#lord sesshoumaru


So something that I’ve noticed as I’ve been watching Yashahime is that Towa and Setsuna favor their parents in different ways. Setsuna seems to have inherited Sesshomaru’s personality in her stoic, almost cold demeanor, especially when it comes to fighting and war. Towa seems to have inherited Rin’s personality, as they both have such a warm smile and presence. I believe it was one of the voice actors in Yashahime that said you would find out who the mother is by looking at Towa, so for me that’s how I figured it out. Something that I would REALLY like to see from Sesshomaru when he finally interacts with them is if he notices these similarities, especially with Towa. We may not get much dialog, but what if we got this sweet scene of Sesshomaru looking at his daughters and he’s able to see Rin’s warmth and smile in Towa I think it’s unrealistic that we’ll get Sesshomaru straight up telling his feelings, but we might get little glances here and there that will lead up to how he truly feels about Rin and his children. And maybe a comment from Jaken here and there since in the preview it shows he’s alive and well, so we should DEFINITELY get more clues to this puzzle, if not tomorrow then definitely in the upcoming weeks

No one


can say that this

and this

are the same.

Sesshomaru has feeeeeeeelings

Cheeky Sesshomaru.

Inspired by @/lenmonboy’s (IG) beautiful art piece.


HABAN on Twitter

Esto es arte!!!!

Here is my contribution

Do you guys ever think Sesshomaru forgets he has his right arm back?

Sesshomaru: *holding the twins*“this would be so much easier with two hands”

jaken: …

Sesshomaru: … not a word about this to anyone.

Am I the only person who’s convinced Rin topped Sesshomaru?
