#learn polish




I just stumbled upon a site called Cooljugator - it provides conjugated forms of verbs in over 40 languages. Here’s an example of what looks like:

I think it might be quite useful!

Oh, this is pretty good, does adjectives and nouns in Finnish as well as verbs!


cukierek albo psikus - trick or treat

dynia (f.) - pumpkin

czarny kot (m.) - black cat

przesąd (m.) - superstition

strach na wróble (m.) - scarecrow

lampion (m.) - lantern

nawiedzony dom (m.) - haunted house

słodycze (f.,pl.,un.) - candy

strach (m.) - fear

przebranie (n.) / kostium (m.) - costume

zjawa (f.) - phantom

duch (m.) - ghost

bestia (f.) - beast

potwór (m.) - monster

kosmita (m.) - alien

anioł (m.) - angel

nietoperz (m.) - bat

wampir (m.) - vampire

wiedźma (f.) / czarownica (f.) - witch

kościotrup (m.) - skeleton*

mumia (f.) - mummy

ponury żniwiarz (m.) - the Grim Reaper

wróżka (f.) - fairy

pirat (m.) - pirate

diabeł (m.) - devil

ciemność (f.) - darkness

noc (f.) - night

koszmar (m.) - nightmare

krew (f.) - blood

kość (f.) - bone

miotła (f.) - broom

zwłoki (f.,pl.,un.) - corpse

kieł (pl.: kły) (m.) - fang

cmentarz (m.) - cementary

trumna (f.) - coffin

krypta (f.) - crypt

gęsia skórka (f.) - goosebumps

maska (f.) - facemask

eliksir (m.) - potion

krzyk (m.) - scream

pająk (m.) - spider

nagrobek (m.) - tombstone

drążyć - to carve

wywoływać duchy - to call out spirits

bać się - to be scared

umierać - to die

straszyć - to scare

nawiedzać - to haunt

straszny - scary

przerażający - frightening

upiorny - spooky

pełen grozy - eerie

tajemniczy - mysterious

przyprawiający o gęsią skórkę - creepy

koszmarny - ghastly

makabryczny - gruesome

krwawy - bloody, gory

*“kościotrup” is the Halloween-y skeleton, the one inside a body is called “szkielet” (m.)



If you’re looking to practice a bit and remember your target language better… here are tons of free worksheets/workbooks for 34 languages (Japanese, Spanish, Korean, French, German, etc, etc.)

upfront & obvious disclaimer: account required

It’s the same type of “fill in the blank” workbook across all of their languages but the magic in actually rewriting things over and over is that the words end up sticking. Plus, there are English sections where you’ll have to force yourself to remember and write the word/phrase in the target language - which is even better for your memory (called active recall - forcing yourself to remember).  I’m personally a big fan of this approach and I’d do similar to pass vocab quizzes in my HS & uni language classes.

If you’re interested, give these a go.
