

FromAvengers Vol. 8 #055, “Night of the Panther, Dawn of the Hawk”

Art by Javier Garrón and David Curiel

Written by Jason Aaron

mephisto (1981) dir. istván szabómephisto (1981) dir. istván szabómephisto (1981) dir. istván szabómephisto (1981) dir. istván szabó

mephisto (1981) dir. istván szabó

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After this episode I can’t wait to see Pitch Meetings reuse the Mephisto joke from Falcon and the Winter Soldier for Loki.

Screenwriter Guy: “So the villain kills a bunch of TVA agents, and when they ask a little girl who did it she points at the devil.”

Studio Executive Guy: “IS IT MEPHISTO? Are you teasing Mephisto right now?”

Screenwriter Guy: “It certainly seems like that’s what I’m teasing, yeah.”

Studio Executive Guy: *staring in silence*

Studio Executive Guy: “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me again.”

As time progresses, I’m starting to think the only deal Trump has ever made was Faustian in nature.

Drawn the boi

Character Art by Me

Mephisto by @classofthetoptrash

Mephisto(1981). In early-1930s Germany, a passionate stage actor finds himself before a dilemma: renounce his apolitical stance and comply with the Reich’s doctrine, or face oblivion. But, Faustian bargains never end well. What is the price of success?

This one really didn’t quite work for me, in no small part because it felt like it applied retrospective opinions on a story that felt very much of its moment. It created this disconnect between what the character was doing as he submerged himself in his art and I don’t know - - it rang a little inauthentically to me. Great performances though, particularly from the lead. 6.5/10.

Anges purs, Anges Radieux

I haven’t posted in forever, whoops So yep, this is fanart for the opera Faust. The @royaloperahouse posted one of their productions of it on YouTube and that got me in the mood :,)

I was inspired to draw my version of Christine Daaé performing the leading lady role of Marguerite, with two randos (looking like Raoul and the Phantom, not intentionally I promise) as Faust and Mephistopheles, during the final act of the opera. If you wanna know more, definitely check out the Jewel aria and the final trio represented here, I think they sound pretty awesome but you know, it’s opera so you do you

Enough of my rambling, I hope you enjoy the art!
