#game of thrones spoilers



The hound: fuck this I’m out.

Beric Dondarrion: Arya is in danger.

The hound: *kill bill siren activated*


 Sansa of House Stark, First of Her Name, the Red Wolf, the Lady of Winterfell, Queen in the North,

Sansa of House Stark, First of Her Name, the Red Wolf, the Lady of Winterfell,Queen in the North, Protector of the North and the First Men.

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You know what, I changed my mind. Instead of being Team Dragon (”Just burn everything to the ground, zombies and idiot royals alike”) I’m Team Zombie-Dragon now. Just put all of those people out of their misery already.

So in my last post I said I wanted to rant a little about how I hate the ending of Arya and Gendry’s story is Game of Thrones and that is what I’m going to do now…. Spoilers I guess (it’s been two years so whatever)

Ok so I’m going to talk about each character as individual to explain why I didn’t/ don’t understand their finals decisions. (Also this is strictly based on the tv show not the books)

Let’s start with Gendry. Where in the whole of the series does Gendry express a great desire to be a Lord of Westeros??? The only time I can think of that he thought his low birth status was an issue was when Arya said she could “be his family” and he was sad because he knew that was not possible, other than that it was never something that seemed to be of great importance in his life. Now, after he was legitimized and given a title I understand he would be excited because he wouldn’t be seen as a bastard anymore, which is great but in the scene where he proposes to Arya he says “ none of it will be worth anything if you’re not with me” so why does he stay then after she says no to his proposal because it wasn’t that Arya didn’t want Gendry is that she didn’t want the life he was offering her, being a lady. He could have walked away from it all, especially after everything went to shit and they had to basically start the government over again. There was nothing really tying him to Westeros anymore just the new title he had and again he didn’t really seem to care about it even after he found out he was Roberts son… it made no sense to me!!!

And now Arya… now I understand that she never wanted to be a lady and she never wanted to be submissive to a husband and all that ( although let’s me serious, Gendry would be the sub I their relationship) but what really annoyed me was that they made it into a “one night stand” kind of situation from Arya’s perspective (in my opinion). Gendry was someone Arya cared about for years! She was shown to have some kind of feelings for him when she was young and she would check him out, she traveled with him for years, he was her friend and she trusted him! Trusted him enough that even though they had not seen each other for years, she still went to him to lose her virginity! Arya! Who is a trained assassin, literally doesn’t trust anyone, trusted Gendry enough to be vulnerable in front of him and after all of that when he proposes all she can say is “that’s not me” ………,,,, no! She could have said “it’s not our time” or “I’ll come back to you but I need to live my life first” they could have left it open ended and it would have been better than what we got. They had a great chance to really show the Stark sisters doing a 180 from the beginning of the series to the end but nope they fucked it up. Sansa started as a young girl who thought she had to get married to her Prince Charming and have kids and that’s how she would be queen and she ended it realizing that she could be powerful and rule without a man. And I’m not saying Arya needs to have a man but maybe she could have learned that being in love and having a partner in life doesn’t mean she has to be submissive to a husband, that being in love is ok and it could be part of the reason her life is happy. Especially for Arya that spend so much of the series separated from literally everyone from her old life, she could have been free and in love but nope, the show runners really said “this 18/19 year old, who had been through so much, is going to think the same way as her 12 year old self”. I made a post about how I loved the episode “The Long Night” because they showed that even Arya can get scared and she is human and she isn’t just a killing machine and then what do they do with her?? They made her seem heartless and like sleeping with Gendry was just an experience she wanted to have and not something she did with a man she cared/loved!

Anyway I done ranting. Sorry for any grammatical errors I didn’t proof read. Also it’s ok if you disagree with me this is just my opinion about these two characters

in honour of game of thrones ending, here is an angry/sad looking daenerys from season 8!! say what

in honour of game of thrones ending, here is an angry/sad looking daenerys from season 8!! say what you want about the writing, but the performances of the actors was amazing! 

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Hello. Itsa me Dumb-io.

I just realised that in Dany’s vision Red Keep wasn’t full of snow, but full of ASHES. Cus ashеs fall just like snow and look like snow aaaand. It was always bound to happen

I saw somebody’s post about green eyes that Arya closes. Like, that it will be Dany, cus in the show her are are bluish green

Now I think it’s true


David Benioff thinks it’s justifiable that Daenerys went mad after 7 seasons of being a just ruler who freed others from enslavement, NEVER put herself in the position to risk the lives of innocents, and valued the voice of the people, because “ultimately she’s a Targaryen”; yet Jon Snow, ALSO A TARGARYEN, is somehow immune to this predisposed genetic disease because… he’s a man?Say it like it is, David. Just say you don’t care about women and be done with it.

Allright, no one likes how Dany went mad. But isn’t Jon not just A MAN, but, like… A Targaryen born from Targaryen AND Stark? Wasn’t incest what caused madness to be so common in Targaryens? And Dany is, like, daughter of incest, while Jon is ok, because his parents are not brother and sister?

No one denies that writers do something weird with Dany’s arv, make her mad, but at least they don’t make Jon not-mad just because he is a MAN and the show makers are sexist. At least here we have the normal reason for him not to be mad.

Think whatever you want, Jon might be a wimp and writers may be misogynystic/sexist/whatever. But he is nit mad just because he is a man. Don’t take this farther than it has to be.

Don’t mind me. Just making comparisons between Jaime & Brienne and Satine & Christian from Moulin Rouge in order to cope with the emotional whiplash of the latest episode (Jaime is Satine/the courtesan, Brienne is Christian, and Cersei is the duke/evil maharajah):


Once death is almost (or completely) certain and Jaime/Satine don’t want Brienne/Christian following them in their mission/responsibility only to get killed themselves:


And from here I’m guessing Jaime will go back to Cersei and it’ll appear to be something like this:


But he’ll actually just be playing a part, biding his time for the moment to save the kingdom (again).

And maybe Brienne will show up, putting herself in danger (distressing Jaime - for putting herself in that danger, but also just because HE LOVES HER SO MUCH and he can’t allow himself to be with her):


But hopefully at some point we’ll get something like this:


Before we get to this:


(Thanks to the gif makers of all of these stolen gifs! Also I’m sorry that I don’t know how to link back to the original posts!)

  • It’s difficult to think about beneath the soaring music and powerful imagery, but, as much as I enjoy a celebration of good old-fashioned girl-power, Dany’s “triumph” here should, I think, trouble us. You first of all have the whole “Lawrence of Arabia” theme of the white person saving the savage poc, but, beyond even that, Dany has been exercising more and more a tendency to burn folks alive or torture them to death in other ways, very much like the Mad Targaryen Kings before her. You could well argue that the people she destroys are slavers, murderers, and rapists who deserve to be punished (and they do), but I was, for the first time last night, wondering if we’re going to end up with a Mad Queen. It’s hard to watch that scene without freaking out just a little.
  • Watching Daario go from making crass jokes about Dany to having genuine respect for her was a nice treat, though.
  • Contrasting Dany’s conquest in Vaes Dothrak with Tyrion’s diplomacy in Mereen is interesting. Tyrion is trying to preserve life and peace, but you could argue, very justifiably, that he compromises too much in his deal with the Masters of Slavers’ Bay.  It’ll be interesting to see Dany’s response to this when she returns, and Missandei and Grey Worm’s arguments are powerful and come from an experience of exploitation Tyrion doesn’t understand. What is the price of peace? What price is too high? Ultimately, between Dany and Tyrion, who will have the most blood on their hands from their decisions today? GoT gives us a lot to think about.
  • Ramsay continues to kill characters who are much more interesting than he is.
  • If Sansa doesn’t get to punch Littlefinger next episode, I’ll be very upset.
  • Speaking of Sansa, I love how strong and determined she has become, but I also love how little she worries about class distinctions now. The line “There are more important things” than the terrible Wall food would never have come out of the mouth of Season 1 Sansa. I loved her in this episode, and I teared up a lot when she reunited with Jon. I was 100% convinced they would just miss each other, and their reunion genuinely surprised me and was so powerful. Everything between them felt so authentic and emotional as Sansa tried to convince a world-weary and lost Jon that he still had a purpose and important battles to fight. 
  • Tormund, you are not classy enough for Brienne. Keep being adorable, though. LOL.
  • Man, but Margaery is a tower of strength. I liked that, despite all her time in her cell, she has lost none of her spirit, determination, or ambition. Can she keep Loras strong? We’ll see.
  • I would think more kindly towards the High Sparrow if he wasn’t so obviously a manipulative bastard who’s hungry for power. 
  • Tommen ought to replace the Small Council with his cats. They might have accomplished more. They would also be more interesting.
  • Theon gaining a purpose in his support of Yara was a powerful scene. A lot of this episode was sisters trying to shore up their brothers, which was a nice and refreshing theme. 
  • Less refreshing was the continual reminders that this is a show aimed at men and not at women, even though many women are vocal fans of the show. Of course we get to see gratuitous Dany nudity again (although at least it made sense and was supposedly a symbol of empowerment this time.) It’s ridiculous how the writers feel that an episode isn’t complete unless there are at least four references to rape peppered throughout.
  • I’m so sick of the “historical accuracy” excuse, too. Yeah, writers, I can tell you care about historical accuracy. Dragons and ice zombies were definitely a thing in medieval times. Good job on the accuracy. The writers also seem to think that rape is just a thing that happens to women, like the flu. It’s no longer shocking. It’s no longer interesting. It’s no longer even darkly comical. It’s boring. You’re boring me. 
  • That aside, this was the first episode of Game of Thrones I actually really enjoyed for the longest time. 

My GOT theory

*contains spoilers of Game of Thrones s8e4*

So as we now know, Arya and Sansa know who Jon really is and even before Bran told them we saw them being against Daenerys as their queen and that they don’t trust her.

Now, this is something I realized at the very end of the episode when Daenerys and a small group of her people were standing infront of Cersei and her little henchmen. I might be wrong but I noticed something in Danys eyes.

Her eyes are green (at least according to Google because it says Emilias eyes are green) and Melisandre told Arya she would close brown, blue and green eyes forever.

As we already know, she killed Walder Frey (brown eyes) and the Night King (blue eyes).

Now, a lot of people think green eyes mean she will kill Cersei but after watching this episode I have a different theory.

We saw many people questioning Daenerys decisions this episode and I myself thought for a moment “Damn, slow down mad queen”.

Of course, Dany has been through A LOT. She lost her best friend and most trusted advisor, Jorah, lost thousands of loyal soldiers and the man she loves has a better claim to the thrones than she does. Most of her actions are justified. She is hurt and deserves justice, especially now that another one of her children is dead AND her best friend, Missandei.

But still, the Stark girls are not very fond of their queen.

Maybe, it won’t be Cersei’s green eyes Arya will shut forever but Daenerys’.

Maybe she (Dany) will turn mad and do something reckless or maybe it’s just an act of treason by Arya.

It may seem a little far fetched but with what happend this episode, people questioning their loyalty, Daenerys showing a darker side, maybe Arya will think it has to be done.

(I still hope Cersei dies too but that’s a job that can be done by Jaime too)

Before giving feedback:

I know it probably won’t happen. It’s just something I thought of while watching and it would be an unexpected twist but the theory is probably full of flaws anyways.

Thanks for reading anyways!

Small GoT s8e3 review


So I really really loved this episode! Probably one of my favs.

I have to admit the whole episode was a bit dark. I had to roll down my blinds so that my room was pitch black and even then some scenes were hard to see, but that’s what made me feel like I was there - the characters had no idea what was going on and neither had we!

The episode started out great - everyone’s quiet and preparing for battle.

When all the Dothraki started charging at the army of the dead and the light of their swords slowly faded had me shocked. I mean, I was expecting them to be at a disadvantage but losing so fast? Holy shit.

The whole fighting kept me at the edge of my seat but mostly because I was scared for Brianne and Jaime - love them.

Also, Theon. I had my problems with Theon but started to love him again and now… I still don’t want to believe he’s dead. What about Sansa? They had great chemistry and I was rooting for them even though I expected him to die - fighting and protecting Bran.

So, I’m not the biggest Arya fan but she was KILLING it this episode - literally. Did not expect her to kill the Night King. But is he really dead tho? It seemed a little… easy.

Also, I love Sansa and Tyrion - as team and as individuals. Like Sansa said, he really was the best husband. I know they didn’t/don’t love each other like that but at least he didn’t abuse her.

Before I say nothing about Dany and Jon. I was worried they’d be tension between those two but in the end they fought side by side and Dany even saved Jon when he was surrounded by wights. Furthermore, I’m happy no more dragons died. And ghost is alive too!!!

To sum up, I loved the episode. I see people complain about it being to dark but that’s just how it is. The fight took place during night and with limited light available and it gave us this mysterious setting. I cried a few times a lot and can’t wait how they are gonna take on Cersei!

Jamie x Brienne: A Good-Bye

I had to.

           She always saw the best in him.

           Even when he couldn’t see it in himself.

           Especially when he couldn’t see it in himself.

           His heart hurt.

           He looked into her eyes, saw the love, the expectation, the purity of her soul and knew…

           He had to make it right.

           Had to right his wrongs, atone for all his sons, one way or another.

           He had to make himself worthy of this beautiful, honorable woman who made him feel whole, made him feel like he was worth a damn.

           He looked into her eyes and knew he couldn’t live with her, couldn’t revel in her until he had made it right.

           He yearned to kiss her, to pull her against him, to stroke his cheek against her familiar, strong palm as she told him he was a good man. He wanted to believe her, but all his past sins swallowed him in their darkness and not even this beautiful, noble warrior could reach him.

           He had to cleanse himself.

           If he died in the process, then so be it.

           But if he survived the oncoming battle, if he survived his own redemption by fire, then he would go back to her and spend the rest of his life reveling in her, learning from her.

           His muscles fairly ached from wanting to hold her but he felt as if he would taint her with the poison he carried in himself. He wanted to press his lips to her forehead, tell her not to worry, soothe her but he couldn’t touch her.

           It was impossible but he walked away from her. 

           He’d done impossible things before but this…

           He mounted his horse with a grunt and left her without a backwards glance, her sobs echoing in the marrow of his bones.

            He vowed to make himself worthy of her…he had to.



Jaime Lannister aged 17: kills the mad king to save half a million people

Also Jaime Lannister but aged 43: I dont care about innocents
