#pandora lovegood



A Regulus Black & Pandora Lovegood Blurb

In which an unlikely friendship stems between two opposing two, making one of their lives a bit less grey

contains: platonic!reg & pandora (thoigh it could be read as romantic? i like to hc them as best fiends but it can fit the romantic narrative if you’d like) , protective!reg, he adores pandora and i do too, implication of bullying, unedited

authors note: i’m bored and dying from school do have this blurb i wrote inspired by manu reg and pandora friendship headcanons

Regulus Black hated the world.

He hated how cruel it could be, how cold and mean it was towards others without an ounce of remorse. He hated it.

He hated it even more however, when he had walked into the Slytherin Common Room to see no other then Pandora Lovegood on the couch—tears flowing from her eyes as Rosier draped a blanket around her shoulders. Beside her on the couch sat Emma Vanity who was rubbing the Ravenclaw’s arms comfortingly.

Regulus stiffened the second he saw her, the sudden action catching Evan’s attention but before he could even open his mouth, Regulus cut him off.

“Was it them?”

It was a vague question, that he knew, but they understood what he meant. Pandora lowered her gaze to the ground and leaned into Emma’s chest who shared a look with Evan. Regulus inhaled a sharp breath. That was all the answer he needed to know it was indeed them—those bloody Gryffindors.

He had decided to let them go the first time, agreeing with Barty that they were simply clueless first years but this wasn’t the same. Not after the many warnings he had given them, not after he nearly gave that knob a black eye behind one of the Hogsmeade shops. Those warnings clearly weren’t enough so perhaps learning the consequences of their actions would better teach them how to act.

Regulus had turned sharply on his heel and was ready to storm down the halls to search for those damn Gryffindors when a soft voice stopped him.


Regulus paused. He was just a step away from leaving the common room now and he could’ve left. Left and found those bloody twats and give them something to talk about but he couldn’t.

Because no matter how much he hated the world, he could never upset her and he knew that this would upset her. No matter how much they deserved it and how he so deeply wanted to watch as he turned their eyes dark, he just couldn’t. Not when it would upset her. He wouldn’t risk it.


His shoulders dropped as he let out a sigh and the common room door swung shut behind him. He had left and could’ve went to find the first years regardless of what she told him but Pandora Lovegood knew him and she knew he wouldn’t, for Regulus Black may hate the world—hate those bloody first years specifically and every other cruel thing the world had to offer—but he couldn’t deny the fact that she was the one thing that made him hate it a little bit less.

hi i made another playlist

i don’t feel like they are super popular ship but personally i love them and their history is also really tragic yet i believe that they were a really lovely couple :>

hi i made the marauders era memes because im cool and also mentally unstable


okay im calling y'all for part two

Shipping Andromeda Black and Pandora Lovegood so I can call them Andy-Pandy



A Regulus Black & Pandora Lovegood Blurb

In which an unlikely friendship stems between two opposing two, making one of their lives a bit less grey

contains: platonic!reg & pandora (thoigh it could be read as romantic? i like to hc them as best fiends but it can fit the romantic narrative if you’d like) , protective!reg, he adores pandora and i do too, implication of bullying, unedited

authors note: i’m bored and dying from school do have this blurb i wrote inspired by manu reg and pandora friendship headcanons

Keep reading

cute cute cuteeeee-
