#matthias helvar x reader

: I’ve been rereading the Six of Crows duology and my love for Dirtyhands has been reignited tenfold. Got the idea for the origin story of Kaz’s infamous cane from a post I saw a while ago and decided to turn it into a short oneshot, although I’m tempted to write a part two… 
: 1017
: None

“How did the two of you even meet?” Nina asked around a mouthful of waffle. “I don’t think you’ve ever told me.”

You couldn’t help but smile fondly at the memory. Meeting Kaz Brekker - Dirtyhands, Bastard of the Barrel - was something you thought about often. The memory was like an old photograph that you kept in your back pocket at all times so you could take it out and look at it whenever you wanted to, and it was worn and delicate because of this. Nina had a slight twinkle in her eye as you began telling her the story.

“I hadn’t been in Ketterdam very long, just a few weeks I think. I was young and I was in hiding, both of my parents lost to disease after a treacherous journey across The True Sea. To this day I don’t know how I managed to survive, let alone keep my identity a secret at such a young age. Fourteen is too young to know such grief, yet somehow I didn’t let it defeat me, it only made me stronger. Losing my parents helped me realise who I wanted to be: a girl who didn’t need anybody, a girl who would never again be weakened,” you took a sip of your sweet tea, relishing the taste. Nina always made the best tea. “I spent the savings I had on an apartment in the Barrel because it was the only place in Ketterdam where a fourteen-year-old could buy real estate without being questioned. Eventually, I gathered enough courage and enough resources to start my business.”
“Entirely unique wares,” Jesper interjected, flopping down into the empty seat next to you. “Made specifically to order for a very pretty penny.”
You smiled. “Exactly.”
“What kinds of things did people order?” Nina asked curiously.
“Bulletproof cloaks, silent pistols, knives that could cut through anything, even stone. You name it, somebody asked for it.”
Nina leaned forward in her seat, head resting on her hands. She was completely focused on you, desperate to hear the next part of your story. “And this is how you met Kaz?”
You nodded. “I remember it like it was yesterday. He knocked on my door at just gone midnight, dressed in an all-black suit and a matching hat that was far too big for his head,” you couldn’t help but giggle. “You have to remember that he was only fourteen as well and hadn’t quite grown into the role of Dirtyhands just yet.”
Jesper laughed. “I can’t imagine Kaz as a boy.”
“Neither can I,” Nina agreed.
“Well, he was. I let him in and asked if he wanted to take a seat, which he declined. Even then he was straight to the point. He asked me if I could make him a cane.”
Nina gasped. “No way…”
“I asked him what kind of cane he wanted - because nobody was coming to me for anything ordinary - and he told me that he wanted a cane that was specifically weighted to break bones.”
“Did you know who he was? Did you know that he was Dirtyhands?”
“I figured it out when he told me what he wanted,” You explained. “Anyone who was anyone in the Barrel knew about Dirtyhands and knew that he was the most ruthless lieutenant of The Dregs despite his age. I knew what he was capable of, what he’d done to earn his title, but to me, he was just a boy who needed a cane to walk properly, a boy that had turned himself into a weapon as I had. I understood why he wanted to turn his - how shall I put it? - his impairment into a weapon, and I was willing to help. I told him to come back in two days, and then I went straight to work.” 
“I can’t believe you made Kaz’s cane!” Nina exclaimed. “I can’t believe I didn’t know that!”
“I think Kaz likes to pretend that he was born as Dirtyhands with that cane in hand,” you smirked knowingly. “He doesn’t like people knowing that there was a Kaz Brekker before the Barrel.”
Nina set about making another pot of tea. “So, what happened when he came to pick it up.”
“Well, for starters, he didn’t come with any kruge in his pockets,” You remarked bitterly. “He told me he wasn’t going to pay me for it, but that he had something much more valuable.” 
Both Nina and Jesper rolled their eyes. “Of course he did. What was it?”
“An invitation to join The Dregs. He told me that my skills were invaluable and that if I agreed to join his gang I’d have a roof over my head, the opportunity to earn more money than I could even begin to comprehend and the one thing that I couldn’t seem to find no matter how hard I tried: security.”
“And you accepted?”
“I did. I hate to admit it but it didn’t take much convincing on Kaz’s part.” 
“And here you are,” Nina beamed. 
“Here I am.” 

Little did you know, Dirtyhands himself was perched at the top of the staircase, the cane in question balancing across his legs. He had been listening to your account of how you met for the better part of half an hour, eyes squeezed shut as though this would enable him to travel back in time and actually relive the moment. To this day, you had no idea how much that day had meant to him, the spark he felt upon meeting you. If he hadn’t taken such a shine to you, he probably would have paid you for the cane, but he knew he couldn’t let you go once he’d met you. Not that he’d ever tell you any of this. Most days, he could hardly even admit it to himself and he much preferred living in a state of ignorant bliss, allowing himself to believe that he’d offered you a place within the ranks of The Dregs for investment purposes only. 

It would be a cold day in hell before he told you how he really felt.


if y’all lovely people will send me some six of crows request that would be greatly appreciated!!

here are some prompt list if you need it!!

-much love‍♀️

Matthias meets a mysterious girl at a ball in the middle of a heist and is immediately drawn to her. However, come midnight, she disappears completely.


Cinderella AU


Matthias was bored. The heist seemed to be dragging on for an eternity and he’d certainly been standing on the edge of this ballroom for a lifetime. He was tired, his feet ached and all he really wanted was to retire to his room at the Slat. But Kaz had insisted he was needed on this heist, given many wealthy families and officials were attending this ball, to stand watch at the party and make sure no one tried to leave in the small window they had.

Across the room, he could see Nina effortlessly flirting with the host of the party, keeping her engaged so that Kaz and Inej could sneak upstairs and rob her. A giggle and a hand on the shoulder had the woman blushing to no end, obviously having forgotten all about her husband elsewhere. Matthias was fairly sure that Nina could flirt anyone into submission, it was truly a gift. He smiled to himself as he watched the scene unfold.

Kaz had instructed that he keep circulating the room as the party went on, keeping a watchful eye over the proceedings. With this in mind, he made his way over to the bar where people were kept topped up with drinks, their laughter carrying across the room. He leant against the bar, casting his gaze out over the party. Everyone seemed to be having far too good a time to think about perusing the rest of the place and Nina was certainly doing an excellent job of keeping the host occupied. They might just pull this off.

“You look like you don’t belong here.” A sudden voice came from his left and Matthias started slightly. Glancing over, he saw the owner of the voice, grinning at him in amusement. You were wearing a blue silk dress and the most beautiful slippers he’d ever seen. Matthias raised an eyebrow.

“What makes you say that?”

“Your eyes keep darting about the place, almost like you can’t wait to leave.” You commented. “This isn’t your scene, is it?”

He smiled at your words. “I’m not exactly an upstanding merchant of Kerch. I probably shouldn’t be here.”

You leaned in and beckoned for him to do the same. He glanced up briefly, seeing Inej run along one of the balconies. No one had noticed. Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to let his guard down for one moment. He leaned.

“Do you want to hear a secret?” You whispered. “I’m not supposed to be here, either.”

“What do you mean?” Matthias asked you.

“I come from a family of bakers. My father was asked to cater for the event and I begged him to let me come, but apparently I didn’t merit an invitation.” You smirked. “I never could resist trouble. I’m supposed to be working in the kitchen at home but I snuck out and managed to get in here. The dress isn’t even mine, I borrowed it from my mother.”

Matthias was slightly shocked by the story but, in the end, his admiration won over. He grinned. “I’m impressed.” He said, before glancing back down at the slippers of glass adorning your feet. “What about your shoes? I’ve never seen a pair quite like them.”

You smiled down at them. “These were made especially for me by another mercher’s family my father worked for, a gift. There isn’t another pair like them in Ketterdam.”

“They are quite spectacular.” He nodded in agreement.

“So, how about you? What brings you here?”

Matthias was about to respond when he noticed Kaz standing on the edge of the ballroom. He motioned to both himself and Nina, the signal that the job was done. Such wonderful timing, he thought to himself.

“It’s a very long story.” Matthias said. “I wish I could tell you but I simply don’t have time.”

“Aren’t you mysterious?” You remarked. “Alright, keep your secrets. Will you at least tell me your name?”


“I’m Y/N.” You said, reaching out to shake his hand. Matthias felt an odd surge of electricity shoot up his arm at the contact. It was that strange feeling that he was exactly where he was supposed to be and, for a moment, he didn’t want to leave. But one glance over his shoulder showed Kaz glaring his way, rapidly losing his patience. He had duties to attend to.

You sensed that he was growing restless and gave him a knowing smile. “I’m getting the feeling that you’re needed elsewhere. I understand.”

“I’m sorry. I wish I could stay longer.”

“It’s a shame, I was just about to ask you dance.” You told him. “Just be careful on your way out. There were rumours that Kaz Brekker and his crew were spotted around.”

Matthias had to hold back a squeak. “You know Kaz Brekker?”

“Of course I do, he’s the most notorious criminal mastermind in Ketterdam. Might be fun to cross paths with him but ultimately it would only spell trouble. Go careful.”

It occured to Matthias that you probably had no idea he was, in fact, a member of that crew. Clearly you hadn’t spotted Kaz in the crowd, whose stony gaze now seemed like it could shatter Matthias. However, there was something about you that he just couldn’t pinpoint. All he knew was that he didn’t want to leave. He was even ready to face the wrath of Kaz Brekker.

“I could stay for just one dance.” Matthias told you. “If you’ll join me?”

Just as you were about to respond, the chimes sounded out, signalling it was midnight. Your eyes darted across the room and Matthias followed your gaze, seeing an older man followed by some guards. They were looking directly at you, pointing and conversing angrily. You groaned.

“Oh, Saints, I think my time might be up.”

“What do you mean?”

“My father has realised I’m here. I should probably go.” You said, hitching up your dress as you made to run. You stopped suddenly before you left, turning around. “It was nice to make your acquaintance, Matthias.”

And just like that, you were gone, swallowed by the crowd. Matthias tried to locate you but it was no use. He pushed through the hordes of party-goers, following in the same direction. As he made it to the edge of the ballroom, a different kind of fate was waiting for him.

“Helvar.” Kaz stepped in front of him, jaw clenched. “You could have compromised the whole job. Come on, we need to go.”

“Wait.” Matthias said, desperately searching the room. It was as if you’d vanished into thin air. He felt his heart sink. Kaz wasn’t listening.

“Now, come on.” He called out to him.

Matthias sighed and reluctantly made to follow him. As they moved away from the party and made it to the exit, he found himself subsequently tripping over something on the floor. As he righted himself, he bent down to pick up the object.

A glass slipper, sparkling like a diamond as it captured the light. Almost as beautiful as the person who’d been wearing them. Matthias felt a surge of hope as he beheld it.

It was almost as though he had been meant to find it.


“Y/N, more flour.” Your father instructed you. You sighed as you kneaded the bread on the work surface, the heat from the oven causing beads of sweat to run down your neck. It was tedious work and you wanted nothing more than to be walking the streets of Ketterdam, the cool air from the harbour hitting your face. But, unfortunately, this was your punishment.

“I’m tired.” You told him as you sifted some more flour onto the surface. “And bored.”

“You’ve only been working for an hour.” He reminded you. “And perhaps you wouldn’t be quite so tired if you hadn’t pulled that little stunt last night.”

You shrugged. “I was desperate for some excitement.”

“I could have lost a whole night’s pay. It’s a good job the mercher’s wife was in such good spirits last night and still paid me my due.”

You rolled your eyes. “No need to be quite so dramatic. I kept a low profile. If my mother hadn’t sent for you to tell you I had snuck out, no one would even have known I was there.”

“You’re lucky she was in a forgiving mood too, after you stole her dress and lost one of your glass slippers.”

You thought back to the previous night and the fleeting encounter you’d had. You barely knew anything about Matthias but somehow there had been a connection, something powerful that had pulled you towards him. That’s why you’d deliberately left the slipper there, hoping against hope that Matthias would find it and somehow find his way back to you. Then you’d spun the story to your parents that you’d lost it at the ball. Perhaps it might have been more poetic that way, to hope the universe would simply throw the two of you back together. But there was only so much faith you could put in faith, so you’d taken matters into your own hands.

“I really am sorry.” You told him. “I didn’t mean to upset the two of you. I just detest being cooped up indoors when there’s excitement to be had.” An apology and a slight hint. Your father didn’t miss it.

“Alright, you win. You can take a half hour break but then I want you back here. I have an order of cakes that you can help with.”

You beamed at him and hurried over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, father. I promise I won’t be late.”

Being outside instantly lifted your mood. Despite the stench of old seawater and the swathes of people crowding in, Ketterdam was your home and these streets were your happy place. You strolled down the cobblestones, letting the cool breeze drift around you and, as you turned the corner, you stopped in your tracks.

Plastered everywhere, on every possible surface, crack and crevice were posters. The words written in bold ink were stated plainly.

Are you the girl who lost the glass slipper? If so, come to the Slat.

You couldn’t quite believe what you were seeing. You knew the Slat, of course you did, but that was Dregs territory. Which meant Kaz Brekker. So he had been there last night. But why on earth would he be after you. If Kaz Brekker had stumbled onto your glass slipper, you were certain he would have simply pocketed it. The Bastard of the Barrel wasn’t one for acts of generosity. Your mind was racing.

You grabbed one of the posters and hailed one of the men in the street. “Excuse me, do you know what this is about?”

“No idea.” The man shrugged. “They appeared overnight.” He pointed to the poster. “Whoever they are, someone in the Barrel desperately wants to find them.”

You pulled his words apart as an idea formed in your head. Not Kaz Brekker. Someone else at the Slat. Possibly someone who had been very skittish at the party last night. Maybe fate was working in your favour.


“Is this really necessary?” Nina whined at the table in the Slat as she finished another poster. “My hands are aching.”

“Yeah, and I have ink all over me.” Jesper said from his left. They were the only two that Matthias had managed to rope into helping him, at the promise of making them some biscuits as a thank you. Inej had retired to her room and Kaz had simply rolled his eyes and walked away. Matthias didn’t think he was a massive believer in destiny.

“Yes.” Matthias nodded. “I want these all over the city. I have to find the girl from last night.”

“Matthias, for someone so pretty, you can be such an idiot.” Nina remarked. “This does feel a little stalker-ish.”

“No.” He replied simply. “She left this slipper for me to find, I just know it.” He picked up the shoe from the table. “And if I find her and she’s not interested, at least I can return this to her. She’s probably missing it.”

“Isn’t the whole point of destiny that it just sort of…happens?” Jesper queried. “Why are you doing all of this?”

“I can’t put all my faith in destiny.” Matthias explained. His time spent in Ketterdam had hardened his beliefs, it was the only way to survive in this city. “I just have to hope she sees it.”

Suddenly, Rotty appeared in the doorway, jerking his head towards the entrance of the Slat. “There’s a girl outside.”

“Excellent observation, Rotty.” Nina replied. “Which of us is she here for?” A grin spread across her face. Matthias rolled his eyes.

“Helvar.” He said, nodding his head towards Matthias. Immediately, he sat up, attention fixed on the doorway. Both Nina and Jesper turned to him, eyebrows raised.

“I suppose your crazy plan worked.” The sharp-shooter said. “You better go out to her.”

Matthias stood up too quickly, rattling the table as he did so. He made for the door before Nina called out. “Don’t forget the slipper.” She tossed it to the Fjerdan, and he caught it effortlessly. Then, he made his way outside.

There you were, waiting nervously outside the Slat, eyes darting in every direction. You obviously didn’t spend a lot of time in this part of the city, and for good reason.

As Matthias came out, your gaze landed on him and it was like all the anxiety just disappeared. Seeing him was like seeing the sun on a cloudy day, and you smiled.

“Matthias.” You greeted him.

“Y/N.” He nodded.

You held up the crumpled poster to him, raising an eyebrow. “I believe you’ve been looking for me? You found the slipper, then?”

He held it out to you. “I believe this belongs to you.”

You took it from him gently, feeling that magnetic pull again. By now, your father would be wondering where you were but this felt too important to ignore.

“So,” you started as you took in the building behind you. “You’re with Brekker?”

Matthias nodded slowly. “Yes. I was with him last night, helping him rob the merchant and his wife. That’s why I had to leave so suddenly.”

“So, you’re a thief?”

“Technically I was just look-out. But I have done bad things before.” Matthias sighed. “I’m sorry I wasn’t honest with you. But I couldn’t stop thinking about you after you disappeared, hence the posters. I hope, if you’ll give me the chance, I can explain everything to you. And then you can decide if you want to stay.”

You pondered his words. It would be so easy to turn and walk away. Only it wasn’t. The universe was pulling you towards Matthias, walking away just seemed impossible. You glanced over your shoulder.

“My father is expecting me back.” You told him.

“Oh.” The light in his eyes died a little.

“But I’m free this evening. I may have to sneak out again, but what’s life without a little risk? You can tell me everything then.”

Matthias smiled, a big, beautiful smile that put the sun to shame. Suddenly, he was reaching for your hand, holding it in his hand. It felt like it was made exclusively to fit into his. You felt butterflies dancing in your stomach as the two of you lingered for a moment, before you really had to leave.

“I’ll see you tonight, Matthias.”

“You too, Y/N.”



Buy me a coffee?

Are You Thinking Of Me Too?

Based on ‘Dreaming of You’ by Selena


Matthias was awake again. The crows outside of his window at the Slat pecked noisily at the glass, seemingly arguing with each other. It was Kaz who said they had no manners, perhaps he was right. But that wasn’t what kept Matthias from his slumber.

It was you that plagued his thoughts and kept his mind racing, wild like the ocean that you were currently occupied with. You’d left a few days ago for a voyage aboard Inej’s ship, the Wraith needing your scouting skills on her journey. It was true, you were one of the best navigators there were which was what had earned you a place among the Crows and the very reason you’d had to leave him. Out on the sea, you tracked with the stars and every night since you’d left, Matthias had wished upon those same stars that they would bring you home to him safely.

He’d realised soon after he’d met you how he really felt but never found the nerve to tell you. Countless nights spent in the Crow Club, watching you sit with Nina and Jesper, throwing your head back with laughter at their witty comments. Seeing you make smart comebacks to Kaz when you were planning for a heist. He was completely smitten with you. Maybe one day he would find the courage to tell you the truth but for now, he could only hold you in his thoughts.

He got up from his bed and made his way over to the window. The sky over Ketterdam was clear tonight, making for a lovely view of the stars and the milky glow of the moon. Matthias wondered if it was quite as pretty where you were right now. He hoped wherever it was, you were thinking about him too.


Little did he know that many miles away, you were standing on the deck of Inej’s ship, gazing at the vast expanse of ocean surrounding you and thinking of only one thing. Matthias. You were counting down the minutes until you could see him again. You didn’t think it was possible to miss someone this much.

Inej suddenly appeared beside you on the deck. You hadn’t heard her approach but, then again, that was what earned her the title of the Wraith. She cast you a sideways glance, grinning.

“You’re thinking about him again, aren’t you?” She said. You turned your gaze to her.


“Matthias.” She raised an eyebrow. You sighed.

“How did you know?”

“Y/N, you’re one of my closest friends, I know you better than most. And I can tell when you’re harbouring secret feelings for a certain Fjerdan.”

You chuckled lightly and gazed back out across the water. “I thought I was so mysterious.”

“Are you going to tell him?”

“I don’t know.” You shrugged. “What if he doesn’t feel the same way? I mean, he was raised a druskelle and they aren’t exactly forward with their feelings. He’s hard to read.”

Inej nodded. “You’re right, he might not feel the same. But, he might also admit his own feelings. How will you know if you never say anything.”

“You make it sound so easy.”

“Trust me, I know it’s never easy. I mean, look at me and Kaz. All I know is that sometimes, it’s worth taking the risk if you know it’s the right person. Is Matthias the right person?”

“He is.” You replied. “I just know it.”

“We return to Ketterdam in three days. You’d better start preparing your declaration speech.”


As the ship docked in the Ketterdam harbour, you felt like your heart was in your mouth. It was easy to make plans when you were out at sea with nothing but water surrounding you. But now you were back on land, the prospect of seeing Matthias again made you all kinds of anxious. You took a deep breath as you stepped off the boat and into the busy swarm of Ketterdam. You’d rather missed it.

Inej was beside you and she waved to someone down the gang-walk. Glancing over, you saw Kaz leaning against his cane and you smirked.

“Kaz came to meet you?” You asked her.

“Yes, he always does when I come back from a voyage.” She replied, suddenly sounding shy about the whole thing.

“Well, aren’t you two just adorable?” You teased her with a chuckle. She glowered.

“Will you shut up?” She said before looking back over. Her glare was replaced with a knowing glance. “Looks like he wasn’t the only one, though.”

“What?” You followed her gaze, only to see that a large figure had appeared beside Kaz. Matthias. Your legs threatened to buckle underneath you at the sight of him. Now it was Inej’s turn to smirk.

“I’ll give you two a moment, shall I?” She said before hurrying over to Kaz. The two of them wandered off, leaving you and Matthias standing alone. He smiled when you reached him.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” You told him and he glanced at the ground nervously.

“I wanted to come and welcome you back.” He said, before daring to glance up at you. “I missed you.”

“You did?” You asked, hope surging inside of you. “What exactly did you miss?”

“I missed seeing you every day. Hearing your laugh, your witty comments, your smile. I just missed you.” He reached out for your hand, taking it in his. “I thought about you every day.”

You felt a fluttering in your stomach as you grinned. You knew how Inej felt when you teased her now. “I thought about you too, Matthias. I was trying to plan in my head how to tell you but you just made it so much easier.”

“You feel the same?” Matthias enquired.

You nodded to him. “You say it first.”

He smiled, squeezing your hand. “I love you, Y/N.”

“I love you, too.”


That night, Matthias lay awake in bed but this time he didn’t have to wonder about you. Because you were sound asleep next to him. He watched the gentle rise and fall of your chest, realising he’d never felt quite so happy. He still couldn’t believe he’d told you he loved you, and you’d said it back.

With one arm wrapped around you, he let his eyes drift closed, finally feeling sleep take him. He knew that when he drifted off, he would dream of you because it was always you.

Matthias didn’t know what tomorrow would hold but right now that didn’t matter. There was nowhere else in the world he would rather be than in his room with you, allowing you to consume his dreams.



Buy me a coffee?
