#jorge jimenez


DC Black Label Announces ‘Tales of The Human Target’ One-Shot Special

DC Black Label Announces ‘Tales of The Human Target’ One-Shot Special

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One of my two big pieces this month (want to get the first real newsletter out before the 1st, though no promises), an examination of how the logical storytelling endpoint for Batman as we understand him has long since been reached, and how those since have in spite of their considerable efforts failed to manifest the next step.

An additional note since there wasn’t any place for it in the piece: Why on God’s Earth would you take Jace Fox’s faceplate off and not put him in the extremely rad second-stage-of-his-career suit Derington already designed?

Admittedly I’d miss the faceplate if I was still getting I Am Batman, but I get you don’t want a non-white Batman to permanently be the version who shows zero skin. It looked cool when Jason Todd had it in Battle For The Cowl though, and it looked cool with Jace. But now he’s just wearing the regular Batman costume! Why have Derington give you the suit if you’re not gonna use it?!

katistry:Harley Quinn in Batman #116 (2021)katistry:Harley Quinn in Batman #116 (2021)


Harley Quinnin Batman #116 (2021)

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I mean, i’d rather get robbed/killed in Gotham over get squashed by a giant radioactive gorill

I mean, i’d rather get robbed/killed in Gotham over get squashed by a giant radioactive gorilla that lives in Metropolis. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[from Batman Vol. 3 #106 (March 2, 2021) by James Tynion IV (script), Jorge Jiménez (pencils & inks), Tomeu Morey (colors) and Clayton Cowles (letters)]

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