#low brass


imagine how many brain cells i’d still have if the low brass/percussion wasn’t right next to my wonderful amazing perfect tenor section

everything was peaceful in the world,,

but then the trumpets attacked

the proper way to play the trumpet is by throwing it in the fuckin trash

practice? ha. real funny. I haven’t practiced since the war of 1812

a piece of my band director’s soul dies every time i play tequila and you know what i still do????

doot with power. doot with all of your might. doot until your doot maker won’t make any more doots.

bd: get in your spots for a run through

me: bold of you to assume i know where my spot is

i’ll mouth your piece daddy

currently eating a five course meal off of a music stand,,,,,,,,,,,

that’s what i call living the life

sometimes you just gotta… honk.. just honk that mouthpiece ohhhhhhh yeahh

i constantly want a new saxophone but then i listen to my current one and i’m like dang daddy what a sexy piece of brass you are

why practice for region when you can just learn how to play kelpy g?

what’s gucci gang gamers it’s ya boi… uhhhhhhhhh… doesn’t practice enough

me and my sax squad homies ain’t gay, we just homieSAXual

i kinda want to arrange a version of gucci gang for a stand tune but lmao that involves effort and y'all know a brother isn’t about that life

definitely 100% great advice:

if you ever play a wrong note during concert season, just tell your director you wanted it to be a little jazzy

me: *plays the fortnite default dance music for the ten thousandth time*

bd: please. for the love of god stop.

never let my dumbass self think that marching bari for an entire season is a good idea

it’s really fuckin not oh my god my back

jazz band is great because i love a good “bop, bodoowadop, badoowadoowadop, scoobididoopbopbawahwahhhhh, shoobidoobibweeahhhhh”

tfw you play for so long that you can’t feel your jaw

mmmm lov that

if one more clarinet touches my fucking saxophone i’m going to boil their teeth

I don’t understand how people quit or don’t like band. It’s literally one of the best things that’s ever happened to me, and it hurts that my friends are leaving.

It may seem stupid that I’m getting so emotional about something that I still have so many years, and so many opportunities still, as freshman year is ending.

I’m going to be a section leader next year and it scares me that I might forget how to have fun and let loose in band, especially when so many of my friends are leaving it next year.

I just want to make the most of it while I’m here, and it’s hard to think a whole year went by like that.

There’s two things that my band director says before every game, when we’re lining up in parade block and it’s something that I think everyone should hear.

  • What makes a band successful? Every single person does their absolute best, all the time.
  • Remember who you are, remember who you represent, remember who you want to be.

And some of you may take it as just some stupid band thing, but you have to look past your section, past the band, past the people around you in order to really believe it. You have to look at yourself and tell yourself who you are and who you want to be to make it come true, to do your absolute best all the time.

And this may be why band is so important to me but it really is a family, as stupid as that may sound.

Y’all, guess what bad bitch just got section leader

This dumbass freshman lol I have no clue what I’m doing or how I got here plz send help
