#krul tepes


Random comment of the day:

Sometimes I wonder what went through the anime studio’s minds when they gave Krul that big ponytail at the back of her head.

Krul’s nerves must be about to burst with all this family bs. Woman just wanted a peaceful car ride :(

Random comment of the day:

Had Urdie reigned over Japan, the JIDA wouldn’t have even existed. Seriously, what the hell where Japanese vampires doing when the JIDA was still all kids, literal teens leading this chibi army and no walls around the city? What a great opportunity to waste…

The Tepes siblings were the perfect choice for a Spring OnS fanart

some colour sheets for the characters i’ve done so far ! whoever wants to may use them for their own colourings / edits / art


  • the secondary shadow is for cases where a character is turned away from the light source so their skin is mostly just coloured in with the normal shadow tone . i like to use the secondary colour to balance it out a bit and add it to where the normal shadow would usually be
  • the extra colour is used to give the other colours more warmth . if you want to you can add it to every layer and play around with the opacity until you’re satisfied
  • also: some of these colours are in no way canon and i won’t pretend that they are !! they’re just based on my hcs and you can change them up however you want :)
                                                      krul  tepes ║ chapter  68

                                                      krul  tepes ║ chapter  68

Post link

Might I remind you that Urd Geales is a grown ass man carrying two grown men under his arms.

(Shinya and Kureto XDD)

Okay can someone pls tell me why the FUCK is Yuu and Guren fighting? I cant tell if their just trying to determine whose stronger or is it something they disagree on???

Broski’s being serious together.

Usually Rigr is supposed to be the giddy one, if he pulls a serious face like this y’know shits about to go down!!

Broski’s being serious together.

Usually Rigr is supposed to be the giddy one, if he pulls a serious face like this y’know shits about to go down!!

Okay, so is Kagami gonna do another 12 month procrastination to finally reveal Sika’s motive. Just like randomly showing us the Vampires in chapter 105. I’m not complaining I love that chapter, but I’m just saying he’s gonna do it when your least expecting it.

Yuu: Guys I figured out why the vampire progenitors are always High ranked!

Mika: okay, why?

Yuu: Because their always ‘High’

Mika: -_-

Guren: -_-

Shinya: *snorts*

Shinoa squad:……..

Krul&Lest: So you have chosen death

Crowley&Urd: *Face palm*

Ky: *laughs nervously, manifests his sword*

Ferid & Rigr: *laughs nervously*

Kureto: *someone put this child out of his misery*

Every single Fucking Vampire around the world:o_O


All the demons: *Laughing hysterically*

I get serious men in black vibes every time I see this panel XDD. I really wished Kagami sensei could have introduced some of the hyakuya sect members. I mean there was that dude with the demon weapon (jigenso) which Ferid killed. (Lol) But I really want to get to know the depth of this organisation and it’s memebers. What Rigrs been up to? How did he convince people to join his cult? And why are there vampires loyal to him? (Basteya and Caek) is this because there not fond of Sika’s laws towards vampire society. Plus the 5th progenitor In WRA19 clearly stated that Rigr is his master, but why isn’t he loyal to Urd I wonder?
