#john boyega

 JOHN BOYEGA Love John Boyega & love this movie! His Moses in 2011’s sci-fi/horror ATTACK


Love John Boyega & love this movie! His Moses in 2011’s sci-fi/horror ATTACK THE BLOCK (directed by Joe Cornish) was one of the best movie debuts in the genre. The sequences in the hallways & ambulance still creep me out! #BlackHorrorMonth#BlackHistoryMonth#Day8

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bohdisrook:John Boyega on the set of Pacific Rim bohdisrook:John Boyega on the set of Pacific Rim


John Boyega on the set of Pacific Rim

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“I’m speaking to you from my heart. Look, I don’t know if I’m going to have a career after this, but fuck that. Today is about innocent people who were halfway through their process, we don’t know what George Floyd could have achieved, we don’t know what Sandra Bland could have achieved, but today we’re going to make sure that won’t be an alien thought to our young ones. Every black person in here remembered when another person reminded you that you were black. So none of you out there, all those protesters on the other side, protesting against what we want to do, protesting against what we want to try and achieve, burn you, this is so vital. I need you to understand how painful this shit is. I need you to understand how painful it is to be reminded every day that your race means nothing and that isn’t the case anymore, that was never the case anymore.” John Boyega at The Black Lives Matter protest in Hyde Park June 3rd 2020


John Boyega at Hyde Park demonstration #BlackLivesMattter

Daisy Ridley and John Boyega for a Star Wars promo shoot

Daisy Ridley and John Boyega for a Star Wars promo shoot

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deputychairman: yaddle: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Don’t come to me with your ‘behind the scenes’ nonse




Don’t come to me with your ‘behind the scenes’ nonsense, this is 1000000% how Leia Organa runs the Resistance

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that new top gun space movie was really great!♩♬ ♪ highway to the danger zone ♪ ♬ ♫

that new top gun space movie was really great!

♩♬ ♪ highway to the danger zone ♪ ♬ ♫

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“The name’s Finn, and I’m in charge now.”“The name’s Finn, and I’m in charge now.”

“The name’s Finn, and I’m in charge now.”

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Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us.Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us.

Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us.

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star wars fans love lying and acting like they loved john boyega from the start like they didn’t make his life a living hell the moment he took that damn helmet off.

I was there for the shitty metas calling finn a misogynist for taking rey’s hand when they were running away from being shot at. for people calling finn a traitor, a coward, all the excuses that people made about why finn shouldn’t be a lead, why he shouldn’t be a jedi, why he shouldn’t be force sensitive, why it would have been better if he died during the last jedi.

I saw people lie on john and say he’s homophobic about finnpoe because his father is a christian, journalists sic waves of hate his way by LYING and saying that he thought KMT was weak for pulling away from social media after being harassed, even though he was one of the few people that supported her!!! I remember after new years people saying that john was on drugs, that he was a threat to daisy because he was a predator, he was a sex pest, that y’all were posting whole ass death threats!!! I remember all of it!! all of it!!! and you can’t fucking turn around and lie and suddenly say that you, as a fandom, have loved finn all along when we have LITERAL YEARS OF EVIDENCE that actually you REALLY HAVEN’T.


adam driver: i joined the military to get revenge for 9/11 by killing muslims! alsoi don’t like reylo and think kylo ren would make a bad boyfriend.

reylos: *crickets*

daisy ridley: i think reylo is abusive.

reylos: *crickets*

john boyega: reylo sucks lol. *makes a harmless joke about how kylo never got laid by rey*

reylos: OH MY GOD WHAT A MISOGYNIST!!! *makes a racist comment about him* *makes a classist comment about him*

The Star Wars twitter account/Disney releasing this statements using Finn pretending to care about black representation is meaningless until they.

1. Acknowledge that they sidelined Finn and mislead John into believing that his character would be the male lead and get co-protagonist reputation/material throughout the trilogy.

2. And they vow to make up for it through focusing on giving Finn plenty of  Star Wars content.  Focusing on developing his story and giving his arc the full potential and representation that they refused to give him in the trilogy. 

Actions speak louder than words and their actions shows me that they still don’t care about what they did to John Boyega and still aren’t focused on giving Finn the treatment that he deserves.

Are Reylos really blaming John Boyega for Daisy Ridley not feeling the same way and not having the same views about their ship as they do.  Somehow Daisy Ridley having any sort of what can be perceived as a negative or “anti” view of Reylo is somehow John’s fault?

The Reylo fandom is obsessed with trying to use John and Daisy’s friendship and their interactions to tear down John.  And want to try to cast a negative light over their relationship just because they don’t like them having an opinion surrounding that fictional ship that they disagree with. And I’m beyond tired of it.

Reylos: “John Boyega was being so misogynistic when he joked fictional Finn laying the pipe to fictional Rey.  What a tasteless joke he made, he should be canceled forever.”

Also Reylos: “LMAO let’s take trample over the feelings of an elderly women and make memes off of her experience.  By making fun of  Kylo Ren/Adam Driver potentially assaulting and threatening women with chairs. Because the situation being cleared up makes it okay for us to laugh about women being abused,  assaulted and physically threatened with chairs.” 
