
Sharing the sketches donated to raise money for Black Lives Matter. Thank you everyone who donated!

Sharing the sketches donated to raise money for Black Lives Matter. Thank you everyone who donated!

#TimDrake #RedRobin #MarcusTo #commissionspam (at R.A.I.D.)

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The robin protection club

The definition of protective older siblings!

You know they’re gonna beat tf out of anyone who looks at their siblings wrong


|| Warnings: None? ||

|| Permanent Tag list: @jasonsballsack@marvelfreakbrynnlee@hallucifer6669@falling-grason@paintedr0ses@awesomenatalia@seutarose@samaras-weavings@ximaginx@dekahg@firstpieplaidturtle@calumsmoonlightbae||

|| If you’re able/free could you write a Tim Drake x reader oneshot? With a coffee induced and sleep deprived Tim working for days and the reader finally stepping in to drag him to sleep? Cuddles and fluff if you can. No pressure though! ||

|| Let me know if you want to be tagged ||

|| Requests are open ||

Tim had been up for a few days already, he had been analyzing a case that him and Bruce had been working on for a few weeks now. Coffee cups littered the desk as his fingers quickly typed away on his laptop, filling the room with the clicking noise. The room was pitch black, the blue tint of the screen lit up a small corner of the bedroom that Tim shared with is girlfriend of five years. 

His eyes scanned the screen as he read what he was typing, stopping for a brief moment to take a sip of coffee, look over to the sleeping girl in bed and then back to the computer.

Y/N was always concerned when things like this happened, she was use to this happening when they were teens, but as of now it was like a form of harming himself. Not sleeping, not properly eating. She knew what Tim had gone through. Some days if she squinted and stared hard enough she could see the hint of the goofy teen that Tim was. Other days all she saw was the serious adult he had become.

She sat up in bed when she heard Tim leave the room to get yet another cup of coffee. She sat up, through on a shirt that was most likely Tim’s and went into the kitchen, Tim was leaning against the counter, the light from the stove illuminating the kitchen. The light was causing shadows on his shirtless body, showing off how toned he was. His face was lighten up, the bags under his eyes were darker than normal. 

“What are you doing awake?” He asked as he looked in her general direction, she didn’t say anything at first

“I know you’re there babe.” He chuckled softly as he waited for the coffee to brew

She stepped out from around the corner and awkwardly brushed hair behind her ear, Tim waved her over. She walked into the kitchen, the linoleum squeaking under her light steps. Tim took a deep breath as he pulled her close, his arms wrapping around her, his head resting on hers.

“I know what you’re gonna say.. I know. I gotta stop doing this to myself.” He stroked her hair

“I’m working on it, I promise. It’s just hard to change my ways.” He let out a soft sigh

“Let’s go to bed okay?” She said softly, Tim nodded, not bothering to put up a fight

She gently grabbed his hand, leading him to the bedroom. She let him lay down before she snuggled in next to him, they held each other as Tim drifted off first. She gently kissed his forehead before she let herself drift off. 

The coffee now long forgotten about.


||@natasha-baggins said: Hello! May I request an imagine or headcanons (which ever is easier for you) for Jason having a s/o that works at a daycare or preschool please? I’m in Early Childhood Education and I’m really excited about it! ||

|| I love E.C.E, I got to take a short course in high school! I really loved this request! ||

|| Warnings: None ||

|| Permanent Tag list: @jasonsballsack @marvelfreakbrynnlee@hallucifer6669@falling-grason @paintedr0ses@awesomenatalia @seutarose@samaras-weavings @ximaginx@dekahg@firstpieplaidturtle@calumsmoonlightbae ||

Jason with a S/O that works in a preschool would be like:

  • He would totally get his certification to come volunteer
  • The kids would love him and would climb on him like he was a jungle gym
  • The kids would giggle and secretly watch as Jason would give his S/O affection
  • He loves lunch time when he can just chill out with his S/O and talk about their days
  • He understands the days when they come home and is frustrated or tired
  • He loves reading to the kids 
  • Holidays were really fun with Jason around
  • Halloween, he dressed up and brought the kids candy
  • When Christmas was coming around, Jason would buy the kids a couple presents each and dress as Santa
  • He loves throwing parties for the kids, just for fun, he spoiled them like they were his kids
  • He was also protective over them
  • Someone skinned their knee? They got a gold star, a hug and a cool bandaid
  • Jason never got a childhood so when he came in, it was like he got to be a kid again
  • Parents also liked Jason, he was really nice and genuinely cared about the kids
  • Jason really loved that his S/O never minded that he was there
  • In conclusion Jason Todd having a S/O that works in a preschool is one of the best things to ever exist


|| Warnings: None? ||

|| Tag List: @jasonsballsack@stoll1@marvelfreakbrynnlee@hallucifer6669@falling-grason||

|| Let me know if you want to be tagged when I post! ||

|| Send Me Requests ||

|| I know i already posted this, but I’m reuploading it cause I uploaded it way too late last night ||

The damn ringing was back. He tapped his nails against the desk to drown it out, anything to make that dreadful noise stop. It started when he was a child, he got hit in the ear with a baseball and got a pretty bad concussion. It drove him nuts, horribly absolutely nuts. Tinnitus, the cause of ringing in the ear, causes depression and anxiety in most. Tim tapped his foot and tried to drown it out with any sort of noise, but it seemed so much louder.

“Tim. Stop. You’re disrupting the class.”  He looked at the teacher from under the fringe of his black hair

“S-sorry.” He muttered, Tim got jittery when the sound came, he couldn’t focus.

Teachers never understood his issue, figured it was something he made up for attention or something like that. He looked at the white sheet of paper in front of him, they were suppose to be taking a test, but that god damn ringing. Tim tried to focus on a different noise, one that wouldn’t hurt his ears, the clock was too deep, the sound of chalk on the board was too creaky, the expo marker on the whiteboard was too squeaky. And then he heard it. The band room was right under his math class, he loved A days, it was the only time he got to hear the voice of the girl who made the ringing stop. He never knew who she was but he thanked god for her.

“Sweet dreams are made of this.”

Tim heard the familiar techno beat, it was like the beat followed her voice and matched with it, instead of her voice being matched to the beat.

“Who am I to disagree.”

He smiled as the ringing stopped, he looked down at the math sheet and flew through it, turning it into the teacher before leaving. Tim had to find this girl, for the last three years he had heard her sing but never got to know who she was. She was the only person who could stop that damn ringing in his ears. He made his way down the stair case, the band room was quiet from this point in the school, everyone else besides a select few were in the halls. The ringing was back and this time loud enough to want to drop him to his knees, he felt tears pooling in his eyes. Tim quickly made his way to the band hallway and he heard the voice again

“Some of them want to abuse you”

he found the band room she was in. It was the old auditorium that they used for vocal practice. People came into watch all the time, so it wasn’t the big of a deal when Tim walked in. The techno beat bounced off the walls. Nobody was in here but the girl that paced on the stage, she stopped once she heard the loud door click. The music stopped and the ringing returned

“Oh. Hi.” She tapped her foot.

“H-hi.” Tim’s face went red, even her regular speaking voice was beautiful.

“I’m Y/N.”

The tap-tap-tapping of her foot quickened

“You’re Tim right?” He nodded and he slowly made his way closer to the stage

“Y-you have a lovely voice.” He could see her more clearly now, not so blinded by the very few lights on in the room.

“Oh thank you.” She smiled,

“why are you tapping your foot?” He’s asked out of the blue

“Oh, uh, I didn’t realize I was doing it.” Tim took a deep breath and tried to center his thoughts, the faint ringing was happening. The girl bit lip

Y/N started at the boy, she knew about the ringing in his ears, hell everyone did. She felt bad for the kid.

“How come you came in here?” Tap-Tap-Tap went her foot

“Your singing makes the ringing stop. Keeps me sane during math.” He chuckled a little and climbed onto the stage, sitting in one of the chairs

“you’re tapping again, you’re like happy feet.”

Y/N tried to stop herself but it was hard, if she didn’t have sound, the voices in her mind clogged her brain and made her feel sick to her stomach. Sedatophobia, the fear of silence, often found in teenagers who have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. She sat In the other chair and tapped her finger nails against the plastic seat.

“My singing helps you?” Tim nodded

“It’s soft, I can’t listen to music much anymore due to my ears. Can’t go to concerts, listen to my favorite bands from before. But your singing, it- it helps.”

He didn’t know what he was admitting this to the girl who for three years was his unknown therapy. Y/N nodded

“What does it feel like? The ringing.”

She mentally scolded herself

“It hurts. It makes my brain feel fuzzy and sometimes it gets to the point of making me want to cry.”

Y/N nodded again “It makes me feel crazy, sad, anxious. The ringing makes it so I can’t focus, it’s hard sometimes. There’s nothing I can do to make it go away but you singing, it makes it stop. So thanks.”

She smiled, for the first time in what felt like years, she didn’t tap or make a noise. His voice was nice, it was smooth, not like most sixteen year old boys who had voice cracks a lot. He made the silence leave her alone. Tim looked at his shoes

“I don’t mean to be weird but will you sing for me?” Her eyes lit up

“I got an idea, let me see your phone.” He handed his phone and she looked up something

“A couple weeks ago I got bored and uploaded this to YouTube. It’s just a vocal track, no loud music, no background noise, just my voice.”

She plugged in her headphones and placed them over Tim’s ears. The soft sounds of her voice flooded his ears.

"Drink up baby, stay up all night.”

Y/N watched as he shut his eyes, his body flooding into absolute bliss. The next three months were bliss for the two. He always had earbuds in, listening to her voice. Tim got approval to change classes around just so he could spend third period with Y/N in the vocal room.

Today was a bad day for Tim, he had these sometimes. The anxiety laced with depression, or maybe it was the other way around, depression laced with anxiety. The ringing wouldn’t stop, his ear buds broke and his phone was being a dick. He walked into the vocal room, tears filling his eyes.

“It- it won’t stop Y/N.” Tim sniffled and covered his ears with his hands. She guided him to the stage and made him sit down

“Shh.. it’s okay. Shh..” they sat on the floor, she gently pulled his hands away from his ears.

“I got troubled thoughts and a self-esteem to match.” Tim slowed down his thoughts and focused in on her voice, closing his eyes.

“What a catch, what a catch.” He felt her cold hands on his warm cheeks, her thumbs swiped away his tears.

“I got troubled thoughts and a self-esteem to match.” When Tim opened his eyes, their faces were very close. He could smell her perfume, the one that smell like sweet vanilla cookies and the shampoo she used that was apricots and just how pretty her eyes were.

Tim never kissed a girl before, or anyone for that matter, he didn’t really know how, or what to do with his hands or if he should tilt his head or if it was okay to touch her. So many anxious thoughts went through his head before he just did it.

In that moment, everything stopped, the ringing in his ears, the voice in her head. The sound of the students passing by the room outside. It was just them in their own part of the fucked up, depression filled, doused with so much pain and anxiety, world. But it was their fucked up world. This felt natural, his lips pressed to hers, hers pressed to his.

The tinnitus boy and the sedatophobia girl.


||Warnings: none?||

||Let me know if you want to be tagged when I post! ||

|| Tag list: @jasonsballsack||

|| Send Requests ||

|| Anon said: Jason Todd x reader, Jason sees the reader being a badass, for the first time years later after he came back to gotham ANGST ||

|| Thank you to Anon for requesting this! I know its not exact what you wanted, but I tried to make it very angsty! For the purpose of this, Y/N will be huntress, Also based off Black by Pearl Jam, so listen to that to get the vibe  ||

At night Jason watched her from the shadows, it wasn’t time for him to reveal himself to the people he once called family. He watched how her body twisted as she jumped over two of Riddler’s goons, she landed on her toes. Graceful. Just like always. He couldn’t help the smile that came to his face as he watched her.

He felt like he was fifteen again, he could smell the shampoo she uses, how her lips tasted like candy, how beautiful she was, hearing her gorgeous laugh, how soft her hand was in his. He was so in love with her before he even really knew what love was.

Jason remembered the day he died, he cried out for her, he cried to see her again. She was his last thought before everything went black and he was gone.

“Come on Y/N, harder.” He said as they sparred “I don’t want to hurt you!” She pouted “You’re not going too!” Jason chuckled, Y/N took a deep breath before she swiped Jason’s leg out from under him, before she got him into a hold. Jason easily broke out of it “Good shot but no.” He chuckled and kissed her forehead before teaching her the right way. He taught her everything she knew

Y/N smiled as she taught Jason how to play guitar, she smiled softly as she showed him the right finger placements “Like- Like this?” He said softly as he badly played a chord, She laughed and gave him a smile “Good shot but no.” She kissed his cheek before she taught him the right way. She gave him all she could.

Jason watched as she kicked a henchman’s feet out from under him and putting them into a hold that knocked them out “That’s my girl.” He said to himself before he torn himself away before he could accidentally revealed himself.

He walked outside, his hood was pulled up as he walked down the street, he watched as couples walked past, laughing, holding hands, kissing. He let out a scoff, why couldn’t he be happy with her? Why did God doom him to be unhappy for ever? Maybe cause he was a dead guy walking.

Jason let out a soft sob as he held a picture of her and him together in his hands, they were about fourteen, they were dressed in their costumes, him in his robin uniform, her in Huntress costume. “God damn it! Get it together Jay!” He yelled and threw the picture frame before he ran his hands over his face. He sighed and went to pick up the broken glass. He ran his finger over her face, before he cradled it in his hands and sighed.

The idea of ever being with her again seemed bleak, like all the love had gone bad due to one event. That his world was tattooed black. But their love wasn’t tainted. He was.

He watched as she laughed and kissed Roy Harper while they were hanging out at a park by Jason’s apartment. He knew that Y/N moved on, but of all the people, it had to be his best friend? He watched as her lips were curled into a smile, a small crinkle of her nose. He so badly wanted her back but he knew Roy would take good care of her.

Jason watched her from the shadows, how graceful she was, how every punch, every kick, held so much emotion. How she could take down a whole room of enemies in seconds. A single tear rolled down Jason’s cheek, hidden by his red helmet. She had moved on and he had to accept that. She would always be one of the best chapters in his life, but everything has to come to an end. He grappled away.

Y/N looked up right as he was grappling away, a name rolled off her tongue. “Jason.” She said quietly, a name she hadn’t uttered in years. She recalled a moment, it was shortly after Jason’s first encounter with the Joker, when they learned about Joker’s days as the red hood.

Jason sat with his head in her lap as they sat on the grass “Red hood is such a cool name Y/N, too bad joker’s dumb ass had to ruin it. You know after I’m done being Robin, maybe I’ll become the Red Hood, but better” He smiled as he looked up to her “Whatever you want darling.” She leaned down and kissed his forehead before she ran her fingers through his hair.

Y/N could feel her heart pounding in her chest at the thought of Jason being alive, she knew that if she told anyone they’d think she was insane and commit her to Arkham. She knew that this was something she’d need to do on her own.

Digging up the past has two sides. There’s the plus side that you remember things that have long since been forgotten, but the negative was the same thing. Some people are scared to remember, to never look behind them, never reflecting on life’s events, not for a second. Y/N was about to dig up a lot of things from the past to find Jason and that terrified her. Our brains may lie to us but our hearts never do. She knew in her heart that Jason Peter Todd, her first love, her first kiss, her first everything, was alive, and she was going to find out.

sonialiao: Wow I didn’t realize how many followers I had on this account :’). Hey y’all, if you didnsonialiao: Wow I didn’t realize how many followers I had on this account :’). Hey y’all, if you didnsonialiao: Wow I didn’t realize how many followers I had on this account :’). Hey y’all, if you didnsonialiao: Wow I didn’t realize how many followers I had on this account :’). Hey y’all, if you didnsonialiao: Wow I didn’t realize how many followers I had on this account :’). Hey y’all, if you didn


Wow I didn’t realize how many followers I had on this account :’). Hey y’all, if you didn’t know, this account was banned for like a year so I moved to sonialiaoartinstead (and then moved shop to twitter/insta lol my tumblr is now my least updated social media.)

KICKSTARTER LAUNCH DATE ANNOUNCEMENT! I’ll be running a kickstarter for a set of unofficial batboy pins from this Friday, 8/27 (3pm EDT) to 9/17 (3pm EDT). The campaign will run for 3 weeks! You’ll also be able to preorder a copy of Superkiddos (which has been out of stock for a while) as well as a few other goodies.

Some early bird specials for backers who pledge early:

  • - Discounted full-set of the boys (Limited 35 spots)
  • - Discounted preorder of my massive 5″ Batboy Pin-on-Pin (Limited 5 spots)

If we somehow meet all the stretch goals, I’ll possibly add other Bats like Brucie, Babs and Steph. But that’s kind of a pipe dream ahaha.

If you want to see pins I’ve made and sold so far, visit my pin shop http://laropins.bigcartel.com.

Pre-launch page for the kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/laropins/robins-after-dark

Anyway, I’ve been kind of quiet lately across all media (due to work hell) but you can find me @sonialiaoart on tumblr, twitter and instagram.

Thanks everyone!

Another batboy project in between work hells

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Because I read DETECTIVE COMICS #1027.

Because I read DETECTIVE COMICS #1027.

Post link
Wow I didn’t realize how many followers I had on this account :’). Hey y’all, if you didn’t know, thWow I didn’t realize how many followers I had on this account :’). Hey y’all, if you didn’t know, thWow I didn’t realize how many followers I had on this account :’). Hey y’all, if you didn’t know, thWow I didn’t realize how many followers I had on this account :’). Hey y’all, if you didn’t know, thWow I didn’t realize how many followers I had on this account :’). Hey y’all, if you didn’t know, th

Wow I didn’t realize how many followers I had on this account :’). Hey y’all, if you didn’t know, this account was banned for like a year so I moved to sonialiaoartinstead (and then moved shop to twitter/insta lol my tumblr is now my least updated social media.)

KICKSTARTER LAUNCH DATE ANNOUNCEMENT! I’ll be running a kickstarter for a set of unofficial batboy pins from this Friday, 8/27 (3pm EDT) to 9/17 (3pm EDT). The campaign will run for 3 weeks! You’ll also be able to preorder a copy of Superkiddos (which has been out of stock for a while) as well as a few other goodies.

Some early bird specials for backers who pledge early:

  • - Discounted full-set of the boys (Limited 35 spots)
  • - Discounted preorder of my massive 5″ Batboy Pin-on-Pin (Limited 5 spots)

If we somehow meet all the stretch goals, I’ll possibly add other Bats like Brucie, Babs and Steph. But that’s kind of a pipe dream ahaha.

If you want to see pins I’ve made and sold so far, visit my pin shop http://laropins.bigcartel.com.

Pre-launch page for the kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/laropins/robins-after-dark

Anyway, I’ve been kind of quiet lately across all media (due to work hell) but you can find me @sonialiaoart on tumblr, twitter and instagram.

Thanks everyone!

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Almost Thursday #tbt Batman Eternal #26 inks. First batman ever and he’s down for the count. #

Almost Thursday #tbt Batman Eternal #26 inks. First batman ever and he’s down for the count. #batman #batmaneternal #dc #dccomics #dcu @dccomics #redrobin #robin #redhood #batgirl #barbaragordon #brucewayne #gotham #claymann #inks

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I’m not sure if you’ve all noticed — but I’ve been slowly growing out Tim’s hair. And it seems the more I draw him — the prettier he gets. ✨

Tim’s Long Hair Appreciation Post

Dear Tumblr,

Please stop putting batcest on my For You page. I realize some people ship bat boys with bat boys, BUT I AM NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE. THEY ARE BROTHERS!!!


-A chaotic Cupcake
