#magick self care



For the Witch needing “Self-Love”…

Let’s face it, we all struggle with finding some special “me” time. By the time I get home from work, feed everyone and sit down and relax - it’s time to do it all over again. Here are some Witchy Self-Love tips to get you that extra care your mind, body and soul crave!

If you’re like me and suffer from mental health issues, (BPD, Depression and Depressive Anxiety) we all know how hard it is to take that step for Self-Care. Once you do, it feels amazing! I promise.

Notice how journaling keeps getting mentioned??!!?!?!

It may seem selfish to take a few extra minutes to yourself, but sometimes we need to in order to function. Here are a few things you can try that doesn’t take much effort:

I am a huge advocate for Spell Jars. If you struggle with finding “me” time, make a spell jar and carry it with out to radiate self-love at all times so you ever forget how special you are. Here are some examples, but keep in mind you are not limited to these ingredients, nor do you have to do it in any order. Just be clear with your intention and personalization!

I personally always say a chant as a I seal my jars. Try this if you choose that feels right to you:

As always, Blessed Be Witches!

  • -Enchanting-Nova