#liceo classico


(Beatrice) Per un poco pazientò, poi disse:

«A cosa pensi? Rispondimi, poiché in te i tristi ricordi del peccato non sono ancora stati cancellati dall’acqua del Letè».

Dante Alighieri, La Divina Commedia, Purgatorio, canto XXXI

Lorenzo Pataro, Bruciare la sete, Controluna Edizioni, 2018

Oh, my empty classroom… sigh …been there for a year striving and now I’ll miss all this

Oh, my empty classroom… sigh
…been there for a year striving and now I’ll miss all this

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I had my last exam yesterday and I’m not yet fully aware of what this means…
I’VE FINISHED HIGH SCHOOL (with a hell of a 100/100 btw)…
This means FREEDOM, as our sweet Vergil said…

Libertas, quae sera tamen respexit inertem, candidior postquam tondenti barba cadebat, respexit tamen et longo post tempore venit, postquam nos Amaryllis habet, Galatea reliquit.
Vergil, Ecloga I, 27-30

By now all tumblr will have known of my thesis about Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quijote…

By now all tumblr will have known of my thesis about Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quijote… Now that it’s finished, I’m publishing the front page of it as a special thank to every one of you who patiently dealt with my flow of posts about how much I loved Cervantes and how much effed up my thesis was!
So here it is: “Don Quixote and the magical devices to avoid death”… Quite proud of the effort I put into this!

Once again, how I love Don Quijote…

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“Sleep is for the weak,” i say. my hands are shaking. i can hear colors.   

Aaaaand another night up studying is waiting for meee… Gonna have fun!
I’ve been studying Greek literature for like ten hours today.Result: Menander, Callimachus a

I’ve been studying Greek literature for like ten hours today.
Result: Menander, Callimachus and Greek novels done.
Still to do: Apollonius, Theocritus, epigrams, Polybius, Epicurus, On the Sublime, Aelius Aristides, Lucian, Plutarch, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius.

WAAAAY TO GOOOOO!!! I need a study accelerator

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