

Dinosaur Fancier t-shirts

Like most paleonerds, you probably have a favorite type of dinosaur. Maybe you are a fan of theropods, maybe you are more into sauropods or maybe you are more of a ceratopsian person. No matter what sort of dino you prefer we’ve got you covered! Choose one of out t-shirts and let us know what you fancy.


Designs by David Orr

Here are two that are dear to me old heart.
Two stubby little Fighting + Psychic Pokemon generated from the Nokemon AI website.
Behold, Garrapple and Hadrunt!

By Román García Mora:“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left tBy Román García Mora:“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left tBy Román García Mora:“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left tBy Román García Mora:“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left tBy Román García Mora:“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left tBy Román García Mora:“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left tBy Román García Mora:“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left tBy Román García Mora:“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left t

ByRomán García Mora:

“Scene of the Late Cretaceous of Coahuila State, Mexico. Featuring (from left to right) Coahuilaceratops magnacuerna,Latirhinus uitstlani,Velafrons coahuilensis,Saltillomimus rapidus, and Muzquizopteryx coahuilensis flying over the scene.”

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A selection of very quick sketches I didn’t post to tumblr, rhamphorhynchus, asteriornis, deccenatheA selection of very quick sketches I didn’t post to tumblr, rhamphorhynchus, asteriornis, deccenatheA selection of very quick sketches I didn’t post to tumblr, rhamphorhynchus, asteriornis, deccenatheA selection of very quick sketches I didn’t post to tumblr, rhamphorhynchus, asteriornis, deccenatheA selection of very quick sketches I didn’t post to tumblr, rhamphorhynchus, asteriornis, deccenatheA selection of very quick sketches I didn’t post to tumblr, rhamphorhynchus, asteriornis, deccenatheA selection of very quick sketches I didn’t post to tumblr, rhamphorhynchus, asteriornis, deccenatheA selection of very quick sketches I didn’t post to tumblr, rhamphorhynchus, asteriornis, deccenatheA selection of very quick sketches I didn’t post to tumblr, rhamphorhynchus, asteriornis, deccenatheA selection of very quick sketches I didn’t post to tumblr, rhamphorhynchus, asteriornis, deccenathe

A selection of very quick sketches I didn’t post to tumblr, rhamphorhynchus, asteriornis, deccenatherium, quetzalcoatlus, temnodontosaurus, cotylorhynchus, edmontosaurus, concavispina, dilophosaurus and spinosaurus

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 The tiny hadrosaur ajnabia finds itself in a sticky situation stalked by a chenanisaurus, ajnabia i

The tiny hadrosaur ajnabia finds itself in a sticky situation stalked by a chenanisaurus, ajnabia is from the late cretaceous of morocco and was described back in october.

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Here are some hypothetical baby Jurassic Park hadrosaurs that pull from the film designs, fossil specimens of ParasaurolophusandHypacrosaurus, as well as general “baby” proportions the series has used before.

I won’t be doing daily uploads for Jurassic June, but some more JP ontogeny-themed drawings could be fun. Stay tuned!

Anchiceratops at the watering hole with other Horseshoe Canyon Formation contemporaries, Pachyrhinosaurus canadensisandEdmontosaurus regalis.

I’m a little behind on my drawings as you may be able to tell, but it’s fine. I can probably catch up again before too long.

Dinovember Day 16: Saved for a Rainy Day

Hypacrosaurus caught out in the rain. This feels super atmospheric and I like how the rain effects came out.

A landscape featuring Shantungosaurus. I’m obviously not great at landscapes and I got the Shantungosaurus in there real quick, but I feel like this still looks OK.

I doodled this a few months ago trying to practice freehand perspective with some random dinos in pen.

In case you can’t read any of the super-tiny writing, the dinosaurs left to right, top to bottom are: Maiasaura,Acrocanthosaurus,Triceratops, and Plateosaurus. The only references used were a pic of an Acro skull.

This was on lined notebook paper which the printer I scanned this on apparently didn’t pick up. Good to know.

Oh hey, I drew a dinosaur.

I drew this the other night with the intention of it being the first drawing I post to my blog. I will be drawing and posting more as time goes on, with some shitposting and dumps of super-old sketches I’ve done spread out in between.

This started out as a line drawing that I ended up shading, which I guess turned out kinda interesting.

Based off the Lambeosaurus lambei skeleton mounted at the Royal Ontario Museum.

I think it’s adorable that the Parasaurolophus is one of 4 dinos to be in every JP movie so far. Like the other 3 (T. rex, Raptor, Trike) all make sense since they’re so popular. But then the Para’s just there. Being all cute and shit.

I only like Prosaurolophuses. And Prosaurolophuses like me too.

Happy Holidays and whatever else to everybody! It’s been quite the year art-wise. So much made and so much artistic progress. I’ll more than likely be posting a monthly art meme before the year is over. So much stuff I’m proud to have made.

That being said, I got my first full time job recently! And as exciting as that is, it means things are going to slow down somewhat on the art front. I won’t be dead, I have far too much planned for that. But don’t expect anything too often since I won’t have much time to work on art at least until I get used to my new schedule and how to make the most of it. Not that I put out art all the time, but just figured I’d make it known. 

Hope you all enjoy and have some fun and cozy winter times.

Another set of JP color schemes for Parasaurolophus. I kinda wanted to include the one from JP: The Ride, but I felt like the ones here were from more “prominent” sources and got in more varying colors.

sailorgojirarex1997: Dinovember Day 29. Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus in the modern era. Inexplicably wi


Dinovember Day 29.

Tsintaosaurus spinorhinusin the modern era. Inexplicably winding up inside a  museum in the 21st century, the duckbill wanders the halls in silent bewilderment.  Eventually he comes upon a very bizarre, yet vaguely familiar looking skeleton. Unknown to him, it’s a highly inaccurate mount of another Tsintaosaurus

It’s very interesting to see how our ideas about how dinosaurs looked have changed over the years. The case of Tsintaosaurusespecially is extremely fascinating and perplexing. For years, we always assumed Tsintaosaurushad long forward facing crest on it’s head, making it look like a dinosaurian unicorn. Now with more complete specimens having been unearthed, we realize that idea was wrong and we now know it had a backward comb-shaped crest. It just goes to show how perceptions can change in light of new evidence. But, unicorn-crested or not, Tsintaosaurus is still a cool dinosaur and one of my favorites.

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DINOSAURS! (Weird, silly background for my instagram profile’s mosaic)The animals are: Kentrosaurus,

DINOSAURS! (Weird, silly background for my instagram profile’s mosaic)

The animals are: Kentrosaurus, Ouranosaurus, Utaharaptor, Mamenchisaurus, Mononykus, Carnotaurus, Spiclypeus and Herrerasaurus, 

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Prince Creek Watched by a foraging troodontid, a herd of Arctic hadrosaurs walk along a moonlit beac

Prince Creek

Watched by a foraging troodontid, a herd of Arctic hadrosaurs walk along a moonlit beach in Alaska, 69 mya.

Inspired by trackways left in volcanic ash at Prince Creek. The species depicted have unclear status at this moment in time, so let’s call them Troodon sp. and Ugrunaaluk kuukpikensis/Edmontosaurus regalis.

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Edmontosaurus regalisPlaying around with sexual dimorphism.Edmontosaurus regalisPlaying around with sexual dimorphism.

Edmontosaurus regalis

Playing around with sexual dimorphism.

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