#marauders fancast


I don’t really care who people like to fancast as characters but I find it weird how so many people say they no longer fancast Karen Gillan as Lily Evans because she’s too old for the role but they’re still fancasting Aaron, Ben and Andrew when Aaron is only 3 years younger and the others are nearly ten years older than her :/

hi i made another playlist

i don’t feel like they are super popular ship but personally i love them and their history is also really tragic yet i believe that they were a really lovely couple :>


i wonder if sophie skelton knows she’d be the perfect lily evans for, well, basically the entire harry potter fandom

Does anybody want to talk about Wolfstar raising Harry? Like… headcanons and stuff? Dm me if you want to bc I have no Potterhead (marauders fans) friends and I’m dying over here

I really want to write a marauder’s era fanfic but I don’t know whose POV I should write
