#looks like a cinnamon roll


The Last Jedi

Finn (upon meeting Rose): Yeah, you’re a pure cinnamon roll. 

Rose: …

Rose: Ironic, isn’t it? *Tasers Finn*

Finn: …Correction: looks like pure cinnamon roll, could prolly kill you.

My headcanon for Bloodhound’s maskless appearance.

Nothing too interesting, just wanted to doodle them. No particular reason, just… vibin’.

(Modified post to add this last one:)

Yeah I draw this fucker three times and already get confident, that’s the kind of stuff I wanna draw, easy peasy and no stress involved, aaaa~

Sister Camila Kicks Ass | Warrior Nun

Captain Isabella Kidd ❤️

This is my buccaneer, I felt like drawing her enjoying the breeze on her ship’s deck!
