#lee know angst




everything felt like a fuzzy dream. the joking banters, the funny texts, the innocent teasing, the jokes thrown here and there, the gradual comfort they were building around each other, it was small but noticeable to her.

maybe she noticed the way she started relaxing around him because she spent so much time keeping her guard up that letting loose in so long felt almost easing, like a cold shower on a warm sunny day.

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this reblog is a bit late but I’ve been suuuuper busy these days hehe

this is a little something i came up the same day i posted it. i just quickly wrote it and posted it.

i hope you liked it

thank you for ready!


everything felt like a fuzzy dream. the joking banters, the funny texts, the innocent teasing, the jokes thrown here and there, the gradual comfort they were building around each other, it was small but noticeable to her.

maybe she noticed the way she started relaxing around him because she spent so much time keeping her guard up that letting loose in so long felt almost easing, like a cold shower on a warm sunny day.

she was so lost in the way he messed around with her, that she forgot about the bigger, impending, truth that may lay behind his action. that or she simply didn’t know until someone opened her eyes for her.

since they met five months prior, they always had a cat and mouse kind of relationship, much like the one she had with everyone else in the friend group. she had always kept her guard up around people, new and old alike, always careful to not let them in too much, to not say too much about her life. the fear of not being able to trust anyone fully way too big. and after the only person she could ever trust wholly, broke up with her, that thought only reinforced itself. because she knew she would never be able to trust anyone as much as she trusted her last lover. so when they broke up a few months before she started being comfortable around minho, she decided she didn’t want to let anyone know. for she didn’t want anyone to think she was what people called “fresh on the market”.

she didn’t know when she started loosening up around him. maybe it started when after all the play fighting on the field, that one day they had a group picnic, she started her period right before they left for home and her cramps hit her. and as she tried helping everyone carry the remnants of what was left of their belongings, he had fallen in step with her and with already a bag in each hand he had softly taken the heavy water case from her hand muttering a “here, give it to me,” and she had protested that she could carry it only for him to scold her, “good for you, now give that here. you’re already in pain.”

or maybe it was when she went to that birthday party and he insisted her drink a few sips from his glass because, “i didn’t mix too much vodka, it’s almost all sprite,” he had muttered just so their friends would stop bothering her and she would be able to have fun.

or again, maybe it was when he invited her, felix and moonbin to his house for dinner with his mother. they had stayed at his place until almost 2am and they had fun writing funny things on the white board in his room and taking polaroids, and when the picture developed he had cackled loudly and, “i cannot believe this! your dress looks like we’re wearing matching pajamas,” he had pointed out.

or maybe it was when the same night he had jokingly given her a Yu Gi Oh card and told her to put it in her clear phone case, saying something about “the monster’s lips look like it’s blowing someone off, and you’re good at that, right?” and she had promptly thrown a few punches and kicks while he laughed loudly and taken her phone to put the card on top of her photocard, saying a “do not change it.”

or once more, maybe when he would promptly check every time they met after if she had changed the card and once he saw that she indeed did he would wrestle her to jokingly tell her he would throw away the photocard once he gets his hands on it.

and the fact he made her download a texting app when he deactivated on all social media because of his studies just to text non stop didn’t exactly help her.

or how when he asked advice on skincare, she had suggested about a cleanser she couldn’t find anywhere but was insanely good for her, he had come over the next day with the cleanser in hand. when she told him “ayy you got it!” thinking he had bought it on his way to her place, he had said, “that’s for you, i bought two.” and when she said he didn’t need to he said, “it’s okay, you said you couldn’t find it anywhere, so,” and he had shrugged his shoulders like nothing.

it was always the small things.

and maybe it was the day he was sharing with her and felix about his rocky again off again relationship that she thought that maybe she could tell him that she had broken up with her lover. and so she had signed subtly to felix if she should say something about her private life when they made a deal of all three saying something about their love life because minho didn’t want to be the only one to share stuff. but felix shook his head and trusting her childhood friend blindly she had said nothing.

nothing until a week after he texted her asking if she woke up early in the morning to talk to her long distance boyfriend, and she had thought she had avoided the question when she said something about her waking up late everyday. later, when she had told that to felix laughing, he had chuckled and told her, “don’t tell him, he’ll tell moonbin right away.”

moonbin. moonbin was the truth she had forgotten.

moonbin, a close friend, who happened to have a crush on her. her, when everyone knew she was taken. her, when all she wanted was to be friends with everyone. moonbin, who had just gone through a messy break up from a relationship he still wasn’t over, claimed he liked her.

and the day she found out she couldn’t lie and say she was surprised nor was that she thrilled. and moonbin’s every nice action made her feel like he did it because he had ulterior reasons and as much as felix told her he was just that nice to everyone, she didn’t like the unsettling feeling in her bones. because she didn’t want people spending money on her just to hold it over them. she hated the feeling of being indebted to people.

and somehow the fact that moonbin had told everyone around the friend circle about his crush on her didn’t sit well with her. she hated the feeling of everyone knowing what goes on behind all of his teasing and possibly teasing her about it or the nightmare that was shipping. she absolutely hated all that, finding the act of shipping and teasing to be childish. she liked her life to be private, her romantic life more than every other aspect, and sadly moonbin wasn’t like that.

and the other big thing was that she had no feelings for moonbin, and to a certain extent she didn’t have any feeling for minho either. the only thing she knew was that minho, unlike moonbin, made her feel like she could talk to him without fearing him discussing her problems with anyone else. or maybe she just didn’t know him that well, but she couldn’t deny the comforting feeling he carried around, like he would listen to anyone sharing their problems with him. which she knew she wasn’t the only one feeling that way.

and as she sat on the floor of her room that morning with felix, she felt her walls slowly going up again between her and minho. and her mind started getting clouded again by questions she didn’t, nor she would ever have answers to.

did he try to warm up to me to wingman moonbin?
did he just want to find out about my relationship status to tell moonbin?

did he not want to be my friend just because, maybe, he liked my personality?

was this all it was about?

and the ever persistent reason why she never could open up to anyone came back. the constant feeling of not being worth of friends with came back. nobody would want to be friends without any other motive. and the thought brought back all the other bad feelings she had slowly learned to overcome slowly.

so she told herself that she needed to close off again. she needed to be like before. unknown, but someone that was important to keep around because she was childhood friends with felix.

so that day, when minho texted her, she didn’t reply as fast as she usually would, and she decided she wouldn’t get any closer anymore.

Clap of Thunder | l.mh [p1]

Pairing: Lee Minho x OC (Estela)

Summary:Estela has learned a lot about people. How to charm them to get whenever she wants, how to sweet talk her way out of anything. How to be nice here and rude there. The most important thing she has learned is how to kill a man. There are a million ways to do so and she knows the most important one, break his heart.

WC: 14.3k

Warnings: mdni. violence. Drugs, alcohol, cursing. Talks of different torture methods. Blood mentions. Mafia content that comes with the territory. Minho is an alleged murderer but who isn’t in this story honestly, acab is heavy in this fic, side ships, aged up character(s),

Smut Warnings: pt 1 includes: kink negotiations, bdsm themes, cunnilingus, pet names (baby girl, dollface), slapping, sexual bruises, etc

A/N:this was originally written as apart of the april clownracha mafia prompt, since then it has flourished to be way too big for its britches

Taglist:(reply or askbox to be added)@burningupp@sunnytaes@saltyone101

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I learned at a young age that there were multiple ways to kill a person. There was the traditional violence, something that could mutilate their bodies and make sure they would never breathe again.

There was another way, a way to make a person wish they would never take another breath for as long as they lived. A way to make someone cry with every too big gasp or wish they could start all over fresh and anew, kill their own beings just so they wouldn’t feel the pain you caused them. Killing someone was easy and I knew hundreds of ways to do it, constantly calculating each way when I walked into a room.

Torturing a person was harder, lasted longer, and felt sweeter.

Lia’s kiss was sweeter than most of what she gave to me. Sweet and almost pure, a bright and bloody lip stain smearing my cheek. I groaned at her, wiping the lipstick print off my face. 

“What? Suddenly dislike my kiss, sweetheart?” Lia smiled one of those looks that made her seem docile, cute even. Something that made her seem like a peach. Her lip was still bleeding as I tossed her the warm and wet rag. She snatched it up before pressing it to her cheek, that sick smile still on her face.

If she was a peach, she’d be rotten.

“One day, you have to get back out there with us,” she plopped down onto the couch, her eyes clouded and dreamy as she reminisced, “It’s not fun running the city when my favorite girl isn’t there.”

I just looked at her before sighing, turning towards our bedroom door, “Don’t stain our couch.”

“Help me shower? Clean my wounds for me like you used to?”

“Bother the medic, Julia.”

“Julia!” Lia scoffed, her voice breaking off into a yell as she rushed off the couch, stopping me before I could get too far, “Don’t tell me you’re angry with me again.”

Lia never really liked when I called her by her full name or anyone doing so for that matter. Putting her out at times felt like telling a spoiled princess she couldn’t go to the ball. It was dramatic, overdone, and painful for everyone involved. Lia glowered at me as she pouted, her cute bottom lip poking out.

“Come on, Estela, don’t be like that,” she looked up at me sweetly, tugging on my shirt trying to bring me closer. Once upon a time, I think she thought she and this pout of hers had some control over me. It didn’t then, and it surely doesn’t now. I yanked back and if she could pout more, she would have.

“Don’t annoy me, Julia.”

“Seems like everything I do annoys you!”

“Not just you.”

“Excuse me, Boss,” a weak knock sounded on my bedroom door the next morning. Lia must have left the door unlocked after I kicked her out, no doubt angry I wouldn’t let her into my bedroom for the third time that month.

I slowly blinked awake, trying to remember what day it was. What month even? Friday? No, it’s Monday. Yesterday, I attended that church service at our funeral house. Month? April? Possibly with how it’s raining outside. Since when do I own popcorn ceilings? I have to get that fixed immediately. I’ll let Yeji know to get it fixed. It was such an eyesore.

A quick look to my left told me I fell asleep drinking the whiskey I poured for myself. The condensation left a pool of water on the dark wood. Sitting up, I grabbed the glass, chugging the last of it down. 

Breakfast of champions.

The knock happened again.

I stood up slowly, taking the time to stretch out each limb before walking over to the window and opening the curtain, letting the sunlight stream through.

My room was lit up nicely this way. Even though the only things in this place was a bed, a nightstand, a laptop, and a lockbox of all my weapons. Sighing, I let my hair fall free from my scarf and walked over to the door.

His hand was poised to knock again when I answered the door, rings glinting off his fingers as the sun hit them. He gasped softly before quickly putting his hand down and bowing to me.

“Good morning, Boss,” his pretty dark hair fell into his face. Today, he was wearing one of those all black face masks I see the others in at times, however since he was with me, it was pulled down to show off his smile. He smiled brightly, “You look amazing, Boss.”

I grunted in response, “What does Hongjoong want this early, San?”

“Hongjoong is requesting you meet him soon,” Choi San notified me as if it was obvious. It probably was, “He said you guys were supposed to have breakfast today.”

“What time is it?”

“2 pm, Boss.”

I rolled my eyes. Another day gone. Seriously, what was I even doing?

“Alright, tell Yeji to pull my car around. Tell Hongjoong I’ll be at his place shortly,” I ordered San around easily and he nodded, pulling out his phone. Choi San was more than used to servitude under me.

“Should I also get Wooyoung to bring you something to eat?”


“Dr. Song said-”

“I don’t care what Mingi said, San.”

“I do!” San chirped up before shrinking back down as he realized he was talking back to me. I raised an eyebrow at this sudden admission. San bowed quickly, keeping his head down as he spoke. He started to wring his hands out, the metal of his rings being constantly twisted, “Apologies for talking out of place, Boss, but you seriously need to eat better. Dr. Song instructed me to keep track of your eating habits and I have been!”

“You can keep track of my eating habits but you couldn’t even peddle on your corner without getting distracted?”

San at least had the common sense to look ashamed of his shortcomings before he spoke again, “You haven’t ate anything substantial in a couple days. I’m ordering you food, Boss. You also smell of whiskey so shower before I take you to Hongjoong.”

“Who in the absolute hell do you-”

“Do you want me to say it or do you want Hongjoong to say it?”

San made a point which was more than aggravating, “Fine. While I shower, make sure Yeji is prepared to take me anywhere I wish to eat. I don’t feel like eating in Hongjoong’s presence.”

“Yes, ma’am. What shall I have Yeji get for you?”

“I want to stop at Felix’s bakery. If I must eat, at least let Felix make it for me.”

San nodded, typing out a quick text before putting his phone away, “We worry about you, Boss.”

“Shut up, San.”

San simply nodded before leaving my condo. I sighed as the energy left my body. Maybe I should have listened to my father all those years ago and started taking my medicine more regularly. Social situations were getting more draining. I snatched the bottle off my nightstand and took two of the anti-depressants dry. Mingi was right in saying it was hard to get used to these pills. 

Maybe I should go back to therapy.

I remember being younger and how my father rarely talked about his parents. Said it wasn’t necessary, terrible for his mental just to even think of them in a small capacity. Just as well, I never met them while he was alive. He didn’t want me to. He would tell me about how old school they were, how their favorite methods of torture was waterboarding. The act of slowly drowning your victim. A painful, mentally agonizing form of torture that left no marks. It was repugnant. It was the best way to torture a person to get something out of them. The best way to extort. 

Sometimes, I could shower without screaming. As long as my back was turned from the stream of water, I was fine. If my face was caught in it, I could still feel the burn of the water filling my throat. The tears blinking away. The constant throwing up of water for hours upon hours after. There were no permanent physical scars to it.

“Where is your mother, Estela?” 

“I don’t know,” I didn’t know if my face was covered in tears or the freezing cold water that was being poured down my cellophane wrapped mouth. This was agonizing and it felt like it was going on forever. My body shuddered when he touched me, his face reeking of his favorite scotch brand and Colombian cigars.

“Protecting that slut won’t save you.”

“Please. Leave me alone, Dad, please.”

He would just chuckle, “Look at you, protecting that little slut as she runs off with mymoney! My hard-earned money! Clothes I bought her! Car in my name! Blackmailing me with my secrets! Who is here protecting you, Estela? Not your dear, sweet mommy.”

“Sir, we shouldn’t be-”

“Shut up, boy!” My father regarded Hongjoong angrily as the young boy gingerly held the bucket of water. Hongjoong didn’t move an inch as my father turned his rage onto him, simply just blinking. He was a fresh runner at that time. He wasn’t the second in command that he was now. He wasn’t my best friend yet. Just a newbie looking for a place to belong and forced to watch me get tortured for my mother’s infidelities.

In a way, I felt sorry for Kim Hongjoong. He was kicked out at a young age, working multiple jobs to try to take care of himself. Then he made the mistake of stumbling across my aforementioned mother. She would poke his cheeks, call him cute, and say that the grime covered boy could come into our mansion. Our estate. Work for us, free housing, free food. All he had to do was keep careful watch for her. Keep her dirty secrets.

He did so marvelously. So well that no one knew her secrets, no one even knew that Hongjoong knew them. Not my dear father, at least. Instead, he assumed I would know. Assumed I would know why she ran away to another country. Why she took so much of his money and prized possessions. Why she took my father’s secrets to another mafia. 

I didn’t know but it was my cross to bear.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

“Back from the dead?” Bang Chan smirked as Lee Minho stepped into the room. Minho smiled at the older man. It was hard not to when Chan’s smile was just so contagious.

“Thanatos himself will have to drag me down before I let those two-bit gangsters kill me,” Minho laughed as he sank down into the chair that Seonghwa pulled out for him. He settled into it before he was pushed back up into the table. Park Seonghwa patted his shoulder as he gestured to the meal in front of him.

Lee Minho would describe his lifestyle as humble. The house he lived in was a quaint five bedroom, two story house. A two car garage with an apartment over it where Seonghwa slept when he wasn’t being paid to stay by Minho’s side every second. A basement that was practically an armada. A glorious master suite that was designed and custom made to fit all of Minho’s needs. A newly renovated kitchen. An outdoor pool with an attached jacuzzi. Four bedrooms he filled with whatever whims he craved.

Yes, his suit was made out of the finest fabrics and each one custom made to fit him. And maybe the jewelry he wore was also cut of only the richest carats and handcrafted by the most careful of hands to be made just for him. Well, maybe Lee Minho only knew the finer things in life, only knew proper indulgence, but he was humble.

Even when his personal chef made a dish he disliked, he was humble. Even when that same chef messed up one of his favorite meals, he kept his screaming and disgust to a minimum. 

It was even easier to remain humble when that same chef tried to poison the mafia leader. Chan easily stepped in to take care of him, but Lee Minho was as benevolent as a deity. He understood and nodded as the chef pleaded, begged for mercy. Minho understood, how could he not. When someone is extorting your family, practically forcing you to do something so vile to someone else, at the risk of your own life? How could you not want to poison Lee Minho in order to save your family from the other bad guys?

Minho understood, and since he was humble, so humble actually that he was not afraid to twirl the knife in his hands, one, two, three times before it hit his target.

He could hear Seonghwa groan at the mess he made, the one he would have to clean up. His eyes were on Chan as the older man smiled at the chef as he laid on the kitchen floor. 

Minho was trained to taste poison at a young age, microdosing on it like it was his daily vitamins. Minho knew all the weak points of everyone who stepped into this eyesight, accessing them so that if the time ever came, he could easily dismantle anyone and everyone who threatened him. He was rich, he considered himself kind, poised, trained, an absolute beast. 

Most of all, he was humble. A heart on his sleeve kind of guy. Just your average run of the mill type.

“You just got back and you’re already ruining the fresh wax seal,” Seonghwa said with a deep sigh as he went to call the clean-up crew. Bang Chan was still smiling at the body as Minho handed him the dagger. 

Chan delicately cleaned the blade for him with his handkerchief before handing it back to him. Minho placed the knife back in its holder, the putrid scent of iron filling his nose, even with it being clean of blood. Chan giggled before giving a slight nudging kick to the limp body that was pouring out blood on their feet, “He made good bibimbap.”

“No, he didn’t,” Minho sighed heavily as he turned and walked out the kitchen. His meal was ruined and he didn’t feel like cooking.

“Do we think it was a hit put out by Onyx Star Syndicate?” 

Minho regarded Chan for a second, thinking about the question, “Doesn’t exactly seem like their dear leaders style. He’s more upfront.”

“We don’t know much about Kim Hongjoong. He could be capable of anything.”

“No one does,” the leader of Red Thunder shook his head, already feeling his mind start to process just who exactly is dumb enough to order someone to poison Lee Minho. Who dared to think he was stupid enough to fall for such a dumb, obvious trick?

“Shall I order you take-out?” Chan said, taking note of his mood. If Minho was humble, Chan was considerate. They worked well together.

“How about we go out for a meal? I feel like I don’t interact with this city enough. Not yet, at least.”

“That may be a little hard, Minho,” Chan said, never using honorifics when it came to Minho. They have known each other too long for that, “The Onyx’s seem to own everything around here.”

“I’m sure a meal at one of their smaller restaurants will cause them no problems,” Minho shrugged on his leather jacket, switching out of the Armani sportscoat he had on earlier, “Besides, it’s not like people truly know our faces. They use our establishments often. As long as we’re cordial, it should be no problem. We’re giving them our money anyway”

“Understood. Where would you like to go?”

“Is there a bakery near here? I am craving a really good brownie to finish off my meal.”

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

“Hongjoong expects us at his home in forty minutes, Estela,” Yeji held up her phone as she typed something out, barely looking up at me as she spoke. If it was anyone else, I would be offended, “I told him he should just meet us here but he said it’s business.”

“Friends for more than five years and he thinks he can boss his own boss around,” I sighed and shook my head. As if I could hold anything but love for that spitfire man, “I give him my legacy, and he hands me orders.”

Yeji just shook her head. She’s known me for way longer and is not afraid to shove that fact in my face, “He’s an idiot.”

We got into line at the bakery, looking up at the chalkboard menu. Felix’s gentle yet caring touch lingered throughout the place. Soft music echoed through the speakers and it only felt relaxing inside even with all the talking going on. It was a nicely decorated place. The walls were a soft, pale yellow and all the furnishings were a soft sage green. Pictures of different idols and scenic views decorated the walls. Some stuffed animals on tables and fresh flowers everywhere.

“Do you want your usual?”

“I think I want to try something new, Yeji.”

Yeji just hummed before looking back down at her phone. She trusted me too well to be aware of our surroundings. I wouldn’t take it away from her though.

Hwang Yeji was brutal in her job as my bodyguard.

“Yeji!” A voice chirped as we reached the front counter before a long haired brunette popped up in front of us. His hair pulled back into a beanie but it left his pretty face on display. The perfect cupid’s bow and the skin dotted in freckles. His apron was covered in whatever he baked today as he popped up to take care of our order.

No one here knew who I was. Hell, no one outside of Hongjoong, Yeji, Lia, Wooyoung, and San knew the truth. Our other mafia members didn’t. Not even the smaller heads like Changbin and Jeongin. To them, Hongjoong was the head of the crew, I was just his best friend, the pretty girl on his shoulder that they kept safe from time to time. The girl Lia took home some days and Hongjoong the others. Hell, Estela only appeared randomly and she worked at a flower shop that supplied flowers for funerals and massive events funded by the gang. She was so sweet and innocent when she put the act on, she couldn’t be completely corrupted by the evil mafia. Estela couldn’t be the head of the Onyx Star Syndicate that ruled over half of their country. She couldn’t have been raised to be just the cold-hearted, ruthless leader that Hongjoong pretended to be. 

There was no way.

“Hi, Felix,” Yeji said, turning on the charm. To anyone else, it looked like we were just two girls going to hang out before doing whatever young girls did these days. They didn’t know we had at least 7 weapons on us a piece and were shaking, readying our bodies for anything. Constantly in motion, “What’s good today?”

“Besides that pretty smile on your face?” Felix flirted with a giggle and I rolled my eyes, “I’ve been experimenting with a stuffed spinach and cheese croissant? That and some peach white tea? Sounds amazing right. Estela, should I get started on your usual? Caprese on ciabatta and a gooey brownie?”

“I want the croissant you mentioned. And a gooey brownie.”

Felix tried not to act surprised. It didn’t work, “Two years of getting the same thing every time you come in and now you want to change it up?”

“I still want a basic Americano.”

“Of course you do,” Felix giggled, the sound as smooth as air, ringing up our order after Yeji rattled off what she wanted. The smile he gave us could make flowers bloom.

“Looks like you got some new help,” I said as I slid over some cash. I looked at the two people who were busying themselves cleaning the counter and the other making drinks.

“Yeah, I can finally afford to have some help these days,” Felix smiled again but this time the smile didn’t reach his eyes. He didn’t know I knew his business almost tanked and why it was flourishing now. He didn’t know I made sure Hongjoong gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

After all, I couldn’t live without Felix’s brownies.

I looked at them again. I remember Joong telling me Felix ended up hiring some boys who worked for the rivals, Red Thunder. He wanted to tell Felix to fire them but I stopped him. This is a good way to get information on their leader. The faceless boss of Red Thunder was almost as elusive as me. 


Red Thunder was a relatively new criminal organization to our area. Supposedly they were big in a couple cities over. Specialist in weapons and smuggling, the mafia was originally from a port city. They were great in what they did there. Providing efficiently and quickly to all who needed their product. Then they stuck their hands into the underground gambling ring and struck gold in more ways then one, allowing them the money to take over the city’s politics. Put their funds in the hands of corrupt politicians who didn’t care for nothing if not power. Their city was in their red hands, caught in the web like no other. The story goes that their current boss let his middle son leave, start his own league since he wasn’t taking over the mafia there, and the son decided that he wanted to come here, beat out one of the biggest mafias in the country.

Good luck to him, because I will be damned before I let somone ruin what I have built.

“Yeosang. Hyunjin, Come say hi,” Felix said and the two came over. They were both beautiful men, which may contribute to why Felix hired them. Things sell when someone with such killing looks is selling them to you.

They both nodded in a greeting.

“Hwang Hyunjin,” Hyunjin smiled and it was subtle but I noticed the nervous flicker in Yeji’s eyes. Yeji didn’t know much about her family after they gave her up to my mother. But she knew her last name.

It didn’t happen much these days, and it didn’t happen often, but there were some families, the richer ones in our mafia that held mistresses and concubines. That was normal. Them getting pregnant with a child by their benefactors? Normal. Them giving up the child for foster care is normal. What wasn’t normal was the selling. Getting rid of the kid by any means necessary. What wasn’t normal was my mother buying the kid for twice the amount and raising them alongside me as if they were my younger sister.

Sometimes abnormal was good.

“I assume you are Yeosang,” I said as Yeji tried to keep her cool. I could already see the wheels turning in her head and the itch to make sure she knew everything about this man as soon as she could.

“Yes, nice to meet you. Felix always tells us about how much he likes all his regulars.”

“Just one more,” Felix said as a blush took over his face.

“Just one more,” This Hyunjin teased, mocking Felix’s deeper voice, “Sorry, Felix, but anytime he walks in, you sputter and run to the back room.”


“Shut up, Hyunjin.”

“It’s true. He says hi to you in that Australian accent of his and you turn to mush,” Yeosang commented and Felix looked as if he wanted to catapult into the sun.

“Please shut up.”

“Is that so?” A voice, an Australian voice, sounded off behind us and Felix yelped, turning bright red before running to the back room.

Yeji and I turned around to see the owner of the voice. 

The man had dyed silver hair, slicked back with a couple of curls decorating his forehead. A strong scar stretched across his forehead to an eyebrow ring and another one decorated his high cheekbones. His full lips were stretched into a wide smile, showing off dimples and a sparkling diamond septum piercing. His arms looked heavily tatted, inked skin peeking out from the sleeves on his sweatshirt. Even though the sweatshirt, I could tell just how buff he was, how toned he must be. 

“Hi, I’m Chris,” yeah, that man was Australian. This had to be Felix’s guy. I’m not one to play matchmaker but who knew twink Felix wanted a man who looked like he could dominate the ever-living fuck out of him. Kinky.

“Aussie guy!” Hyunjin yelled before Yeosang came and grabbed him to help prepare for food. 

“I’ll order for us,” the Australian said to the man beside him who nodded.

“Wow, he’s hot,” Yeji breathed out and I had to agree as Chris left. I turned to take in his companion.

He had an all-black face mask on so we couldn’t completely determine all of what he looked like. Just from the eyes alone, you felt caught in a web as his gaze landed. The light hit the man’s eyes in such a way that they seemed to be dazzling. His dark hair was floppy as it rested on his forehead, looking soft and well taken care of. A sliver of forehead could be seen around the gentle curls that framed his face. His ears were covered in a delicate mix of earrings. The man wore dark black slacks that were obviously designer and a nice silk shirt with a leather jacket. One look at his shoes and I knew they were the same Ferragamo dress shoes that San always cried about wanting. His jewelry looked custom. Hell, the man looked as if he walked out of a GQ magazine, that body of lean tone muscle poised as if both modeling and ready to attack. The thing that kept my attention on him was the ring on his finger. 

A silver ring, so shiny it gleamed in the sun. Rubies were embedded into the thick band with a large, roughly cut gemstone, almost like cloudy quartz, maybe something more than that. 

“It’s impolite to stare,” his voice was gentle and deep. His eyes were settled on me as if expecting me to back down with how intense his glare was. I suppose a normal girl would.

I guess I should act like one, “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!”

Yeji scoffed as the man just shook his head and walked past us to find a table. Yeji pulled me to do the same, but something made me keep an eye on that man.

“Why are you staring that man down?” Yeji whispered to me in French.

I guess those years we spent in France when we were younger were more than beneficial, “His ring. Look up the gemstone.”

“Say please?”

“Do it and I won’t tell Jisung about your major crush on him.”

“I can’t believe people say there’s no better person in this world than a sister,” Yeji groaned in disgust as she did what I asked, “21 damn years on this planet with you and you’re still a pain in the ass.”

“You’re welcome.”

By the time our food came and I took my first sip of coffee, Yeji found it.

“Fulgurite? A quartz type created from lightning,” Yeji showed me her phone before eating her own meal. I went ahead and read the article.

Interesting. Who gets jewelry made so nicely over fulgurite? 

“That man has a lightning bolt tattooed,” Yeji said, looking at Chris from where we sat. They were across the store but I never sat with my back facing the door so I couldn’t see them. Yeji had my back as she watched them.

“He took off his hoodie. Right on the bicep. A bright red lightning bolt. Can’t miss the detail of it though.”

All of my nerves felt alive instantly. Red lightning bolt, the symbol for Red Thunder Mafia’s heads. The ones that were close to the top. Not many people knew that fact besides other mafia leaders. We all got tatted at a young age with our symbols. The only way I got away without one was I didn’t want my father to be the one to tattoo me. Didn’t want to give him my pain, as was tradition.

Besides, I don’t need a black star tattooed. I am a black woman named Star. I am the symbol. 

“Interesting, coming onto our property,” I whispered in French. The gears in my head were already working. If Chris was a part of Red Thunder, then that man with him had to be…

“Estela,” Yeji’s voice held a slight warning I chose to ignore, “We have 30 minutes before Hongjoong. Please don’t do anything to ruin the schedule. We can deal with this another time.”

“That’s your only concern?”

“You and I both know you can handle yourself.”

I giggled as I slid out of the booth and walked back up to the front counter. Felix was still hiding in the backroom, occasionally peeking his head through the back door window, his yellow beanie and eyes being the only thing seen as he watched Chris. Hyunjin remained sat at the counter, a bored expression on his face.

“Can I order something?” I kept my voice soft as I approached. Hyunjin smiled brightly at me. I noticed the cutest mole that sat underneath his eye as his eyes became sweet moons as the smile landed. What a bright-looking boy to be a rookie for the rival. I’ll let Jeongin know to keep a watch on him from now on.

We learned the hard way not to trust the sweet-looking ones.

“Of course, sweetheart, what can I get you?”

“I want to buy that pretty man in the mask one of Felix’s brownies, please. Tell him it’s from me, please?” I practically begged, keeping my voice light. A gentle point in the right direction and Hyunjin smiled with a nod. 

“Of course, how could I not? I’m a hopeless romantic!”

It was hard to walk back to the table without a smirk on my face.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Chan was giggling all throughout lunch. Minho glowered at him, gently lifting his mask every once in a while to take a bite or a sip of his drink.

“Could you stop jumping up and down like a toddler?” Minho fiddled with his father’s ring on his finger. He just got it resized and was getting used to wearing the heavy ring. Why did his ancestors decide on such a gaudy piece? 

“Didn’t you hear? The pretty baker apparently gets turned to mush by me,” Chan nearly squealed, his legs swinging back and forth as he danced along to the song that played. Minho sighed.

“You probably could with all that muscle, you bonehead.”

“Hey,” Chan’s bottom lip poked out, causing his top lip to gently touch the septum ring, “Meanie.”

“Go ask him out,” the brownie was good, he noted. He wouldn’t mind if the baker boy was around if he could keep eating these brownies, “He’s a good Brownie Boy.”

“We should probably find out his name.”

Minho couldn’t give a damn what his name was. Chan cared though, so he guessed he would too.

“Excuse me, sirs,” Minho didn’t bother to look up as one of the workers came up to them. He knew him to be one of their newer recruits working under Chaeryeong’s unit. Hyunjin and Yeosang probably didn’t even know they were next to their superiors, waiting on him hand and foot like they were meant to. Maybe he should station them at the Main House for a while.

“Hello, Hyunjin, what can we do for you?” Minho said and Hyunjin looked slightly taken aback, his features easily showed his emotions. He sighed internally. Hopefully, Chaeryeong can kill that habit of his.

“How’d you know my name?”

“What do you need?” Chan repeated Minho’s question. Minho didn’t like to repeat himself.

Hyunjin blinked himself out of his surprise, “Oh, um, yeah.”

He held up a wax paper bag to Minho, “Estela, that girl over there. She bought this for you.”

Minho supposed she was pretty enough. The same girl who stared at him earlier, not even any type of shame covering her face when she was caught. Smooth, deeply brown skin covered her strong features. High cheek bones and glossy lips were smiling his way. He could tell her hair as long as it was brushed into a high, curly ponytail. Her outfit was simple enough, but she was subtle. To the untrained eye (Minho had a trained eye, don’t worry), it looked as if her outfit was just dark flared jeans and a black turtleneck. Minho knew a designer label when he saw it. Minho knew the tennis bracelet on her wrist wasn’t fake but was probably custom. The apple watch she had, though the band looked old, had to be the newest model, and so was her phone. Her purse was the kicker though. Dingey, probably decades old, probably considered vintage as some old designer’s name decorated it.

The girl was flexing, but it was a subtle flex. An almost humble brag. Lee Minho appreciated that.

Minho took the wax paper bag from Hyunjin, gesturing towards the girl. His face was covered but he smiled underneath, hoping it still showed his gratitude. 

“Shouldn’t you go and thank her?” Chan questioned him and Minho rolled his eyes as he turned back to the table. He could still feel the girl staring down the back of his neck. She really did have no shame.

“No, but, Hyunjin,” Minho slid over a wad of cash to him, “Let the girl know she can have anything her and her friend want.”

Hyunjin nodded before bowing and walking. Chan just shook his head slightly, “Talking to her would have been too hard?”

“She just wants my attention. Here I am, giving it to her.”

“She’s pretty,” Chan stated, taking another bite of his sandwich, “Besides when was the last time you got laid?”

“Getting laid is not one of my main concerns, no.”

“It should be, especially if she looks like that,” Chan shrugged, taking a drink, “Go on, eat Minho.”

Minho was beginning to actually enjoy his food before he was approached again. This time by a worker he didn’t see before, one with pretty, long, and dark hair and a young face. Maybe the bangs made her seem younger than she was. Probably a student that worked with Felix. He couldn’t tell if she was a part of any mafia dealings at all. 

“Hi, sorry to disturb you, sir. I was told by Miss Estela, and paid rather well, to come over here and spit in your food.” the young girl said with a small giggle and Chan sucked in a breath in shock and Minho simply blinked in response.

“Excuse me?”

“She said that she would be damned before having a man ignore her kindness and just shove money back in her face,” the girl said before sighing, “That’s actually the meanest words I’ve ever known Miss Estela to say. She doesn’t particularly like to be ignored, sir.”

“What’s your name, kid? How much did she pay you?”

“Yuna,” she bowed politely again, “Five hundred dollars to spit in your food.”

“That’s it?” Minho laughed a little breathy as he reached into his pocket and counted some notes out before sliding that pile over to Yuna, “Here’s double that to not spit in my food and to tell your Miss Estela that I don’t take threats kindly.”

“Estela,” Chan repeated the name once Yuna left to relay the message, “That’s French, isn’t it?”

“Mmm,” Minho didn’t care. If the girl wanted to leave an impression, she sure did. He’d give her that much.

It wasn’t long before Yuna came back, handing him a business card, “From Miss Estela.”

Minho took the card before Yuna walked away, no doubt tired of playing the messenger game even if it left her two thousand dollars richer at the end. 

“She left,” Chan noted as he kept watchful eyes on the door. Minho looked at the card.

Persephone’s Heart

Estela, Owner & Florist

Office: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Hours: Mondays-Fridays: 9AM-7PM, Closed Saturdays and Sundays

458 Gray Way

The card was subtle in decorations. Pretty flowers decorating the edges. It was an all-black card with gold lettering. Quality made to last. Another subtle flex that even for her small business and something as inconsequential as business cards, she got the best material they could be printed on.

He flipped it over to the back to see pretty cursive lettering.

Come by sometime, I’d love to give you flowers as pretty as you. And maybe, you can enjoy other types of brownies.

Minho tucked the card into his wallet as Chan eyed him. A laugh left Chan’s mouth before he could stop it.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Hongjoong was always dressed nicely. His neatly split dyed black and white hair was styled strategically, a method I know he spent years perfecting. His hair was unruly in style but he made it work. Even just wearing a t-shirt and jeans he looked like a model. His eyeglasses sat perched on his face as he looked at me in contempt, his lip pouty. His darkly outlined eyes were like boba pearls as he looked at me, his eyebrows curved as he looked at me.

“I haven’t seen my best friend in weeks,” Kim Hongjoong hugged me before I could allow him. I tried not to let my disdain show and let him.

“You see Wooyoung every day.”

“You bitch,” Hongjoong slapped my arm. It barely fazed me, “I’m talking about you.”

“Yeah, yeah, let’s get this meeting over with. I left Jisung at the shop by himself today. I need to at least be there to close.”

Hongjoong frowned at me before gesturing for me to sit in his office. The room was as eclectic as he was, covered in a multitude of various knickknacks. His floors had the softest rainbow-printed rugs that matched curtains. His deck was a glossy gray color and held all of his most prized possessions, from a solid gold harmonica to a picture of us when we were seventeen. Probably the last time either of us smiled genuinely.

We shouldn’t have been smiling then.

“Take a seat, Joong,” I said and he sat down across from me at his desk while I sat in his extra chair across from him, “I really did not have to do that, you know?”

“I don’t like to feel like I’m in charge when I’m with you.”

“What a submissive thing to say.”

Hongjoong had the nerve to blush at my words before waving me off, “We have a few things to discuss.”

The meeting was long and tiring, as it usually was. Hongjoong was straight to the point but no situation we dealt with was. We spent the next couple of hours trying to make everyone we can happy, give us money, or any other business we needed to attend to before my phone rang.

Han Jisung.

“Hey, Hannie, what is it?”

I could easily envision the squirrelly man as he spoke. Han Jisung, while being a rookie under the mafia, still was a sweet kid. Just needed money to help his family out, and we were happy to give it, perhaps a little more leniently than usual. If I paid him a couple extra thousand on some paychecks or cleared some bills and loans from him here and there, he was forever grateful. I didn’t have the heart to throw him completely into our business, instead keeping him on the outskirts as an errand boy and a worker in my shop. 

“Hey, boss, there’s a man here? Says he won’t leave till you show up. Want me to do the thing you always say to do?” Jisung sounded nervous as he asked, meaning he did not want to do the thing. That thing was calling Lia to come in and take care of it.

Suffice to say, she’s a little messy when it comes to us having an issue.

“What does he look like?”

“Kinda hot? Nice clothes. Young.”

Must be the guy from Sunny Chick Bakery we saw earlier, “Very well. Let him know I am on my way.”

“Wait, you sure you wanna come in, boss? He gives hella bad vibes,” Jisung never could hold his tongue, “Maybe you should bring Yeji or Hongjoong with you, I’d hate to see you get hurt.”

Bless his heart, “It’s fine, I’ll be on my way.”

I hung up before he could say more then sent a text to Yeji to pull around the car. I could feel Hongjoong’s intense gaze on me.

“Leaving before I dismiss you?” Hongjoong spoke like it was a threat but the grin on his face was teasing.

“And what are you going to do about it?”

“I don’t know,” he leaned back in his chair, twisting a pen around his finger, “I heard something about a man there to see you. A romantic man, Estela?”

“None of your business, Joongie.”

“You’ve been my business for as long as I want to remember.”

I rolled my eyes at that, “You could have left once my father died.”

“And leave my business to run itself into the ground?” his earring chains hit his cheek as he shook his head, the jingling sound radiating through the room, “As painful as you are, come around more, yeah? Not just for business meetings.”

“I’ll try.”

“She will,” Yeji walked in then and Hongjoong smirked at her. They always got along way too well for my liking, “Next time, plan a party though. I wish to have fun before I die, Kim.”

“You got it, Hwang,” Hongjoong giggled before standing to lead us both out of his home. Well, my home. It was my family’s mafia house that he and a bunch of the other heads and their assistants, including Yeji, lived in.

By the time I reached the flower shop, it was less than an hour before closing. Jisung was already running around trying to finish all his nighttime tasks. This all usually consisted of preparing tomorrow’s orders, cleaning, and pruning as needed. When he heard the door ring as I entered, his wide eyes looked at me first as if I caught him with a mouth full of cookies. 

Which I have before. 

“Estela!” Jisung waved as I walked in, “You’re later than usual today.”

“Is that a problem?”

“No, no!” He quickly waved his hands, “You just always work the full Monday.”

“Had some family business to attend to.”

“Again? God, I can’t believe you take care of your grandmother all alone.”

My grandmother died when I was seven in a raid, but Jisung didn’t need to know that. 

“Where’s this mystery man?”

“Apparently his name is Taecyeon.”

“No last name?”

He shrugged, “That’s all he gave me.”

Curiouser and curiouser. Color me intrigued, “Well, where is he?”

“Outback in the nursery. Wanted to see our different cherry trees apparently.”

I went outback. The store wasn’t huge or extravagant but it was ideal and able to hold everything we needed neatly. It was cleanly designed with glossy white fixtures and rose gold accents. Plants bloomed and flourished throughout. We had enough space to even allow a customer service aspect of a full nursery for bigger products or the ones that needed full sun. This was where I found the aforementioned Taecyeon, carefully reaching out to a mini Japanese maple. 

“A full Japanese maple can grow to 25 feet in height,” I told him, Taecyeon turning to me as if I didn’t approach him silently. Like he already knew I was there. He simply blinked and hummed in response before standing up straight. The mask was still covering his face and this time he was wearing dark-framed glasses. 

“I don’t know much about plants,” Taecyeon spoke as if whatever he said was just fact. No room for much in terms of arguments. 

“We have gardening classes once a month if that’s something you’re interested in?”

“Why did you give me your card?”

“Oh? No hesitation huh?”

Taecyeon just raised an eyebrow. I noticed again how intense his gaze was. Though sparkly, it was like a roughly cut diamond, not the ones made for rings but the ones made for knife handles. 

“You’re cute. I like beautiful men,” I think he would appreciate the honest truth. The hum of approval he gave proved it just as well. 

It wasn’t the truth but how could he know that? 

“Well, I appreciate the compliment.”

“I’m full of more if needed.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised.”

I faked a giggle at that. Who knows if Taecyeon could see through me. If he did, he didn’t call me out on it. 

“What made you open a botanical shop?”

“I like flowers?” I giggled genuinely that time, I didn’t know how to answer at all. 

“Did you go to school for it?”

“Sure.” Does a couple of online courses and a year in France working under a landscaper through boarding school count?

“Do you know anything about landscaping?”

“Surprisingly, yes!”

“How much to hire you?”

Well. That wasn’t expected. This may be a lot easier than I thought, “I’d have to do a quote. How big the area is and what you want versus what is needed?”

“Are you free tomorrow?”

“Now I am.”

“I’ll send a car to pick you up from here at noon?”

“I don’t even think I know your name, sir.”

“What did your employee tell you?”


“Call me that, you can call me Tae, some friends call me Lee.”

I tried not to think too much about that sentence, “Lee Taecyeon?”

“Sure,” he smiled but it was one of those smiles that glimmered a little too well, showing just enough of his teeth without giving too much. A charmer of a smile.

“Your name that much of a secret that now you’re confusing me? Saying ‘sure’ isn’t an answer.”

Taecyeon had the nerve to look at least a bit bashful at that, “I like keeping pretty girls on their toes.”

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Kim Seungmin sighed into his cup of coffee. Jongho brought it to him over an hour ago and he was only just now drinking it, the drink already cold. It was way past clocking out time and Seungmin hated working overtime. The only thing he hated more was he still had no leads on the Red Thunder. 

The Red Thunder Mafia seemed to have popped up out of nowhere. They didn’t hint at their rise. It was as if Seungmin blinked and suddenly there was another major power in the city. The leader of Red Thunder was just as much of an enigma, no one ever saw him or saw his face in full. Yet, you knew he was present. 

At first, there wasn’t much to worry about when it came to this new mafia, they weren’t like the other ones in town, for sure nothing like Kim Hongjoong’s Syndicate. Instead, they seemed calm, practiced, as if nothing could touch them. Then, the city elections happened. It was small at first, a politician that was a heavy rival for an already long-standing congressman would go missing. Maybe a couple of community heads that tried to change the city for the better would suddenly fall ill or move to a new state out of nowhere. Then some detectives would disappear. Go on missions and wouldn’t return for months. If they did come back, they were a different person, a new personality to match the new scars and bruises.  Soon, less and less of the police force looked into the Red Thunder. Great for them because as the elections continued, the main opponent for Mayor Park suddenly found themselves dead at dinner. One day, they were laughing, drinking, and celebrating a win in the debates. The next? Passed out at the family dinner table, wine spilling onto the ground while their wife and children screamed. 

It wasn’t personal for him, but justice did not have to be personal for Kim Seungmin to want it. 

“Hey, Seungmin,” Jongho opened the door to Seungmin’s office, not bothering to knock. He never did, which bothered Seungmin, yes, but Jongho made up for it with his great work ethic each time.


“Another body was found at one of Red Thunder’s dumpsites,” Jongho said, passing over a file. 

One look inside and Seungmin sighed. The body had the usual style of the Red Thunder’s leader. The throat was wide open in a curved smile almost, a very stylistic approach. One that made it known when he killed someone to the detective. Seungmin sighed down at the photograph.

“The victim went by the name Daniel and was a part of a lower-level gang. Apparently, that gang has had it out for Red Thunder ever since they forcibly took over one of the ports.”

“You think he attempted to murder their leader and paid the price?”

“It looks like it,” Jongho said, looking over the file again. His eyebrow knit in worry as he looked over it, “The body was in their dump site, but usually people of this gang wear a specific necklace.”


“No necklace was found in the victim’s items.”

“Nowhere near?” Jongho nodded his affirmation.

“Interesting,” Seungmin thought about it for a moment. The wheels in his head were turning faster than he anticipated.

“The chief also wants me to tell you to drop the case and focus on all your other ones.”

“You and I both know I already finished all my assigned cases.”

“I wouldn’t be a good partner if I didn’t,” Jongho turned to leave before stopping at the door, “Listen, don’t get yourself killed trying to find out the inner workings of this mafia. They seem way too ahead of us at every curve and I am not too convinced that half of our department is not in their pockets. It’s dangerous, Seungmin.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Jongho left Seungmin to his thoughts as he added the newfound body to his ever-growing binder on the Red Thunder.

Maybe it was time for a new approach.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

“I can’t believe he hired a landscaper without telling me,” the gorgeous man in front of me shook his head quickly, a bunch of black hair escaping the neatly gelled down style he seemed to have kept it in. He was way taller than Chan or ‘Taecyeon’ and was nicely dressed in an all-black suit that looked like it was made of some Italian fabric. His hands were covered in a smooth leather as he twirled a phone in his hands.  His full, pretty pink lips were made up into a sneer and his eyes were damn near staring into my soul.

I tried to keep the sweet girl attitude but the look of disgust on this man’s face was getting to me. Glaring would come way too easy if he kept talking.

“When does he ever tell you what he’s doing?” that dragged my attention over to the absolutely beautiful woman next to him. She was a bit taller than me with wavy black hair that reached her shoulders. She was dressed similarly formal as the other man but she wore a white button-up paired with a pinstripe vest and pants. Her boots looked heavy and her hands were clean of everything except two brass knuckles on both hands. The vest held a singular broach on it, a red lightning bolt chained to a smaller figure of what looked like a wasp. 

If I didn’t already know she was a part of the mafia, she gave it away too easily.

“What are you doing here, Ryujin?” the man turned to the girl and she shrugged.

Ryujin chuckled, looking at me as if I was an object, not an actual living being in front of her, “Wanted to see what kind of person our fearless leader invites into his home. I bet Yunho is glad to be off of grass cutting duty.”

“She hasn’t got the job yet. Inform Yunho not to get too excited.”

“I already am excited!” A large man bustled in through the front door. I don’t think this one got the ‘wear a suit’ notice like the others had. He dressed more like he was ready to join some boy band than anything. The tall man, Yunho, was dressed in baggy blue jeans, a large white top, and a big puffy jacket that had way too many patches to count. He had on this bucket hat that was low on his face, covering most of it. 

He was also the first one of them who looked at me like I was an actual person.

“Hi, you must be Estela. I’m Yunho, it’s nice to meet you,” he held out a hand for me to take and I shook it, noticing how his hands were covered in bruises, some fresher than others.

I suppose a normal girl wouldn’t know off rip that these were all ‘Taecyeon’s’ subordinates in his mafia, “Wow, it looks like he has a lot of friends. I am Estela, it’s great to meet you all.”

“Aren’t you cute?” Ryujin cooed, moving to touch my face before I backed away, “Come on, Seonghwa, let’s keep her.”

Ryujin kind of reminded me of Lia with that sentence. Both were alike in the way that when they first saw me, decided to snatch me up right then and there. I was way younger when Lia first saw me, sitting next to my father during a meeting but that didn’t stop the girl from coming up to me after and practically begging me to follow her into her bedroom.

Choi Lia would also not like me letting another woman lay claim to what she deemed ‘hers’. No matter how many times I told her I wasn’t.

I’d rather be dead than belong to anyone.

‘Taecyeon’s’ house was quaint to say the least. Decorated nicely with that I could tell were authentic paintings and bigger than the usual home of a regular person. The house resided on an acre of land so the landscaping job would be big if I were actually planning to do it as a normal landscaper would.

Jeongin’s latest technological design seemed to be weighing in my pocket. Multiple, small black recorders were in my pocket, ready to be placed all around the property. There was no guarantee I would get a chance like this again, and I needed to act on it.

“She’s a person, Ryujin,” the first guy, Seonghwa, shook his head, exhaustion covering his features. More often than not, he reminded me of Yeji and her ever-growing exhaustion. As if just being alive was tiring to them.

“That I am!” I said, forcing a huge smile onto my face, “I am also a person who would like to get started on my work, if I can?”

“Give it a second, I’m waiting on someone to give you a tour of the property like the Boss suggested,” Seonghwa said looking down at his phone, “He apparently doesn’t want me to do it.”

“I can!” Ryujin raised an arm quickly, “I’m not busy right now. I would certainly enjoy the opportunity to escort this pretty thing around.”

Yunho rolled his eyes, “I can do it, Mingi is still looking at his current patient anyway before we head home.”

That sentence caught my interest. Mingi. Song Mingi? Our doctor, huh? I was already well aware of the fact that Mingi worked with other mafias. We allowed him to, it’s not like the man knew any of our secrets. Hell, he didn’t even know that I was the leader, just thought I was another mafia whore that got caught in the mix of violence too many times to count. Of course, we knew Song Mingi’s entire life story. Every move he made was under our radar, especially when we found out he got married a year back to a Yunho. Seems like the name just got a face. 

Fuck, that also means I have to avoid Mingi while he is here.

Seonghwa sighed heavily as he stared at his phone, “I suppose that is fine since Lee isn’t answering and neither is Chris. Just as well, Yunho, you know where and where not to take them, get them familiar with where you keep tools if needed. Miss Estela is just using today to quote a price, correct?”

He still barely acknowledged my existence past this. I nodded and Seonghwa kept talking. Something about him made me feel inconsequential.

As Yunho took me around the property, I discreetly placed bug after bug in the around as much as I could. I wish this tour included indoors because I am sure the most gets done there. The best I could do is place one in the bathroom and one on a painting in the mudroom. A couple of the bugs laid in their garage port too. Hopefully, Jeongin could find out something that way.

“I hope this tour was helpful to you in some way,” Yunho walked us back up to the front of the property where my car sat waiting. It was rare days where I drove myself around but it was better on certain days like this one. The matte black SUV sitting idly in the driveway as Yunho walked me to it.

“It was, I think I came up with a quote. Will you relay it to Mr. Lee for me?” I informed him, writing the amount on one of the business cards I kept in my pocket.

“I will be sure to let him know,” Yunho smiled and I had an inkling of an idea that his smile was reminiscent of a sunray. He didn’t smile like everyone else in this business, his smile reached his eyes and filled his face euphorically. Yunho was a genuine person, “It was nice to meet you, Miss Estela.”

“You as well! You’re too sweet,” I smiled back, this time genuinely and I meant it. It was hard not to smile in Yunho’s presence. He made you feel comfortable so easily, way too easily.

I’ll have Jeongin keep an eye out on him too.

“Estela?” We both whipped our heads around to see the good doctor leaving the Lee Residence, Lee himself following him. Song Mingi looked confused but who could blame him. He’s never seen me without Lia or Hongjoong so I’m sure he was more than a little worried, especially seeing me with his husband. 

“You know her, love?” Yunho asked but it was ‘Taecyeon’ or Lee, god what do I call this man, who looked as if he questioned it more.

“Yes,” Mingi said with a shrug. “Patient/Doctor confidentiality, babe. Plus, she was the one who provided the flowers for our wedding.”

Oh yeah, I did do that. It was the least I could do when Mingi worked day and night attending to my crew. But, he didn’t know that.

“Really?” If it was possible, Yunho’s smile was even brighter as he turned to me again, “Those arrangements were so beautiful, I ended up saving so many of them. Thank you so much.”

Yunho bowed at that and Lee scoffed at that. Mingi gave him a scathing look, one I didn’t think the kind doctor was capable of. It was interesting seeing this side of him, one so controlled by love.

“Yunho, you are free to take your leave,” Lee “Taecyeon” called out as the pair came closer, “I wanted to discuss some things with Miss Estela before she went off.”

“Yes, sir,” the husbands left without a further word, leaving me alone in the mafia leader’s presence.

“I’m sure you’ve already picked up on just how confidential this landscaping job is,” his smile was reassuring but cold, “My crew isn’t exactly subtle, huh?”

“Maybe if I was dumber.”

“Yet, you didn’t run off? Why is that?”

I suppose a regular girl would have been intimidated by them and run off. I’ll have to keep that noted for next time, “I didn’t say I was smart either.”

I barely knew the man in front of me but his laugh was almost contagious. Strong as he threw his head back and cackled happily. He didn’t bother covering the laugh or not feeling it entirely. It was something to admire.

“Have you ate lunch yet?” he said when he sobered up from laughing.

“It’s like 5 in the evening.”

“Let me make dinner for you then,” he said, leading me into his home again, almost giving me no choice in the matter. 

His hands were warm as they grabbed mine, dragging me behind him. They didn’t engulf mine but our hands were the same size. This proximity allowed me to get a proper idea of how sweet he smelled. Egyptian musk and amber and something else. 

Something sweet.

He told me to call him Lee. Something about how we’re friends now that he has officially hired me. I hate this name change guessing game. Regardless, Lee was a pretty competent cook, making a traditional meal for us to enjoy. He sat me at one of his  island stools that overlooked the kitchen. I got to see him move back and forth in the kitchen, humming every now and again as he cooked. I resigned myself to playing around on my phone as I waited, having already bugged the room as we entered. Jeongin would be proud. I shot out a quick text to tell him the entire place was bugged. 

Yang Jeongin replied with some meme.

“How much do you like spicy?” Lee asked me, looking up with a sweet smile as held a bottle over the food hesitantly. He waited patiently for the answer.

“I prefer things that cause me pain,” I replied without thinking, a funny joke that would have caused Hongjoong to agree or Changbin to jokingly reply offering to cause the pain. Lee on the other hand looked as if he swallowed a frog, slowly taking a gulp before pouring the bottle into whatever he was making.

“I also like causing pain,” after a couple of silent moments, he replied with that and I chuckled.

“Kinky, Lee,” I joked and his eyes cut to me, panther like. As if he could pounce at any moment. The thought alone had me on edge, whether in caution or the subtle flirting, I didn’t know anymore.

Even I had to admit how amazingly gorgeous Lee was. His face was absolutely, soul-wrenchingly beautiful. A strong look that made you keep looking and looking. Pretty pink pouty lips with this perfectly angular nose and jawline. High cheekbones that cradled his annoyingly beautiful face. His eyes were cunning and clever but the glow of him didn’t quite reach his eyes. 

“Here, taste this,” Lee held a spoon out to my mouth, gently cradling a hand underneath the ladle as not to cause any drips. It drug my attention back down to his hands and that weird ring he wore on his finger.

The second I slightly opened my mouth, Lee’s eyes were on mine, watching my mouth encapsulate the spoon. A sweetly pink tongue darted out to wet his lips while I tasted whatever concoction he had made. His eyes were rapt on mine as he watched and all I felt was pliable underneath his gaze. Strong and sensual.

Lee’s eyes strayed to my mouth again. I’m not one to provoke but I do like to entice. Lowering my gaze slowly, making sure Lee was watching as I darted out a tongue, opening my mouth a bit more. My tongue cleaned off the spoon while he watched, his eyes never leaving my mouth. Once the spoon was completely clean, I hummed softly as I stepped back, gingerly taking a finger to rub any remnants off my lips.

“It tastes good.”

Lee’s eyes stayed stuck on my mouth. The spoon clattering onto the counter as the other hand grabbed my wrist, preventing me from stepping back to far. He walked closer to me, instead of pulling me into him. Lee was the one who tipped my head forward to stare into my eyes without a glance at anything else in this room. I heard a small bubble burst as the souce seemed to roll to a boil but the thought was quickly replaced by Lee taking a knuckle and holding my head level to his.

“Do you mind if I taste?” the gentle voice was like harsh winds followed by a cool breeze as he watched my reaction.

I breathed out softly. Never before have I been touched in a way that wasn’t complete swift moves, this was smooth, gentle, “You should always taste what you make.”

Lee’s lips felt so soft over mine. A strong, hand cradled my jaw, his thumb right over my chin as he pulled my head closer. Another hand came over my shoulder, pressing me closer into the kitchen wall as he kissed me. One of his legs, those strong beautiful thighs, came between my legs. My hands seemed to move on their own, pulling him closer and our bodies together. 

“Seems you’re forgetting about the food,” I breathed out the second he let me up for breath and Lee rolled his eyes.

“I wanted to taste the sauce, seems like you enjoyed it,” his tongue darted out aga


12:32am - scalp massage

12:56am - stretch marks

00:33 - skygazing

1:34am - shivering

5:14am - sleeping

10:38am - “that’s you”

2:11pm - library boy

2:38pm - ready to attack

15:20 - “mine”

3:30pm - Dracula

3:47pm - new kitten

3:53pm - Christmas shopping

18:09 - he doesn’t want to fight

6:22pm - dance partner ✿

6:34pm - apologies

6:48pm - leftovers

7:37pm - clingy

8:14pm - “stop doing this!”

8:17pm - “take care of yourself”

8:57pm - cuter than his cats

10:13pm - “hi Lee Know”

10:24pm - scared

11:24pm - singing you to sleep

11:25pm - checklist


[main masterlist] [stray kids masterlist] updated 7-31-21
