#just witchy things


theathame (typically pronounced ah-tha-mey) is a blade used for ritual purposes both in traditional witchcraft and in neopagan practices like wicca. it is considered one of the four elemental tools in modern occultism, along with the wand, pentacle, and chalice. a typical athame is a small double-edged blade with a black handle (which sometimes features symbolic carvings).

purposes of the athame

contrary to naive assumptions, athames are not traditionally used for sacrifice or blood magick. they are used to direct energy during rituals, to represent the element of fire (though other practices associate it with air), for banishment rituals, and rituals involving fertility when accompanied with the chalice.

some practitioners strongly believe that the athame is not meant for any kind of physical cutting, while others will use its blade to cut plants, fabric, cord, and other things pertinent to a spell or ritual. keep in mind that the athame absorbs and channels the energy of what it interacts with, so avoid letting others use your athame and be mindful of what items you cut with it, if at all.

consecrating and blessing a new athame before use

when you get a new athame, it’s important to cleanse it and properly declare it your own. gather two candles, one white and one black. 

⤏ pass the athame’s blade over the white candleflame, which cleanses it of its previously held energies and purifies its intentions. 

⤏ pass the blade over the black candleflame, to endow it with protective properties.

⤏ finally, stick the blade into rich soil, to bless it with earth magick. wash the blade off with water, and it is ready to use.

ways to incorporate the athame into your craft

⤏ cast a circle by outlining it with the blade, channeling protective energy

⤏ cut open and re-close circles you’ve already cast by slicing and redrawing

⤏ use the blade to cut and harvest herbs for spellwork or kitchen witchcraft

⤏ carve sigils and other symbols into candles for candle magick

⤏ use the blade in banishing rituals to cut negative energy away

⤏ use in place of a wand during house exorcisms/protection spells

⤏ use in place of a wand during rituals involving fire

a few easy rituals you can perform with just an athame

love ritual: hold the athame in your dominant hand and visualize the kind of relationship you want to have, or your ideal partner. trace a large heart in the air in front of you with the athame and walk through the energy-heart.

protection ritual: hold the athame in your dominant hand and say “may your blade protect me from harm and ill will.” hover the blade over your body, starting at the head and moving down to your feet.

banishing ritual: hold the athame in your dominant hand and reflect on what you want to banish, whether it be a person, bad habit, spirit, negative energy, or otherwise. say with confidence “i banish you and cast you away” and extend your arm quickly, sweeping the blade away from you and pointing it outward. do this three times, or until you feel satisfied.

spending a morning reading herbal folktales and drinking irish breakfast tea with almond milk

the coffee bean has a surprisingly wide array of magickal properties, including:

❤  breaking curses, bad habits, and negative influences

❤  cultivating clarity of mind, focus, and motivation

❤  divination (you can read coffee grounds like tea leaves)

❤  protection from nightmares and negative thoughts

❤  as an offering for ancestors and deities

❤  emotional grounding

magickal flavors for your coffee

♥ cinnamon: spirituality, success, healing

♥ cardamom: energy, love and lust

♥ vanilla: love, lust, passion

♥ chocolate: prosperity, self-love, friendship

♥ hazelnut: creativity and inspiration

♥ almond: good luck, beauty, wealth

♥ caramel: balance, strength

♥ honey: replenishing magickal energy

♥ pumpkin: money drawing, connection to the earth

♥ peppermint: cleansing and purification

the magick of milks and creamers

♥ cow milk: nurturing, self-care (note: cow milk only retains its full-power magickal effects when the milk is ethicallysourced)

♥ almond milk: good luck, beauty, wealth

♥ soy milk: protection, psychic awareness, spirituality

♥ hemp milk: happiness, positivity, peace

♥ oat milk: grounding, focus

♥ cashew milk: strong money drawing


to bless a cat

♥  catnip (cat magic, love, happiness)

♥  a cat treat

♥  a few flower petals (make sure it is a cat-safe flower just in case!)

find your chosen cat. offer the catnip and/or treat; as they are eating, give them some chin rubs and pets. as you do so, visualize golden energy passing from your fingertips and coating the cat’s fur.

a quick little chant will do: “may this creature be safe from harm, never lonely, never hungry, and always loved.”

sprinkle the flower petals where the cat was resting.

to form a deeper connection with a cat

♥  a piece of licorice root (love and connection)

sit in a comfortable spot in or outdoors with the cat, preferably relaxing. spend as long as you like giving gentle affection to the cat; meditate on the feeling of its fur, the vibrations of its purr, the way its ears twitch. let the cat smell your hand until it is comfortable with the scent. 

take the licorice root in your hand, inhale its scent, then offer it for the cat to smell. cats typically like the smell and taste of licorice root, and medicinally it can help strengthen their immune systems and digestive tracts. magickally, sharing the scent of the licorice can connect you and the cat more deeply.

a charm to draw cats to you

♥  a pinch of dried catnip, valerian, and rue

♥  a piece of brown cloth and brown thread (animal magick)

make a charm out of these three herbs and carry it with you to inspire magickal attraction to you from cats nearby.

a beauty charm/spell to capture feline elegance

♥  a square of pink fabric and pink ribbon

♥  a teaspoon or so of catnip

assemble the catnip in the fabric, gather the corners, and tie the pink ribbon to secure it as tightly as you can (or use another method, like sewing, to fasten it). hold the charm close and inhale its mild herbal scent; whisper, “may i possess a cat’s beautiful energy
