

black hood: *points gun at sweet pea and toni*

black hood: give me all of your money if you want to live!

sweet pea: bold of you to assume i want to live

toni: bold of you to assume i have money

fangs, getting shot: guys, now is not the time

Fangs: Hey what time is it?

Sweet Pea: I don’t know, pass me the trombone and I’ll find out.

Sweet Pea: [blasts the trombone]

Toni:Who the FUCK is playing the trombone at TWO IN THE FUCKING MORNING?

Sweet Pea: It’s two A.M.

Fangs:… Figured

Fangs:What country has the most birds?

Sweet Pea: Portu-geese.

Fangs:Wait, that’s a language.

Sweet Pea:Portu-gull.

Fangs: Nice recovery. Or should I say re-dove-ry


Fangs:Turkey. How did we miss Turkey?

SweetPea:Don’t say a word

Fangs:… fergalicious

SweetPea:I said no words!

Fangs:Oh, I see how it is. Two weeks ago, playing scrabble, it wasn’t a word, but now it is. how convenient for you!

Toni:I may only be five feet tall, but you see that thing in the top of the cabinet? I put it there.

Sweet Pea:Why??


Fangs:[hugs sweet pea from behind]

Fangs:[softly tucks his hair behind his ear]

Sweet Pea: [shivers]

Fangs:[whispers] Eat all the frosted animal crackers again and we’re done.

Sweet Pea: C’mon, I wasn’t that drunk

Fangs: You tried to colour my face with a highlighter because you said I was important

Sweet Pea: [tearing up] Because you are!

Toni: How would you describe your life?

Jughead: Basically when you try to make an omelette, but fuck it up and end up with scrambled eggs, but it’s ok.

Sweet Pea: Do we have all of the knifes?


Sweet Pea:Transport?


Sweet Pea: Did you have breakfast?

Fangs: What? That’s not on the checklist.

Sweet Pea: I added it because I care about you.

Fangs:No, I did not have breakfast.

Swear Pea: Unacceptable. Look in your pocket.

Fangs: [pulling out a granola bar] Hey, there’s little chocolate chips in this!

Sweet Pea: Yeah, I’m not an idiot. I know how to trick my best friend into eating his fiber.

Fangs: If I ever have a kid and it’s a girl I should name her lizard and call her Liz and people will be like “Oh is that short for Elizabeth?” and she’ll have to say “No, my name is Lizard.”

Jughead: You’re officially never allowed to touch a birth certificate in your whole life.

Fangs: time for the smolder

Sweet Pea: that’s not a smolder that’s a pout

Fangs: Wow, I need a drink.

Fangs: *pours apple juice into a shot glass*
