#lychee dragon cookie



‣ cookie run reply icons

‣ requested by @xeylea


*Please note that most of these are purely my own headcanons and may not have any confirmation/proof in canonorcontradict what is canon

This took longer than I expected it to, but here’s the updated relationship chart!

Some relationships may be different than the old chart and after the amount of times I wrote “friendly” and “acquaintance” they both stopped looking like words lmfao

Some relationships are kind of vague or are more in depth than the one word description, so I’ll probably elaborate more in future posts

Edit:Lychee’s relationships have been added!

I decided to make a height chart for the Legends

These are my personal headcanons for their heights so they’re most likely not these heights in the game lmao

It’s kind of hard to see so you’ll have to zoom in

I’m gonna be busy for a little longer than I thought, so here’s my tier list for the Legends lmao

For the tiers with more than one cookie, from left to right is more favorite to least favorite

Other cookies’ relationship with Lychee

Dino-Sour also has a relationship with Lychee but I don’t have enough affection with him

!!! Main Story Spoilers !!!

(Part 3) Lychee’s Plan

While we’re still not entirely sure what Lychee’s plan is, it clearly has something to do with Ivory

There’s also this from the very beginning of this story:

While we still don’t know who this cookie is and it could just be some cookie, I feel very sure that it’s Ivory

They have a lot of white on their color palette from we can see, they have scales, and they’re planning with Lychee who’s made it very clear they don’t like cookies

As well as the compass both Lotus and Lychee need for some reason, Lychee keeps mentioning some mysterious “cookie with a staff” that they need for their plan

For a bit I really didn’t know what they were talking about or who they were talking about until I thought about it more

So I have a theory:

The cookie with a staff they’re looking for is Fire Spirit

Fire Spirit’s whole thing is he has connections with the dragon world and cookie world and the bead on his staff was the Red Dragon’s (Pitaya’s) that he got somehow

Also he’s one of the last Legends that isn’t Millie or the dragons who hasn’t gotten a buff or costume

It would be the perfect opportunity to give him a buff and more lore seeing as the other Four have also gotten at least a little bit of lore

While Millie has something to do with the dragons, he’s not nearly as connected to them as Fire Spirit is

He also doesn’t have a staff

Am I just saying this because I have a bias with Fire Spirit as one of the Four?

Yes but also no lmfao

Maybe I’m just making up stuff but who knows

Devsisters had said in the DevNow thing that Ivory is supposed to be released at the end of this year(?) so I guess we’ll figure it out then

So maybe this section was more about me theorizing than talking about Lychee’s plan, so sue me jfxloxth

!!! Main Story Spoilers !!!

(Part 2) Lychee’s Powers

As we saw from the first half of the story, Mangosteen (Lychee) was able to charm cookies and get them to do whatever they wanted them to

To do this, Lychee apparently takes their souls like Lotus sort of did and puts them in a cage

Lotus and Lychee seem to be similar in that aspect

They both manipulate cookies to get what they want that involves harming the cookies they’re manipulating:

Lotus (sort of?) fakes the promise of wishes coming true to drain the life force of cookies to keep their paradise beautiful

Lychee disguises themself as an innocent child and uses their charm to get close to cookies and take their souls which lets them control the cookies that fall for it

Although Lotus’ motives seemed pretty clear (maintain paradise), Lychee’s are still a mystery

They seem to be doing it for fun, but there’s also an underlying motive that we don’t know yet

Their “grand plan” as they’ve put it

!!! Main Story Spoilers !!!

(Part 1) Mangosteen Cookie

I personally wasn’t surprised about this reveal

Mangosteen Cookie was acting really suspicious and clearly had something to do with Lychee because they were leading villagers to the cave

They’ve also been with the village for long enough for them to trust them so they wouldn’t be suspicious of them if cookies started disappearing

I thought Mangosteen was either Lychee in disguise or a cookie working for Lychee

Here’s our answer lmao

!!! Slight Main Story Spoilers !!!

Like with Lotus, here’s some screenshots I thought looked cool before I share the story lmao

*Don’t forget that if you want to complete the story yourself, you should do that first before looking at my next posts

I’ll still put all the spoilers under a cut though

After I’m done posting about Lychee though, I’ll be inactive again for the rest of April and possibly the beginning of May

It depends

The fourth dragon has arrived

Edit:I did my math wrong and Lychee’s actually being released the day BEFORE Ananas was in 2020 lmao oops


After ten million years I finally made a new banner and profile picture ifsdfhsfhgxjfxj

Here’s the full banner since you can’t see it on mobile unless you view it

As you can tell I’m very extra and put too much effort into this

Edit:Lychee has been added as well as some minor detail changes!

Closer pictures under the cut:

Keep reading

Hey… Psst… hands you cookies Ive secretly drawn and disappears in a cloud of evil


: You know you love me. No need to tell me!


