#lucius deahrel


Cosplay Progress #Runaan

Omg! All the small stuff and the armour pieces are finally finished! I hope it works (The bracelets and the amulet are designed and made by PhantomCrisis (Instagram & Twitter) and bought by Marik DeAhrel (Instagram & Twitter) Thank you, I love it


Whoever designed Runaan’s hairstyle… thank you for this challenge This was a hard fight OMG! How can a hairstyle look so simple and so hard to style?

Shadow Runaan from TheDragonPrinceThis make up test was a lot of fun.I hope you like it. Make Shadow Runaan from TheDragonPrinceThis make up test was a lot of fun.I hope you like it. Make

Shadow Runaan from TheDragonPrince

This make up test was a lot of fun.
I hope you like it.

Make up, Photo and editing by me

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Moonshadow elf Runaan from TheDragonPrince new editedI will made some new photos with better Wig/hMoonshadow elf Runaan from TheDragonPrince new editedI will made some new photos with better Wig/h

Moonshadow elf Runaan from TheDragonPrince new edited
I will made some new photos with better Wig/horns and so on I’m working on the cosplay next time.

Thank you @dragonprinceofficial for this wonderful series and all the awesome characters

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Vrepit sa!Connichi friday at Kassel (Germany) @ Xx_schmarik_xX (Twitter) as Throk Me as Haxus (oh,Vrepit sa!Connichi friday at Kassel (Germany) @ Xx_schmarik_xX (Twitter) as Throk Me as Haxus (oh,Vrepit sa!Connichi friday at Kassel (Germany) @ Xx_schmarik_xX (Twitter) as Throk Me as Haxus (oh,Vrepit sa!Connichi friday at Kassel (Germany) @ Xx_schmarik_xX (Twitter) as Throk Me as Haxus (oh,Vrepit sa!Connichi friday at Kassel (Germany) @ Xx_schmarik_xX (Twitter) as Throk Me as Haxus (oh,Vrepit sa!Connichi friday at Kassel (Germany) @ Xx_schmarik_xX (Twitter) as Throk Me as Haxus (oh,

Vrepit sa!
Connichi friday at Kassel (Germany)
@ Xx_schmarik_xX (Twitter) as Throk
Me as Haxus (oh, I love this character so much. I will build his armour next time)

GalraHeadCap designed by me

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HEY FRIENDS!14.09.2018 is TheDragonPrince day!!!I’m looking so forward!!!! Can’t wai

14.09.2018 is TheDragonPrince day!!!
I’m looking so forward!!!! Can’t wait to see #Runaan and the moonshadow elves in action!!!

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Indoraptor [humanized] #Cosplay für #Connichi Freitag Das ist eine Eigenkreation. Sowas haben wir 20Indoraptor [humanized] #Cosplay für #Connichi Freitag Das ist eine Eigenkreation. Sowas haben wir 20Indoraptor [humanized] #Cosplay für #Connichi Freitag Das ist eine Eigenkreation. Sowas haben wir 20Indoraptor [humanized] #Cosplay für #Connichi Freitag Das ist eine Eigenkreation. Sowas haben wir 20

Indoraptor [humanized] #Cosplay für #Connichi Freitag
Das ist eine Eigenkreation. Sowas haben wir 2015 schon mal mit dem Raptor Squad gemacht.
Auf den Fotos ist nicht alles zu sehen. Handschuhe, Hose, Beintasche usw sieht man später, wenn ich alles an habe. :)

Maske ✔
Weste ✔
Hemd + Patches ✔
Tuch ✔
Hose ✔
Stiefel ✔
Kallen + Handschuhe ✔
Ausweis ✔
Wig ✔
Beintasche ✔
Kontaktlinsen ✘

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Essik Theylas CriticalRole

DnD? Drow? Mage? Call me in!

I couldn’t resist and I hope you like my version of Essik. The clothes were taken from my LARP Drow SC and I quickly cut and styled one of my wigs for him. The make up test was a lot of fun and now I can spam you with photos of this Drow character ♡

This time I used grey make up instead of black make up. The reason is that I wanted to do some conturing and visible eye make up, which is almost not possible on charcoal black. But I’ll stay black for LARP. It’s just a lot faster to do that.

Photo & edit by me

Character by Matthew Mercer

Hey Guys,

I’m Lucius from Germany. I’m Cosplayer & LARPer.

Cosplays & Pattern, Wigs Styling, Eva Foam Crafting, Galra Head Caps, Masks, Make up & Bodypaint, Props, Photos & Editing…

I love to provide you with my tips, patterns, photo wishes, information, etc.(on Instagram / Patreon / Twitter / Facebook) In exchange I’d like a little bit back from you, if you want. Because I do this all for free and it’s very time-consuming and expensive. I need a little bit help :)

I thought it over a lot of time if I should do this and I discussed it with my homies, too, to be absolutely sure. But at least I decided to make a Ko-fi for myself. The decisive factors are two reasons:

1) "you don’t beg for money. Whoever wants to do this, can decide to give you something or pay for something. The people give you the money because they want to and because they choose to on their own accords!“

2) I love to provide you with my tips, links, sewing patterns and things I tried, in the future even commissions (if my health condition allows it, meaning if my hands are going to work with me in this period of time), photo wishes, photo editings etc. All of this costs money and I never dared asking for it. But just a simple tip like "buy this wig for Lotor, this one is great” costs me about 60-90€ because I had some mispurchases which I also had to pay. I just could have never told you that tip, though, if I hadn’t done so. Same goes for sewing patterns and other stuff which I made and which cost both time and money. 

Unfortunately I’m not fit for a normal life for health reasons like having a normal work life at all. (I don’t like to out myself like this, but this is the truth and there are days I wish that medical progress would be more advanced. ) Meaning that I give my hobby the last shirt off my back. But this hobby is also what keeps me in the here and now. 

I don’t want to complain or beg for money. This is not an request for you to pay. Don’t feel forced. 

You can chose how to take this. It’s just a try and either it works or it doesn’t. :) Thank you~
