#jesus christ


Wednesday, March 30

Throw your burden on Jehovah, and he will sustain you.​—Ps. 55:22.

Our loving heavenly Father knows how our past experiences and our negative thinking have affected us. But he also sees the good in our heart​—qualities that we may not see in ourselves. (1 John 3:19, 20) Someone who is struggling to overcome a deep-seated bad habit might have a setback and feel disappointed in himself. Of course, it is normal to feel a measure of guilt when we sin. (2 Cor. 7:10) However, we should not go to extremes and condemn ourselves, thinking: ‘I’m a complete failure. How can Jehovah ever forgive me?’ Such negative thinking is not based on the truth and could cause us to stop serving Jehovah. Instead, “set matters straight” with Jehovah by going to him in prayer and seeking his mercy. (Isa. 1:18) Considering your sincere repentance, he will forgive you. In addition, approach the elders. They will patiently help you to become spiritually well again.​—Jas. 5:14, 15. w20.12 23 ¶5-6

Please visit www.jw.org for bible-based publications!

Tuesday, March 29

[Nothing] will be able to separate us from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.​—Rom. 8:39.

Everything Jehovah does is motivated by love. He lovingly cares for all our needs. Out of love, Jehovah provided the ransom arrangement for us. As for Jesus, he loves us so much that he gave his life for us. (John 3:16; 15:13) Nothing can break the bond of love that Jehovah and Jesus feel for those who are loyal to them. (John 13:1; Rom. 8:35) Likewise, everything a family head does should be motivated by love. Why is that so important? The apostle John answers: “The one who does not love his brother [or family], whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.” (1 John 4:11, 20) Specifically, a man who loves his family and who wants to imitate Jehovah and Jesus will provide for his family’s spiritual, emotional, and material needs. (1 Tim. 5:8) He will train and discipline his children. He will also continue to learn to make decisions that honor Jehovah and benefit his family. w21.02 5 ¶12-13

Please visit www.jw.org for bible-based publications!

Monday, March 28

The Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you.​—2 Thess. 3:3.

On the last night of his life as a man, Jesus was thinking about the challenges that his disciples would face. Moved by his love for his friends, Jesus asked his Father to “watch over them because of the wicked one.” (John 17:14, 15) Jesus knew that after he returned to heaven, Satan the Devil would continue to wage war against any who wanted to serve Jehovah. Clearly, Jehovah’s people would need protection. Today we need Jehovah’s protection as never before. Satan has been cast out of heaven, “having great anger.” (Rev. 12:12) He has managed to convince some who persecute us that they are offering “a sacred service to God.” (John 16:2) Others, who do not believe in God, persecute us because we do not fit into this world’s mold. Whatever the case, we can be confident. Why? The answer is given in today’s text. w21.03 26 ¶1, 3

Please visit www.jw.org for bible-based publications!

Sunday, March 27

They will hunger no more.​—Rev. 7:16.

Right now, some of Jehovah’s people are suffering physical hunger because of oppressive economic conditions or as a result of the ravages of civil unrest and war. Others are imprisoned for their faith. However, those of the great crowd are thrilled to know that on escaping the destruction of this wicked system of things, they will always have an abundance of physical and spiritual food. When destruction is unleashed on Satan’s system of things, the great crowd will be spared the “scorching heat” of Jehovah’s anger that he will pour out on the nations. After the great tribulation ends, Jesus will guide these earthly survivors to the “waters of [everlasting] life.” (Rev. 7:17) Just think: The great crowd have a unique prospect. Of all the billions who have ever lived, they may never die! (John 11:26) The other sheep have a marvelous hope for which they are thankful to Jehovah and Jesus! w21.01 16-17 ¶11-12

Please visit www.jw.org for bible‐based publications.

Memorial Of Jesus Death

Photo credit: alamy

Date: Friday, April 15, 2022

Where: Select the link below to find a location

Jehovah’s Witnesses are hosting a global event on April 15 after sundown. A public discourse will be presented on the following:

  • Who Jesus was
  • Why Jesus died

Ephesians 1:7, Romans 6:23

  • How our lives can benefit from Jesus’ sacrifice

Please visit www.jw.org for bible-based publications!

What is the Kingdom of God?

Photo Cred: www.dreamstime.com

What do you think God’s Kingdom is?

Daniel 2:44: “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever, ” New World Translation

Select the link below to read the brochure called “What is the Kingdom of God?” This brochure will highlight various benefits of God’s kingdom to our lives.


Please visit www.jw.org for more bible-based publications!

Saturday, March 26

I will remain confident.​—Ps. 27:3.

We can learn from the experiences of those who failed to keep calm and trust in Jehovah. Studying those bad examples will help us to avoid making the same mistakes they made. For instance, early in his reign, King Asa looked to Jehovah when faced with problems. But later he failed to turn to his God for help, preferring to handle matters on his own. (2 Chron. 16:1-3, 12) On the surface, Asa’s asking the Syrians for help against Israel may have appeared to be very practical. But his success was short-lived. Jehovah told him through a prophet: “Because you relied on the king of Syria and did not rely on Jehovah your God, the army of the king of Syria has escaped out of your hand.” (2 Chron. 16:7) We must be careful not to feel so confident about handling matters on our own that we fail to look to Jehovah for guidance through his Word. Even when we are faced with an urgent situation, we should calmly rely on Jehovah, and he will help us to succeed. w21.01 6 ¶13-15

Please visit www.jw.org for bible-based publications.

Friday, March 25

Peter called to mind what Jesus had said . . . And he went outside and wept bitterly.​—Matt. 26:75.

What helped the apostle Peter to recover? For one thing, Jesus had prayed earlier that Peter’s faith might not give out. Jehovah answered that heartfelt prayer. Later, Jesus personally appeared to Peter, no doubt to encourage him. (Luke 22:32; 24:33, 34; 1 Cor. 15:5) After the apostles had a disappointing night of fishing, Jesus appeared to them. On this occasion, Jesus gave Peter the opportunity to reaffirm his love for him. Jesus had forgiven his dear friend and entrusted him with more work. (John 21:15-17) The way that Jesus dealt with Peter highlights Jesus’ mercy, and Jesus perfectly reflects his Father. So when we make mistakes, we should not judge ourselves as being beyond hope. We should bear in mind that Satan wants us to give in to such feelings. Instead, let us try hard to see ourselves​—and those who sin against us—​through the compassionate and loving eyes of our heavenly Father.​—Ps. 103:13, 14. w20.12 20-21 ¶17-19

Visitwww.jw.org for Bible based publications.

Thursday, March 24

I have hope toward God . . . that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.​—Acts 24:15.

The apostle Paul was not the first to express the hope of a resurrection. The patriarch Job did too. He was confident that God would remember him and raise him to life again. (Job 14:7-10, 12-15) “The resurrection of the dead” is part of the “foundation,” or “primary doctrine,” of all Christian teachings. (Heb. 6:1, 2) Paul’s discussion of the resurrection is recorded in 1 Corinthians chapter 15. What he wrote must have built up first-century Christians. And that chapter can build us up and strengthen a hope that we may have long held. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is key to our hope for our dead loved ones. It was part of “the good news” that Paul declared to the Corinthians. (1 Cor. 15:1, 2) In fact, he said that if a Christian lacked belief in that resurrection, his faith would be useless.​—1 Cor. 15:17. w20.12 2 ¶2-4

Visitwww.jw.org for Bible based publications.

Wednesday, March 23

Your strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust.​—Isa. 30:15.

The apostles had direct evidence that Jehovah was with them. He had given them the power to perform miracles. (Acts 5:12-16; 6:8) That is not the case with us today. Even so, through his Word, Jehovah lovingly assures us that when we suffer for the sake of righteousness, he is pleased with us and his spirit is with us. (1 Pet. 3:14; 4:14) So rather than dwell on how we might react to severe persecution in the future, we need to focus on what we can do now to build our confidence in Jehovah’s ability to sustain and deliver us. We must trust Jesus’ promise: “I will give you words and wisdom that all your opposers together will not be able to resist or dispute.” We have the guarantee: “By your endurance you will preserve your lives.” (Luke 21:12-19) And never forget that Jehovah keeps in his memory the smallest details about his servants who die faithful to him. With that knowledge, he will resurrect them. w21.01 4 ¶12

Visitwww.jw.org for Bible based publications.


Throne-less king


I probably won’t post here again because stumble is distracting me from God. So…here’s what I want to say:

  • Jesus loves you
  • Jesus wants to SAVE you
  • Jesus might be coming soon, so spread His word and stay strong in your faith through everything.
  • Study the Bible before you shun it
  • Never be afraid to ask real Christians questions about The Bible
  • Christianity is more about the relationship with God, than the religion.
  • God is always listening to your prayers, He just might not answer how you want Him to
  • God’s timing is perfect
  • The Holy Spirit will guide you once you’re saved
  • Strive to live for God

And I love you!

This is my side blog.

This is also true for this blog.

Thank you for following. I love you all and so does God. Follow Him and listen to Him before it’s too late for you. I love all of you more than you know.


The vaccine Bill Gates is working on might have a chip along with it.


Christians, don’t comprise. Don’t get the chip.

He’s saying that if you don’t get chip, you might not be able to go to the store or anywhere. Exactly what the mark of the beast is explained to be.

The end times might be a lot closer than we think.

Wake up. Stand against the anti-christ. Stand by Jesus. Spread His word and spread The Truth.

Share God’s Word to the world, family, and friends!!! Before it’s too late!

Trust God. Don’t bow down and compromise.

TW: I talk about religion and the government covid situation.


some people in the gov. are trying to pass a bill. This bill will make it mandatory that if you are caught outside with a 100.4 fever or higher, you will have to to get the vaccine.

BUT that’s not the bad part. The bad part is that once you are given the vaccine, you HAVE to get a chip put inside you saying you got the vaccine. The last digits of the vaccine label are 06, 06, 06,….if this bill is passed(I highly doubt it) please be careful and avoid getting this tracking chip.

and know that the day of Jesus coming might be soon.

your-fave-is-catholic:your-fave-is-catholic:Happy Easter!!!! Today is Easter Sunday, the day in your-fave-is-catholic:your-fave-is-catholic:Happy Easter!!!! Today is Easter Sunday, the day in your-fave-is-catholic:your-fave-is-catholic:Happy Easter!!!! Today is Easter Sunday, the day in



Happy Easter!!!!

Today is Easter Sunday, the day in which our Lord & Saviour, Jesus Christ, rose from the dead, officially cleansed humanity of its sins, & ultimately created our religion of Christianity (which of course includes the denomination that is Catholicism). Today is one of the most, if not THE most, important day for all of us Catholics & fellow Christians, as it’s the day in which our relationship with God was restored through Jesus Christ, & through His teachings we can ultimately return back to our true home. So to celebrate this wonderful holiday, I thought it’d be appropriate to put together a picture set, since this blog celebrates Catholicism. The top picture underneath the header shows a painting of Jesus walking out of the tomb in which He was buried, with the stone gently placed to the side of the doorway. The middle picture shows another painting of Jesus rising & walking out from the tomb, only this time with two loyal angels of God by His side. Finally, the bottom pictures shows the modern day traditions many of us use to celebrate Easter: it shows a rabbit, presumably the Easter Bunny, in a basket observing all the colorful eggs in a sunny field.

I would include an added bonus of Easter songs like I did with the Christmas post, but there really aren’t that many strictly Easter songs. The only one I could think of is “Here Comes Peter Cottontail”, but that’s about it. Sorry about that!

Anyway, I hope that you guys have a wonderful Easter this year, & as always thank you so much for your support of this blog. Happy Easter!

Reblogging this post from last year in case any of my newest followers didn’t see this. HAPPY EASTER!!!!

Post link
your-fave-is-catholic: Have a Blessed Good Friday. Today is Good Friday, the day in which our Lord &your-fave-is-catholic: Have a Blessed Good Friday. Today is Good Friday, the day in which our Lord &your-fave-is-catholic: Have a Blessed Good Friday. Today is Good Friday, the day in which our Lord &


Have a Blessed Good Friday.

Today is Good Friday, the day in which our Lord & Saviour, Jesus Christ, was condemned to death, nailed to the cross, & when he died to save & purify all of mankind. Because today is arguably one of the most important days in the entire universe & it’s certainly one of the most important days in the Catholic faith, I thought it would be appropriate to share a little something for all of you who follow this blog. This is just my little reminder to all my fellow Catholics about the importance of this day, & that you guys aren’t alone when it comes to practicing your faith. I put together a little picture set that illustrates Good Friday & the best ways of illustrating today’s importance. The top image shows three crosses standing in a field & with the message of having a blessed day today. The bottom left image shows another cross, this one being draped with a cloth & the crown of thorns, as sunlight shines upon it to illustrate a new beginning & a second chance for all of us. The bottom right image is a painting of what actually happened on Good Friday: it shows Jesus dying on the cross, as his followers, loved ones, & disciples mourn their great loss.

I hope that all of you have a blessed & good day this Good Friday, & thank you for your continued support of this blog!

Reblogging this post from last year in case any new followers hadn’t seen it yet. Have a Blessed Good Friday! 

Post link






is satan gay?

No. He has a wife, Mrs. Claus



