#mieczyslaw stilinski

davidsfincher:Scott, I don’t think you get it yet. davidsfincher:Scott, I don’t think you get it yet. davidsfincher:Scott, I don’t think you get it yet. davidsfincher:Scott, I don’t think you get it yet. davidsfincher:Scott, I don’t think you get it yet. davidsfincher:Scott, I don’t think you get it yet. davidsfincher:Scott, I don’t think you get it yet. 


Scott, I don’t think you get it yet. 

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So Much For “I love you”-Part One

Summary: (Y/N) (Y/L/N) a girl that soon realized her world was about to come crashing down all because of a blue-eyed wolf…

(Y/N)= Your Name
(Y/L/N)= Your Last Name

Isaac Lahey x Reader

Requested: Yes (A long time ago, I might add)


(Y/N) POV:


“Isaac I can’t just leave. What about the pack, what about my family” I exclaim. He walks towards me a soft look evident on his face, he takes a hold of my hand and interlocks them together. I sigh and move away from leaving him confused.

“I know this is a lot to handle, Isaac. We’re all still hurting but you can’t expect me to up and go. I love you, Isaac, I do. But I can’t leave not now not ever” I explain.

“ (Y/N) I know you don’t wanna leave Scott, the pack, and your family. But you, Scott…Derek you three are the only family that I have left and I can’t watch you die in my arms, (Y/N). So please” Isaac pleads.

“Isaac…"I whisper. I take his hand and place it on my cheek comforting the distressed wolf.

“I’m not Allison… I miss her so much, she was always there for me whenever I needed her… I miss her, Isaac just as much as you do but I’m not her. I’m me…(Y/N) (Y/L/N), your girlfriend. She’s a human girl with a human family. That gets average grades and is hopelessly in love with a guy named Isaac freaking Lahey” I begin to say ever so softly. A tear escapes slowly streaming down my face.

“And if he loves me as much as I love him… He won’t leave me here alone, he won’t make me go somewhere I don’t want to go because if he truly loves me he’ll stay and fight beside me till we fall to the ground cause we were protecting someone that mattered” I continue to say.

“I can’t leave them here, my family is human, Isaac. They can’t fight like me, they can’t heal like you or Scott. So they need me to protect from whatever danger is coming their way because they matter to me” I finished. Tears were uncontrollably streaming down my face.

“And you matter to me… (Y/N) please don’t make me go without you” Isaac cries.

“Then don’t go” I respond.

“It’s not that simple (Y/N)” Isaac says.

“But me leaving my family is. What made you think that I was just going to leave my family, my friends, my hometown…I can’t, I don’t think I have the strength to leave” I reply. He looks at me in defeat, the look of desperation washes over his facial features.

“You mean everything to me, Isaac. And I love you to the moon and back but all of this is too much to ask an emotionally wrecked girl. I lost my best friend, I almost lost Stiles tonight I don’t wanna lose him again, he’s like a brother to me Isaac” I cry. I cup his face, everything slowly becomes drawn out as I look into the icy blue eyes.

“I’m sorry (Y/N) but I’m not going to stay here and watch you die” Isaac says. My heart breaks in two, I step away and turn around not wanting to see him.

I hear him pick his bag up off the ground. I try to block it out every little sound that he made. Everything was becoming too unbearable for my heart to handle.

“I guess this is goodbye” He says. I take a deep breath and wipe away the tears. I turn to face the boy I love, my arms folded loosely across my chest.

“I guess so” I say bluntly. He drops his bag and runs towards me, his hands on my hips and our lips connected as he kissed me goodbye. I push back and fold my arms once again looking at the floor.

“Please come with me” Isaac pleads once again.

“You know I can’t do that, Isaac. Scott, my parents, Lydia…. I can’t leave, Isaac. They mean too much to me” I reply.

“(Y/N)…” Isaac says. I turn away not wanting him to see me cry.

“Please, Isaac just go, your leaving me whether I come or not. So please make this easier for my heart and leave” I yell.

“But (Y/N)…” He says. I turn around once again to face him, my emotions suddenly all over the place.

“Isaac… go” I plead. He walks towards his bag and picks it up once again. He slowly closes the door behind his eyes never leaving mine. He abruptly stops and says one more thing.

“I love you” He says and shuts the door. I collapse onto the floor in tears, my body slowly starts to become weak as I continue to repeat the love of my life leaving me. I look up at the door and replay those three words in my mind.

“I love you too” I say….


“Hey (Y/N)”


I shake my head as the sound of a very familiar voice wakes me up. I turn to look at Scott and Stiles, one gives me a concerned look and the other one looks at me annoyed.


“The plan remember” Stiles says. I roll my eyes and lay back onto the jeep.

“Look I’m glad I’m a part of your plan, Stiles. But I’m not even sure if I wanna go to college yet” I say. He gasps at my response cause both me and Scott to laugh. I sit upright and look at the boy beside me.

“Something is seriously wrong with her. Scott what does she smell like” Stiles says. I glare at him and stick my tongue out.

“She smells…-” Scott begins to say. He looks up at the sky thinking.

“Sad, Scott I’m sad. Thought you’d be used to it by now. It’s basically a common state for me” I answer.

“Whats wrong?” Scott’s ask concerned. I sigh and face the alpha next to me.

“I was thinking about the night Isaac left” I begin to say. Stiles looks at Scott with this I told you so look on his face causing me to glare at him.

“I keep asking myself what if, you know” I finish.

“Hey, you’ll be okay. My mum said to this to me when me and Allison broke up "They’re you’re first love everything will be amazing and exciting-” Scott begins to say but I cut him off.

“But you’ll end up finding someone else that’ll end up being just as amazing as the first” I finish.

“See you’re getting it” Scott says nudging me in the process. Stiles waves his arms in frustration causing both me and Scott to look at him.

“Dude the plan” Stiles says.

“Don’t worry Stiles you can have him back I’m gonna talk to little wolf anyway” I say. I jump off the jeep and walk towards a chained up Liam.

“(Y/N) you’re a part of the plan as well” Stiles yells behind me.

“Love you” I yell back casually . I stand beside Liam and look up at the sky.

“How you feeling?” I ask.

“I feel great by the way” Liam yells.

“He’s busy at the moment little wolf, Stiles is currently discussing the ‘plan’ aswe speak” I mock. Liam groans in annoyance and rests his head on the tree stump.

“Ughhhh it was only one time I seriously don’t know why I’m even here” he exclaims annoyed. I roll my eyes thinking about all the other times he’s done something stupid during the full moon.

“You sure about that” I reply with giggling. His face turns red in embarrassment as he start looking up at the the stars. I join him in this little activity thinking about the times where me and Isaac would do the same.

“The stars are quiet beautiful tonight, they just sit up there slowly burning throughout the night peacefully and without a care in the world. You know Me and Isaac use to do this all the time it was my favou-” I start to say without thinking. My eyes go wide as I fully process what I just said.

“Isaac?” Liam says while looking at me intrigued.

“Ahhhhh it’s nothing don’t worry about it little wolf, You know what I’ll meet you in the jeep” I say. I quickly walk towards the jeep and get inside. I lean back against the chair slowly sliding down my mind is filled with thoughts.

“What did he do?” Stiles asks as he walks up to the door.

“Nothing, Stiles. He done nothing” I reply.

“Then why do you look like you’re about to cry” he says.

“Seriously stiles don’t worry about it okay I’ll be fine” I say.

“Pfffft a nd I have a six pack with biceps the size of your head. Now come on, whats wrongs” Stiles says. I laugh at his reply and sit up in my chair.

“If you really wanna know I started thinking about my time with Isaac okay and how we’d use to look at the stars, see I told you it was nothing okay” I reply.

“Look you need to talk about him whether it’d be with me, Scott or Lydia but you need to talk about him (Y/N)” he says. I nod my head and usher him out the jeep. I lean back into the seat and close my eyes thinking about what Stiles had just said.

After a while, I get out of the jeep and sit next to Scott. They both look at me concerned looks plastered onto their face.

“I thought about what you said and you’re right. I need to talk about him so why not do it now” I say. They both send me small smiles.

“Where do I begin. Isaac was my first everything, my first love, my first kiss etcetera, etcetera. And I loved him so much… He was there for me when you were the nogitsune, Stiles” I begin to say. Scott puts his arm around my shoulders in order to comfort me.

“Things were great you know. I even saw a future with him, then everything turned sour when Ali died. She was the glue that held everything together. I didn’t know what to do after that and neither did Isaac or that’s what I thought. When he asked me to go with him I was surprised. Deep down I wanted to jump into his arms and scream yes at the top of my lungs but then I thought about you two, my family, Lydia… the pack. I begged him to stay, I begged and I begged but just like that he was gone and I was standing there cold and alone. I tried so hard to forget about him but all I do is end up missing him even more it’s like I’m going crazy and I haven’t figured out how to get over it” I finish. By this point, I was balling my eyes out. Scott was hugging me, rocking side to side as the night continues to tick away

“No matter what (Y/N) you’ve always got us okay” Scott says with a stupid grin on his face. I laugh lightly and hug them both.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you two, seriously” I say. I let go of the hug and chat to them for a little while as some time passes stiles begins to say something.

“Hey you think it’s been long enough” Stiles says referring to the chained up wolf.

“Yes” Liam yells. We all walk towards the little wolf, Scott puts his hand into his pocket and begins to take the keys out.

“Are you sure you’re okay” Scott asks.

“Yes, I’m fine” Liam replies.

“Well if we see your naked butt running around town again I’ll be dragging you here myself little wolf” I say with my brows raised slightly.

“I said I was hot” Liam replies.

“Yes well my grandparent didn’t appreciate seeing a particularly naked young boy running outside my house at two in the morning. Now let’s get going we got things to do”

*skip rest of car ride*

Me, Scott, Malia and Stiles finally make it to the school. We wait for Kira as she was the only one that wasn’t here.

“I’m going to get her” Scott says.

“How are you going to go through all the traffic” Stiles asks.

“I have a way. You guys go to the library, I’ll go back home and get my bike” Scott’s says. We nod our head and wave bye to Scott.

“You guys go ahead I need to do something that I haven’t been able to do in a long time” I say. I play with the necklace Isaac gave me for our anniversary.

“Oh hell no. Do you really think I’m gonna-” Stiles begins to say but Malia cuts him off.

“We’ll meet you at the front of the school” Malia says. Stiles begins to protest but Malia motions her hands to the necklace. Stiles looks at it and then finally understands what I meant. They both walk away, I smile a little as they both remind me of the relationship I had with Isaac.

I walk towards the lacrosse field, my hair and clothes drenched in water. I stand there, the necklace firmly in my hand as I begin to think about the memories we made together. After a while, I look at the necklace a tear slides down my face.

“I love you and I let you go, Isaac Lahey”I throw the necklace far away. My heart finally feeling at peace. I turn around and come face to face with a man.

“You look a lot like the girl in the photo” he says. I move away from him my heart racing. I look at his hands and see long claw protruding from his fingers.

“What are you?” I ask.

“Someone wanting to know where Scott McCall is” he says. I try to run past him but he grabs my arm and pulls me towards him, he then puts his claws up to my throat.

“Look I don’t know where he is okay” I say. 

“Now that’s a lie isn’t it” He says. He digs his claws into my throat causing me to flinch. 

“You won’t find him and even if you do you won’t even know what hit you” I say threatening. He chuckles and leans into my neck. 

“Oh, naive little girl… just you wait and see” He whispers into my ear. We walk to the tunnel that we were under before Scott went to pick Kira up. Coincidentally both Scott and Kira were there. He growls causing the both of them to look in our direction. He pushes me out of the rain, his claws digging into my lower back. 

“Hey, Kira. How was the trip?” I say trying to lighten the mood. The strange man pushes me to the side and runs at Scott and Kira. Everyone begins fighting, Kira takes out her sword while Scott takes out his claws. I crack the bone in my neck and get ready to fight.

“How cute. You all think you can actually beat me” He says. I raise my brow and pull my knives out. 

“Of course we can. Afterall your just another one of our useless obstacles” I say. 

I run up and attack, he dodges some of my advance causing me to attack him even more. He grabs my arms and kicks me in the stomach making me fall to the ground in pain. Scott and Kira then proceed to fight him, he pushes Scott to the side leaving Kira. She takes her sword out and slashes the air and then proceeds to attack, he easily blocks her moves and hit her back causing her to fall.

“A true alpha. Where’s your power, Scott” He says. 

“Who are you?” Scott asks.

“A devoted fan. Show me the man that took down Deucalion, the man who broke the Argents. I came for that alpha, COME ON” He replies. Scott roars and then attacks him. Kira gets up and then attacks him once again but he blocks every move. 

“I didn’t come just to claim your status” He starts to say. 

I stand up and ready my knives once again but I was pulled back by some guy. He attacks him landing a few blows here and there but not enough to take him down. Scott stands up and dodges every throw taken towards him but that guys grabs him by the throat and lifts him into the air. Then he impales Scott with his claws, Scott slowly kneels onto the ground his eyes flashing back to his normal eyes. 

I push past Kira taking her sword and run towards Scott getting ready to attack once again. Scott then grabs him and stands up his eyes back to his alpha ones. I smirk to myself and aim her sword at him while he lays on the ground.

“I don’t know who you are or what you thought you were gonna do but I’ll give you a choice. You can stay and I’ll break something else or you can run” Scott threatens. He looks at us and then turns his to face Stiles. I kick his leg getting his attention, I then lean crouch down in front of him the sword now on the ground. 

“I’d run” I whisper. He stands up, holding his broken arms and runs. I stand up picking up the sword and throw it back to Kira. We all walk towards each other, I turn around to face the guy behind us curious as to who he is. 

“You don’t remember me do you” he says. We all stand there silent, I fold my arms across my chest.

“Nope not one bit” I say. He chuckles and starts walking towards us. 

“I always liked that about you, (Y/N)” He replies. I take my knives out and aim them at him. 

“How do you know my name” I threaten. 

“I guess I look a little different since the fourth grade” He says. 

“…Theo” Scott says. He nods his head a smile slowly emerges onto his face. I put my knives down and place them back into my boots. 

“You know him” Malia says. I smile to myself as the memories of us begin to flash through my mind. 

“Yeah, we use to know him. We were best friends for three years” I reply. I look around the group of people everyone reactions seem so different. 

“Trust me I thought I’d never get to see you guys again. A couple months ago I heard of an alpha in Beacon Hills… When I found out his name was Scott McCall… I just couldn’t believe it. Not just an alpha but a true alpha” He says. 

“What do you want?” Scott asks.

“I moved back to Beacon Hills…back home with my family. Cause I want to be a part of your pack” He answers. 

“That was a really nice speech, Raeken. But all I wanna do and I’m pretty sure most of you agree is to sign our stupid initials onto a library shelf in the school, okay. Now if you don’t mind we’ll be going” I say before anyone could say anything I left and started walking towards the library. We all walk to the library in complete silence, all that could be heard was the sound of rain hitting against the ground. 

“That was interesting” Malia says breakining the silence. 

“Yeah” I reply. 

“What were you doing anyway (Y/N)”Scott asks. 

“I was letting someone go” I reply. He looks at me confused, i just pat his shoulder and continue walking ahead. We make it inside the school all of us sigh in relief. 

“I’ll be back. I have to go to my locker” I say. They nod their heads and stand there talking. 

I jog towards my locker and grab whatever I needed and began jogging my way back to the group of teens. I frown as I approach them as they all sounded like they were arguing with someone. 

“Hey what the hell is going on” I yell. Everyone turns around and looks at me with a sad expression. I look at them weirdly, not sure whats going on. 

“Hey, (Y/N). What the hell happened to you” I hear a very familiar voice say. He booked to walk towards me cupping my face as he examines my injuries from the fight. I push him away my emotions suddenly all over the place as the love of my life stands in front of me after all these years.

“Don’t start caring now Isaac it’s too late for that” I reply coldly. My hearts racing over a thousand miles per hour while my mind is all over the place, Why now, why here, why me…

“I don’t know why you’re here or why you’re back Isaac but I’ve had a bad night so if you’d like you can go back to France and never return. Oh yeah and this is for leaving” I say, I punch him in the face as the sudden urge of anger starts to raise inside me. He stumbles back a shocked look plastered on his face, he wipes the blood of his nose and fixes his composure, He looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes still full of love and it made me even more angrier.

“I’m here because of you” He says. I roll my eyes and scoff as I continue to glare at the boy in front of me.

“Don’t give me that bullshit, Isaac. It’s been years since you up and left me, I needed you, I relied on you Isaac… so what makes you think that you could come back and think that everything would be okay. I’m still healing mentally and emotionally so I really don’t need this at the moment Isaac so leave… its what you’re good at” I yell tears streaming down my face with every word.

“(Y/N) please listen to me” he begins to plead with me. I scoff and roll my eyes once again, no matter how much I’ve yearned for him touch or to see him once again I’m not going to fall for his lies anymore, I’ve let him go so I need to stick by it.

“Isaac stop I’m done with this conversation and I’m done with you. Let’s go guys Lydias probably waiting for us” I say, I walk away the pack following behind as we make our way towards Lydia.

“Sooooo that was interesting” Stiles says while he catches up to me.

“Ugghhhh don’t even get me started, seriously this night couldn’t t have been any worse. I just wanna write my initial on that stupid library shelf and go home, my grandparents are probably worried” I reply annoyed. He laughs and puts his arm around my shoulder.

“Well it seems like your wish just came true cause I spot Lydia right now actually so library here we come” he says. I smile and hug him once more before letting to go met up with Lydia a bit quicker than the others. I give her a big hug and she hugs me back surprised.

“Took you guys long enough and what was that for even though I’m not complaining” she says with a confused yet concerned look on her face.

“I’ll catch you up tonight, sleepover?” I reply.

“Uhhhhh of course” she replied, I laugh at her response and hug her once more while we wait for the others to catch up.


Isaac Lahey was my first everything, he was my first my love and also my first heartbreak. I had given that boy everything I could and yet that still just wasn’t enough my heart wasn’t enough because when I needed him the most he left…

I hate him so fucking much, that it hurts to still be in love with him. He left me, abandoned me, threw me away like I was simply nothing but trash to him, so how dare I still love him… how dare he still be on my mind after all he’s done to me, how dare he not be hurting still after all these years apart, how dare he make me feel the way that I do, how dare he expect to me to fall into his arms like he never left or none of it never happened…

I hate him so much that my heart can’t seem to stop being in love with him and it hurts, it hurts so much and I’m not sure if I fully let him go…“I love you”… yeah so much for that.

 - I like working with you. You’re silent, unlike Sam. I particularly like that you’re always going  - I like working with you. You’re silent, unlike Sam. I particularly like that you’re always going

- I like working with you. You’re silent, unlike Sam. I particularly like that you’re always going and twice now have missed our purpose. - Come on, Mitch. You saw her eyes? I have more desire to catch and punish her than to sit here with you.

Post link

For time to come…

Okay, I love drawing sterek, absolutely love it! But for some time now I need to focus on Vili and Eivor, because I’m writing my own arc and that masterpiece needs my whole focus if I’m going to succeed☺️ I’ll probably ”throw” in some sterek when the urge is too strong or I just need it.

(Whelp, besides applying to canines such as wolves and coyotes, whelp is sometimes used to describe a young person. This usually isn’t a compliment. And Stiles finds it funny…because Derek is a…yeah.)

”My guard dog”


Not a doodle this time…but it’s messy either way, I hope y’all like it!

Thank y’all for all the support and to new followers: it’s really great that you wanted to be one of us!

”You’re the only one I allow myself to be weak in front of”

Stiles /Derek

Here comes another doodle, I’m sorry, but I needed something to distract myself from my asthma, which is acting up these days

”You’re the only one who can put a smile on my face”


I realized how long it’s been since drawing these two…so here’s a quick doodle for my sterek followers…and me as well because I’ve missed them

Surprise-hugs are the best


Wanted to work more on this but my brain won’t let me… hope you stereks like it! (and everyone else as well of course) maybe I’ll come back to finish this when my brain cooperates.

One down five to go…next up AC: Valhalla and Vili/ MEivor



Still a lot to do on this piece, but I wanted to show you some of it… (still things to do on Stiles)

How do you feel about these kind of gifs? I know the quality is kinda bad but do you still like them?

Films and Stuff - Stiles Stilinski x McCall!Reader

Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader

Prompt: Honestly I’m struggling to write at the moment and this is the only one I felt good about it so that’s all.

Warning: SMUT! Dominant Stiles, dirty talking, small amounts of Google translate because I failed Spanish so sorry and I wanna say daddy kink but not really…I’m not giving your spoilers.

Description: You are Scott McCalls little sister and despite being only a year younger Scott had always been protective. So your feelings for Stiles couldn’t become known…well that’s what you had thought..



“Every time I wake up next to you I talk god, and I’m so damn grateful cos you make up for things I’m not, didn’t now I needed nothing till I needed you.” You sang as you slid over to the opposite side of the kitchen the grab the eggs wiggling your hips to the beat as you went.

You cracked the eggs as you popped your hips left to right in time to the song. You smiled happily as you whisked them into the milk and flour before spinning around and turning on the hob.

You continued cooking your pancakes as the song changed to Liar by Camila Cabello and you squealed happily as you started waving your hips like a true Latina. You knew Scott was at class and your mom was on the morning shift, she’d left not long before you came downstairs so no one would catch you dancing.

At least that what you had thought as you unashamedly as you practical did the most sexual tango you could do solo. You flipped your pancake as you started a body roll while singing.

“You’re watching, I feel it. I know I shouldn’t stare. I picture your hands on me.” You sang as you dragged your own body in. Seductive way, Stiles’ face flashed in your mind and you smiled to yourself.

“I think I wanna let it happened. But what if ya kiss me? and what if I like it? And no one sees it.” You spun around with your full plate of pancakes almost dropping them as soon as you spun around.

“Holy shit Stiles! What the hell!” You screamed with a flushed face.

“Alexa pause!” You squeaked weakly.

As soon as the music paused you put your plate on the kitchen side as you looked at Stiles awkwardly. His jaw was on the floor and he’d yet to say anything which was making you more nervous by the second.

“S-Sorry I thought no one was home. Scott said I could come get those books your dad dropped off for my FBI training.” He muttered awkwardly.

“O-Oh how long have you been there exactly?” You asked as your cheeks got hotter.

“Around the time you slut dropped.” Stiles answered, his lips twitching to hide his smile and you immediately started choking on thin air.

“Jesus Christ…I’m never gonna live this down.” You groaned into your hand.

“I intend to tell nobody about this, I can assure you of that. Consider it forgotten.” He muttered absently as his eyes flickered up and down your body with a look that made your heart start racing.

“How’s things going with Lydia?” You asked casually as he walked into the living room to grab the books he needed.

“We broke up.” Stiles stated casually like that was a normal thing to say after how many years they bounced around each other.

“What happened?” You asked with a sad frown despite the happiness you were actually feeling.

“We have a lot more differences than we originally thought…” He said vaguely making your frown turn into a skepticism glare.

“You guys have been bouncing around each other for years and your telling me the fact she love the notebook and you love star wars is a relationship breaker?” You scoffed sarcastically and suddenly Stiles straight up his glare ripping through you like a red hot knife.

“No most of the differences were in the bedroom and the break up was mutual.” Stiles snapped back, your eyes widening instantly.

“O-Oh…sorry I can’t imagine you could want anything Lydia wouldn’t do…I’d do anything for the boy I loved if he showed me an ounce of attention…” You muttered awkwardly as you avoided eye contact with said boy you were actually talking about.

“I didn’t know you even liked someone let alone loved…” Stiles muttered in confusion.

“I don’t advertise it like you did with Lydia. I prefer to keep my feelings to myself. Plus he’s off limits.” You pouted jokingly and Stiles laughed at your antics.

“He taken?” He asked with a raised brow.

“Nope not anymore.” You told him with a shy smile.

“He related to you?” He asked with frown this time.

“Ewww gross! No!” You screamed with a horrified face.

“Then I don’t get why he’s off limits.” Stiles asked with a shrug.

“He’s one of Scott’s friends. You know how he feels about his friend dating me.” You answered vaguely.

“Well anyone he’s close to is taken so I can’t imagine he’d mind if its just his human none pack friends.” Stiles stated so genuinely you actually thought it was cute how much he wanted you to be happy, but you knew it was because you were like his little sister not because you were someone he liked.

“Let’s just drop it.” You huffed shyly making Stiles frown sadly.

“No if I can help you I will. Maybe I should talk to Scott then he won’t be as harsh about it.” Stile offered and you rolled your eyes, your anger at him not leaving the subject alone evident.

“Stiles its not someone he would ever like me dating okay and this person doesn’t see me like that okay?” You sighed irritably as you shot him an exasperated look.

“Who is it?” Stiles asks blatantly and you freeze.

“I’m not telling you.” You gasped as you walked back int the kitchen to eat your now cold pancakes.

“I won’t tell Scott.” He reasoned with you.

“No.” You mumbled as you bit into a piece of pancake.

“Come on ju—”

“No way!” You interrupted him with a glare your heart racing angrily as you swallowed your prince of pancake.

“Why can’t you te—”

“It’s you!” You shouted angrily as you slammed you fork onto the kitchen side violently.

Stiles froze his eyes widening as his jaw dropped. You said nothing as you stared at him challenging him to say something to to encourage you now. However you knew he couldn’t because no matter how much you wished he felt the same, he never would.

You pushed away your food before walking towards the kitchen door with the intention of fleeing to your bedroom but before you could Stiles grabbed your wrist stopping you in your tracks.

“If you’re lying tell me now.” Stiles stated as he spun you around to look at him.

“Why would I lie?” You snapped but your anger was gone as soon a his lips were on yours.

His hands slid around your waist slowly as he pulled you closer, your chest pushing against his. You were suddenly very aware you were only wearing a cropped white tank top and a pair of cotton short shorts because when Stiles hands brushed against your bare skin you let out an involuntary moan.

“Don’t you sound pretty baby?” Stiles whispered darkly against your lips.

“God don’t do that…” You whined as your cheeks flushed.

“Don’t do what?” Stiles asked with a cheeky smile.

“Talk like that…” You whispered shyly, his brow raised curiously as his hands slid over your lower back, almost brushing your ass.

“You don’t like it?” He asked honestly and you felt your face get more red, which appeared to tell Stiles everything he need to know.

“I don’t think I’m gonna stop it. I think I’m gonna keep telling you how sexy you sound when you moan for me.” He groaned as he caged you against the kitchen counter.

His knee slipped between your legs pressing against your core causing you to let out another little moan which seemed to please Stiles. Your hand drifted down his clothed chest a little more confidently.

“I used to have dreams about this…about touching you like this.” Stiles informed you as he left little kisses down your neck.

“Me too…I still do, had one last night.” You whimpered as you ground down against his thigh.

“Tell me about it baby.” Stiles commanded as he nipped at your collarbone.

“You’re always so rough and dominant in my dreams…you pinned me to the bed and fucked me from behind as you left marks all over my shoulders and neck…when I woke up I was practically dry humping my covers.” You panted out breathlessly as he started marking your collarbone.

“Did you touch yourself thinking about me baby girl?” He teased with a smirk as his hands cupped your ass.

“I used a toy.” You purred seductively and Stiles’ eyes darkened immediately, his hands gripped your ass cheek hard than before.

“We need to go upstairs before I bend you over here and risk your brother coming home.” Stiles grumbled as he picked you up wrapping your legs around his waist before he started up the stares.

“Before we do anything I just want to check this is what you want. I would like to obviously take you on a date but right now I need you and I really hope the feelings mutual.” Stiles rambled as he enter your bedroom.

“I want this…need you Stiles.” You groaned in a needy way as he laid you on the bed.

“Okay baby I got you…gonna make you feel so good Y/N.” Stiles whispered reassuringly as the started lift your tank top up leaving your bare breast on display.

Stiles stared down at you like you were the most sexy woman he’d ever seen and it was making you feel so good. You tugged at his plaid shirt making him shed it before he took off his plain white t-shirt. You stared at his lightly hair covered chest as it led down to his thin line of hair straight to his jeans.

“Fuck you can not be hotter than my dreams that’s so not fair.” You whispered more to yourself but he heard it.

“Well you’re the only girl that ever called me hot.” Stiles informed you with a cute grin on his face.

“Well you are. Your eyes are the most beautiful whiskey colour I’ve ever seen, you face is so cute cover in freckles and moles I used to count them during pack meetings when you were too busy with Lydia or devising plans and your hands fuck…” You trailed out and he gave you a smirk before pushing his body and his lips against yours.

“You said earlier you’d do anything for me? That true baby?” Stiles groaned as he began kissing down your neck until he reach your breast.

“Mhmm anything.” You moaned softly as his mouth finally wrapped around your nipple, his tongue swirling around it firmly before pulling off with one last kiss.

“So good for me.” Stiles chuckled darkly as he hands slid down your stomach agonisingly slow.

You arched into his hand urging him to touch you where you needed it but he just let out a mischievous chuckle before placing a kiss on your lower stomach, near the elastic waistband of your shorts, almost making you launch upright in surprise but instead you settled for a gasp.

He didn’t say anything else but his hands started pulling down your shorts and you quickly remembered you had no panties underneath when Stiles let out the dirtiest groan you’d ever heard. He threw away your shorts without much care before his hands were on you knee’s slowly sliding up your thighs as he looked down at you in amazement.

“God I wanna lick you everywhere.” He groaned like it caused him psychical pain.

“Then do it.” You dared him, biting your lower lip in anticipation.

His eyes narrowed before he gripped your legs pulling you down towards him until you were face to face his breath tickling you lips as his breathing got shallow. You could feel your legs shaking with pure adrenalin its was hefty mix of desire and fear but the exhilarating kind.

“You’re shaking like a leaf baby.” Stiles teased as he moved toward your neck before biting down a little harder than you’d ever had but instead of pure pain like you should’ve felt all you could feel was yourself getting more wet.

“Please Stiles…” You pleaded as you grind you wet pussy against his jean clad dick.

“Fuck I wanna take my time but you’re making it very hard baby girl.” Stiles groaned against your neck.

“Fuck me Stiles please…we can take our time another day…need you Papi.” You purred into his ear before licking seductively around the shell of his ear causing him to shiver.

“Shit…it shouldn’t be that hot when you call me that.” Stiles growled before unbuttoning his jeans and pulling his extremely hard length out from his boxers.

“Es tan grueso, Papi.” You moaned out without even meaning to making Stiles’ hands clutched your hips in a bruising grip.

“What did you just say baby?” Stiles asked in a sickeningly sweet tone making your eye widen.

“It’s so thick, Papi.” You answered immediately and his eyes widened.

“How do you say I’m gonna fuck you until you only remember my name.” Stiles grinned sadistically before flipping you over onto you stomach and raised your ass into the air exposing you completely.

The new position was a little more revealing than your used to, but for some reason the fact that Stiles was looking at your dripping wet pussy with the darkest interest, it only seemed to turn you on further.

“You look so pretty like this Princessa…” Stiles teased, his voice huskier than before. The way Stiles said princessa made your pussy clench as you held in a moan.

Instead of anymore words you felt Stile brushing across your wet entrance with his index finger before plunging it without warning earning a loud and drawn out moan from you. You pushed onto his finger fucking yourself back into his finger.

He added another finger with a little more restriction this time but you pushed back on him enjoying the stretching sensation but before you could start pushing back onto his fingers, he chuckled teasingly and he pulled his fingers out making you whine pathetically into the bedding beneath your face.

“Such a needy bitch aren’t you baby?” Stiles whispered as if he was unsure how you would react like he was expecting you to lose your shit but when you nodded in agreement.

“Mhmm only for you.” You moaned as you wiggled your ass in a way to tempt him back.

“God you really are the perfect girl for me.” Stiles moaned huskily.

Stiles came closer, brushing his hard member against your entrance, so you try pushing back but Stiles’ hands on your hips keep you firmly in place, earning him a whine of frustration.

“Come on…fuck my little pussy Papi.” You moaned as you glanced over you shoulder to see him close his eyes as if trying to control himself so you decided to push him.

“Fuck me like the little slut I am.” You taunted and before you could prepare Stiles’ full length was thrust inside of you and you felt so stretched out.

“You’ve got a dirty little mouth on you baby girl.” Stiles panted breathlessly as you clung onto your hips with the same bruising grip.

“So wet and tight…feels like heaven lets see if you can see the stars from here.” Stiles chuckled playfully before he changed his angle and rammed straight into your g-spot which you yourself had yet to even find.

“Oh fuck!” You moaned into the bed as you tried to hide your moans, your vision blurring, but just when you thought Stiles couldn’t get anymore rough and dominant your s/l hair is pulled back by the firm grip of Stiles hand effectively lifting your head off the bed.

“Don’t hide those pretty sounds from me baby.” Stile growled in an almost animalistic way which you found more of a turn on than you thought you should.

Suddenly he was pounding into you at a punishing pace and all you could do was moan in pleasure and grip the sheets below you to ground you. You looked back at Stiles as he continued to pound into you at an almost inhumane speed, sweat was dripping down the side of his face as he let out husky groans and breathless moans.

It had to be the sexiest thing you’d ever seen at least thats what you had thought until his eyes glanced up to meet yours as he shot you smirk and without realising it had even built up, your pussy clenched around his rock hard length as you came, a loud almost pornographic moan escaping your lips.

“Sh-shit Stiles!” You screamed as Stiles slowed down releasing your hair before pulling you up so your uncovered back was resting against his bare chest as you both kneel in the middle on the bed.

“Good girl.” Stiles praised softly as he cupped your cheek from behind. He started picking up his pace again as he stared into your eyes you moaned at the sight, clenching around him tightly.

“Cum for me Papi.” You moaned against his lips as his hand wrapped around your throat lightly.

“Fuck Y/N!” Stiles growled loudly into your neck as his hand squeezed around your throat.

You felt his seed coat inside of you and the warm feeling it left was strangely pleasant. You sagged against Stiles letting him support your weight as you tried to come down from the high you were sailing but the second your eyes met Stiles’ you felt yourself back on cloud 9 for another reason.

“Hi.” You whispered softly as you looked at his lips then flickering back to his eyes.

“Scott gonna know what happened…unless we shower at least 3 times.” Stiles snorted and you frowned at him.

“You wanna keep this a secret?” You asked as you felt tears in his eyes.

Stiles immediately got of the bed and grabbed your big fluffy robe and wrapping you up in it as he tucked himself back into his jeans. He sat down in front of you, his eyes softening as he cupped your cheek.

“No that’s not what I meant baby. I just meant him finding out because he can smell that I dicked his little sister isn’t the best way…I wanna ask him if I can ask you out and go from there Y/N. I don’t wanna lose Scott he’s my brother but I also don’t want to miss the chance to be with you. I started feeling something for you last year after Lydia an I had been dating for about a month…You started seeing some guy and for some reason he bugged the shit out of me— He frowned at the memory but it was quickly replaced by a smile.

—That’s when I started being more dominant in the bedroom, now I think about it, it was probably the jealousy back then that triggered it but I just figured I was growing up and well…Lydia is a dominant woman so…it turns out we don’t match so much in the bedroom. We tried to ignore it because we’d been dancing around each other for years but then one night after an extremely long dinner with you, Scott, Melissa and my Dad, I sat down and told her how I felt and she started laughing…I thought I’d broke her— Stiles said with a laugh which made you smile at his description.

—But after that she told me she felt the same and we decided to call it quits. Only Scott and my Dad know but that’s because it was only recent so.” He finished with a shy smile that reminded you of the hyperactive innocent boy you had crushed on so deeply.

“You mean dinner last week?” You asked with wide eyes as you realised which dinner he had meant.

“Yep…That would be the one.” Stiles snorted as you nodded absently.

“Isn’t everyone going to think I’m the reason if we start dating straight away?” You gasped with a horrified look and Stiles frown as he scooped you up in his arms.

“No baby it’s going to be fine…It’ll be fine I promise.” He soothes gently as his had rubs your back up and down softly and call you crazy but you trust Stiles’ promise even if he can’t really control how others act.




You heard the sound from upstairs halting you in the midst of your makeup. You frowned before bolting downstairs only to see your brother growling at Stiles. You glanced at your mother and Chris with raised brows as they stared in shock.

“What the hell is going on?” You screamed into the room your mascara wand still in your hand which you cursed right now.

“Hey honey so Stiles here was just asking for Scott’s permission to ask you out?” Your mother raised her brow at you expecting you to explain.

“What happened to doing it at dinner?!” You screamed at Stiles and he spluttered to find a response but when you crossed you arms, your hips popping to the side he quickly shut up.

“Oh so this was just planned!? You’re already seeing her!?” Scott roared and Stiles flinched back a little and you were in front of the amber eyed boy immediately.

“If you touch him I will never speak to you again!” You snapped viciously as he recoiled a little with a sad frown.

“So what this pack has dated everyone within it! Scott you dated Allison, her dad is now seeing our mom…You’re dating Stiles’ first proper girlfriend he had? Has he punched you for that? He is your brother you trust him with your life, with my life and moms…why is this different?” You asked gently this time and his eyes widened at your words.

“But him and Lydia…they could reconnect…that kind of love doesn’t die.” Scott stated and you started laughing making Stiles raise a brow at you.

“Scott they both decided they weren’t compatible in certain areas okay just leave it at that.” You snorted as you looked down remembering the mascara wan in your hand.

“Like films and stuff?” Scott asked innocently tilting his head like the puppy he was.

“Yeah…films and stuff.” You giggled as you shot Stiles a wink making him smirk softly as he leaned in and ruffled your hair making you grunt irritably but your smile wouldn’t budge because this man was your everything. You even like the same films and stuff…



Theo carried your lifeless body out of the high school and laid it down in the backseat of his truck. “What are you going to do?”, Tracy asked him. “I’m not sure”, Theo sighed running his hand through his hair. Theo got into his truck and just as Tracy was about to get in the passenger’s seat, he locked the doors. “This is something I have to deal alone”, he said blankly.

Theo didn’t know what to do or where to go. He thought of taking you to Stiles’ house but Stiles would kill him if he knew what happen. He couldn’t take you to the hospital, what was he gonna tell them? My werewolf ex-girlfriend got attack by a monstrous beast conjured from the 1700s. Besides, would Melissa even be willing to help him after he killed Scott.

Scott! Scott wouldn’t turn him down when he needs help right? Especially if you needed help. Sure he’s probably still mad at Theo but you’re Scott’s beta so he would definitely help. After driving around aimlessly, Theo decided to take you to Scott’s house.

He hesitantly knocked on Scott’s door and was met with a very pissed off Scott. “Tell me why I should tear you in half right now!?”, Scott growled. “Because I need your help! It’s Y/N. She’s hurt and I didn’t know where else to go”, Theo said quickly.

They carried you up to Scott’s room and laid you on the bed. “How did this happen?”, Scott asked Theo angrily. “We were at the high school looking for the beast and it attacked us”, Theo replied pacing around, “Is she gonna be okay?” “I don’t know. I called my mum, she’ll know what to do.”

“You son of a bitch!”, Scott and Theo’s head shot up to the direction of the voice, “What did you do to her Raeken!?” Stiles grabbed Theo by the collar and pushed him up against wall. “I didn’t do anything to her!”, Theo pushed Stiles off of him. “Stiles calm down”, Scott tried to reason with his best friend. “No! Don’t tell me to calm down! This is all because of him! You did this to her!”, Stiles walked up to Theo and punched him in the face.

Theo fell to floor and let out a little chuckle. “Oh you think this is funny! She’s lying there helpless and it’s all because of you!”, Stiles was now on top of Theo and he continued to punch Theo until Scott pulled him off. “Stiles stop!”, Scott finally managed to pull Stiles off of Theo, “This isn’t helping to save her!” Stiles took a quick glance at you lying on Scott’s bed, tears started to well up in his eyes, as he stormed out of the room.

Melissa entered the room not too long after Stiles left, carrying a bunch of medical supplies. She stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed Theo sitting on the chair at Scott’s bedside. “Mom, it’s okay”, Scott reassures her as he can hear her heartbeat speeding up. “Let’s make one thing clear, I’m not doing this for any of you. I’m doing this to help Y/N”, she says sternly as she glares at Scott and Theo.

“Is there anything I should know before I treat her”, she pushes pass Theo to attend to you. “Erm, yeah”, Theo says nervously, “I’m not quite sure what it is yet but the doctors call it the beast. That’s what attacked her.”

“Okay, her heart rate is incredibly low, it’s barely even a heart rate and she’s not healing”, she checks your pulse and assesses the wounds. “Can you help her?”, Scott asks hesitantly. “Yes but I need you to help me. Take her pain. She’ll heal faster and it might boost her heart rate.” Scott kneels down at the bedside and grabs your hand but nothing happens. He tried to focus on taking your pain but he fails to do so, must have something to do with the fact that he’s not healing either.

“Here, let me try”, Theo takes your hand and instantly begins taking your pain as disappointment washes over Scott’s face. “Okay, it’s increased but still not enough”, Melissa says filling up a syringe with liquid. “What is that?”, Scott asks. “It’s atropine, we use it to treat patients suffering from low heart rate. It will shock the heart and increase the pulse”, she replied as she injected the needle in the centre of your chest in the attempt to shock your heart.

The three of them waited anxiously as the liquid ran through your body and began to work your heart again. Finally you began breathing at a somewhat steady rate which resulted in sighs of relief all around. Melissa then began to clean your wound and bandage you up before she began hooking up a drip. She pierced your flesh with a needle causing you to wince. “You’re hurting her!”, Theo grabbed Melissa’s hand. “And you’re hurting me”, Melissa replied firmly looking at her hand as Theo realized what he was doing and quickly let go of her hand.

“She’s gonna be fine. I’m just gonna put on a morphine drip to help with the pain. Just until she starts healing”, she informed the boys, “I have to get back to the hospital. Call me if anything changes.” “Okay thanks mom”, Scott replies with a warm smile.

“I’m gonna go check on Stiles”, Scott leaves the room as Theo takes a seat next to Scott’s bedside. “I’m really sorry I got you involved in all this”, he takes your hand in his, “I should have kept you as far away as possible from all this. I guess I was just being selfish, I just wanted you all for myself and it almost killed you.”

“Ahem”, Stiles cleared his throat as he stood by the doorway, “can I have a few minutes alone with her?” “Sure”, Theo rolled his eyes slightly before he placed a soft kiss on your forehead and left the room. Stiles looked around the room, there was blood and medical supplies scattered around you. You were hooked up to a morphine drip and you were bleeding through the bandages. His heart broke at the sight of it.

He sat down next you and brought your hand to his lips. He kissed it softly as tears began to well up in his eyes. “You gonna wake up Y/N. We can’t do this without you. I can’t do this without you”, he pleaded. He laid his head next to your intertwined hands and closed his eyes, falling asleep on the chair next to your bedside.

Protective (S.S Imagine)

Stiles’ blood boiled everytime he saw you with Theo. He was like a brother to you, always looking out dor you ever since you were kids. Yes, he was suspicious of Theo for some reason but Theo hadn’t given you any reason to be suspicious so you just brushed it off despite the looks you got from Stiles.

You made your way to your desk for Econ and as the class commenced, you could feel Stiles staring at you, burning a hole through the back of your head.

“Okay Stiles”, you say in defeat, “What’s wrong?”, you ask already expecting one of his ridiculous theories as an explanation. “What’s wrong is while I’m out there trying to protect you from the bad guys, you’re out there fraternizing with the enemy!”, he says dramatically.

“Fraternizing with the enemy? Stiles, what are you talking about?”, you laugh at his silliness. “I’m talking about you and Theo Reaken this morning!”, he said just as the bell rang for the end of the period. “He was walking me to class Stiles. It was totally harmless”, you say walking out of the classroom.

“No! No!”, he yelled catching up to you in the hallway, “it was not totally harmless. That boy is up to something, I can feel it Y/N!”, Stiles says jumping to conclusions as always. “Stiles, I honestly don’t see anything wrong with walking your friend to class”, you say trying to bring him back to his senses. “Just promise me one thing.” “Sure, what is it?” “Don’t let him hurt you”, you give Stiles a questioning look as he continues, “I mean like in any way. Physical, mentally… emotionally. Just don’t get too close to him for him to hurt you”, he says sincerely. “Yeah I won’t. I promise, you don’t have to worry about me. I can take care of myself”, you say with a smile to which Stiles returns in response before walking off. Little did he know that you were slowly starting to fall for Theo.

“What was that all about?”, you turn around to reveal Theo behind you. How long had he been standing there? Did he overhear your conversation with Stiles? “Erm, nothing. He was just telling me how I should be careful with the dread doctors and the chimeras now in Beacon Hills”, you lied hoping he wouldn’t notice. “Oh, I see. Listen, I’ve been meaning to ask you something for a while now”, he said as he leaned up against the locker next to yours, “do you wanna hang out some time? Like just me and you? If you’re okay with that of course.” “Sure, I’d like that”, you blush. “So can I pick you up at around 7? There’s this new restaurant I’ve been dying to try and I was hoping to take you with me.” “Yeah sounds great”, you reply as he kisses you on the cheek and walks away while you’re still standing at your locker looking like a blushing mess.

The night with Theo was perfect. Maybe even better than you could have imagined. After dinner, he took you to this place in the woods that had the most beautiful view of Beacon Hills.

“Wow, this is amazing. The view is beautiful”, you say looking out at all the lights of the town. “Not as beautiful as this view”, Theo said looking at you. “You’re cheesy”, you say as you turn away from the view to face him, “I like it.” And with that he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your lips.

You smiled into the kiss as he placed his hand on the back of your neck to pull you closer and deepen the kiss. Just as you started feeling your tummy doing backflips, he pulled away aggressively.

You open your eyes to find Theo pushed up against his truck by none other than Stiles.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing huh!?”, Stiles yelled as he pushed Theo further into the side of the truck. “Why don’t you get off me before I do something I regret Stilinski!”, Theo fought back pushing himself of his truck and grabbing Stiles by his shirt, slamming him in the truck.

You started to panick when you noticed Theo’s eyes change colour from blue-ish green to a golden amber colour. You were quick to get between them, pushing Theo away from Stiles before he lost control and possibly hurt Stiles.

“Stiles, what are you doing here?”, you ask quite annoyed that he followed you and Theo all the way up here. “I, erm, I just”,he stumbled on his words, “I just wanted to make sure you were safe”, he finally managed to say. “So you followed me all the way out here while I was on a date?”, you reply still quite annoyed. “Yeah well, I-” “Save it Stiles”, you interrupt him, “I don’t wanna hear it. I can’t believe you don’t trust even after I promised you”, you yelled at him

“Yeah, well you promised me and look at you now! You’re on a date with the one guy I told you not to get close to!”, he yelled back. “Look she can date whoever she wants, she doesn’t need confirmation from you”, Theo piped in.

“Hey! You don’t get a say in this! This is between me and her!”, he lashed out at Theo. “He’s right Stiles”, I said as I watched his expression drop, “I can date whoever I want and I don’t need you follow me around and make sure I’m safe. When are you gonna learn to start trusting me?” I could feel his disappointment by just looking at him.

His disappointment quickly turned into anger as he locked eyes with Theo and make his way toward us. “She may not need me to protect her but if you hurt one little hair on her head so help me god I will make it my personal duty to see to it that you are punished for it!”, he threatened Theo before he stormed off to his jeep and left.

So I’ve been working on the end part of a new Liam imagine I’m writing but my wifi freaking sucks so nothing I had completed got posted to my draft! That sucks and I’m quiet annoyed almost finished it and now I have to go do it all over again
