#let’s go lesbians


“you see i’m not sick of you at all.. I’m actually pretty in love with you it turns out”


@cap-n-stuff Vic, I wanna talk about lawyer Nat again.

it’s 100% lawyer nat time ‍‍

especially with that blazer





Lord give me the strength not to read the tweets the serenity not to read the tweets and the wisdom not to read the tweets

It’s because of French Lesbians!

A new group called Résistance Lesbienne showed up at the Paris Pride march chanting “lesbians don’t like penises”, “lesbians don’t have penises”, they were carrying banners saying that genital preferences are natural, that lesbians need feminism instead of transitioning, that kind of stuff. Of course, a trans activist tried to take their banner and hit them (now he’s on Twitter claiming to be a victim even though there’s video proof, and he asks for money)

Because the radfem lesbians could stay that long at the march without anyone doing anything to stop them, every organization that was there is doing damage control and saying they actually hate TERFs so it’s kinda funny

Here’s a video on their Facebook account.

They were also interviewed by Get the L Out UK.


Draw / edit this but with your OTP gooo

birdblinder: it’s time to d-d-dump lesbophobia.birdblinder: it’s time to d-d-dump lesbophobia.


it’s time to d-d-dump lesbophobia.

Post link

Shout out to 5 year old me who accidentally shipped a wlw ship, because I thought Blue from Blue’s clues was a boy and shipped her with Magenta for no reason other than blue boy dog must be with pink(she’s magenta, that’s why it’s her name but I was 5) girl dog only to find out when I was like 14, much to my joy, that Blue is also a girl

Happy pride month

Historia speed run cause it’s her bday. Also ignore the fact that my TikTok handle is LITERALLY pieck worshipper I haven’t touched any grass in a while
