


I know this may annoy you but I am really desperate to clear these away from my room. They are all in good condition and available for international buyers.

All prices are in SGD and negotiable. (Please convert to your own currency. I accept whatever the current exchange rate is)

(More details under the cut)

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dailyanime:“How sad it would be if laughter should disappear.”dailyanime:“How sad it would be if laughter should disappear.”dailyanime:“How sad it would be if laughter should disappear.”dailyanime:“How sad it would be if laughter should disappear.”dailyanime:“How sad it would be if laughter should disappear.”dailyanime:“How sad it would be if laughter should disappear.”


“How sad it would be if laughter should disappear.”

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Took everything in him not to slap the dog shit out of Ciel

Took everything in him not to slap the dog shit out of Ciel

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Ciel: You look dead

Sebastian: What do you mean I look gay?

Ciel: Wha- no, I said you look dead

Sebastian: Dead, gay, same thing. I’m both


because apparently this is not universally grasped & I never want
to see this topic debated ever again. 

1. “Alois seduced the previous earl.“ Alois was forced into sex slavery at around eleven years old. A child cannot give consent in any capacity. He was repeatedly raped by Earl Trancy. You can’t argue that Alois “seduced” him regarding the simple fact that he is a child. However, lets take it a step further. He had no choice in becoming a bedmate due to the fact that the earl would have beat him into submission. Similarly those who were “favoured” were given “privileges,” these privileges being basic human rights. These privileges were food, proper baths, clothing and minor freedoms. The boys collectively were locked in a cold basement where sickness probably ran rampant, they were pulled off the streets being told that the earl would feed them. They didn’t get these proper meals and even if they had tried to turn down the offer, they’d probably have been dragged onto the cart/carriage/thingy regardless. They were treated as cattle, they were sexual objects and nothing more.

2. “Alois became the earl’s heir, he tricked the earl, he knew what he was doing.” Again, a child cannot give consent. Did he play on the earl’s greed? Yes, of course. What child, at eleven has full understanding on sex and can consent to it? None as far as I’m aware. Alois knew he could manipulate the previous earl and knew it regarded his body though I highly doubt he had the proper in depth understanding required to give consent. His actions also were likely out of instinctive survival as well because it was made aware to him the conditions they were living in and what he needed to do not to become another dead boy for them to toss out. He did what he had to do, what he had no choice in doing. He is a victim of sex slavery and a CSA survivor.

3. “Alois dresses promiscuously.” Alois prides himself on his appearance. He is aware of his beauty and how it is desired. He will use his physical features to manipulate someone, though note would not sleep with said person. And while he prides himself on his beauty, he also sees himself has worthless outside of this. He isn’t vain but rather so many people have boiled him down to nothing but a pretty blond. The previous earl treated him as a sex toy, he has been objectified time and time again. Alois has been made to believe that all he’s good for is sex. He believes that sex and flirtation is expected of him and this view is reinforced regularly. Everyone jokes about the “booty shorts” without any regard to the fact that the previous earl worshipped his legs and Alois took this to mean this is his most attractive feature both physically and personality wise. He sees himself as worthless outside of his appearance, outside of sex and believes this is how everyone else sees him. Not to mention Claude is likely the person who chooses Alois’ clothing for the most part.

4. “Alois flirts with everyone. He’s ‘easy.’” Alois does this almost instinctively. The previous earl didn’t take kindly to his silence and only stopped beating him when he batted his eyelashes and prettied up his words. Alois has been conditioned to flirt with everyone. He also will use flirtation and seduction to manipulate someone but has neither the intent nor the desire to sleep with them. See: when he wore Hannah’s clothing and spilled wine on Ciel. His only intent in that instance was to manipulate Ciel which, quite frankly, worked. He uses his physical beauty to get what he wants because it has been proven to be effective and because he believes it is all people want from him. He is constantly objectified, see: the first words Druitt says when he meets Alois. ( “What a beautiful boy!” ) Alois hasn’t “slept with” anyone except for the previous earl and that was against his will. And reread number 3 tbh.

5. Alois is fourteen and mentally ill, he still cannot give consent in any capacity. There are very few instances that I can see him engaging in sex in any capacity. One being that he was forced into it once more. This includes him attempting to turn down the person and they try to “convince” him. Due to how he sees himself, he would believe that he “had” to and didn’t have the choice of turning them down. Alois sees sex as a means to an end and nothing more. He does not want sex at all and the whole thing is incredibly unpleasant to him. As for mentally ill, he quite evidently is not entirely there mentally. Its likely trauma-induced borderline personality disorder with a couple of other things. His mental state is in such a disarray there is no way to determine exactly what he is suffering from. He has suffered an incredible amount that there is no mystery to his actions. ( Born into poverty, orphaned, experienced constant physical abuse, bother dies, forced into sex slavery, sold his soul. And thats just the surface of it all. ) There is honestly very few instances that I believe he could give consent and none of them lie within canon.

DON’T CALL HIM A SLUT. I likely missed something because this
Is a very convoluted topic. Calling Alois a slut is automatically calling
every CSA survivor, sex slave and rape survivor a slut. I literally can’t
comprehend what mindset is required to believe that he is a slut. ]


you could call this a continuation of last year’s Easter art: Ciel gets a comfort bunny part 2. or 3. or 4. idk there are atleast 7 in there.

greenwoodsprite: Halloween is everyday


Halloween is everyday

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Ciel being completely clueless about his chaotic dad making weird bdsm innuendos and being a failure at cooking

galactic-purple:Happy Birthday, sister!!today is my sister http://a-soft-red-glow.tumblr.com/ an


Happy Birthday, sister!!

today is my sister http://a-soft-red-glow.tumblr.com/ and I’s 20th birthday. we have a tradition together were we basically do an art trade of sorts and make requests to each other to draw certain characters. 

this year, my sister wanted me to draw her Sebastian (he is one of her favorite characters), so I drew him wearing this: http://kynimdraws.tumblr.com/post/135865536238

hope you like it, sis!!

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galactic-purple:Happy 10th Anniversary, Kuroshitsuji!! the black butler manga series has been arou


Happy 10th Anniversary, Kuroshitsuji!!

the black butler manga series has been around for TEN YEARSnow…..O.O

I’ve only been in the fandom for less than half of that, but I still love it to pieces.

to commemorate such a milestone, I drew Ciel! (since he is my favorite character)

you ROCK, Yana Toboso!! may you continue to produce such a wonderful story…..


(sorry for leaving you out, Seb!)

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