
Some pride art from a stream! 1. Me with polyam pride flag (and a smol trans)2. Neyress with interseSome pride art from a stream! 1. Me with polyam pride flag (and a smol trans)2. Neyress with interseSome pride art from a stream! 1. Me with polyam pride flag (and a smol trans)2. Neyress with interseSome pride art from a stream! 1. Me with polyam pride flag (and a smol trans)2. Neyress with interseSome pride art from a stream! 1. Me with polyam pride flag (and a smol trans)2. Neyress with interse

Some pride art from a stream!

1. Me with polyam pride flag (and a smol trans)

2. Neyress with intersex and demisexual!

3. Ace with bi flag

4. Rune and Gavien with bi

5. Tabris with demiboy and lesbian!

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The Venn diagram of people criticizing others for being easily triggered and people who lose their precious minds over pronouns is a perfect circle

Me watching TV: aww yissss finally some representation!

The representation:

Ayo happy pride to the baby gays* who are having their first pride month this year! Welcome and I’m so proud of you <3

*I use ‘gays’ loosely this includes the entire LGBTQIA+ community


Happy pride month to those who are scared

Happy pride month to those who are proud

Happy pride month to those who are out

Happy pride month to those who are closeted

Happy pride month if you’re trying to figure yourself out

Happy pride month if you’ve known for years

Happy pride month to those who it’s their first

Happy pride month to those who have celebrated for years

Happy pride month to those who are afraid to celebrate

Happy pride month to those who will scream it from the rooftops

Happy pride month to you.


I’m a Will stan first and a person second


this is basically what coming out is


Hear me out: I think the trans and disabled communities should be bffs (like the ace and bi communities are). Not only are there a lot of people who are both, but consider our shared experiences:

  • The grand and noble tradition of lying to doctors to get semi-adequate medical care.
  • “It’s all in your head.”
  • Being told we’re faking it to get those sweet, sweet benefits of being oppressed and having unusually high rates of poverty.
  • People asking us invasive personal questions within 0.2 seconds of meeting us.
  • Being told that we’re not REALLY trans/disabled because we don’t fit into preconceived notions of what we should look like.
  • Being held to ridiculously high standards of appropriate behavior/attire/language because if our whole lives don’t revolve around being the perfect cripple/performing gender to the max, we are either faking or somehow being bad representation of ourselves.
  • Shocking people by actually being happy with our bodies and celebrating them.
  • Also shocking people by expressing negative feelings about our bodies.
  • Getting frustrated when people act like we’re oppressing them for wanting to exist comfortably in public.

In short, we have a lot in common re: the shit we put up with, and we should be besties.

xoxo–a disabled

bemusedlybespectacled:elierlick:Rare photos from trans history: Olympic runner and Zdeněk Koubek sty



Rare photos from trans history: Olympic runner and Zdeněk Koubek styles Cinda Glenn’s hair, 1936. Koubek was one of the first trans men to gain international fame after he transitioned in 1935.

this is inspiring weirdly complex emotions in me. like, it’s the fucking 1930s. I can hear the mid-atlantic newsreel voice. the fact that it plays coy with why he knows so much about women’s hairstyles, but like, as a funny surprise, not as shock and horror. the fact that it never deadnames him or uses incorrect pronouns. the fact that he looks like Mickey Rooney. idk it’s just making me feel feelings.

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also I learned about this project called “queering the map.” the idea is that in the past gay neighborhoods and gay spaces were very clearly defined bc it just wasn’t safe to be yourself anywhere else. as lgbt+ people become more visible and accepted many feel that we are losing our connection to those spaces

so every dot on this map is basically someone’s queer experience: coming out, meeting their future wife, seeing another gay man in public for the first time, anything you can think of that truly left a mark on them

it started in Montreal and is primarily English-language with most pins dropped in the US, Canada, and Europe, but there are people all over the world who’ve shared their experiences. it’s great to look at places near you but it’s also great to see that even people in places you thought were the middle of nowhere are happy with themselves and finding community and living their lives

It’shere and it’s SO SWEET?? Just clicking around it’s very personal stories, in first person and a lot of them addressed to a specific “you”, and sooo many in extremely poetic language. It feels like an art installation and it’s so beautiful. ;W; Thanks for sharing!!!

… there’s also a lot of really silly ones (like gay sharks in the middle of the ocean)

I looked at Jerusalem and immediately found two favorites for entirely different reasons.

Things I found from the queer community of japan:

It’s no secret to the Japanese that Shinjuku nichome is the gay district of Tokyo but about half the pins left there are for the same club in that area named gold finger. Definitely a place to check out if you’re looking to get involved in the Japanese queer community for whatever reason, it seems.

I have a sneaking suspicion this submission is a haiku when written in Japanese…

This guy got the scenic view I guess

Is this how people feel while reading deep romantic poetry because wow I’m moved.

Honestly the best feeling is learning we’re not as alone as we’ve been led to believe

These are all super poetic oml I appreciate every single one of them

There are none in my town. Guess I’ll be the first

I went to my old, STAUNCHLY conservative town and saw “There are a lot more of us here than most would think, past and present” and I nearly cried


I added the first pin in my hometown. I hope others discover it and add too.

I went to my school, found another person which amazed me, and left a note.

 I am always really happy when someone asks me to explain pansexuality. Why? Because it means they w

I am always really happy when someone asks me to explain pansexuality. Why? Because it means they want to learn more and would prefer to hear it from someone who identifies as pansexual rather than gather information that may lead them further from the definition pansexuals have of their sexuality. The only way to get people more aware of pansexuality is by telling them what it is, keeping an open mind and - importantly - giving people the room to process and understand it all.

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iridescentpsychoart: Note: This isn’t an insult/sassy come back to people to asking valid questions/iridescentpsychoart: Note: This isn’t an insult/sassy come back to people to asking valid questions/iridescentpsychoart: Note: This isn’t an insult/sassy come back to people to asking valid questions/iridescentpsychoart: Note: This isn’t an insult/sassy come back to people to asking valid questions/iridescentpsychoart: Note: This isn’t an insult/sassy come back to people to asking valid questions/iridescentpsychoart: Note: This isn’t an insult/sassy come back to people to asking valid questions/iridescentpsychoart: Note: This isn’t an insult/sassy come back to people to asking valid questions/iridescentpsychoart: Note: This isn’t an insult/sassy come back to people to asking valid questions/iridescentpsychoart: Note: This isn’t an insult/sassy come back to people to asking valid questions/iridescentpsychoart: Note: This isn’t an insult/sassy come back to people to asking valid questions/


Note: This isn’t an insult/sassy come back to people to asking valid questions/statements (well maybe a bit sassy lol), none of it’s meant to offend people that are calmly trying to educate themselves to lgbtq+. Questions are always welcome!

Absolutely love this explanation cartoon series, thank you so much for sharing <3 It helps to explain asexuality to people who aren’t asexual in an open informative manner. 

It has helped me learn a bit more about my brother’s situation, much appreciated

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Life can present difficult moments and challenge you in every single way imaginable. Sometimes we ar

Life can present difficult moments and challenge you in every single way imaginable. Sometimes we are strong, other times we are still regenerating from the last challenge. Just remember no matter what - you are not alone. We love you and support you ❤️ Be yourself, stay humble, awesome, gorgeous, fabulous and stay strong - we can do anything when we unite together to make the world a more accepting place of all people!

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