
Dad jokes preserve well in peat bogs, fossilize, and are dug up by new dads who still think the joke

Dad jokes preserve well in peat bogs, fossilize, and are dug up by new dads whostill think the jokes are greatest thing ever.


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goldenchocobo: Dinovember Day 5: Maiasaura from the front(aka I can’t paint water!)Here’s a nice lit


Dinovember Day 5: Maiasaura from the front

(aka I can’t paint water!)

Here’s a nice little Maiasaura taking a sip in the dawn light

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I doodled this a few months ago trying to practice freehand perspective with some random dinos in pen.

In case you can’t read any of the super-tiny writing, the dinosaurs left to right, top to bottom are: Maiasaura,Acrocanthosaurus,Triceratops, and Plateosaurus. The only references used were a pic of an Acro skull.

This was on lined notebook paper which the printer I scanned this on apparently didn’t pick up. Good to know.
