


Losing my mind at this

Happy Pride Month! ️‍️‍⚧️

Here are some personalised Deathstroke Pride Flags (more to come!

I also take requests!




just saw a post where someone put “detrans dni” and like… hey we should be supporting detransitioned people bc if we don’t terfs will

sometimes you’re wrong about your identity and that’s ok like i used to think i was bi but it turns out i was wrong and i know ppl who thought they were trans but it turns out they were wrong and it should be ok and accepted that sometimes people don’t get it right on the first try

@gothhowl yeah… trial and error is an amazing way of putting it

Damn right, it took me forever to figure out both my gender and sexuality, it’s been 3 years and i’m still not 100% sure i got it right. Sometimes you feel the need to pretend to be something you’re not to appease people - and that goes for trans people pretending they’re cis and trans nonbinary (etc) people pretending to just be trans (or cis) because nonbinary people are generally less accepted. And once you are comfortable with yourself and can stop pretending, maybe you’ve already transitioned. that doesn’t make you any less valid no matter what your gender identity is.


“lgbt people have been harassed and killed for showing off their sexuality and talking about the fact they have sex, sex has played a fundamental role in lgbt history” and “not feeling sexual attraction can be extremely alienating and asexual people are welcome here since they do not fit into the stereotypical idea of sexuality” are both things that can coexist. you know that right. they don’t cancel each other out


She’s a bi ally haha

(I drew this, No reposting! Reblogging is always appreciated though!)

Happy pride month

Audiobook Review: Travelers Along the Way by Aminah Mae Safi

A ragtag band of misfits gets swept up in Holy Land politics in Travelers Along the Way by Aminah Mae Safi, a thrilling YA remix of the classic legend of Robin Hood.Jerusalem, 1192. The Third Crusade rages on. Rahma al-Hud loyally followed her elder sister Zeena into the war over the Holy Land, but now that the Faranji invaders have gotten reinforcements from Richard the Lionheart, all she wants…

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Book Review: This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron

Ever since she can remember, Briseis has had power over plants. Flowers bloom in her footsteps and leaves turn to face her as though she were the sun. It’s a power she and her adoptive mothers have spent her whole life trying to hide. And then Briseis inherits an old house from her birth mother and suddenly finds herself with the space and privacy to test her powers for the first time.But as…

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ARC Review: Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree

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ARC Review: The Long Game by Rachel Reid

To the world they are rivals, but to each other they are everything.Ten years.That’s how long Shane Hollander and Ilya Rozanov have been seeing each other. How long they’ve been keeping their relationship a secret. From friends, from family…from the league. If Shane wants to stay at the top of his game, what he and Ilya share has to remain secret. He loves Ilya, but what if going public ruins…

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ARC Review: Scorpica by G. R. Macallister

A centuries-long peace is shattered in a matriarchal society when a decade passes without a single girl being born in this sweeping epic fantasy that’s perfect for fans of Robin Hobb and Circe.Five hundred years of peace between queendoms shatters when girls inexplicably stop being born. As the Drought of Girls stretches across a generation, it sets off a cascade of political and personal…

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ARC Review: Comeuppance Served Cold by Marion Deeds

Seattle, 1929—a bitterly divided city overflowing with wealth, violence, and magic.A respected magus and city leader intent on criminalizing Seattle’s most vulnerable magickers hires a young woman as a lady’s companion to curb his rebellious daughter’s outrageous behavior.The widowed owner of a speakeasy encounters an opportunity to make her husband’s murderer pay while she tries to keep her…

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Audiobook Review: How High We Go In the Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu

For fans of Cloud Atlas and Station Eleven, a spellbinding and profoundly prescient debut that follows a cast of intricately linked characters over hundreds of years as humanity struggles to rebuild itself in the aftermath of a climate plague—a daring and deeply heartfelt work of mind-bending imagination from a singular new voice.In 2030, a grieving archeologist arrives in the Arctic Circle to…

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fiercetransgirls:Linda Yepes, from Barranquilla, is the first openly trans woman tv presenter and


Linda Yepes, from Barranquilla, is the first openly trans woman tv presenter and reporter in Colombia.

“I struggled a lot with the decision to start my transition because I kept saying to myself If I am trans, I’m either going to be a hairstylist or a prostitute because those are the only paths society has practically handed us.” stated Linda to news show Primer Impacto

Congrats on accomplishing your goals Linda! We are proud of you

Post link


When folks say “Protect Lil Nas X” I want you to understand that this is coming from a deep place in queer culture. One of the prime directives of the queer community is to protect young and recently out queer folks. It comes from a place of understanding that coming out is inherently a traumatic process. Being young and queer in a community where queerness is not accepted is inherently traumatic.

It does not matter if the young queer person is annoying or cringe or wearing rainbows from head to toe and transforming themselves into a walking stereotype. That’s part of the process of reclaiming identity for a LOT of people. Sometimes shoving it in people’s faces is the only way you can get over the instinct to cower and conform. It doesn’t matter if they made some off-color jokes while they work through internalized queerphobia. It doesn’t even matter if you like the young queer person much as a person.

You protect them. Because someone protected you. Or because no one was around to protect you, and you know how much that sucked. You see a young person in a gay bar that looks a little lost or nervous, guess what? That’s your child now. Go help them fix their lip gloss and tell them their body glitter is cute and teach them how to tell if someone is giving them the eye from across the room. You see them getting hassled? Take out those earrings, you’re giving someone a smackdown tonight.

The queer community has been so turned against itself in recent years, we’re forgetting our fucking roots. We’re not here to bitch out queer kids for making mistakes while they figure out who the fuck they are. We’re here to throw bricks at cops.
