#shinoa hiragi

she’ll troll him even if he’ll be her husband, lol.without words, ‘cause everything is clear h

she’ll troll him even if he’ll be her husband, lol.

without words, ‘cause everything is clear here.

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Happy Birthday, Shinoa! ^~^

I hope, you are not allergic to tangerines. :D

Mika is right!

(Thos image is from the end of volume 1 after the afterword)

Post these edits before the Valentine’s month is over

Yuu: Guys I figured out why the vampire progenitors are always High ranked!

Mika: okay, why?

Yuu: Because their always ‘High’

Mika: -_-

Guren: -_-

Shinya: *snorts*

Shinoa squad:……..

Krul&Lest: So you have chosen death

Crowley&Urd: *Face palm*

Ky: *laughs nervously, manifests his sword*

Ferid & Rigr: *laughs nervously*

Kureto: *someone put this child out of his misery*

Every single Fucking Vampire around the world:o_O


All the demons: *Laughing hysterically*

I get serious men in black vibes every time I see this panel XDD. I really wished Kagami sensei could have introduced some of the hyakuya sect members. I mean there was that dude with the demon weapon (jigenso) which Ferid killed. (Lol) But I really want to get to know the depth of this organisation and it’s memebers. What Rigrs been up to? How did he convince people to join his cult? And why are there vampires loyal to him? (Basteya and Caek) is this because there not fond of Sika’s laws towards vampire society. Plus the 5th progenitor In WRA19 clearly stated that Rigr is his master, but why isn’t he loyal to Urd I wonder?
