#life sucks


Really not in a good place right now. I haven’t been since last year. But it just keeps building up and building up, and I know that’s not healthy.

But I feel like I’m just an annoyance to my family. Like, they accepted a long time ago I’m a screw up, and I think they just pretend to go along with it but I know I’m a huge disappointment to them. I mean, I’m a disappointment to myself.

honestly what the fuck do i do with my life.

I always thought it was other people, who hurt me the most. But then I realized I’m the one, who does the most damage. I’m the one who’s being self destructive, and constantly filing my head with thoughts of never being good enough. So, who really is the bad guy?

Broken thoughts

It really makes me wonder, how when I was younger, I wished to live forever. Now growing up I just wish, it would end soon…
