost cried.” He chuckled

“Hey! I felt b-“ Y/n gasped as Jason curled his fingers, hitting one of the most sensitive spots

“Fuck!” She whimpered, her toes curled and her abdomen clenched

“Oh kitten, kitten, kitten.. if you keep making those pretty little sounds of yours, well I just.. I might not be able to stop teasing you.” Jason chuckled again, Y/n let herself calm down, taking a few deep breaths.

“You’re so needy, you know that? My needy little slut, remember when I had to teach you how to suck my cock? So innocent, all wide eyed, sometimes I forget that you were a cute little virgin when we met.”

Y/n needed more, all this talk of the dirty things they’ve done, it had her dripping down her thighs, she pushed back on Jason’s fingers, trying to get them as deep as she possibly could

“Pushing back against my fingers already kitten? God you’re such a pathetic little slut, it’s cute honestly. You’re lucky I love the sight of you with my fingers inside you.” He chuckled

Y/n whined “Jason I’m so close, please let me cum, please, I’ll do anything for you daddy.”

“I want to watch you fall apart Y/n, I want to see you come unraveled as I make you cum.”

“Can I cum? Please!” She whined, she was desperate, but Jason was sadistic

“No.” He growled and pulled his fingers out quickly, they dripped with her wetness. Jason moved to kneel in front of her, she lifted her head to look at him, tears were threatening to spill from her eyes

“Open your mouth.” Y/n opened her mouth, only to be greeted with the taste of herself, Jason slowly stood, Y/n following his lead as she kneeled on the bed, her tongue licked his fingers clean, she didn’t stop until he pulled them free.

“Good girl.” He stroked her hair

“Get on your knees on the ground.”

“Yes sir.”

She followed her orders, the hardwood flooring was cold against her knees as she hooked her fingers in the waistband of his boxers

“Take them off.. slowly.”

Y/n made eye contact with him as she inched his boxers down, she watched as his cock was freed from the tight fabric that now pooled at his feet. He kicked them away as Y/n wrapped her hand around his cock, she licked the small amount of pre cum away.

Her movements were slow as she did so, Jason let out a small groan as he let his head fall back

“Fuck.” He dragged out the word, Y/n squeezed her thighs together

“Oh kitten, you already know that you shouldn’t tease daddy. You’re just not cut out to have control princess.”

Y/n blushed and nodded, she knew he was right, she’d get cocky and tease him but the few times he gave over control, she got flustered and couldn’t do it

Jason licked his lips as he watched her spit on his cock, using her hands to run it up and down, making it easier for her to suck him off while she stroked whatever didn’t fit in her mouth

Y/n slid his cock into her mouth, her tongue swirled around the head, her jaw was already hurting from how large his dick was. Jason tangled his hands in her hair as he groaned. Every sound that left his mouth, went straight to Y/n’s tight cunt

“Yeah, that’s a good girl. Mm, just like that kitten.” Jason moaned out, dragging out words like good and the little Mm sound he made, he drove Y/n nuts, blowing him was one of her favorite pass times, especially when she definitely shouldn’t have been.

He’s on a call? His cocks in her mouth

While he’s driving? His cocks in her mouth

In the movie theater on date night? Oh yeah

It was one of the only ways she could tease him without having to take control for long. Jason held her head on either side and slowly started to fuck her mouth, he hit the back of her throat and Y/n gagged, tearing up. If she really wanted to stop she’d tap his thigh but she really didn’t want to stop.

Jason moaned as he felt her throat swallow around him as he pushed as deep as he could, Y/n gagged around him, tears now running down her face, ruining her mascara and eyeliner.

“Fuck yes kitten.” He moaned as he pulled out of her mouth, he was close to cumming but stopped himself, Y/n turned away and started to cough.

“You did so good baby, so so good,” he pulled her up carefully and kissed her forehead “let me grab you some water.”

He ran to the kitchen and grabbed her a glass of cold water before he came back “Here, drink some.”

Y/n smiled as she took a sip, Jason gently wiped her tears, she loved that he could switch off being dominate to take care of her, that was a really big nonsexual turn on for her.

“Ready?” He asked as she set the glass on her nightstand

“Yes I am.” She smiled

“Okay baby, lay back on the bed.”

He smiled and gently pushed her back as he crawled to lay next to her, she looked at him convinced before he kissed her, one hand trailed down to her pussy and rubbed her clit, his moves were slow and gentle before picking up speed

Y/n gasped as he was rubbing her clit as fast as he could, she could feel her orgasm coming, her cunt tightened as she got closer and closer

“Fuck! Daddy!” She yelled just as she was about to cum, Jason pulled away, kissing her neck

“No!” Y/n sobbed, “please daddy, please!” She sniffled

“I know, I know, it’s so tough.” He faked being sympathetic towards her yet again

Y/n let out a loud whimper was Jason kneeled between her thighs

“I’m going to fuck you so good princess.”

He slid his cock into her and moaned

“Shit, you’re soaked, god damn it, you’re fuckin tight too!”

He bit his lip as he bottomed out, Y/n moaned and reached behind her to grip the pillow her head laid on

Jason moaned as he started thrust in and out, giving her no time to really adjust to being filled with his cock, one hand held her hips up while the other gripped the headboard, his head hung down, as he watched himself slid in and out of her cunt.

“Fuck me.” He dragged out as her cunt gripped his cock

“Your pussy is so fuckin amazing kitten.”

He gripped the headboard tighter as his hips rolled into her, hitting her deepest point causing her walls to flutter around him

“Son of a bitch!”

He hissed, his hair started to stick to his forehead as he went quicker, both his hands gripping her hips as he pounded in and out of her

His and her moans intermixed as they were getting each other off, he rubbed her clit with his thumb, Y/n was full blown crying from pleasure, her make up was running everywhere, but she didn’t give a shit, she just wanted to fucking cum.

She watched as Jason ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back. Y/n moved to sit in his lap, he was still thrusting up into her, her bounced met his thrusts.

Her hands tangled themselves in his hair as he wrapped his arms around her, his nails lightly digging into her back. Y/n moaned at the light sting.

“You look so fucking pretty when you cry.”

He said with a small chuckle before he spun her around and put her on her knees, she laid in the same position, chest flat on the bed, ass in the air. They were skilled enough to have kept his cock in her through the position change.

Jason put his hands on her sides, lightly pushing her into the bed as he would pull almost completely out before ramming back in again, he did this over and over, letting out soft grunts.

Y/n on the other hand was screaming his name, her pussy was clenching around his cock, she was holding back her orgasm as best as humanly possible

“Say my name over and over again and, once you think you’ve said it loud enough, scream it till your voice gives out. I want the whole neighborhood to know who’s making you feel this fucking good. You scream my name as loud as I want and I’ll let you cum. What’s my name kitten!”

“Jason!” She screamed

“What?” He started to pound her, hard and fast, her favorite, a devilish smirk on his face

“Jason!” She screamed louder

“Can’t fucking hear you!” He pulled her hair so her chest was up off the bed, one hand reached between her legs and rubbed her clit

“Jason!” She screamed until her voice gave out;

“Cum my pretty little slut. Cum right now!”

Her cunt tightened so much that Jason almost couldn’t move, she sobbed as she came, triggering Jason to cum inside out, his hand dropped away from her clit and he let go of her hair. Jason slowly pulled out, Y/n tried to whine but nothing came out

“Shit baby..” he chuckled and pushed the cum that leaked out back inside her before Y/n flopped to lay on her side, too tired to move

Jason laid next to her “You did perfect princess. Happy anniversary.”

“I feel so good. Happy anniversary.” She smiled, her voice was raw and barely there

Jason would answer to the neighbors tomorrow, right now, he had to clean Y/n up and get themselves off to sleep. And that’s exactly what he did

K-I-S-S-I-N-G || Jason Todd x Reader


|| Permanent Tag list: @jasonsballsack@marvelfreakbrynnlee@hallucifer6669@seutarose@ximaginx@dekahg@firstpieplaidturtle||

|| Hello! May I have a Jason Todd x reader where they .. make out?.. you seem like the type of writer who loves to write angsty, beautiful fanfiction and I know this isn’t very…. meaningful… so I’m not sure if you’d want to write it but I’d like some smooches heh. Just some intimate smooching and nuzzling where the reader is in Jason’s big strong arms. You don’t have to write it if you don’t want to though. In the meantime I’m going to try and think of some good angsty ideas to request :D ||

|| Requests are open, Let me know if you wanna be tagged ||

Jason Todd was not one that knew how to give affection, being touchy feely was not in his body vocabulary.

So when Y/N came into his life, long after the trama of joker, learning to be affectionate was something difficult for him to learn.

He quickly grew to love cuddling, especially when they were on the couch, his arms wrapped around her, her head on his chest as she talked about whatever show they were watching at the time, or even just sitting in silence.

Nothing but the soft sounds of their breathing.

Kissing was another thing he grew very accustomed too. Her lips against his, her hands as they rested on his cheeks. The feeling he got when she’d smile against his lips or whisper soft I love you’s.

Make out sessions though, those could get spicy. Sometimes they happened in the early morning, between the sun peaking up from behind the buildings of Gotham and the smell of coffee filling their apartment.

Jason’s instant reaction when she’d crawl on top of him, was placing his hands on her hips. From there his hands roamed her body like she was wonderland.

She was wonderland to him.

She was everything, the moon, the stars, his first thought in the morning and the last one at night.

Between the I love you’s, the kisses and the cuddling sessions. Jason Todd, for once in his undead life, felt safe.


||@natasha-baggins said: Hello! May I request an imagine or headcanons (which ever is easier for you) for Jason having a s/o that works at a daycare or preschool please? I’m in Early Childhood Education and I’m really excited about it! ||

|| I love E.C.E, I got to take a short course in high school! I really loved this request! ||

|| Warnings: None ||

|| Permanent Tag list: @jasonsballsack @marvelfreakbrynnlee@hallucifer6669@falling-grason @paintedr0ses@awesomenatalia @seutarose@samaras-weavings @ximaginx@dekahg@firstpieplaidturtle@calumsmoonlightbae ||

Jason with a S/O that works in a preschool would be like:

  • He would totally get his certification to come volunteer
  • The kids would love him and would climb on him like he was a jungle gym
  • The kids would giggle and secretly watch as Jason would give his S/O affection
  • He loves lunch time when he can just chill out with his S/O and talk about their days
  • He understands the days when they come home and is frustrated or tired
  • He loves reading to the kids 
  • Holidays were really fun with Jason around
  • Halloween, he dressed up and brought the kids candy
  • When Christmas was coming around, Jason would buy the kids a couple presents each and dress as Santa
  • He loves throwing parties for the kids, just for fun, he spoiled them like they were his kids
  • He was also protective over them
  • Someone skinned their knee? They got a gold star, a hug and a cool bandaid
  • Jason never got a childhood so when he came in, it was like he got to be a kid again
  • Parents also liked Jason, he was really nice and genuinely cared about the kids
  • Jason really loved that his S/O never minded that he was there
  • In conclusion Jason Todd having a S/O that works in a preschool is one of the best things to ever exist