#jordan connor


I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. Jordan and Drew are some of the most underrated and underappreciated actors on Riverdale. Period. Yes, Sweet Pea and Fangs are incredibly small roles compared to those such as Archie and Jughead, but despite the short amount of screen time they’ve had, they have made a huge impact and have acquired an incredibly large fanbase. I mean, do you see the amount of Sweet Pea and Fangs content going around on here!?! It’s crazy, especially when you consider the fact that they’ve probably had less than 20 minutes of screen time combined! They deserve SO MUCH MORE credit than they get and I’ll be devastated if they’re not in season 3 (and yes, despite the last episode, I have my own theories regarding Fangs “not making it” and I truly feel as though both of them have the potential to be in season 3, especially after seeing this interview).

(A/N): Hey guys! Here’s another imagine!

Requested by: @madamzeyl (Hope you like it! ❤️)

Requests go here.



(Y/N) was just casually at her locker, just rethinking everything that has happened in the past few days. The Black Hood was back, Midge was murdered in front of everyone, this Dark Circle nonsense was roaming the halls again, and on top of it, the entire student body of Riverdale High still wasn’t exactly accepting of their new Southside students.

Being one herself, (Y/N), along with every other Serpent in the school, was walking around with a target on her back.

“Hey. You okay?” someone said. 

“I’m fine, Toni. Just thinking about how Riverdale has turned into a complete mirror image of itself. It doesn’t matter. Shall we?” she answered, closing her locker. 

“We shall,” Toni stated, linking her arm with (Y/N)’s, as the two walked off to the Swords and Serpents club.

~Time Skip~

“War Baby called my father and I from Shankshaw. Her old adversaries, the Ghoulies, have been released. Word on the street is that they want Serpent blood. They’re gunning for a re-match. They want war.” Jughead announced, making everyone else in that room irritated as fuck.

The door slammed open, making everyone’s head turn. The football team waltzed in, with Reggie leading the pack. 

“Which one of your reptiles was screwing Midge Klump?” Reggie questioned them. The atmosphere of that entire room changed from irritated to hostile with those words.

“Hey! This is a private meeting!” Jughead told them.

“Yeah, you can’t just walk in here pointing fingers at any of us!” Toni exclaimed, upset. 

“Well, someone in here was screwing Midge in secret! I’m guessing it was you, Sweet Pea.” Reggie accused. Rage consumed (Y/N)’s face. 

“What the actual fuck, Reggie? You do know that he’s my boyfriend, right? Or could you not get that through your fucking thick as lead head?!” she yelled, clenching her fists. 

“Well, maybe you don’t know your boyfriend as well you thought.” he shot back. (Y/N) balled a piece of Reggie’s shirt in her hand and decked in straight in the face.

Immediately, (Y/N) was pulled back by Toni as all hell broke loose. Reggie, Sweet Pea, and everyone else started throwing hands. The rest of the Serpents fought the Bulldogs and, despite your pleads, Toni held you back, considering you just punched their “leader” straight in the face. The classroom was filled with overlapping screams and shouts and punches being thrown and landed.

“STOP FIGHTING NOW!” Jughead screamed, overtaking everyone’s voice. The dust settled in the room and everyone filed out. 

“Looks like the war isn’t just with the Ghoulies.” (Y/N) whispered to Toni.

(Y/N) ran out to find Sweet Pea, but only to find the hallways deserted. 

“Fuck my classes.” the girl muttered to herself before running off to find her boyfriend.

~Time Skip~

After searching the entire school, the trailer park, and the Wyrm, (Y/N) found herself at Pop’s, she wasn’t giving up, she just needed to recollect herself. She needed to find him. Sweet Pea wasn’t exactly the emotion type, but around her he was. Walking in, the first thing to catch her eye was Sweet Pea sitting in the far-back booth, drinking a strawberry milkshake.

“Have you been here the whole time?” (Y/N) said. He just nodded from across the table. “You know I didn’t believe anything he said, right? I mean, why do you think I clocked him?” she said, stifling a laugh. 

“I know. Kinda wish you would’ve knocked him out. That would’ve been funny as hell.” Sweet Pea finally spoke up. 

“Yeah, but I feel that he was humiliated enough.”

After a moment of awkward silence and tension, Sweet Pea let out a defeated sigh.

“Listen, I know I’m not exactly the boyfriend you would bring home to your parents, but listen, I want you to know I would never even think about hurting you in any way, let alone fucking cheating on you. I just ran off because I couldn’t stand the fact that just because I’m a Serpent, I’ll automatically screw up everything good in my life. I can’t and I won’t screw us up, if I’m being honest, you’re the only good thing in my life right now. You’re kinda the only thing keeping me from ripping the entire football team limb from limb. Hell, I can’t even think about what would happen if you left because I’ll be damned if I let that happen. I fucking love you, (Y/N).” 

His voice was practically dripping with emotion and (Y/N) could have sworn that she heard his voice crack at least once during that speech. It was very obvious that Sweet Pea did love his girlfriend and the fact that his love for her was questioned set him over the edge, resulting in the fight a couple hours ago. 

Upon hearing the finale of his speech, she froze. Neither of you had said the L word to each other. Of course, she loved him too. (Y/N) just never knew when or how to tell Sweet Pea.

“I understand, Sweets. There’s nothing in me that’ll make me think otherwise. I’m serious. I don’t think you have or will screw us up, nor do I think you’ll cheat or hurt me. You’re too pure for any of that, besides, I love you too much to think like that anyway.” 

“I’m not pure! I’m a cold-hearted gang member!” Sweet Pea said, jokingly. (Y/N) joined him on the other side of the booth.

“Sure you are, tough guy,” she spoke while kissing him on the lips.

Hidden Chapter Pt 2; Sweet Pea tries to apologize

”Dude you look like someone keyed your bike, you alright?” Sweet Pea glares unsure how Fangs hasn’t heard what happened; that you’d broken his heart and refused to get back together with him when he’d showed up to your house, and pops, and every one of your classes with flowers and you still don’t even look at him. He explains this all to Fang’s who just frowns more and more.

“You fucked up.”

“I know.”

“No like you really fucked up, that book was like super rare right?”

“I know Fangs.” Sweet Pea glares at him.

“I mean you drenched your girlfriend; who none of us knew you were dating; now ex, in a milkshake. That’d be enough to piss most people off, but then you also soaked the super rare book she managed to save up for.”


“And then you tried to get back with her by running around and annoying her, even though you wouldn’t have been caught dead being with her in the past month cause you were afraid of everyone’s reactions.”

“Yes, thank you for that recap fangs.” Sweet pea groans.

“Why don’t you just go up and apologise.”

“You just told me how that failed.”

“What is she doing now?”

“The same thing she’s been doing for the past week since you ruined the book; looking for a replacement.”

“Has she found any?”

“Well if she’s still looking, no.” Fangs laughs a little and Sweet Pea glares.

“I know you and the rest of the Serpents want to help, but helping me watch her probably isn’t the best.”

“Oh I’m the only one doing that, the rest are keeping an eye out for the book again, someone must have it in some shop for cheap.”

“Toni found it!!!” Fangs hisses to him while they’re leaving the Serpent meeting.

“She what?” Sweet Pea just blinks at Fangs, apparently getting all the Serpents to help, had been a huge help. He’ll make it up to them later; he swears it as Toni hands him the book. 

He knows he’s lucky that it’s before class, that he’ll be able to give it you at your locker but he’s still nervous. He debates whether or not to just sneak it into your locker, or even just to mail it to you, or drop it off at your house.

He grimaces a little, preparing himself for you to reject him once again.

“Hey Y/N.” You ignore him, whatever other apology he’s going to offer you. You’ve decided to ignore it.

Until he pushes the book into your hands.

“Sorry.” he mumbles as he leaves and you drop the book in favour of grabbing his hand to pull him back.

“No harm done.” You smile when he stops, picking the book up and putting it in your arms.

“Are you sure, I know what I did was really shit, but I’m hoping not totally unforgivable.”

“Not completely, especially since you did get it again for me..”

“Maybe we could start over; be public, actually not have to sneak around all the time?”

“I’d love that.”

“Mhm, but I love you.” He grins, leaning to kiss you while the Serpents cheer.

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Summary:Riverdale, Sweet Pea/Reader, Sweet Pea has to keep up appearances and it goes wrong

”Hey baby..”

“I thought we weren’t supposed to be meeting at school..”

“Technically this isn’t school property, it’s the sidewalk, public property.” He laughs, still looking around just in case and then kissing you.

“You know no one will actually care if we’re dating..”

“They will; well I know people would say I’ve gone soft; they would doubt me..”

“I know, it’s okay Sweet Pea; I don’t mind hiding it a little longer until things settle down.”

“Of course, now you said you had something to show me? Which is the entire reason we met earlier at school.” Sweet Pea grins at you and you smile back digging through your backpack to pull out what you wanted to show him.

“See!!!” You grin, holding the slightly worn cover up.

“A book?”

“No it’s, that, book..”

“Oh! The one you’ve been hunting for for like three years? You found it? How much was it? Was it the same price as what you were looking at online? The cover looks a little messed up but like..”

“It was in the sale section at that thrift shop just outside of town!” You can’t contain your excitement jumping up and down as Sweet Pea laughs.

“Gotta go babe. See you later?”

“Course I’d never miss our secret Pop’s date; it makes me feel like a secret agent.” You laugh and Sweet Pea nods ducking closer for one more kiss.

He pulls away just in time as a couple of bulldogs park their cars.

“Y/N! Hey there you are!” You turn as Betty calls to you, waving her hand. You smile at Sweet Pea carefully to make sure no one else sees.

“Yeah what’s up?”

“You hear they’re finally letting us off campus for lunch?”

“No way! We can actually go to Pop’s and not get detention for it?” Betty laughs and nods as you cheer.

“I know where we’re having lunch!”

You’re trying not to choke laughing at something Archie had said and you can see Sweet Pea and Fangs glaring at your table, you wonder what they’re saying, but any anger seems to vanish when they get their milkshakes; you turn back to yours, shifting the napkin in your lap to keep your book covered. You can’t help but sneakily read it while everyone else is talking.

“Careful Y/N.” Veronica warns and you’re trying not to look too embarrassed at being caught reading but it turns out that Veronica is warning you because Sweet Pea and Fangs are walking over. Your Phone buzzes and you’re assuming it’s a text from Sweet Pea explaining whatever taunt they’re going to throw at the ‘group of northsiders’ which they usually do at lunch; it had become a sort of game for Fangs and Sweet Pea, daring each other and trying to one up the other with insults for the northsiders and other things.

You’re cold. It’s the first thing you realise before the damp feeling settles on to your lap and then the smell of strawberry hits your nose.

Sweet Pea has just thrown an entire milkshake over you; and your book.

“Do you think bulldogs shake to dry off?” Sweet Pea laughs and it sounds genuine; you’ve never felt so hurt. You stand and run out of Pop’s a couple of the bulldogs follow and you’re confused until you realise Sweet Pea is also following you.

”I’m tired of you being so ashamed to be with me! We’re over!” You shout, not caring who hears; sweet pea clearly does as he cringes back a little.”
“Y/N wait we can-”

“Stay away from me!”


“Y/N this serpent bothering you?”

“Yeah Reggie he is, can you drive me home; I’m scared he’ll follow me.” You don’t look back as Reggie walks youtube his car; if you did you’d have seen sweet Pea digging through the trash to find your book, covered in the milkshake he threw, completely ruined.

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KJ Apa x Jordan Connor

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