

Merry Christmas to the lovely @supernatural9917fic. I hope you like it, and you have a wonderful holiday period. You are an awesome person and I really hope this is okay and makes you smile. Enjoy, ❤️


If you won’t then I will

Alec sighed as he flopped on his bed. He wasn’t sure what he had done to find himself in this position. But obviously, he had done something. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He could do this, after all, it was just Magnus. Magnus, who he had been friends with for almost two years. Magnus, who he has been practically in love with for almost as long. Magnus, who he had agreed to fake date. Alec groaned and turned to bury his face in his pillow, wondering for the millionth time that evening, why he had accepted. But after all, there was only one answer. It was Magnus, and he would do anything for Magnus.

“Alexander?” Magnus called, looking over to where Alec was flopped on his sofa.

Alec looked up at his friend, “yeah?”

Alec frowned when he noticed that his friend seemed nervous. Magnus was never nervous and Alec found that it made him uneasy. “Magnus?” he asked, sitting up to pay more attention to his friend.

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For @heavensenthale as part of the Malec Secret Santa 2021

This fic fought me for a good, long while. Ultimately, it turned out entirely different than originally planned.
I hope you still enjoy it, my friend - have some *wonderful* holidays.


Alec groaned as he more or less stumbled out of his room, only clad in a pair of comfortable and soft pyjama pants. He padded straight towards the kitchen on bare feet, passing his brother Jace who lounged on the living room sofa and typed away furiously on his phone.

“Mornin’,” Alec mumbled, running a hand through his hair. Jace didn’t even look up at him, apparently engrossed in the texts he was receiving.

“Good morning. Uh, coffee’s still hot, if you want any? I’m texting with Izzy right now.”

Alec gave a wordless sound of affirmation as he walked past the blonde, making a beeline for the coffee pot. Thankfully Jace – who was always the first to get up in the morning, even though he usually was the last to leave for his job as a personal trainer – always made more than enough for all three of the Lightwood siblings sharing the flat. As much as Alec occasionally cursed about his decision to move in with both Jace and Isabelle, all in all it had probably been the best idea of his adult life. At least he wouldn’t die alone, or of caffeine deprivation.

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 For @ladymatt, who I’ve had the pleasure of writing for before. Truly a special and kind soul For @ladymatt, who I’ve had the pleasure of writing for before. Truly a special and kind soul

For@ladymatt, who I’ve had the pleasure of writing for before. Truly a special and kind soul in our fandom! Happiest of Holidays, I hope you enjoy this little Malec Romance Tale.


Somewhere in Time

Mayfield College

May 2012

“Alec, that was great!”

“Man, what an awesome play! Congrats Alec!”

He heard all the different shouts as he moved through the backstage crowd, a smile stretched across his face and his current boyfriend clinging to his arm. His closest friends moved around him, protecting him in a circle from all the people who suddenly came out the woodwork wanting to know him, touch him, be close to him. Alec Lightwood was a shining star at the Liberal Arts college. His plays, winning the small college awards and making the papers.

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Post link

Happy Holidays, @moonlight-breeze-44@! I’ve never written a soulmate AU before, so I hope this is acceptable and acceptably angsty!


Fortunate Lover

The night has turned bitterly cold by the time Alec’s finally let off from the Institute. Even the overly-expensive thermal parka Magnus bought him and several successive heat runes aren’t enough to ward off the chill. He’s pretty sure his lips and fingertips are turning blue, but he doesn’t do much about it other than tucking his nose into his scarf and shoving his hands deeper into his pockets.

He could ask Magnus to portal him the rest of the way home, instead of walking, but he doesn’t. The cold is bracing. It gives him space to think. It’s very hard to continue floating along in vague dismissal of his unease when the wind is reminding him with every step that he exists.

He almost doesn’t want to go home tonight. Home means Magnus, and while normally that’s a source of incredible comfort, Alec almost doesn’t want to see him right now. Even though he hasn’t seen him in days. Each time he sees Magnus it hurts just a little bit more, a little bit sharper.

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For@forensicsisabelle. Hi Haley, I hope this has all the domestic & platonic fluff you were after, it was a joy writing this for you. <3 SS


something to hold

Sitting back, Magnus sipped at his Sidecar as he watched the pair of unfairly attractive siblings bicker between themselves.

All things considered his night is looking up.

He’d been bored at the party. Though that implies Magnus had actually felt something and the sad truth is that it’s been more years than he cares to think about since he’s truly felt much of anything. Even surrounded by people, Downworlders of all sorts and even the rare sighted mundane, Magnus hadn’t been able remember a time he’d felt more alone.

Putting on a smile as fake as most of the jewellery in the building, Magnus had summoned himself another drink as he’d drifted deeper into the room. There was once a time when Magnus had been the life and soul of every party lucky enough to have him make an appearance, but this one hadn’t been able to spark even the tiniest amount of absolutely anything but apathy in him.

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For @high-warlock-of-brooklyn. Happy Holidays! I hope you are always blessed with joy and love and everything that is good in life I also hope that this story can make you smile and that you like it


Rune Me Not


1. Six years

“Your Highness,” a guard said reverently, making all the others along the corridor repeat the act. Alec only nodded and proceeded with his way, head held high and hands clasped behind his back.

But despite all the respect those guards upheld for their prince, some couldn’t help the desire to coo at him.

A six-year-old boy shouldn’t be that adorable with a constant scowl on his young face, already feeling the weight of the future crown on his head. Add to that the fact that Alec wasn’t a spoiled brat or disrespectful towards any of the lower classes. Even for a small child, he was already kind, attentive, and very polite. That only boosted their willingness to protect their future governor with all their might.

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A Reaching Hand

The knights were always so stoic. Alec would watch them walking with their weapons — their backs straight, their faces grim, and their eyes cast forward for whatever danger they would take on. They never spoke on duty unless spoken to in regards to official business. They never stopped for a moment nor sat on the guard wall to rest. They never looked tired, even though Alec was sure they were.

Truthfully, when Alec had been little, he’d been in love with the idea of being a knight. He’d trained in the yard with his stick sword and dreamed of protecting their city from whatever foe would dare challenge him. It had been an empty dream, as Alec had been born with the powers of a mage — and a mage could not be a knight.

Alec thought it was a rather stupid rule. He could guard the city with magic just as well as he could with a weapon, but rules were rules. Besides, Alec had grown a little disenchanted with the idea of being a knight anyway. He’d sit on the roof of his apothecary and watch them when he had nothing better to do or when he was waiting for one of his dreaded potions to finish brewing.

Alec hated when he was asked to brew potions, but that was beside the point.

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My Malec Secret Santa gift for @suchawannabe56! Hope you enjoy and have a wonderful holiday!


Ward Upgrades and Dinner Dates

The portal opened at the front steps of the Institute, and Alec straightened his back even further in preparation to meet the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Maryse and Robert had neglected the ward repair schedule during their tenure, and when Alec took over as acting head, he had been horrified to find that a visit from the High Warlock was overdue by nearly five years. One of his first acts once he was fully in place was to make a formal request for Magnus Bane to come to the Institute to arrange a new maintenance contract, and fortunately he had agreed to come the next day.

When a man stepped through the portal, Alec found himself wishing that he’d had a bit more time to prepare and actually looked at the photos in Magnus’s file instead of just reading the text. While he had expected the warlock to be powerful and somewhat eccentric, he hadn’t expected him to be so utterly gorgeous. Alec stared with his mouth slightly open as Magnus walked up the steps to meet him, and the smirk on the warlock’s face told him he was being obvious in his admiration.

‘Well hello there. I’m Magnus.’

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For@nancyloumm. To the lovely, Nancy. May your Christmas be as delightful as you are!


Parenthood Chooses You

Magnus had no doubt in his mind that Alec was amazing with children. He had seen the way his boyfriend—husband—interacted with his family; playfully with Isabelle, protective with Jace, with fond eye rolls at Simon and Raphael. He had only seen Alec around Max a few times before their wedding since he was carted off to the Los Angeles Institute with their father pretty soon after they met but if Magnus had to guess, he cared for the youngest Lightwood just the same.

It wasn’t until their wedding, the happiest day of his life, that Magnus really understood what kind of responsibility Alec felt for his siblings—and for every other child he interacted with.

Throughout the entire evening that was supposed to be dedicated to him and his happiness, Alec made sure that his sister’s glass was never empty, that Jace always had a smile on his face, and that Max had a dance partner at his side. He made sure everyone was having a good time but paid particular attention to the smallest guests—the shadowhunters in training, the young warlocks that were invited along with their parents, and the fae children that acted more like adults than their ancient counterparts.

Every time Magnus didn’t have his husband at his side, Alec was off making one of the little ones laugh with his horrible jokes or smile wide with offerings of snacks and sparkling juice. It was quite possibly the cutest thing Magnus had ever seen.

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It’s Christmas Eve!! \o/

Hope everyone is excited to see lots of Malec-themed gifts? I KNOW I AM :D

The gifts will be tagged with #malecsanta21 and the #username of whomever the gift is meant for! This way everyone hopefully should be able to “find” their gift(s) quite easily :) I attempted the @ username thingy too, but it didn’t work for everyone that’s participating.

The gift-posting is scheduled to commence at 8PM GMT (one hour from now ;) and should automatically go on until it runs out some time around noon tomorrow, with new gifts posted every 15 minutes! :D

Thanks to some amazing Backup Christmas Angels, everyone is getting gifts! *throws confetti* And heeeeyy I’ve actually finished queueing all the gifts on time for the second year in a row! This third lockdown has been good for something at least, bwahaha.  *throws some more confetti*

HO HO HO!! *runs off*

P.S. the AO3 Archive will be published around 8PM as well, I’ve set an alarm for myself 8-)

Time to send your gifts in if you haven’t done so already!

If you need an extension, then send me an email :)
