#mamamoo reactions


Anon: Could I ask for Gf Hwasa?


I think Hwasa would be the cheesiest girlfriend ever. She would have a literal arsenal of pick up lines that she got from moonbyul. But they’re so bad that sometimes you would laugh just to make her happy. And it would. Hwasa seems like a very chill person when it comes to fighting and stuff like that. I think the only “real” fights would have would be about food or something really small. She’d make you little serenades whenever you’re sad, frustrated or angry at something. Sometimes, she’d sing to you your favorite songs just to see you smile. Hwasa would be a very attentive, caring and loving girlfriend. She would do everything in her power to keep you happy and see you smile. 

Anon: Mamamoo reactions to their crush confessing to them in front of the other members?

Solar:You’ve developed a great friendship the past months and with it your crush on Yongsun grew 2x more. And you’ve always been teased by the members about the obvious crush you had on Solar. 

The room where you and the girls were hanging out suddenly was filled with high pitched screams after you let out an accidental “God, i just like you so much” to Yongsun. 


Moonbyul: The whole room just went quiet and turned to look at you after you confessed you liked moonbyul. The girls stared at each other, and then back at Moonbyul, waiting for her response. After a few seconds that felt like forever to you, Moonbyul wrapped her arms around your neck and the members started to jump around you two after she said she liked you back. 

“Byulie has a girlfriend!“


Hwasa:She was just so happy to know that you liked her back. And a little embarrassed and shy because of the never ending teasing from her members. Everytime you were together with them they had to make a comment about how cute you two were.

Wheein:She looked like an excited puppy when you confessed to her. All the other members were shocked cause they didn’t see it coming but were super happy for you, but that would last only a few seconds cause after that they were all teasing you and laughing about how cute Wheein looked when she was in love. 

Anon: mamamoo reacting to their gf being horny

Solar:She was laying on her bed, staring at you as you stared back at her with hungry eyes. She noticed your eyes going up and down on her body and knew what that was about. After giving you a smug smile, she got up from the bed and walked towards you, stopping right in front of you. She took off her shirt and tossed it on your lap. Right before you could get your hands on her she walked out of the room and stopped at the door, looking at you.

“I’m going to take a shower now. You can come if you want.“


Moonbyul:She had just gotten off the shower when you pinned her against the bathroom wall and started kissing her.. She interrupted your make out session and looked at you a little confused, and only noticed what you wanted when she saw that lookon your face. It would be almost a sin to deny you what you wanted, so she just switched places with you and suddenly you were the one pinned to the wall. 

“I knew you wouldn’t resist it.“


Wheein:She looked at you with a confused look when you randomly sat on her lap and started kissing her. Even though you were almost climbing on her, she only realised what you wanted after you grabbed the edge of her shirt and started pulling it up. Next thing you knew she were on top of you with her shirt off, looking at you like you were her prey. 

Hwasa:She knew what you wanted the moment you hugged her from behind and started kissing her neck. Seeing you like that made her so satisfied with herself she had to tease you just to see you go crazy for her. So she turned around and leaned in close enough you could feel her breathing on your face. But she didnt kiss you. Instead, she smirked and looked at you winked before leaving you alone. 

“Remember that day you were teasing me? Consider this a revenge.”

Anon:Mamamoo react to their first kiss with their GF

Solar: Yongsun would play it cool, she’d pretend like she wasn’t nervous at all but her heart would be pounding in her chest and she’d go completely gay panic mode the instant she noticed you started to come closer and closer to her and when you finally kiss all her nervousness would go away and she’d be all over you kissing you non stop.


Moonbyul:Girl she’d be ready. She’d seduce you in every way possible and wouldn’t stop looking at you. You’d definitely have a hard time trying not to blush when she wrap her arms around your waist and pull you closer to her.


Hwasa: You would be hanging out like you normally do, until hwasa has to grip her hands on your hips to keep you from falling on your face, after tripping on something (we love cliche!!!!). She’d bring you really close to her, your faces inches apart. You’d stay like that for a few seconds until she finally closes the gap and kiss you. 


Wheein:You two would be laying on her couch, watching a movie. You’d be in silence for some time, just paying attention to the movie, until you noticed that she was staring at you, her eyes almost shinning for you and a small smile on her lips. She’d just lean closer and kiss you softly.

Mamamoo - Where They Take You On A First Date

A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! Hope you all are doing fantastic today.

If you like works like this, then you should check out the rest of my Masterlist!

TW: Mentions of food


- Karaoke Bar

- She’d like to take you somewhere that shows off a more fun, relaxed, and energetic version of herself (and you!)


- Local Restaurant/Cafe

- She wants to take you somewhere simple so that her charms and personality really stand out to you.


- Netflix with Takeout at home

- If Wheein is interested in you, then she’ll probably want to get to know you on a more personal level in the comfort of her own home.


- Fancy Restaurant

- Hwasa wants to leave a good impression on you, so she’ll take you out to a super nice place. (And she pays the bill!)
