#mbti personality


INTJ, INTP - Someone who can bring warmth to their coldness, light to their darkness, happiness to their depression, but also someone who understands how important the cold, the dark, and the depression is to them and knows how to balance both of them.

ENFP - Someone who takes everything they aspire to be and help them make it a reality, someone who makes them understand that dreams are great but accomplishments are better. Someone who acts like a mirror to them, makes sure they don’t go off the tracks yet, enjoys getting lost within them.

ENTJ, ESTJ - Someone who can bring fun and entertainment to their life while at the same time being able to give them a challenge and lightheartedly compete with them. They need someone who is strong yet compassionate at the same time, someone they can relate to on a very personal level.

INFP, ISFP - Someone who understands how complicated and simple they are, someone who doesn’t try to fix them or makes sense of them but just embraces them.

ENTP - Someone who takes all the hate and highlights all the positives, someone who is able to truly talk to them and challenge them

INFJ, ENFJ - Someone who makes them smile without hiding a frown within, someone who brings out the real them no matter how difficult

ESTP, ISTP, , ESFP - Someone who can ride with them to no place in specific yet always knows where to go when things get too overwhelming

ISTJ - Someone who makes them read beyond the words and helps them see beyond the facts and the rules, someone who adds paint to their canvas

ISFJ, ESFJ - Someone who doesn’t need help from them, someone who helps them find what they want for themselves

ESTP, ISTP: Their attitude may be found annoying/cunning or whatever towards other people who might then start talking shit behind them. And when they find out, they’re gonna start some shitttttt

ENTJ, ESTJ: They exist…… :l

ESFP, ENFP: Have so many friendships that they end up being friends with people who are enemies with each other, which ends up backfiring.

INFJ, ISFJ, ISTJ, ESFJ: They don’t. Unless you hurt their loved ones, in that case, run.

ENFJ, INTJ: Because it’s fun……

INFP, ISFP: They’re emotions cause them to do weird shit and inevitably hurt other people or hurt themselves (send help asap)

ENTP, INTP: They get bored and decide to start up drama cuz why not


the fact that some people actually believe ENTP’s are selfish, manipulative, rude and don’t care about other’s feelings often makes me feel unlovable.

whenever I start liking someone (who are mostly feeler types), I begin to feel insecure, “maybe I am a real horrible human being but I just don’t see it”

like I get mbti is just a test I took for fun, and I totally get I am just overthinking but I just wanted to share my thoughts about those moments of weakness

The worst part about MBTI is feeling down, and starting to think that perhaps your type’s flaws are your flaws. But trying to prescribe something as complex as personality will always have its flaws.

Remember: you are always more than your MBTI type. Sometimes MBTI is wrong. Thinkers can be emotional, feelers can think logically, sensors can have ideas, intuitives can undertake actions, introverts can be social, extroverts can be alone, percievers can be productive and judgers can get distracted.

Just because your type is stereotyped as one way, that does not mean that you are that way. Trying to boil down a person to 4 letters is wrong.

A while ago I found a chart that lists mistypes.


As can be seen in the chart, ISTJs very often mistype as INTjs. A lot of folks over on reddit’s r/INTJ chided people over being mistyped ISTJs.

I started reading about enneagram yesterday, and I think that enneagram may help explain why this happens so often.

Ennegram sorts people into 9 enneagram types, called 1, 2, 3, and so on. Each enneagram type resembles another type when growing and when under stress.

According to thought catalog, the most common enneagram for ISTJs is enneagram 1 at 37.5%. 

Some quotes from the enneagram site on enneagram 1s:

Ones are conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong. They are teachers, crusaders, and advocates for change: always striving to improve things, but afraid of making a mistake. Well-organized, orderly, and fastidious, they try to maintain high standards, but can slip into being critical and perfectionistic.

INTJs often think of themselves as perfectionistic and willing to point out the flaws in systems. They are also known for the significance they put on their moral standards. This may make type 1 ISTJs think they are in fact INTJ. 

Ones often persuade themselves that they are “head” types, rationalists who proceed only on logic and objective truth.

INTJs have a reputation of being heavily logical types, providing another opportunity for mistypes.

Ones have a “sense of mission” that leads them to want to improve the world in various ways, using whatever degree of influence they have.

ISTJs are stereotyped as people who want to preserve the status quo, as the quintessential conservative. 16 personalities, the most popular mbti site, calls ISTJs “conservative” and “by the books.” However, if you look to the enneagram, many type 1s seek to improve the world and are dissatisfied with the status quo, causing them to avoid the ISTJ label and instead think of themselves as INTJ.

*For the record, the whole stereotype of ISTJ being conservative is untrue, and especially so for political conservatism.

There is also the issue of enneagram stress.

If you look to the chart below that I stole from the enneagram site, we can see that 1s tend to act like 4s when under stress.


If we look at the description of enneagram type 4s, we can see the following: 

Fours feel that they are unlike other human beings.

While enneagram 1s are under stress, they start to feel like they are unique. And in MBTI, when someone talks about being unique, it’s often the INFJ or INTJ types, the two most rare MBTI types at 1.5% and 2.1% respectively.

It is possible that many ISTJ type 1s who are under stress feel like 4s, and thus think that MBTI explains why they feel so different. Indeed, how can an ISTJ, being the most common type at 11.6% of the population, feel like no one understands them? They determine that their feelings of alienation make it impossible for them to be ISTJ and thus the type 1 ISTJ mistype as INTJ.

Type percentages taken from the Myers Briggs foundation.

However, this is just an idea. Not every INTJ is a mistyped ISTJ. As always, cognitive function typing is the way to go. If you’re confused between ISTJ and INTj, read this article.


Whenever someone points out my quietness, my heart just drops right onto the floor. 


For the longest time, I thought that I was INTJ because I wasn’t a conservative. Pro tip: politics, no matter how much you are into them, are not a good indicator of mbti type


ENFP : Good morning! I brought your coffee.

ISTJ : Thank you, can I have a little spoon please?

ENFP : Oh, I almost forgot! [Hugs ISTJ from behind]

ISTJ : [flustered] That’s not what I meant, but I’ll take this too-

ENFP : I just saw a guy in the library cry for five minutes or so and then his phone alarm went off and he just…stopped crying ? And went right on back to work.

INFJ : Yeah that was just ESFJ

ESFJ : [walking past them] it’s called time management.

ENTP: “Ladies and gentlemen” is unnecessarily gendered, overly formal, lengthy, and honestly I’m falling asleep already.

ENTP: “Cowards,” on the other hand, is inclusive to all genders, casual and fun, short and to the point, exciting, and dramatic.


Walks into a pole while reading about space microorganisms, goes to a hospital and gets smothered by the nurse for trying to teach her how to do the suture “correctly”.

 INFP : 

Gets surprised by a minute sound like the beep of a microwave, trips and suffers a fatal fall. Dies while whispering a small “sorry” to the device. 


Sees a lonely wild animal that everyone is too scared to be around, tries to pet. 


Forgets necessary human functions like eating, drinking, sleeping. Perishes.


Murdered by the kid they bullied in high school, who grew up to be a psychopath.


 Gets curious about the red button, presses it. *Self destruct sequence initiated*.


Got trampled in a stampede while standing in the front, acting like they have everything under control.


Tries to talk the guy who broke into their house about his life and feelings.


Followed Google maps to the T and drove into a lake.


Tried to do their own electrical work.


Gives a shady-looking hitchhiker a ride.


Tries to take a close up shot of the tornado.


Gives delinquents a lecture about decency and get beaten up to death.


Accepts a cliff-diving dare.


Pokes a stick at a grizzly bear.


Shoots a hair styling video from their bubble bath, plugs in curling iron.

..so many dumb ways to die.

ENFP: I feel so lonely all the time. My mind keeps telling me I will die alone.

ENTP to INTJ: Dude we should do a types under quarantine post.

ENFP: I tell you something and you wanna make a meme about it? I’m leaving.

INTJ: Omg. Make this conversation into a post.

ENTP: It’s not a meme btw it’s a study!

Little Things About ESTP’s

Life never has a dull moment around you. You are the type of person who wants to have fun, but you don’t want to hurt anyone. You don’t stop to smell the roses, you buy a bouquet and smell them as you run. The best word to describe you is freedom. You are a great ball of energy that never stops. You are nice, but you give people space. You want all the answers and once you get them you move on. You don’t pry, you understand. You can handle responsibility and power, but you seldom go looking for it. You are that friend we can call at midnight because you areprobably still awake! We love the way your eyes light up right before you do something that we would call stupid but you call fun. And amazingly you succeeded at doing a double back-flip off a brick wall, over concrete, in the middle of a crowd. (Wish I would have videoed that. But I’m not going to tell you, because you would probably try it again.)

Thank you ESTP’s! You keep life interesting!
