#kings tide spoilers


Place your bets folks, what’s gonna happen now?

I think they’re gonna find the author of the Azura books. She’s supposedly human, but how did the books end up in the demon realm? why does she know so much? Does she have her own door? Is she their way back in? Are Camila and Vee gonna kick some ass?


The lone sob of Gus in the rain as they all come to terms with what’s happened will haunt me until the hiatus is over


Thinking about the kids living in the human realm

Thinking about Camila worrying how she’s gonna feed herself and 6 teens on a single income, and then Willow helps by growing vegetables in their yard.

Thinking about how Gus might borrow some clothes that Luz outgrew. How Hunter might wear Luz’s dad’s old clothes.

Thinking about how that idiot from the museum might try to start shit with Vee again, only for a bunch of magical teenagers to beat him up.

Thinking about how Amity might try a bit too hard to impress Camila and make a good impression. This is great. I’m going to get a good grade in daughter in law, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve

Thinking about the gang looking at the gravesfield statues and be like “Belos??”



So yeah?

All the “mystery guys” of The Owl House got their lores revealed I guess !!


Gus being the one to full on cry is what got me in King’s Tide. As we all know, Gus is the youngest and most passionate about human culture. So seeing him finally here, a place he’s always dreamed about, sobbing just punched me right in the gut. He’s just a scared kid and needs his friends & family


Belos can PERSONALLY catch these hands for all the shit he put this literal CHILD through. I can’t wait until he fucking dies.


Phillip’s reaction to seeing Flapjack was IMMENSELY satisfying. I’m obsessed with the story telling of this show.

We’re SO CLOSE to having the full story of what happened between Phillip and his brother (who is all but explicitly stated to be named Caleb and his palismen being Flapjack)

(Also the animation of Phillip’s reaction? *chefs kiss*)


The lone sob of Gus in the rain as they all come to terms with what’s happened will haunt me until the hiatus is over

Hey not that it’s relevant to literally anything but I think this is the first time we ever see Belos open his eyes fully as opposed to them being constantly half-lidded normally. Enjoy

New chapter is out and it’s amazing! There are also a lot of references to my Pros For The Traumatized Kid Gang™ Being Transported To The Human Realm list. I highly recommend it!

Ok I know this is like two weeks late but this was really funny so let’s go story time. The monday after King’s Tide aired, my friend stormed up to me at school. Background, I’ve been trying to get her to watch TOH for ages. So she storms up to me, finger waving, and says, “CEDAR WHY IS MY INSTAGRAM FLOODED WITH DEPRESSED SCRATCHED ELVES IN THE RAIN?!” Even though she’s never seen TOH, her feed was chock full of our bullshit. I think that’s wholesome.

A line drawing of Hettie Cutburn from The Owl House, a woman with big shoulders and a semi-circular head-dress that covers her entire head except the mouth and chin. She is snarling and has big teeth. There's a speech bubble next to her, saying: "What else did he lie to us about?"ALT

Coming to terms with belos’s bullshit


The lone sob of Gus in the rain as they all come to terms with what’s happened will haunt me until the hiatus is over
