#mbti funny


ESTP - ‘’I tried so hard to be a nice lady, you taught me its okay to be crazy’’ - Lana Del Rey

ESFP - ‘’Eventually, you’re going to die. Everyone you know will die and you will be forgotten. So why get mad? Why waste time? You should live, because as far as you know, this is your only life’’ - anonymus

ISTP - ‘’Have some fire. Be unstoppable. Be a force of nature.’’ - Grey’s Anatomy

ISFP - ‘’Been trying hard not to get into trouble but I’ve got a war in my mind’’ and ‘’I’m not mad, I’m hurt. There’s a difference’’ - Lana Del Rey

ESTJ - ‘’Efforts and courage isn’t enough without action and direction’’ - JFK

ESFJ - ‘’Promise me you’ll always remember: you’re braver than you believe, you’re stronger than you seem, you’re smarter than you think’’ - Winnie The Pooh

ISTJ - ‘’Time flies. Time waits for no man. Time heals all wounds. All any of us want is more time. Time to stand up, time to grow up. Time to let go. Time’’ - Grey’s Anatomy

ISFJ - ‘’No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again’’ - Buddha

ENTJ - ‘’Kill them with success and bury them with a smile’’ - anonymus

INTJ - ‘’So do it decide, is this the life you want to live? Is this the person you want to love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? Kinder? More compassionate? Decide.’’ - Grey’s Anatomy

ENTP - ‘’Accident is the name of all of the greatest inventions’’ - Mark Twain

INTP - ‘’Perhaps one does not want to be loved so much as to be understood’’ - George Orwell

ENFJ - ‘’Despite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart’’ -Anne Frank

INFJ - ‘’The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you, you just have to find the the ones worth suffering for’’ - Bob Marley

INFP - ‘’The true sign of intelligence isn’t knowledge, it’s imagination’’- Albert Einstein

ENFP- ‘’So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned, just think of happy things and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in never, never land.’’  - Peter Pan

disclaimer: i love every type don’t murder me. every type has wonderful people and complete fucking bitches. that’s a fact. k bye love.

INTJ: cold bitch that just loves destroying everyones’ self-esteem. Therefore ends up being left out of every get-together/party because no one is up for having an emotional crisis at a party (looking right at you infp)

ENTJ, ENFJ: oh wow another cold bitch who enjoys fucking everyone over (as if we needed another one of these). try to, i don’t know, have a fucking heart from once in a while and when you do try and not use it to manipulate others, you might think it’s cool or whatever but it’s not, it’s just dumb and painful

INTP, ENTP: Asshole who sits behind me in science and is never minding his own fucking business and is always trying to ‘’correct’’ everyone else in the fucking room. we don’t need your toxic fucking help you bitch so please leave

INFJ: Oh my god wow look what a mysterious, enigmatic beautiful person I wonder what she’s up to….. no you fucking whore stop being so like ‘’ooo look at me i’m mysterious and you will never know me hahaha’’ you narcissistic whore try and be real for a while

ENFP: bitch who I got in a drama project and didn’t do shit except being an annoying fuck who started talking about shit I obviously couldn’t give less of a shit about. you’re cool and whatever but try and be useful k?

INFP: ok so i’m glad you’re seeing a therapist cuz last time I saw you u were crying at a party but could you please stop talking to me 24/7 get other friends please and stop low-key trying to bring everyone down with you.

ESFP, ISFP: oh who do we have here? is it that backstabbing little bitch who wants to be special so fucking badly and loves secrets and thinks she’s interesting when actually i can see right through her? yes, its her. stop trying too fucking hard. you’re genuinely cool so just be your fucking self instead of trying to be ‘’interesting’’

ESFJ: oh fuck ok here we are in fucking humanities class could you not hit the back of my chair like a million fucking times after i have told you to stoooppppp

ISTP, ESTP: ok i get it like you’re a strong fucking person ok cool fine but stop pretending like you literally have no feelings cuz I see that and it’s fucking pathetic ok? p.s: stop hitting infp in the head with the volleyball ball k thanks.


ISFJ: i haven’t met a bitch with your type so yeah. umm. fuck you i guess.

im gonna get so much hate lmao :/ don’t roast me too hard please :/

ESTP, ISTP: Their attitude may be found annoying/cunning or whatever towards other people who might then start talking shit behind them. And when they find out, they’re gonna start some shitttttt

ENTJ, ESTJ: They exist…… :l

ESFP, ENFP: Have so many friendships that they end up being friends with people who are enemies with each other, which ends up backfiring.

INFJ, ISFJ, ISTJ, ESFJ: They don’t. Unless you hurt their loved ones, in that case, run.

ENFJ, INTJ: Because it’s fun……

INFP, ISFP: They’re emotions cause them to do weird shit and inevitably hurt other people or hurt themselves (send help asap)

ENTP, INTP: They get bored and decide to start up drama cuz why not

(this is based on my experiences lmao don’t kill me if its not 100% accurate)

ENTJ, INTJ: Either doesn’t have time for that shit because school is more important OR completely fucks up people’s lives cuz…. fun.

INTP: Either doesn’t give a rats ass OR low-key makes a plan to fuck shit up

ENTP: Is involved in the drama but honestly doesn’t give a fuck how it turns out

ESTP: Reallyyyyy doesn’t give a fuck but might ocationally just sit back and watch how shit goes down

ESFP: Might be near/be the center of the drama and either tries to sort things out or just slowly fucks shit up due to their attitude 

ISFP: Also might be near the center of attention and inevitably gets fucked over but still finds a way to rise on top of it.

ESTJ, ENFJ: Probably in the center of the drama just fucking things up like always lmao

INFP:Is also involved but either falls into depression because all the drama got to them OR gets adrenaline for like 5 minutes and roasts the fuck out of everyone who ever did them wrong

ENFP: Involved in drama due to their friendships, tries to work things out for a while but if shit gets too deep they FUCKK things up cuz they low-key want to.

ISFJ, INFJ: Is too mature for it and just tries to sort things out

ESFJ:Doesn’t care just wants to have fun (but if u fuck with the ESFJ they’ll fuck you over using all of his/her friendships)

ISTP, ISTJ: Gives less fucks of all, probably studying or doing whatever ISTJ/Ps do (sorry I am an ENFP idk what u guys do lmao


Message: Hey guys sorry I left for like a shit ton of months, mmm I might be comming back, idk, just did this cuz I was bored so…… like and comment and repost lmao :)

INTJ:Stephen Hawking‘’The greatest enemy of knowledge isn’t ignorance, it’s the illusion of knowledge’’

ENTJ:Steve Jobs‘’Have the courage to follow your intuition, it somehow knows what you truly want to become’’ 

ENTP:Mark Twain‘’All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure’’

INTP:Albert Einstein‘’Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one’’

ESFP: Ronald Reagan - ‘’If you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat’’

ISFP: Jacqueline Kennedy - ‘’We should all try to right the wrongs we see every day instead of just complaining about them’’

ISTP:Diogenes‘’He has the most who is most content with the least’’

ESTP:Thomas Edison‘’Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to assure success is by trying one more time’’

ISTJ:George Washington - ‘’If freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter’’

ESFJ:Pope Francis ‘’Help one another, this is what I do, with my heart’’

ISFJ:Mother Teresa- ‘’Do things for people, not because of who they are or because of what you’ll get in return, but because of who you are’’

ESTJ:Michelle Obama‘’Success isn’t about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives’’

INFJ:Mahatma Gandhi‘’Be the change you want to see in the world’’

ENFJ:Malala Yousafzai‘’I truly believe the only way we can create global peace is through not only educating our minds, but our hearts and souls’’

INFP:William Shakespeare: ‘’Love me or hate me, both are in my favor. If you love me, I’ll always be in your heart. If you hate me, I’ll always be in your mind.’’

ENFP:Anne Frank-‘’Despite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart, I don’t think of all the misery, but all of the beauty that still remains’’

INTP: You insulted their favourite TV Show/Superhero/Book/Movie/basically anything they are a fan of. Creates a blog dedicated on hating on you.

INTJ: You are self-absorbed and just ignorant towards everything the INTJ is interested in. Then they develop a 10-page plan on how to murder you.

ENTJ ESTJ: You went ahead and said something completely stupid and as a result the ExTJ went on a 1 hour rant about how stupid was what you said and then published a speech on why you suck.

INFP:You said something offensive and they will never forget what you said and will look at you differently from now on.

ENFJ:You did something morally wrong and now they run a club that is dedicated on hating you.

ISFP: Secretly hates you because you said one racist comment and now they dream about killing you by stabbing a knife in your eye but her/his hatred is just a reflection of what they hate in themselves, then they fall into a depression but then they realize tha- (i can go forever with this….) 

ESFJ:They don’t hate you….. :) you won’t notice they hate you but they secretly have a plan on how to suffocate you while whispering ‘’so marvel is for nerds?’’ into your ear. Also makes everyone hate you….. good luck

ENTP, ESTP: They proposed to you an awesome idea that they worked on for the past year but then you called it stupid and now they run a blog on tumblr dedicated on burning pictures of you….. (just kidding they’d probably be like, oh well, fuck you and move on)

ISFJ, INFJ: Doesn’t say anything about the hatred against you but slowly backs away from you and makes you feel isolated from all of your friends until one day you realised you hurt the INFJ but now it’s too late…. damn.

ESFP: Hates you because you hurt their feelings and then spends a full night crying about it but then shows up to your house and completely wrecks your house.

ISTJ, ISTP: You exist.

ENFP: oh so you are a racist person who hates women and think that they belong in the kitchen? let me just…. mmm…. test this… 


oh….. that was…. an accident………. ?
