
Old George the Triceratops (Dinosaurs in the Wild, 2017)(via GIPHY)

Old George the Triceratops (Dinosaurs in the Wild, 2017)


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Temporal range: Late Cretaceous, 76.4-75.9 Ma

Location: North America

Diet: Herbivore

Family: Ceratops

Dinosaur Fancier t-shirts

Like most paleonerds, you probably have a favorite type of dinosaur. Maybe you are a fan of theropods, maybe you are more into sauropods or maybe you are more of a ceratopsian person. No matter what sort of dino you prefer we’ve got you covered! Choose one of out t-shirts and let us know what you fancy.


Designs by David Orr

It’s #knightober 15 - Skeleton. Just went and coloured my rough drawing without cleaning it up as an experiment. Not quite happy with this, but I gotta move on!

Knightober 4th, Star Sign. (taurus)

Doing some more knightober this year! Number one is Marigold.

It’s #knightober number 3 - Blessed Shield. #digitalart #procreate #triceratops #cleric

Drew a Xenoceratops dude as 1989-91 as possible. #dinosaur #retro #aesthetic #procreate #digitalart

Styracosaurus sketch. This makes me think of the “scaring cats with cucumbers” meme, but having a spooked Styracosaurus on your hands would be disastrous.

Art/posting will be slow during the holidays, so here’s something to look at in the meantime!

Back in 2013, Saurian (then called Crynosaurs) held a competition to come up with color schemes for their Triceratops. I don’t think there was really a reward or purpose for it beyond seeing cool color patterns, but I can’t fault them for that.

This was my entry, one of many now-lost designs. A lot of submissions looked pretty good, but only like 3 can still be found on Google. Also, this was done in 2013, I was just dumb and wrote ‘15.

Lineart by Alex Lewko. I guess he’s still floating around the paleoart sphere somewhere? Chatted with him when Spore was big and he got me interested in paleoart instead of just drawing JP dinos, so thanks bud!

Despite its modest size, Bastiodon is quite tough and imposing. Rough scales, scutes, and armored spikes cover its body. Its massive head is its greatest attribute, with a tall, wide frill that can repel attackers in conjunction with two long, pointed horns. The four tusks sprouting from its beak are used to dig up food and in bouts between rivals.

We’re in the home stretch! Only two more to go as well as a photo of them all together. Some fixes will be needed as well but otherwise I’m really happy with these. I’m actually gonna have to look into the logistics of selling prints, but I’m optimistic. You know I’m saving the best dino Pokémon for last, but the next one  shouldn’t beat itself up over it. It’ll lower it’s attack and special attack…

Anchiceratops at the watering hole with other Horseshoe Canyon Formation contemporaries, Pachyrhinosaurus canadensisandEdmontosaurus regalis.

I’m a little behind on my drawings as you may be able to tell, but it’s fine. I can probably catch up again before too long.

sailorgojirarex1997: Dinovember Day 14. An injured old male Chasmosaurus russelli walking away after


Dinovember Day 14.

An injured old male Chasmosaurus russelli walking away after getting into a skirmish for territory with another younger, more ill-tempered male. During the fight, the younger male gauged a hole in the old male’s frill, broke off the tip of one of his brow horns and gored him in the shoulder. The hole gored into the old male’s frill is minor, but the wound in his shoulder will be the death of him…

I know that I already did a piece relating intraspecific combat for Dinovember already, but I figured it’d add something more to this one here.

Given that there are instances among modern animals where confrontations between members of the same species can result in fatal injuries, it’s safe to assume that the same would be true among some large dinosaurs. I’d imagine that at least on occasion, battles between large ceratopsians would result in severe, if not outright fatal injuries. Perhaps even simple scuffles for food or aggressive displays of strength made to settle territorial or mating disputes could have sometimes gotten out of hand. 

I based the coloration of the Chasmosaurushere on the ones in Jurassic World: Evolution. The eye spots were my own creative embellishment.

(NOTE: I had literally no idea that the main #DrawDinovember challenge was doing Chasmosaurus today. So, me also drawing it today was purely coincidental.)

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APrenoceratops with an infected ankle. Not a “cool” injury by any means, but probably one of the more unfortunate. Whether you’re predator or prey, a busted leg is really bad.

I decided to show some extra “phases” since I thought they looked good. Not sure if the red color on the ankle comes through, but it sure is swollen. Also, look at me uploading one of these pieces early in the day!

Dinovember is finally here and I’m hoping this will be a strong start to the month!

Here are some Achelousaurus engaging in intraspecific combat while a Bambiraptor realizes it probably should have left like 5 minutes ago. Perspective is hard and I totally made the rightAchelousaurus’ head too big, but that just happens sometimes.

If anyone else is following along with my challenge, I’d love to see what you make!

goldenchocobo:Day 9: Triceratops eating I got lazy with the environment, but I wasn’t feeling it t


Day 9: Triceratops eating

I got lazy with the environment, but I wasn’t feeling it tonight.

Here’s a very green triceratops eating some tasty leaves

Love the coloration here! Especially those green stripes down the back!

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I doodled this a few months ago trying to practice freehand perspective with some random dinos in pen.

In case you can’t read any of the super-tiny writing, the dinosaurs left to right, top to bottom are: Maiasaura,Acrocanthosaurus,Triceratops, and Plateosaurus. The only references used were a pic of an Acro skull.

This was on lined notebook paper which the printer I scanned this on apparently didn’t pick up. Good to know.

Playing around with poses and perspective for some random dinos. 

Styracosaurus is sleeping on the comfiest stick around. It is his pride and joy. His hatchlings don’t even come close.

Another Inktober Jurassic drawing. I really like how the detail came out on this one, even if it took me forever to finish. 

Also does anyone else remember how Triceratops was technically in JP3 for like 2 seconds? Totally got shafted but I guess that still counts.

pheastonart:Albertaceratops, Pentel pocket brush pen. #paulheaston #paleoart #dinosaurs #penandink


Albertaceratops, Pentel pocket brush pen. #paulheaston #paleoart #dinosaurs #penandink

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By Román García Mora:“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left tBy Román García Mora:“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left tBy Román García Mora:“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left tBy Román García Mora:“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left tBy Román García Mora:“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left tBy Román García Mora:“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left tBy Román García Mora:“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left tBy Román García Mora:“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left t

ByRomán García Mora:

“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left to right) Coahuilaceratops magnacuerna,Latirhinus uitstlani,Velafrons coahuilensis,Saltillomimus rapidus, and Muzquizopteryx coahuilensis flying over the scene.”

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A random selection of dinosaurs I felt like drawing, Gnathovorax, Murusraptor, Mantellisaurus, AardoA random selection of dinosaurs I felt like drawing, Gnathovorax, Murusraptor, Mantellisaurus, AardoA random selection of dinosaurs I felt like drawing, Gnathovorax, Murusraptor, Mantellisaurus, AardoA random selection of dinosaurs I felt like drawing, Gnathovorax, Murusraptor, Mantellisaurus, Aardo

A random selection of dinosaurs I felt like drawing, Gnathovorax, Murusraptor, Mantellisaurus, Aardonyx, Huayangosaurus and Yamaceratops.
Also images of Murusraptor, Mantellisaurus and Aardonyx on their own.

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Regaliceratops petwerhewsi, one of my favourite ceratopsids! Discovered in Alberta, my home province

Regaliceratops petwerhewsi, one of my favourite ceratopsids! Discovered in Alberta, my home province.

Its crest makes me think of the sun, so I wanted to give it some fiery colours.

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A beaten up old Styracosaurus bull looks on while a younger male sizes him up and postures a bit, tr

A beaten up old Styracosaurus bull looks on while a younger male sizes him up and postures a bit, trying to initiate a fight. But the elder is too old for this shit.

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Yeah she gay keep scrollin

Yeah she gay keep scrollin

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Styracosaucer improvement.Both are characters in a Deviantart ARPG called Primeval Age.

Styracosaucer improvement.

Both are characters in a Deviantart ARPG called Primeval Age.

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In the late 1990s a partial skeleton of a ceratopsian was discovered in New Mexico, USA. These remai

In the late 1990s a partial skeleton of a ceratopsian was discovered in New Mexico, USA. These remains were initially thought to belong to Torosaurus, but after more of the specimen was recovered in the mid-2010s it became clear the bones actually represented an entirely new species of horned dinosaur – officially named in 2022asSierraceratops turneri.

Sierraceratops lived during the Late Cretaceous, around 72 million years ago, in what at the time was the southern region of the island continent of Laramidia. About 4.6m long (~15’), it had fairly short chunky brow horns, long pointed cheek horns, and a relatively large frill.

It was part of a unique lineage of ceratopsians that were endemic to southern Laramidia, with its closest known relatives being Bravoceratopsfromwestern TexasandCoahuilaceratopsfromnorthern Mexico.


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Some paleoart I did for my new job of one of my favourite dinos, P. lakustai![ID. A digitally painte

Some paleoart I did for my new job of one of my favourite dinos, P. lakustai!

[ID. A digitally painted profile of the face of Pachyrhinosaurus lakustai, a ceratopsian with a large boss above it’s nose and a smaller boss above its eye, and a single “unicorn” spike on the middle portion of its frill. It is illustrated in browns with some darker stripes and an eyespot on the frill. 

The skull used for reference is illustrated in flat black and white in the background and is overlain with the text: “Pachyrhinosaurus lakustai/Lakusta’s Thick-Nosed reptile from Pipestone Creek, Grande Prairie”.  END]

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apartment22: Utahceratops - start to finish!apartment22: Utahceratops - start to finish!apartment22: Utahceratops - start to finish!apartment22: Utahceratops - start to finish!apartment22: Utahceratops - start to finish!


Utahceratops - start to finish!

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Prehistoric Planet Episode 4 - Ice Worlds

This was my favorite episode so far, what with the goofy bandit Ornithomimus, adorable baby Olorotitans, and the awesome Pachyrhinosaurus/Nanuqsaurus standoff. The real star of the show, however, was the Pyromaniac Troodontid.

radicalestes: So a whole bunch of you liked my yutyrannus pic from eons ago, and a whole bunch of yoradicalestes: So a whole bunch of you liked my yutyrannus pic from eons ago, and a whole bunch of yoradicalestes: So a whole bunch of you liked my yutyrannus pic from eons ago, and a whole bunch of yoradicalestes: So a whole bunch of you liked my yutyrannus pic from eons ago, and a whole bunch of yoradicalestes: So a whole bunch of you liked my yutyrannus pic from eons ago, and a whole bunch of yo


So a whole bunch of you liked my yutyrannus pic from eons ago, and a whole bunch of you followed me for (I’m assuming) my dinosaur art, so have some centrosaurus drawings! They’re all apart of my Dinosaur Park Formation story/project, and also probably my favourite ceratopsian.

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… #dinosaur #ceratopsian #triceratops #goat #horns #pencil #doodle #sketchbook #artistsoninst

#dinosaur #ceratopsian #triceratops #goat #horns #pencil #doodle #sketchbook #artistsoninstagram

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