#jorah mormont

 “His eyes are so intense I want to look away … or never look away, I can’t decide.” ― Kasie

“His eyes are so intense I want to look away … or never look away, I can’t decide.” ― Kasie West

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GOT Preferences - Kisses

Jaime - Jaime’s favorite kind of kiss is a goofy kiss. Jaime spends a lot of time in his own head, doubting himself and his abilities. Sometimes he feels as if the whole world is against him. For this reason it is nice for him to have moments with you where he can let loose and laugh. When he leans in and the two of you bump heads, causing you both to laugh as you go in for a kiss. Feeling your mouth smiling against his as he indulges in your taste and your scent. 

Sandor- Sandor’s favorite kind of kiss is a small one. It would be an understatement to say that Sandor is not the most affectionate of men. He doesn’t often let himself feel. However he likes getting affection from you. Just not too much. When you lean in and give him a little peck on the lips or the cheek to let him know that you’re there and you care about him, that is more than enough for him. 

Petyr- Petyr’s favorite kind of kiss is a controlling one. Petyr is used to being in complete control in every aspect of his life. His business, his relationships. It’s all under his command. So when it comes to being with you he likes when you let him be in control of your pleasure. Pulling you in by the back of your neck so you can’t move away and keeping you there against him until he has his fill of you.

Jon- Jon’s favorite kind of kiss is a slow one. A lot of Jon’s life has been dedicated to others and serving those around him. He leaves little time for himself and the things he wants. You help to show him that he can indulge himself in you from time to time. Kissing you is one sweet perfect indulgence for him so he wants to make it last. They’re always slow so that he can take his time enjoying you.

Robb - Robb’s favorite kind of kiss is a deep one. Robb is the kind of person that takes the things that he wants. And when he gets what he wants he gets it in excess. You are no exception. When he wants to kiss you he wants all of you. He makes sure to take you in as much as he can. When he kisses you he’ll pull your body close and press his lips against yours as deeply as he can, always wanting more of you.

Tywin - Tywin’s favorite kind of kiss is a demanding one. Tywin is a man in charge. When he walks by he strikes fear into the hearts of others. He doesn’t ask for things, he takes them. When he kisses you, he doesn’t ask. He demands of you. He would simply walk up and press his lips hard against yours with a hand on your throat or your jaw. He would want to know that you belong to him and only him.

Bronn- Bronn’s favorite kind of kiss is a relaxing one. Bronn is a pretty nonchalant guy. Whatever life throws his way he is able to deal with no problem. He wants to help you see life the same way. When kissing you he would scoop you up and meld your mouths until he feels you completely melt into his arms. He loves to stroke the side of your face as he kisses you calmly. He loves your sighs when he does.

Jorah- Jorah’s favorite kind of kiss is a romantic one. Jorah is such a romantic at heart. He wants you to know that you have his complete love and loyalty, no matter what. When he kisses you he wants you to know how much he cares about you. He would pull you in so sweetly and gently, holding one side of your face as he goes in for a kiss. When he finally kisses you, his lips press against yours so tenderly that it’s almost a ghost of a kiss, his breath warm on your cheek.

Ramsay - Ramsay’s favorite kind of kiss is a painful one. Ramsay loves to be in control of you. One of his favorite ways to claim ownership of you is to mark you. Leaving a hickey or a bite mark on your skin. It’s the same way when he kisses you. He likes to pull your lip between his teeth and bite down until it trickles with blood. Then he’ll pull away and lick up the blood before giving you a real kiss.

Stannis - Stannis’ favorite kind of kiss is an intimate one. For Stannis, you are his one and only. You mean the whole world to him. Sometimes he’s not the best at showing that but he does so in the ways he can. Kissing is one of them. When he kisses you he holds your face in his hands and maintains eye contact before pulling you in and pressing his lips deeply into yours, taking your breath away.

Oberyn- Oberyn’s favorite kind of kiss is a sexual one. It’s no secret that a lot of the time Oberyn leads with his dick. He is almost always thinking about you naked in front of him and kissing you just makes him want you even more. His favorite kiss is the one he lays tenderly on your clit while he’s eating you out until you beg him to stop.

Sansa- Sansa’s favorite kind of kiss is a mutual one. Sansa is used to having things taken from her. She has felt so much heartache in her life and she wants things with you to be different. That’s why her favorite kisses with you happen when you both look in each other’s eyes and know what you want. When you lean in at the same time and feel one another kiss back because you love each other.

Dany - Daenerys’ favorite kind of kiss is a passionate one. Dany leads with her whole heart, in ruling and in love. She never worries about hiding her emotions. When she kisses you she wants you to know that she is so passionate towards you. Her hands would be all over you as she sloppily kisses you everywhere. She would suck your lip between her teeth and tug, making your eyes roll back.

Brienne - Brienne’s favorite kind of kiss is a tender one. Brienne doesn’t get a lot of tenderness in her life. She is used to being the tough one and never getting nice, soft things. When it comes to you, she wants to experience those things. When you kiss her, you would hold her so gently and your lips would touch ever so softly, making her shiver and cling to you as she enjoys all of you.

Margaery- Margaery’s favorite kind of kiss is a confident one. Margaery is used to getting her way and being a leading lady. She wants the eyes of the world on her and to do that you must have confidence. And she does in excess. When she kisses you she always takes the lead. She pulls your body into hers and tilts your head back before taking a firm hold of you and kissing you nice and deep.

Tags:@talesfromtheguild@lannister-slings-and-arrows@gamingaquarius@gryffindorwriter@nopeforyou@evyiione@sheerfreesia007@roxypeanut@ohpedromypedro@ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa@readsalot73@the-mechanical-angel@races-erster @pascalisthepunkest@paintballkid711

GOT Preferences - With A Virgin


Jaime- Jaime would be really encouraging your first time. He knows you’re nervous and would want to make you comfortable. He would tell you that if you want to stop you can at any time. He is a consent king, especially that first time. He would be a little cocky as to his level of experience, guiding you the entire time you’re together. You would get a lot of charming smiles throughout the experience which makes your heart flutter. That first time together would be in his bed at Casterly Rock. He would take you away on holiday to his home and that’s when you’d both decide you wanted to go all the way. He would start very gently, taking his time to make you feel good. Once he enters you he would go very slowly and over time he would increase his pace until he’s pounding into you quickly, causing you to throw your head off in ecstasy. When he cums he does so on your tits, still rubbing you until you cum with him. Afterwards he pulls you close to his chest and strokes your hair until you fall asleep.


Sandor - Sandor would be really nervous being your first time. He has never been with a virgin before and he knows that he’s not the most gentle of men. He would push it off for a really long time, choosing to relieve his tension by jacking off rather than risking ripping you in half on accident. After a great deal of convincing he would finally agree to take you in the way that you want. Your first time would be in the bed of some inn you’d stop in while traveling. It would take a great deal of patience on both sides but it would be so worth it in the end. The first time would be taken at a slow pace and you’re very grateful because he is not small. There may be moments where he’d speed up unintentionally. You’d take it for as long as you could but eventually you’d cry out, asking him to slow down and he would. Sandor very rarely apologizes but that is one case in which he would. He would be sure to pull out and cum all over your stomach before collapsing beside you and passing out, his arms wrapped around your side.


Petyr - Petyr would be very instructive your first time. If you don’t know anything about sex when you walk into his chambers, you will leave an expert. Petyr would want to help you find out exactly what your body can take and what it is that you want. At first you wouldn’t have any idea but after talking with him you would know what makes you feel good and the things that you like. That first time nothing would be off limits. If you think it will make you feel good, he’s willing to try it. Your first time with him would be in his chambers at the Vale. He would light candles all around the room because he wants you to be able to see him and what he’s doing to you. He would very slowly undress you, making sure that you feel his fingertips all the way down. Once you’re naked in front of him, he would talk with you about all the things you want. He would show you how to suck his cock and he would introduce you to cunnilingus. He would offer to tie you up, he would finger you, he would play with your ass if you wanted him to. He would want you to have it all. When he enters you he would be slow until you find a pace that you really enjoy. It would last all night and then once you’ve both cum, he would cuddle with you and talk with you about what you’d like to try next time. 


Jon - Jon would lose his virginity with you on your first time together. When you told him you were a virgin you expected him to be surprised or upset but he simply responded that he was too. That’s the day he knew he had to make your first time so special for the both of you. He would very stealthily find the right books and do some research about what to do to make you feel as good as possible. At first he wouldn’t be too on edge but the more he thinks about taking your virginity the more nervous he gets. He doesn’t want to disappoint you. He wants to make it so special for you because he cares about you so much. That first time would be in his bed back at Winterfell. He would make sure the bed was extra comfortable for both of you. When it starts there would be a lot of foreplay between the two of you. He would take his time, making sure to kiss every inch of your body. He would undress you slowly and you would do the same for him until you are both naked together for the first time. When he finally enters you, it is so incredibly slow. You feel so good wrapped around him that he knows if he moves fast at all he’s going to cum in seconds and he wants the moment to last. When the two of you do cum together you pull his head to lay on your chest and stroke his hair until the two of you fall asleep. 


Robb- Robb would want you to feel completely at ease your first time. He would spare no expense to make sure that everything is perfect for you the first time you’re together. He would make sure you have the softest blankets, the most aromatic of perfumes filling the air, and absolute peace. He would make sure everyone knew not to disturb him that night, doing what he could to secure his tent so that no one could walk in on you. When you decide it’s the right time, he would spend all day reassuring you. He would offer encouragements so you knew how much he loved you and wanted to be with you. That first time would be in his tent. He brings you wine to calm your nerves and spends what feels like hours caressing your skin. All the while he’d be telling you that everything will be okay and that he loves you. He would also spend time between your legs, making you cum over and over. When you’re warmed up he would enter you slowly. He would wait for your signal to move and when he does he would move at exactly the pace you want him to. He would praise you the whole time until he cums inside of you. When you’re done you would both fall asleep quickly after being thoroughly exhausted. 


Tywin- Tywin would make things very simple for you your first time. He wouldn’t want you to get overwhelmed with all sorts of complicated positions or other new sensations. He would want you to be able to focus only on his cock and how it feels inside you. He would be very gentle with you if only not to break you on that first time together. He would want you to have a good time and remember it for years to come. He would want it to be a good experience for you. That first time with him would be in his bed chambers in the Red Keep. He would treat you to a nice meal, making sure that you had your fill of wine to calm your nerves. When the time came he would allow you to take his arm and lead you to his chambers. Once there he would light some candles and slowly undress you. He would tell you in earnest how beautiful you looked in the candlelight. Once you’re naked he would take his time showing you the right places to touch to make you feel incredible. He would slip between your legs, introducing you to the feeling of his tongue on your pussy. He would then guide your hand to his cock, allowing you to get acquainted with it. Once you’re properly warmed up he would lay you on your back and slowly enter you, letting you choose a pace that feels good for you. When he pulls out he cums on your chest and then helps you clean up before talking to you for a while until you fell asleep. 


Bronn- Bronn would be completely nonchalant on your first time. To Bronn, sex isn’t a huge ceremonial thing. It’s just a connection between two people and that’s far less frightening. He wants to help you think of it the same way. He makes jokes about taking your virginity but you know he would wait until you’re ready. When you finally tell him that you are he’d be excited. He wouldn’t want to plan anything ahead of time. He wants it to play out naturally. The first time would be in his chambers at the Red Keep. When night comes he would lead you to his bed and begin by letting you take the lead. If you had any questions for him he would answer them but for the most part he would want you to have the chance to explore. You would both undress and then you would begin by touching him all over. He would guide you here and there but for the most part he just lets you have fun. You would ask him to touch you and he would, asking you what feels good and what you like. When you’re finally ready you would ask him to be inside of you to which he would oblige. You would start out in missionary but throughout the act he would offer up new positions, each one feeling better than the last. When he cums he would do so on your back. After that you would both collapse, clinging to each other as you fall asleep quickly. 


Jorah- Jorah would be the most romantic ever on your first time. He would want you to feel like the most special princess in the whole world because to him, you are. He would go to the markets in one of the cities and buy the best wine and flowers and the softest blankets to make things extra special. He would spend the whole day being extra sweet and loving to you. He would have his hands on you all day, not wanting to be away from you for a second. That first time he would lay out the blankets by the fire on your campsite. He would find a nice place that has a good view of the sky so you can look up at the stars as he is pounding into you. He would slowly undress you before wrapping the both of you up in one of the blankets so that you would stay warm. His hands would wander under the blanket, exploring your body and yours would do the same. Whenever you reach for his cock he would stop you, telling you that for your first time he wants to focus only on you. He would pull the blankets down over him and slip between your legs until you cum on his tongue. When he slides up over your body he would push into your tight cunt, his hand intertwined with yours as he takes things at a slow pace. He would do anything you asked of him until you’re both cumming together. He would cum inside of you that first time, unable to pull out. He would help clean you up and get you some water before drawing circles on your back until you fall asleep in his arms. 


Ramsay- Ramsay would want to test your limits your first time. He would want you to be prepared for the kind of roughness he enjoys so he wouldn’t go easy on you. To some extent, he wants you to associate pain with pleasure and when better to start than your very first time. He wouldn’t be completely ruthless, allowing you time to breath. The first time would be in his bed chambers. He would want to take his time with you, making sure you have the ability to take everything he gives you. He would start off slowly, touching your skin, giving you a pinch here or there to begin getting you accustomed to pain. When he can tell you’re doing well with it he gives you more than a pinch, perhaps a bite or a scratch. He would want you to learn how to pleasure him first, showing you how to suck his cock. Once he is pleased with your performance he would push you back on the bed and enter you. It would be slow at first, giving you time to become familiar with the size of him. Once you’re ready though he would pound into you as quickly as he wants, only stopping if he can tell that you truly can’t handle anymore. He would pull out and cum in your mouth before getting between your legs and making you cum to reward you for your performance. He would then pull you close and fall asleep after telling you how well you took him. 


Stannis- Stannis would treat your first time like you’d been together a million times before. It is safe to say that you are the love of his life. He treasures every moment he gets with you. He does have a hard time expressing his love but one of the places he does so the best is when you’re in bed together. He enjoys the intimacy and really wants to show you how much he cares. The first time you spend with him would be on your wedding night, back at Dragonstone. He would announce to everyone at your wedding that there would be no bedding ceremony. He wants to have you all to himself on your first night together. When you’re alone he would take his sweet time undressing you, guiding you to the bed and laying you down so that he can look at all of you. He would climb over your body and spend what feels like hours kissing you all over. His mouth would have you gasping for air as he makes his way down to your pussy. He would dive in like a man starved and you were the only thing that could satisfy his thirst. When he finally enters you it is antagonizing how slowly he moves. You beg him to go faster but he shushes you and tells you that he wants to savor the moment. Eventually he does go faster until you’re both cumming together. He makes sure to cum deep inside of you that first time. After the act you both pass out rather quickly, cuddled in each other’s arms.


Oberyn- Oberyn would make sure you had a really good time your first time. When you tell him that you are a virgin he is honestly so excited. He can’t wait to be the person to take your virginity. There is a good chance he would invite some friends along to help make your first time memorable but he is the one that gets to take you in the most primal way. Your first time would be in his bed chambers back on Dorne. Taking your virginity would turn into a grand ceremony. He would throw a feast and his room would be decorated in gold and jewels. Ellaria and perhaps a few others would be there waiting for the two of you. All of them would take turns removing an article of clothing until you’re undressed for all of them. They would stay dressed, choosing instead to focus on you and your body. There would be so many hands on you but the most prevalent would be Oberyn’s. They would be touching all the right spots to make you feel absolute incredible. Eventually Oberyn would undress as well before climbing on top of you. They would all hold your hands, arms, sides and such to help you feel comforted as he enters you for the first time. He would be so slow yet intensely passionate. They would all be cracking jokes, making you smile as he fucked you for the first time. Once you cum though don’t think they’re done with you. They would spend hours pleasuring you until you are completely exhausted before you all fall asleep in a hot sweaty heap of flesh. 


Sansa- Sansa would be really insecure your first time together. When you tell her you’re a virgin she would be nervous. The thought of being the first woman to take you is exciting to her but more nerve wracking than anything. She would want everything to be perfect. Her first time was less than ideal so she would want yours to be so special. She’d want you to have what she didn’t get to have. That first time would be in your bed at Winterfell. She would spend the whole day worrying, thinking of all the right things to do and say so that you feel extra amazing. It would be so important to her to make you feel good. She would definitely not do anything that might hurt, especially your first time. When the two of you are finally alone you can see that she’s nervous. You reassure her and tell her that if she wants to stop you don’t have to do anything. She assures you that she wants to and kisses you sweetly. She would push you down on the bed gently, laying beside you as she touches you over your dress. Eventually the both of you are naked together and you kiss her body as she does the same to yours. When she asks you what you want you guide her between your legs and she sets about making you cum on her tongue over and over again. Afterwards you spend hours talking to one another, expressing your fears and hopes and dreams and then you fall asleep in each other’s arms.


Dany- Daenerys would be so wildly passionate with you your first time. When you tell her that you’re a virgin she would get really excited at the prospect of being your first. She’s never been anyone’s first before and she cares about you so intensely that she would hardly be able to contain herself when she gets you alone. She would want you to feel so good. The first time would be by the fire on your campsite. She would lay out cloaks and blankets so that you’re both comfortable. When the two of you are finally alone together, she would want her hands all over you. She would never stop touching you at any point. She would always want to be physically connected with you. She would kiss you hard and deep, sliding her tongue over yours. She would undress you so fast before undressing herself. She would be all over you the moment you were naked, her mouth trailing all over your skin. She would be down between your legs before you could hardly blink. She would combine her fingers with her tongue on your clit, rocking you into orgasm after orgasm. She wouldn’t stop until she knew that you were well and truly satisfied and could hardly keep your eyes open. When she finally finishes her ministrations she would climb up beside you and pull you close, letting her fingers still feel your skin as you fall asleep beside her.


Brienne- Brienne would be constantly checking in on you your first time. Brienne is the queen of consent. She would not do anything without asking you first. She wants you to feel safe, protected, and like you are in complete control because you are. She cares about you so much and she would never overstep your boundaries. Your first time together would be in her tent while you are both traveling. She would light candles to create a little bit of ambience. It’s not much but a very sweet gesture on her part. She would lead you to the bed, sitting on the edge beside you as the two of you kiss for a while. Eventually she would start to undress and then she would undress you, with your permission. When you’re finally naked in front of her she would want to feel you so badly. She would pull you really close to her so she can get your skin on hers as much as possible. She would continue kissing you as her fingers explore your skin very delicately. She would help you spread your legs, laying you back before letting her fingers slip inside you. You would squirm against her as she fingers you, curling against that delicious spot inside you. When you cum she wraps you in her arms tightly, never letting go as you fall asleep in her arms. She would stay awake for a hours after that just to make sure that you’re safe, comfortable, and protected.


Margaery- Margaery would be very confident during your first time. She would know that you were nervous about being with someone for the first time and she would want you to know that she was going to take care of you. She would exude such proud and confident energy that you would feel you were in expert hands. Your first time would be in her tent while you’re traveling. She would light sweet aromatic candles and make sure that the bed was well made. When you come into the tent she would kiss you immediately, hands finding your waist. It’s then that you realize what she has in store for you. She would lead you to the bed and push you down so that you are spread out before her. She would undress you slowly so that you are completely exposed. You would be so struck by her power that all you could do is lay there and follow her lead. She would show you exactly what to do to her and what she wants to do to you. She would finger you deeply, curling against the perfect spot until you’re cumming. She would put her mouth on your pussy for hours, only stopping when you are thoroughly overstimulated and begging her to stop. She would climb over you with a smile before laying down on your chest and falling asleep in your arms.

Tags:@talesfromtheguild@lannister-slings-and-arrows@gamingaquarius@gryffindorwriter@nopeforyou@evyiione@sheerfreesia007@roxypeanut@ohpedromypedro@ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa@readsalot73@the-mechanical-angel@races-erster @pascalisthepunkest@paintballkid711

lunariteonthemoon: “Let us return to Bear Island, Cousin.”The Mormonts. Beautiful artwork! Makes me


“Let us return to Bear Island, Cousin.”

The Mormonts.

Beautiful artwork! Makes me tear up everytime I see it! RIP to two of the biggest BAMF in Westeros!

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Small GoT s8e3 review


So I really really loved this episode! Probably one of my favs.

I have to admit the whole episode was a bit dark. I had to roll down my blinds so that my room was pitch black and even then some scenes were hard to see, but that’s what made me feel like I was there - the characters had no idea what was going on and neither had we!

The episode started out great - everyone’s quiet and preparing for battle.

When all the Dothraki started charging at the army of the dead and the light of their swords slowly faded had me shocked. I mean, I was expecting them to be at a disadvantage but losing so fast? Holy shit.

The whole fighting kept me at the edge of my seat but mostly because I was scared for Brianne and Jaime - love them.

Also, Theon. I had my problems with Theon but started to love him again and now… I still don’t want to believe he’s dead. What about Sansa? They had great chemistry and I was rooting for them even though I expected him to die - fighting and protecting Bran.

So, I’m not the biggest Arya fan but she was KILLING it this episode - literally. Did not expect her to kill the Night King. But is he really dead tho? It seemed a little… easy.

Also, I love Sansa and Tyrion - as team and as individuals. Like Sansa said, he really was the best husband. I know they didn’t/don’t love each other like that but at least he didn’t abuse her.

Before I say nothing about Dany and Jon. I was worried they’d be tension between those two but in the end they fought side by side and Dany even saved Jon when he was surrounded by wights. Furthermore, I’m happy no more dragons died. And ghost is alive too!!!

To sum up, I loved the episode. I see people complain about it being to dark but that’s just how it is. The fight took place during night and with limited light available and it gave us this mysterious setting. I cried a few times a lot and can’t wait how they are gonna take on Cersei!

200th Post! Thanks for all the encouragement. It’s whats keeping this thing running.

200th Post! Thanks for all the encouragement. It’s whats keeping this thing running.

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Dany- Do you have a name?Missandei- This one’s name is Missandei, Your Grace.Dany- Do you have

Dany-Do you have a name?
Missandei- This one’s name is Missandei, Your Grace.
Dany- Do you have a family, a mother and a father you would return to if you had a choice?
Missandei- No, Your Grace. No family living.
Dany- You belong to me now. It is your duty to tell me the truth.
Missandei- Yes, Your Grace. Lying is a great offense. Many of those on the Walk of Punishment were taken there for less.
Dany- I offered water to one of the slaves dying on the Walk of Punishment. Do you know what he said to me? Let me die.
Missandei- There are no masters in the grave, Your Grace.
Dany- Is it true what Master Kraznys told me about the Unsullied? About their obedience?
Missandei- All questions have been taken from them. They obey. That is all.Once they are yours, they are yours. They will fall on their swords if you command it.
Dany- And what about you? You know that I am taking you to war. You may go hungry. You may fall sick. You may be killed.
Missandei- Valar morghulis.
Dany- Yes. All men must die, but we are not men.

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Missandei- There are 8 thousand Unsullied in Astapor. Is this what you mean by all? Dany- Yes. 8 thoMissandei- There are 8 thousand Unsullied in Astapor. Is this what you mean by all? Dany- Yes. 8 tho

Missandei-There are 8 thousand Unsullied in Astapor. Is this what you mean by all?
Yes. 8 thousand and the ones still in training as well.
(In Valyrian) If they fail on the battlefield, they will shame Astapor. 
Master Grazyn says they cannot sell half-trained boys. If they fail on the battlefield they will bring shame upon all of Astapor.                      Dany- I will have them all or take none. Many will fall in battle. I’ll need the boys to pick up the swords they drop.
Kraznys-(In Valyrian) The slut cannot pay for all of this.
Missandei- Master Kraznys says that you cannot afford this.
Kraznys- (In Valyrian) Her ship will buy her 100 Unsullied, no more, and this is because I like the curve of her ass.
Missandei- Your ship will buy you 100 Unsullied…because Master Kraznys is generous.
Kraznys- (In Valyrian) What is left will buy her 10.
Missandei- The gold you have left is worth 10.
Kraznys- (In Valyrian) I will give her 20 if it stops her ignorant whimpering.
Missandei- But good Master Kraznys will give you 20.
Kraznys- (In Valyrian) Her Dothraki smell of shit but may be useful as pig feed. I will give her 3 for those.
Missandei- The Dothraki you have are not worth what they cost to feed, but Master Kraznys will give you 3 Unsullied for all of them.
Kraznys- (In Valyrian) So, ask this beggar queen, how will she pay for the remaining 7,877?
Missandei- Master Kraznys asks how you propose to pay for the remaining 7,877 Unsullied?
Dany- I have dragons. I’ll give you one.
Ser Barristan- We will win this war with dragons not slaves, Your Grace.
Ser Jorah- Khaleesi, please.
Kraznys- Three dragons.
Dany- One.
Kraznys- Two.
Dany- One.
Missandei- They want the biggest one.
Dany- Done.
Kraznys- Done.
Dany- I’ll take you as well. Now. You’ll be Master Kraznys’ gift to me. A token of a bargain well struck.
Missandei-(In Valyrian) She asks that you give me to her, as a present. She asks that you do this now.

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[Iain Glen] Jorah Mormont & [Emilia Clarke] Daenerys Targaryen

[Iain Glen] Jorah Mormont & [Emilia Clarke] Daenerys Targaryen

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Omegerd, Kherleesee, I lurve yoouuuuu

Omegerd, Kherleesee, I lurve yoouuuuu

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#game of thrones    #khaleesi    #i love you    #please    #let me fight for you    #hur dur    #jorah mormont    #bitch please    #thirsty af    #goddamn    #game of thrones lol    #lol got    #got lol    