#ferid bathory


“Home? There is no home, he’s wandered the Earth looking for it and found nothing, nothing but marble walls, masquerades, emptiness, and wander he will until someone puts an end to his damned soul.”

drifting by wavecrater [T+, 1k]

Guren, Mahiru and Ferid Bathory are conspiring against Krul.

Ok,so I have been thinking about this for a long time and have decided to make a post about it. If yall must have have read the Resurrection at 19 light novel volume 2, you must be aware that Ferid Bathory had extended his hand to Guren and asked him if he wanted to work with him to kill Saito, who he knew had been manipulating Guren for some time. Mahiru did interrupt this conversation saying that he is in the way of their plans and killing him is necessary. Volume 2 ended on the point where Mahiru who had possessed Guren was going to fight Ferid. Although the volume ended at that point and Volume 3 is not released yet, by reading the main manga we know that Ferid is working with Guren and Mahiru now. However, it does seem to me that these people are conspiring against Krul considering the events that she has been through now in the main manga?

Ok so do yall remember the time when Krul was captured by Ferid in his mansion? Ferid had exposed Krul in front of the Progenitor Council and said that she was in league with the humans and their seraph of the end experiment. He then said that he would hand over her to them when they come to Japan. Hence, he captured her in his mansion.

Saito came there and talked to Krul. Here, you can see that Krul was asking Saito if he asked Ferid Bathory to capture her.

Saito then says that he discarded Ferid a long time ago and has no connection with him at all.

Even after Saito says that, Krul still continues to think that he is his lackey.

What I am wondering is why doesn’t Krul know that Ferid is actually Guren and Mahiru’s ally? Krul is working with Guren and Mahiru to get her brother back from the First and Ferid is working with them to get his revenge on Saito. Why are such things being hidden from Krul? Ferid could tell her that he is also working with Guren and Mahiru to complete his goals unless they have some plans to betray her or manipulate her later on. Although this is Ferid’s doing, I am sure Guren and Mahiru must have some involvement since Krul must be important for their plans to succeed. She also doesn’t know that the duo is working with Saito.

Also, I think it is clear that Krul doesn’t know that Saito controls the Hyakuya Sect. She knew that he had left his post as a Second Progenitor but she didn’t know what he was up to now. In fact, she didn’t even know who he was when she saw his face let alone knowing he controls the Hyakuya Sect.

Later, the Progenitor Council declared both Ferid and Krul as traitors and gave them the punishment that they will be exposed to sunlight for 10 days. In that chapter, Guren tells his squad that they have to go to Osaka and the exposure torture of both vampires happened at Osaka bay and I am sure the trio must have discussed this before and planned on rescuing Ferid afterwards.

In one of those chapters, it was said that Ferid’s own crucifixion was part of his plan. I also think that Mahiru and Guren only wanted to rescue Ferid and not Krul although they said they would rescue both.

Here, Mahiru comes to see Ferid and even he notices her and looks at her. She doesn’t even pay attention to Krul. Before the punishment began, Krul had also asked Ferid if he had a way of getting out of that mess but he said no. He lied to her at that time.

Also, when the group was fighting Ky Luc, you can see that Ky Luc thought about sacrificing Ferid freed him from that cross-shaped thing to protect himself. He literally reduced their workload and on top of that, this was before Yuu even activated his seraph.

When Ky Luc was fighting Yuu and Guren, Crowley had time to go and rescue Krul at that time. Although he is slower than Ky Luc, it would take him fractions of a second to go and free Krul but he didn’t. He focused on Ferid. I think Ferid must have told Crowley that rescuing only him was the plan. I may be wrong but the way Mahiru and Ferid were exchanging glances does suggest something ig.

In one of the chapters during the war between the Hyakuya Sect and the JIDA, Mahiru mentioned that Krul would be ‘on her way’ so I think they knew that once the First awakens, all the vampires will be aware of his presence. They must have known that the vampires would arrive there so they must have anticipated Krul coming there as per their plan.

I also wonder why did they plan on exposing Krul to the vampire progenitor council. She lost her credibility and reputation as a queen. She lost the absolute authority that she had. The trio seemed to have planned this and look at what Guren says to Krul that sounds like a threat or a warning probably.

Ok so what would have happened if Krul was rescued along with Ferid? She would know that he is working with them and is in league with the JIDA. She would know that Mahiru and Guren are working with Saito. I think that they must have wanted to hide such things from her maybe since they are just going to use her and discard her later on. It may be that they are only working with her to get information on the First and to get to her brother.

Noya when possessing Guren had said that with Mika,Yuu and Ashera together, Guren might get the wish that he has hoped for so long which probably would be the resurrection of his friends. Guren did say in chapter 99 that he would resurrect humanity in front of Krul but I don’t think she knows that he PROBABLY might be using Ashera for that.

I may be wrong about them betraying Krul but just some of these things don’t feel right.

So what do yall think about this?


*On the phone*


Kidnapper: We have your son.

Saito: Great, keep him.

Saito: *cuts off call*

Kidnapper, looking at Ferid: He told me to keep you.

Ferid: I hate to say this, but i told you so.


Might I remind you that Urd Geales is a grown ass man carrying two grown men under his arms.

(Shinya and Kureto XDD)


I wasn’t serious when I started drawing this. Then it turned out better than I expected so I had to colour him!

This originally started when I drew this on my teachers board! XDD

Okay can someone pls tell me why the FUCK is Yuu and Guren fighting? I cant tell if their just trying to determine whose stronger or is it something they disagree on???

Broski’s being serious together.

Usually Rigr is supposed to be the giddy one, if he pulls a serious face like this y’know shits about to go down!!

Okay, so is Kagami gonna do another 12 month procrastination to finally reveal Sika’s motive. Just like randomly showing us the Vampires in chapter 105. I’m not complaining I love that chapter, but I’m just saying he’s gonna do it when your least expecting it.

Yuu: Guys I figured out why the vampire progenitors are always High ranked!

Mika: okay, why?

Yuu: Because their always ‘High’

Mika: -_-

Guren: -_-

Shinya: *snorts*

Shinoa squad:……..

Krul&Lest: So you have chosen death

Crowley&Urd: *Face palm*

Ky: *laughs nervously, manifests his sword*

Ferid & Rigr: *laughs nervously*

Kureto: *someone put this child out of his misery*

Every single Fucking Vampire around the world:o_O


All the demons: *Laughing hysterically*


Ferid: Crowley and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other’s-


Ferid: Don’t interrupt me.

I get serious men in black vibes every time I see this panel XDD. I really wished Kagami sensei could have introduced some of the hyakuya sect members. I mean there was that dude with the demon weapon (jigenso) which Ferid killed. (Lol) But I really want to get to know the depth of this organisation and it’s memebers. What Rigrs been up to? How did he convince people to join his cult? And why are there vampires loyal to him? (Basteya and Caek) is this because there not fond of Sika’s laws towards vampire society. Plus the 5th progenitor In WRA19 clearly stated that Rigr is his master, but why isn’t he loyal to Urd I wonder?
