#journal prompts


this one kind of speaks for itself! it doesn’t even have to be realistic; if your favorite genre is fantasy, write yourself into a fantasy world. you’re a wizard. a vampire. a witch. an old god. it’s up to you. describe your appearance, your personality, the things you love, etc… go stupid go crazy!

what time does ideal you get up? what is their morning routine? what do they eat the most? what hobbies do they have? what virtues do they cherish? what books do they read? go through any details you want, as many as you’d like. explore how you can be more like them!

do you feel like you don’t get enough compliments on your nose? do you feel like you deserve more recognition for the art you do? talk about it! what do you wish someone complimented you on?

here’s a rundown on the prompts, and the prompt list is under the read me, as well as an inspiration credit list (which i HIGHLY recommend looking at if you’re getting into journaling, or just want some more ideas, especially ones about self love/positivity/self reflection, etc.) and here’s the details on it:

- i’ll post prompts every day starting on february 1st along with an explanation of the prompt, some ideas of what you could write, further elaboration on the prompt, etc.

- you don’t have to do the prompts in order, or at all, to participate. just write something and you’re in! i hope you’ll keep it positive at least, but it’s not really necessary. just jot something down! you don’t have to do it every day either! you can write it physically, or you can type it. you can even just reblog and write your entry in your reblog. honestly, you can just reflect on the prompts. i’m just glad you’ve decided to dedicate time to self love! also, if you’re seeing this after february, you can still do the prompts and feel free to share!

- have fun with it! make sure you bring yourself to your journal every day with love in your heart. try not to be self negative; and if you are, at least try to make sure you turn it around at some point in the entry!

here’s the prompt list & credits:

  1. What is something you’ve done that you feel proud of?
  2. What is something you love about yourself, and wished more people noticed too?
  3. Write about your ideal self. How are they different from you, now? How are you similar? Make it realistic.
  4. Describe yourself, but as if you’re the protagonist of a novel. 
  5. Don’t worry about being modest. What is your most attractive feature(s)?
  6. What is your happiest memory? Write about all the details you can remember.
  7. What is something you got done today? This week? This past month? Give yourself a pat on the back.
  8. Talk about something you enjoy doing. Are you dedicating enough time to it? How can you make it even more fulfilling? 
  9. Write a list of things you’re grateful for. 
  10. Write a love letter to yourself.
  11. What is something you need to let go, or forgive yourself for? How can you work towards doing so?
  12. Write about a time (or times) when you should have been nicer to yourself. What can you do to make sure next time, you treat yourself better? How can you be easier on yourself for your mistakes?
  13. Write about a hobby you’d like to start. How can you work towards starting it? Are there any supplies you need to buy? Why are you interested in the hobby? Go into detail.
  14. Write about all the reasons you deserve love; from others and from yourself. 
  15. What does your perfect day look like? How can you replicate some of those details in your life now?
  16. What would your childhood self love about you now? What would their favorite thing about you be?
  17. Write a letter to your past self. Be kind.
  18. Write a letter to your future self. Use futureme.org to get it sent to you on a date of your choosing!
  19.  Write about all the things you’re worried about. Get it out of your mind!
  20. Write some affirmations today. 
  21. What is stopping you from loving yourself? How can you work on letting that go?
  22. Why are you happy to be alive? What makes you feel grateful to be alive?
  23. What are your personal goals for this next year?
  24. What do you wish someone would say to you when you’re sad?
  25. Plan a self care day. When can you do these things? You deserve a break?
  26. Did you have any New Years resolutions? Have you kept up with them? Why or why not? How can you start keeping up with them? And if you haven’t written resolutions—write some now, along with some ways you can be sure you’ll keep up with them. Keep it realistic!
  27. Write about some things you dislike about yourself. Now rewrite them in a positive light.
  28. What makes you feel confident about yourself? What can you do to feel more confident every day going forward?

credit:january prompts from carrie walker on youtube,50 self love writing prompts from uncustomary,37 self love prompts from danxiety,60 self love journaling prompts from rebekah-joan.

A little free journal spread to help you in this times of uncertainty! You can find it here and on mA little free journal spread to help you in this times of uncertainty! You can find it here and on m

A little free journal spread to help you in this times of uncertainty! You can find it here and on my instagram . Make sure to let know what you think and feel free to tag me when you’re using it :)

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Hello there! It’s always been a while for me here. The inactivity of this blog is very inevitable but hey at least I still got to post once in a blue moon yeah XD

Anyways, here’s another Holiday Challenge prompts from our Kawaii Journaling Group. The last Holiday Challenge I did was in 2018 and I kinda miss doing this things actually.

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Hi there! Today’s post is about another journaling challenge that I joined last January called Dare To Dream by Abbey SyandKailaofRainbowholic, 2 lovely ladies that inspired me to start my own journal journey.

Here are the list of prompts for the challenge :


“The aim for this one is to prepare one’s mental state through journaling and visualizing. Setting goals is really important if you want to achieve a certain dream within a period of time. It is more fun and motivating if you have fellow online friends / community members who do the same … and that is why Abbey & I teamed up so we can all inspire each other through creative journaling & sharing through social media.” (Taken from Kaila’s Patreon site)

So without further ado here are my spreads for challenge! This time around I used my Hobonichi 2019 Avec~

 Prompt 1 : Title Page for the #dreamjournaling2019challenge

One of my main goals for 2019 is to have more artistic approach in my journals so I decided to do some doodles for the title page.


Prompt 2 : My 2019 Journals


I have 6 active journals for this year ( I know it’s a lot ). I am still planning to have an art and a monthly challenge journal as well so… xD

Hobonichi A6 ( Avec) – Daily Memory Journal

Hobonichi A5 (Cousin) – Personal Diary and Health Journal

Bullet Journal – Trackers, Idea Dump , Main Goals, Wish List etc

Schedule Book (Rilakkuma) – All sorts of appointments, schedules, and events

Devotional Journal – Daily Bible Readings and Reflections

Travel Journal (Riyadh) – My Life in Riyadh Record (highlights only)

Prompt 3 : Mantra For The Year

I tried painting this time as my design and it’s also my first time painting this much in my Hobonichi. One thing that is really awesome about the Hobonichi is their paper (Tomoe River) as it can withstand watercolors.


Prompt 4 : Top 5 Goals

I may have goals already in my Bullet Journal which is sorted in different categories (Career, Relationship, Family etc) but if I were to choose the top most of them all, here they are :


Definitely UK is my top priority goal of the year *crossesfinger*.

Prompt 5 : Ways To Achieve My Goals (Promot 4)

As you can see I have common ways to achieve my goals because well, that’s the best route as for my case. Gotta work hard and earn hard to get chase those dreams!


Prompt 6 : 3 New Activities To Try

I have been wanting to try digital art for the longest time but I just don’t have the proper tools to do so. Hopefully this year I can invest in some gadgets that could help me out practice digital arts. I have always admired bullet journals with such pretty calligraphy and lettering’s on it. It’s one of the reason actually that I also started having my own BuJo.


 Prompt 7 : Declaration(s) To The Universe

This was a bit scary page to make because of the theme that I decided on. Since the prompt says, “universe” I wanted to make a literal universe. The black watercolor was overwhelming for me because I am not quite good with blending yet but I guess it turned a bit okay somehow XD.


 Prompt 8 : Something Nee I learned This Week

I believe that the way I interpreted this prompt is a bit off and different from what the creator intended to but I just realized it when I’m done making the entire page. >.< Anyways, what I understood from this prompt was more like the things that I have learned for the past weeks. My reflections on the recent things that have happened in my life and things that I have done as well.


 Prompt 10 : Things I Love Doing

I personally skipped the #9 prompt because I wasn’t really interested with quarterly goals as I have already settled my goals on a monthly basis in my Bullet Journal.

For this prompt, I actually have more things that I love doing on my spare time but this are my top 4. This are also the things that have kept me busy for the past 4 months (my vacation in Philippines).


I must admit that I have gone a bit lazy on the last few remaining prompts of the challenge that I cramped all 4 prompts in one spread and also because I was technically running out of pages for my January.

 Prompt 11 : Self Affirmation Page


 Prompt 12 : Polaroid Washi Tape Page

I honestly wanted to make a bigger version of this one but as to no avail because I was already on my last 2 pages for January. So unfortunately I was able to make only 4 Polaroid washi tape.


 Prompt 13 : Savings Goal (Jar Illustration Page)

Another challenge that I am not sure if I made it right although I am guessing that I didn’t of course. The others that I saw in Instagram were more like an empty jar with a specific amounts that they will (probably) save for a certain goal. Although mine is basically the same (in thoughts) but what I did is more of the “jar illustration” part. Anyways it was really rushed so my bad ((´д`)).


 Prompt 14 : MyTravel Bucket List (5 Cities)

At least I didn’t messed up this one (*゚ロ゚). My favorite that I made of all the 4 prompts that I cramped here. This are all my dream travel destinations! There are more of course~ but for now, this are my top 5!


 Prompt 15 : Art Page (Highlights of January 2019)

I have to be honest again, I wasn’t planning to make this prompt as well because like I said earlier I was on the last pages of my January already. Usually I would make a closing kinda spread for each month but unintentionally the way I made the page actually felt and looked like the #15 prompt so there you go. (・□・;)


I hope you enjoyed my simple spreads. There more prettier spreads in Instagram so if you wanna check them all out you can find them with the hashtag #dreamjournaling2019challenge and also with #ABC’sjournalingchallenge.

I am definitely looking forward for more journal challenges like this one because why not? It’s fun, inspiring and makes you more productive in journaling~

Anyways thank you for your time and see you in my next post! Happy Journaling everyone _へ__(‾◡◝ )>

#dreamjournaling2019challenge : Dare To Dream Challenge by Abbey Sy and Kaila Hi there! Today’s post is about another journaling challenge that I joined last January called Dare To Dream by…

Hello there 2019 (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))). Another year for new adventures and journaling but before we dive into the new ones let me share this one first. Today’s post is about a Holiday Challenge by KailaofRainbowholic where she put up a series of prompts.


This was a fun way to fill up your journals for the holiday season. This was my first time doing such challenges as well because I never tried any prompts yet since I officially started with my journals last year. Anyways so here are some of the pages I made :


1 and 2

By the way I wasn’t using my Hobonichi on this challenge because way before I knew about this I already decided to have a separate Christmas Journal.



Actually we are not a celebrant type. As a family of 3 members (Me, Mama and Papa), a few food will do for us. へ‿(ツ)‿ㄏ



Sometimes, gift giving is not just about the material things but it can also be feelings that you can share to other people.




I’m not quite sure about this category actually because I don’t know what they meant by “true love” (because what if you don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend). Anyways so I think this prompt was more about any true loves you have. It could be your family, parents, or friends.



If you have been following me since stone-age you know how I adore Rilakkuma so definitely any year he’s on my top list.



Well I have a confession to make, this was my least favorite prompts that I made. Not that I don’t like Christmas Trees but I know that I made a horrible one. I wasn’t in the mood for this and my creativeness was just at it’s lowest.



This was a fun page for me and this was also the time when I discovered that Copics are good for coloring glossy sticker papers. Hmmm good to know. Anyways, did you ever wrote to Santa when you were small? Me? Honestly I never wrote anything. I don’t know why but I did believe in Santa Claus, I wasn’t just so hype to send him letters before.



One of my favorite pages~ and I love making the Journal With Me video of this one.


Indeed a very special gift to me. This was a journal made by the daughter of one of my clients in Riyadh as a farewell gift for me. I got her inspired into doing journals because everyday she would see me do my own as well. I felt so proud and accomplished to have an influence over someone about your passions in life. She was a child (6 years old) so it makes me even happier, at least I influenced her with something that might be useful in the future. Isn’t a great achievement?


The Grassland Trek was an awesome experience~


12 and 13

This prompt has a nice touch because writing to yourself is like having someone to remind you especially the future letter. It would be exciting to someday reread this letters. ˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰



There’s more to this actually but this are the more significant ones for me. What about you?



So that concludes all of my Holiday Challenges for last year (it sounds so long ago XD). 2018 has been a total roller coaster ride for me even up until the very last minutes of it. I learned so much and cried a lot lol but life has always been tough we just need to be tougher. I hope you are all having a great start for 2019. Lets be hopeful for a brighter and happier year and I’ll see you in my next post.

Journal : #KawaiiJournalingHolidayChallenge 2018 Hello there 2019 (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))). Another year for new adventures and journaling but before we dive into the new ones let me share this one first.
Transgender Nonbinary (they/them) Witch lies on the paving stones of their castle courtyard. They wear black sunglasses, a black tank top, and black lipstick. Red curly hair falls to the Earth. The tank top was designed by Gothic Artist Dana Glover. She smells like cheese tho.ALT

That’s a Dana Glover design.

A visual advertisement for this person's kickstarter campaign to reprint their first book, and hopefully raise funds for three additional publications. It's called "The In A Word Trans Pride Edition." Very cool stuff. Stickers.ALT

Balanced Blessings on this Last Quarter Moon

Allow me to speak on balance for Mental Health May (is it? yes?)

CONTENT WARNING: verbal/visual — self-harm — recovery

I’m ramping up to “Promoter Mode” in which I make an effort to let people know about some truly excellent projects.

I’ve amassed a solid collection of artwork and it will be released! It’s only a matter of time, and especially, balance!

A triptych of images with the words "you can grow from being suicidal." A forest grows from the words "suicidal" and soon a thriving forest engulfs the picture frame. Birds, insects, mammals, to include three cats are peacefully enjoying a beautiful scene and only the words "you can grow" remain. You can grow.ALT

On the one hand I’m so fearful of failing. I’m not looking forward to having to promote myself more intensely. Furthermore I am aware of physical tension I’m manifesting with worry!

and the other?

In my other hand I hold determination to respect my boundaries. I plan on enjoying my time completely during Pride Month. I will wear beautiful things and have my hair just so. I can manifest peace of mind, with practice!

So even if this Kickstarter fails, I will have enjoyed myself and made a conscious political choice to honor my Beloved Community.

Last Quarter Moons are pretty cool, right?

Thanks for reading <3

-J Them They
