


Moment of silence to the whole lands, whole languages, whole cultures, whole peoples that did not survive the terror of European colonialism and bless all those who have and continue to survive it’s long standing impact and oppression all of the world.


gyümölcs(pl. gyümölcsök) - fruit
gyümölcsfa- fruit tree
bokor- shrub
ágyás- bed (where seeds are planted)
gyömölcsöskert- orchard
ültetvény- plantation
virág- flower
termés- fruit (of the plant)
mag- seed, pit
héj- peel, skin
szüretelni - to harvest
szüret (noun) - harvest
ültetni- to plant
(le)szedni- to pick
bogyósgyümölcs- berries
cseresznye- cherry
meggy- sour cherry
eper- strawberry
málna- raspberry
szeder- blackberry
ribizli- currant
feketeribizli- blackcurrant
áfonya- blueberry
vörösáfonya- cranberry
bodza - elderberry
(őszi)barack - peach
kajszibarack- apricot
szilva- plum
alma- apple
körte- pear
szőlő- grapes
szőlőskert- vineyard
szőlőtőke- vine
egres- gooseberry
görögdinnye- watermelon
sárgadinnye- cantaloupe
déligyümölcs- exotic fruit
banán- banana
narancs- orange
mandarin- tangerine
citrom- lemon
lime- lime
pomelo- pomelo
grapefruit, grépfrút - grapefruit
vérnarancs- blood orange
ananász- pineapple
mangó- mango
papaja- papaya
licsi- lichee
kivi - kiwi
avokádó- avocado
datolyaszilva- persimmon
datolya- date
füge- fig
gránátalma- pomegranate
dió- walnut
mandula- almond
pisztácia- pistachio
szelídgesztenye- chestnut
mogyoró- hazelnut
földimogyoró- peanut
kesudió- cashew
kókusz(dió) - coconut
gyümölcssaláta- fruit salad
gyümölcstorta- fruit cake
zöldség(pl. zöldségek) - vegetable
zöldséges- greengrocer’s
zöldség - gyümölcs (üzlet) - greengrocer’s (fruit and vegetable store)
articsóka- artichoke
bab- bean
zöldbab- green bean
borsó- pea
csicseriborsó- chickpea
lencse- lentil
kukorica- corn
burgonya, krumpli - potato
cékla- beetroot
(sárga)répa - carrot
fehérrépa- turnip
petrezselyem- parsley
karalábé- kohlrabi
zeller- celery
brokkoli- broccoli
karfiol- cauliflower
gomba- mushroom
hagyma- onion
vöröshagyma- yellow/white onion
lilahagyma- red onion
fokhagyma- garlic
újhagyma- spring onion
mogyoróhagyma- shallot
póréhagyma- leek
káposzta- cabbage
kelkáposzta- kale
kelbimbó- brussels sprouts
fejes saláta - lettuce
paprika- paprika, bell pepper
paradicsom- tomato
sütőtök- pumpkin
(főző)tök- squash
padlizsán- eggplant
cukkini- zucchini
uborka- cucumber, gherkin
retek- radish
spárga- asparagus
spenót- spinach


the intermediate level of language learning is for real the worst because you’re so far past beginner level but still so far away from speaking the language fluently so in conclusion you simultaneously feel pretty proud of yourself but also like shit

Das Abendbrot - supper, dinner (evening meal)
Das Abendessen -  dinner, supper (the evening meal)
Das Besteck - cutlery, silverware 
Das Café - café 
Das Essen - food
Das Frühstück - breakfast
Das Gericht - dish
Das Geschirr - dishware 
Das Getränk - drink, beverage 
Das Glas - glass
Das Hauptgericht - main dish, main course
Das Junkfood - junk food
Das Lebensmittel - food; groceries;  any item or substance intended for human consumption (excluding drugs other than alcohol)
Das Lieblingsessen - favourite food
Das Menü - menu
Das Messer - knife
Das Mittagessen - lunch
Das Restaurant - restaurant
Der Appetit - appetite
Der Imbiss - snack
Der Kochtopf - cooking pot
Der Löffel - spoon
Der Nachtisch - dessert
Der Teller - plate
Der Topf - pot
Die Delikatesse - delicacy 
Die Ernährung - nutrition
Die Flasche - bottle
Die Gabel - fork
Die Getränkekarte - drinks menu
Die Hauptspeise - main dish, main course
Die Kanne - can, jug, pot
Die Mahlzeit - meal, mealtime 
Die Nachspeise - dessert
Die Nahrung - food and drink 
Die Pfanne - frying pan
Die Portion - portion
Die Speise - meal, fare
Die Speisekarte - menu
Die Tasse - cup (with a handle)
Die Vorspeise - appetizer, starter
Durstig- thirsty
Fett - fat; containing a lot of fat
Fettarm - low-fat
Frisch - fresh
Gar - cooked, done (of food such as meat or vegetables)
Gebraten- roast, fried
Gegrillt- grilled
Gekocht- cooked
Gesund - healthy; good for health
Gewürzt- seasoned, spiced 
Hungrig - hungry
Kalt- cold
Lecker - delicious
Nahrhaft - nutritious
Reif- ripe
Roh- raw
Salzig - salty
Satt- full, not hungry
Sauer- sour
Scharf - hot, spicy
Süß - sweet
Ungesund- unhealthy, detrimental to health
Warm - warm
Abnehmen - to lose weight
Auf Diät sein - to be on a diet
Backen - to bake 
Braten - to fry, to roast
Den Tisch abräumen - to clear the table 
Den Tisch decken - to set the table 
Durstig sein - to be thirsty
Einschenken - to pour
Essen - to eat
Frühstücken - to have breakfast
Grillen - to grill
Hungrig sein - to be hungry
Kaffee machen - to make coffee
Kochen - to cook
Schmecken - to taste 
Trinken - to drink 
Zu Abend essen - to have dinner 
Zu Mittag essen - to have lunch
Zunehmen - to gain weight


My kink is identifying loan words from one language to another


En insekt - insect
En fluga - fly 
En fjäril - butterfly 
En skalbagge - beetle 
Ett bi - bee 
En mygga - mosquito
En myra - ant
En trollslända - dragonfly
En gräshoppa - grasshopper
En geting - wasp
En mal - moth
En humla - bumblebee 
En termit - termite
En syrsa - cricket 
En nyckelpiga - ladybird, ladybug
En spindel - spider
En larv - larva 


A gentle reminder that your accent is lovely, no matter where you come from, even if it’s hard to understand at first for strangers who are not used to hearing it, it is still lovely. How wonderful that you can speak the same language with your unique melody to it!
