#lyanna stark


It lives! HAHAHAHA

Part 7 of the long dormant Love, Unexpected series–a modern AU series centered on Ned and Catelyn Stark has been posted on AO3HERE. It is entitled All Kind of Messy and picks up immediately after the end of The Wild Wolf. This one is in Catelyn’s POV.

Summary:  The Stark family navigates the most tragic twenty-four hours in their lives, and Catelyn finds comfort from a surprising source as she faces her own terrifying battle without Ned by her side. The only way forward for all of them is through the pain, and the only thing that can sustain them on this journey through the dark places is the strength they find in one another.

Long anticipated cosplay of my favourite pair <3 Rhaegar Targaryen by Escapecosplay Photo by CospLong anticipated cosplay of my favourite pair <3 Rhaegar Targaryen by Escapecosplay Photo by CospLong anticipated cosplay of my favourite pair <3 Rhaegar Targaryen by Escapecosplay Photo by Cosp

Long anticipated cosplay of my favourite pair <3 

Rhaegar Targaryen by Escapecosplay 

Photo by Cosplay Studio Norway 

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like mother, like son. aka the stark look includes looking vaguely disgruntled and judgmentalcommiss

like mother, like son. aka the stark look includes looking vaguely disgruntled and judgmental

commissions are open!

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Lyanna Stark

The Winter Rose. I kind of love her and think the way the show filmed … and wig-ed a certain wedding? Heck naw, they deserved better.

I’ve known more or less from the start of this GoT redesign that I wanted to draw some of the ladies from the time before Robert’s Rebellion. There’s no way I could resist. Also thinking about the previous generation’s fashion really helped me in keeping a visual timeline since fashion changes and adapts with the times and the people in such fascinating ways.

I knew I wanted a sort of hold-over sideless surcoat/outer gown (bridge things between future & Jenny’s era), and I wanted to reference Arya’s first redesign dress as well as other fancy medieval details (button sleeves). She should probably have the silver broaches but if I could remember everything all the time… life would be so much easier. I used blue as her accent color for obvious reasons but the overall effect is still grey.

I am the artist!!! Don’t repost without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: Instagram,Patreon

juliakaze: The Dragon and the Wolf (Part 1)- Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark The Dragon and the Wjuliakaze: The Dragon and the Wolf (Part 1)- Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark The Dragon and the Wjuliakaze: The Dragon and the Wolf (Part 1)- Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark The Dragon and the W


The Dragon and the Wolf (Part 1)- Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark

The Dragon and the Wolf (Part 2)-Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow

The Song and Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin

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Born 266 AC at Winterfell. Lyanna was the only sister of Brandon, Eddard, and Benjen Stark. She is betrothed to the Lord of Storm’s End, Robert Baratheon. Lyanna is untamed and unruly like the direwolf of her House’s sigil. She is a skilled rider, better than her brothers combined. She takes any opportunity she has to ride into the fields with her horse. She loves the feeling of the wind in her hair when she rides. Lyanna is a true northern beauty like the winter roses she loves so much.

him-e: ♕   The wolf blood, my father used to call it.  L y a n n a  had a touch of it.       [ x ; xhim-e: ♕   The wolf blood, my father used to call it.  L y a n n a  had a touch of it.       [ x ; x


  Thewolf blood, my father used to call it.  L y a n n a  had a touch of it.       [ x;x ;x

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grandbuste:“Beautiful, and willful, and dead before her time.”


“Beautiful, and willful, and dead before her time.”

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“And If this is a dream, I will kill the man who tries to wake me.”

Daenerys x Drogo

My new video about Robert and Lyanna

Decided to create something about them despite the fact how much I dislike Robert ✨ just a video to enjoy beautiful views and landscapes, flowers and sea


Snowstorm SummerRhaegar & Lyanna


“But that was the tourney when he crowned Lyanna Stark as queen of love and beauty!” said Dany. “Princess Elia was there, his wife, and yet my brother gave the crown to the Stark girl, and later stole her away from her betrothed. How could he do that? Did the Dornish woman treat him so ill?”
“It is not for such as me to say what might have been in your brother’s heart, Your Grace. The Princess Elia was a good and gracious lady, though her health was ever delicate.”
[Daenerys IV, A Storm of Swords]

♥ ♥ ♥

The maid loved Bael so dearly she bore him a son, the song says …
[Jon VI, A Clash of Kings]


Day 26: Lyanna Stark

Lyanna Stark is Arya’s aunt and also a key character in Arya’s story. Arya shares so many similarities to her aunt.

Arya is said to look so much like Lyanna. Ned tells Arya that she looks just like Lyanna. Arya and Lyanna share the Stark brown hair and gray eyes. Lyanna is also said to have been really beautiful, possessing a wild beauty. Arya is constantly called pretty by many people, only called ugly by her cruel sister. Arya does’t think she is beautiful like Lyanna but evidently she is growing into her wild beauty that her aunt also had.

Arya and Lyanna are also both amazing horse riders. Lyanna is said to have been half a horse herself. Arya says riding a horse is something she can do better than Sansa. Along with running a household.

Arya and Lyanna are also both non-conforming women. Which means that they don’t mind getting into a fight if they must. Ned says that if their father allowed it, Lyanna would have used a sword. But who’s to say she didn’t? She is believed to be the Knight of the Laughing Tree who kicked the asses of many a knight and squire at the Tourney of Harrenhal. And Arya has learned the skill of water dancing and has consistently defended herself against scumbags.

Arya and Lyanna also both have a fondness for flowers. Arya loved picking flowers for her father and identifying the different flowers at the Trident. Lyanna is closely associated with the beautiful blue winter roses. Their love for flowers showed that while they loved what is considered ”masculine” interests, they also loved things that were typically ”feminine”.

Arya is said to be Lyanna reborn. A she wolf fierce and wild. Protective of her pack. And a wild beauty that could charm many men.
