
Mercury in LibraUnconscious ExpressionAsleep fear: Not saying the right thingResult: By looking to o

Mercury in Libra

Unconscious Expression

Asleep fear: Not saying the right thing

Result: By looking to others for a reflection of immediate acceptance, communications can stop. Withholding honest interchange for fear of rejection leads to your mind being stuck in a swamp of considerations that bring indecision. If you withhold disclosing what is actually on your mind, you may lose your perspective, integrity, and perceptual balance.

Conscious Expression

When you focus your attention on your point of view and sharing your independent opinion, you can discover the spontaneous awareness of your impact when communicating with others. Concentrating on what needs to be said rather than on what you think other people want to hear can contribute to justice, truth, and balance required. You then may discover that you have a natural talent for diplomacy and communication that spontaneously restores harmony without compromising any sense of personal integrity.

–Jodie Forrest, Spiritual Astrology 

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Mercury in VirgoUnconscious ExpressionAsleep fear: Indulging in the Virgo tendency to analyze and ju

Mercury in Virgo

Unconscious Expression

Asleep fear: Indulging in the Virgo tendency to analyze and judge what is right and wrong in yourself and others creates endless categories in your mind. This makes it difficult to communicate in an orderly and confident way.

Result: This compartmental analysis of right and wrong might appear harsh, inadvertently alienating those close to you. Concurrently, in judging others you can pave the way for heavy self-criticism if you distort perfectionism in any way.

Conscious Expression

When you trust the universal, unseen order of things, you stop feeling defensive about how actions reflect imperfection. Through developing self-tolerance  you can accomplish a job with a sense of perfection but without applying the same high standards of performance to your personal life. By detaching from expecting perfection in your relationships and communications with others, you can be transformed to a new level. You will not have to be defensive with others since you no longer need to justify your humanness to yourself.

–Jody Forrest, Spiritual Astrology

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Mercury in Leo Unconscious ExpressionAsleep fear: Losing your dramatic impact and the loyalty of oth

Mercury in Leo 

Unconscious Expression

Asleep fear: Losing your dramatic impact and the loyalty of others.

Result: Expressing yourself in ways that appear dictatorial, arrogant, egotistical. This can produce one-sided communication, inadvertently implying that everything you have to say is more important than what anyone else has to say. This unbalanced communication can unintentionally alienate those closest to you.

Conscious Expression

Being open to noticing the effects you have on others shows you that the Leo dramatic ability to communicate can enhance or destroy what you are saying. This talent for communicating with a theatrical impact leaves a lasting impression, for good or ill. When the focus is on conversing with an awareness of shared humanity, you are able to inspire the ideas of others with creativity. By being aware of your love for others, you can instinctively express yourself in a way that inspires loyalty.

–Jan Spiller, Spiritual Astrology

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Mercury in CancerUnconscious ExpressionAsleep fear: Losing your emotional connections with others.Re

Mercury in Cancer

Unconscious Expression

Asleep fear: Losing your emotional connections with others.

Result: Your rational mind can become dominated almost entirely by moods, feelings, and emotions. This inadvertently forces others to respond with either sympathetic indulgence or overt rebuff. Indulging in communications that demand the sympathy of others may expose you to unnecessary rejection.

Conscious Expression

When you focus on being aware of the sensitivity of others as well as your own, your ability to communicate goes beyond words. You can then reach out emotionally, sensitively, and empathetically in ways that are a true reflection of your caring for others.

–Jan Spiller, Spiritual Astrology  

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Mercury in TaurusUnconscious ExpressionAsleep fear: Losing tangible support.Result: From a rational

Mercury in Taurus

Unconscious Expression

Asleep fear: Losing tangible support.

Result: From a rational point of view, this may lead you to repeat ideas and plans. This leads to an overstructured mind that gets tied up in a material or literal level of thought and stifles your creativity. Indulging in the tendency to resist ideas that are not your own can result in excluding others from assisting you  in achieving what you value.

Conscious Expression

When you are willing to communicate openly and to acknowledge that the ideas of others can be as valuable as yours, you discover that these ideas may actually transform and enhance your own. By using other people’s ideas as resources, your own concepts gain acceptance through the resultant transformation. By listening to others first and then communicating your perceptions–how their ideas can produce tangible results–your sense of self-worth is increased.

–Jan Spiller, Spiritual Astrology

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Mercury in AriesUnconscious ExpressionAsleep fear: Losing the visible impact of direct and authorita

Mercury in Aries

Unconscious Expression

Asleep fear: Losing the visible impact of direct and authoritative communication. 

Result: You cease to communicate successfully with others. You may tend to speak in ways that appear aggressive, overbearing, and almost militant. This challenging, intimidating attitude toward the audience can result in alienation and misunderstanding.

Conscious Expression

When your attention is on communicating in a way that inspires others to act, your natural sense of combat is turned into a creative, stimulating interaction. By focusing on inspiring  others, you are able to express yourself in ways that awaken them to new perceptions of their immediate circumstances. By becoming aware of their reactions, you can know in advance the impact your communication will have. This awareness of the other person leads to successfully gaining the Aries sense of freedom for assertive expression.

–Jan Spiller, Spiritual Astrology

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Planetary Observations I.

Jupiter and Ketu nakshatras are similar in that they’re both very spiritually conscious, collectively aware and see life as a mystery to be surrendered to fully, they also understand the light and dark in humanity and accept them without judgement, seeking to understand deeper. They’re also quite passive energetically and allowing/surrendering to the greater whole.

Mars and Saturn nakshatras are similar in that they’re dedicated to structure especially their own. They are keenly aware of their goals and limitations and find ways to efficiently and effectively take action. Both are deeply strategic as well. They’re also quite law abiding and contribute to society, but they’re not ones who follow or are told what to do. They refuse to be pinned down or told who to be and are inprogrammable.

Moon and Venus nakshatras are similar because they take relationships as soul bearing and their connections are deeply influential to them. They’re passion ruled and emotional as well as harmony focused, whether in relationships, their surroundings, their interactions with the world they want to have flowing harmony. They appreciate beauty and virility as well.

Mercury and Rahu nakshatras are very alike because both have highly functioning minds that are etheric and logical. They’re pattern seekers and pattern makers and love to use the mind as their tool to create their realities. They seek full immersion in the creative process of their lives and manifestations and their minds are very libidinous and loud. They can be quite anxious but also very dexterous and seek out the novel, strange and interesting.

Sun nakshatras are usually their own brand of expression, they aren’t ones who are easily compared or pinned down because their essence is pure light and is a star. They are warm and immersive, uplifting and moral, to them integrity and individuality is top priority. They can amplify any energy around them and make it the central focus. Sun nakshatras are highly admired and favorable. They seek to live fully, authentically and soulfully. Without any outside influence.


Can someone tell me why do I feel better during this mercury gatorade?

That’s because Mercury is responsible for your dreams or who you wish to be. Rx Mercury means you tend to remember what you’ve wished to do a long time ago and start to make your old dreams come true. It also makes you sleep better

cury curous curious.

everything is made of wood:
benches and buildings and platforms and tables and, all the while,
hemmed in by wood

the sky, even:
blue-grained wood,
knots swirled white

and he quicksilvers right through,
wings bark-brown and then ivory

–can’t seem to find any animal tracks in the dirt–

     What’s your name, again?

carved out under the tallest red trees, beam-bleached plume curls,
then eyes crisp like the tip of a feather quill

     Artemis–and yours?

his gaze holds still, fixed within fluid movement,
a reflective luster when the gold licks through the branches

cury curous curious.


ensuing, his timbre hums to the tune of thinly-veiled self-amusement. 

The night touched my cheeks, just cold enough to feel uncomfortable without a blanket.

We sat out on the coastal cliffs, facing the perfect moon as it hovered over the black ocean.

Pavo had managed to snuggle in between Persephone and I, having lured us by the blanket he brought. Mercury sat in front of us in his hoodie, wings folded in neatly against his back.

Pavo droned on about a scary story of his, and even though he basically ordered me to sit next to him, I thought it might be the best I’ve ever liked him. Maybe there’s just something about hearing him tell the story about how he and a friend got scared shitless by the stranger-who-might-be-a-serial-killer-guy. Even though he still managed to maintain that edge of bullshit in his voice, I found myself not caring, just simply letting myself be entertained by his descriptions of feeling scared and awaiting what was going to happen next.

I began to let my stare linger on the reflection of the moon on the ocean. The brightness swirled over the shifting waters drew my eyes in, as if the liquid version of an enchanting fire, its pattern ever growing in intricacy as it sparkled, swirled, danced. Like quicksilver shattered over obsidian.

I heard Pavo’s story ending in an anticlimactic way. His attribution to why he was still alive today.

“You guys,” I said. “Try staring at the reflection of the moon on the water. It’s amazing.”

Mercury turned around, his face barely poking out of his hoodie. “Artemis are you high?”

“No.”Fucker. “Just try it.”

“Whoa!” Persephone said. “That IS amazing–it’s almost like you can see figures dancing.”

“Right? Isn’t it ridiculous how the pattern just keeps going?” I said.

“Hippie,” Mercury said.

“Oh, shut up,” I said. I turned my eyes back to the quicksilver. Shutting him out made easy.

My eyes started to feel heavy.

“Artemis,” Pavo said. “Tell me about your faith journey.”

Instantly, I coiled tight inside. “What? My ‘faith journey’?”


“Seriously? Like…now?”

“Uh…yeah. Unless if you don’t want to talk about it?”

Why did everything suddenly feel more silent now.

“I dunno man, it’s something that’s really personal to me,” I said.  

Pavo let my words roll down the cliff and into the water.

“I’m not sure if I’m ready to share about it right now,” I added.

“Hey, it’s cool,” he said.

I just wanted him to stop poking at my scabs. It burned. But I couldn’t feel mad at him, because I knew he couldn’t see them. Instead, I felt a general cloud of resentment, covering me like an ache.

Staring back at the ocean felt more hollow this time.

“Hey Pavo, it’s almost 11:30,” Mercury said. “I think we should start heading back now.”

“Sounds good,” Pavo said. He stood up, taking his blanket with him, searching the other people mingled about us. “Where’s Leo? He rode with us t–There he is. Leo, we’re gonna take off now, man.”

Leo joined us as we ambled away from the cliffs in the bright night.

Back on the even sidewalk, my eyelids started to feel heavy again. That sleep-walking sensation seeping into me like–

The sound of the car door opening punctured the air. Reminded me of the pop heard when a pickle jar is opened for the first time.

“I’ve got the hump,” Leo said. He clambered in before me.

As Mercury pulled the car onto the road, I let my resentment slip beneath my weariness. Night drives down smooth roads always induce a sense of calmness, wears down edges. The leaden awareness of gravity pulled at my forehead and my arms. Pulling further down…and I didn’t want to escape it…

When the shoulder met my cheek, it felt natural, natural as the darkness, expanding…

My eyes fluttered at the halt of the engine, Mercury killing the headlights.

I felt the scapular angles. I’m pressed against Leo.

“Erm–I’m sorry,” I said huskily, slowly lifting myself away from him. Gathered up a half-hearted urgency to somehow remove my heavy limbs from the car. I sighed out of my nose.

Leo followed, his eyes half open. He used an eyebrow to try to lift them to look at me, as he mumbled, “Goodnight.”


This will be the ninth post in our series on astrological magic. Now I’m going to expand on the planets, signs, and fixed stars, and give you some information about the particular perfumes, plants, and materials which are influenced by specific celestial bodies. This will be a fairly extensive post, detailing many things which are under the influence of the various celestial powers, or which otherwise correspond to them. I will start with the planets, going in Chaldean order, which means I’ll be starting with Saturn. This post intends to be very useful, but in order to successfully draw power from the heavenly bodies and have their energy directed effectively to carry out your will, you should not use this post as the only reference for your methods. Be safe, and feel free to ask us if you have any questions.

Saturn is sometimes called the Greater Infortune. It is usually associated with the more weighty matters in life, including responsibility and morbidity. Most of the things associated with Saturn are fairly intuitive, since like Saturn, they are often associated with morbidity, death, and the grotesque.

For information about the ideal placement of Saturn in astrological magic, look at this post.

Below is an extensive and organized list of things which are under Saturn’s influence.

Name of the Intelligence of Saturn:


Name of the Spirit of Saturn:


Familiar Form of the Spirit of Saturn:

An angry-looking tall, slender man with four faces on his head (so that there is one each on the front, back, left, and right side of his head). Each of his knees has an additional face, as well.

Common Visible Forms of the Spirit of Saturn:

A bearded King on the back of a dragon

A bearded old man

An old woman leaning on a walking staff

A hog or boar

A dragon

An owl

A black robe

A sickle

A juniper tree


Earth and Water




3 and 9


Sour or tart


Elemental Quality:


Day of the Week:







Simple black clothing, especially black robes






Rivers with dark waters

Dark mountains

Deep wells

The edges of deserts or desolate lands


The right ear

The spleen


Saturn’s incense is made of opium poppy seeds, stinking nightshade, mandrake root, lodestone, and myrrh. Mix them with bat’s blood, or with a cat’s brain. Alternately, Saturn’s incense can be made from pepperwort or frankincense.

Zodiac Rulership:

Saturn rules over the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius, and is exalted in Libra. Its detriments are Cancer and Leo, and it it in its fall while in Aries.


All of the opiates (drugs like morphine, heroin, codeine, and many others)

All of the hypnotics (also known as soporifics)

Saturn is associated with many noteworthy spirits. I’ll identify some of them below, organizing them by the types of spirits in question.


Cassiel is the angel who is most strongly associated with Saturn. This association is definitely appropriate, since Cassiel is the angel of tears and solitude.

The archangel Tzaphquiel rules over Saturday (which is Saturn’s day), and is also considered one of the highest ranking angels in Heaven. His name means “God’s Knowledge.”

A King of the Djinn:

Maymon is the proper name of the King of the Djinn associated with Saturn, and it seems to mean “Prosperous.”

Abba Nuch is his informal name, and it appears to roughly mean “Father of Rest.”


Furcas, the 50th demon in the Goetia, and the Night Demon of the 2nd Decan of Leo is the only Goetic demon associated with Saturn. He looks like an evil old man with a long beard and a pale gray head riding on a pale horse, and armed with a very sharp weapon of some sort. Of the demons in the Goetia, Furcas is the only Knight in all of their ranks. He commands 20 legions of infernal spirits. He can teach applied philosophy, astrology, rhetoric, palmistry, and pyromancy.

And finally, we can go over the things in nature which are under the influence of Saturn.


White Daffodils

Dragonwort (probably Dracunculus Vulgaris)

Rue (Ruta Graveolens)


Black False Hellebore

Styrax Benzoin


Opium Poppies (and Opium itself)

Black Fig Trees


Cypress Trees and Shrubs























Screech Owls

Horned Owls











Maggots and Grubs

Bugs found in Corpses





Sea Sponges









Iron Ore


Yellow Marcasite



Jupiter is often called the Greater Fortune. It is a planet associated primarily with financial and career success, as well as high social status and favorable treatment from the divine. It rules over vitality, or the life energy of a person, as well as abundance in the form of food, luxuries, and necessities.

For guidelines about the ideal placement of Jupiter in astrological magic, look here.

Below is an extensive and organized list of things which are under the influence of Jupiter.

Name of the Intelligence of Jupiter:


Name of the Spirit of Jupiter:


Familiar Form of the Spirit of Jupiter:

It usually manifests as man of medium stature with a healthy and energetic glow, but who moves nervously, seems moderately timid, and speaks very gently.

Common Visible Forms of the Spirit of Jupiter:

A King riding on the back of a stag with his sword in hand

A man wearing a bishop’s hat and long robe

A maid wearing a crown of laurels with flowers on it

A bull

A stag

A peacock

A brilliant blue robe

A sword

A boxwood tree






4 and 16



Elemental Quality:


Day of the Week:



Part of the Latin language (which is co-ruled by Mars)

Part of the Greek language (which is co-ruled by three planets, the other two of which are the Sun and Mercury)



Any religions which have strong universalistic undertones


Expensive and finely made clothing, especially if it is bright white



Business owners

Debt collectors


Meeting places of noble or privileged people

Schools (particularly if they are pretty and well-maintained)

High-quality gymnasiums (especially if they’re aesthetically pleasing)

Any aesthetically appealing place which is always kept clean and pleasant


The left ear

The liver


Jupiter’s incense can be made from ash seeds, agar, styrax balsam, benzoin resin, lapis lazuli, the tops of peacock feathers, and a stork or swallow’s blood, or a male deer’s brain. Alternately, you can use nutmeg or clove.

Zodiac Rulership:

Jupiter rules over the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, and is exalted in Cancer. Its detriments are Gemini and Virgo, and it falls when it is in Capricorn.



Jupiter is associated with many spirits of different types. I will list some of them below, subcategorizing them based on what type of spirits they are.


Sachiel is the angel who watches over Jupiter. He is a Cherub, and his name means “Cover of God” or something to that effect.

Tzadquiel is the archangel who rules over Thursday, which means he is definitely associated with Jupiter.

A King of the Djinn:

Shem Huresh is this King’s name. It seems to mean “the name of Huresh.”

Abbu Al-Waleed is this King’s informal name, and it means something like “The Newborn’s Father.”


All 6 of the demon Princes in the Goetia are associated with Jupiter, so I will list them below, only specifying their rank if you shouldn’t assume that the demon in question is simply a Prince.

Vassago is the 3rd demon in the Goetia, and the Day Demon of the 3rd Decan of Aries. He commands 26 legions of infernal spirits, and looks like a well-to-do young man. He can accurately tell you about the past and future, and he can uncover lost or hidden things.

Sitri is the Day Demon of the 3rd Decan of Cancer, and the 12th demon described in the Goetia. He commands 60 legions of infernal spirits. When he first manifests, he has the face of a leopard and the wings of a gryphon, but then he assumes the form of a very beautiful young man. This demon ignites men and women in love, and can make women go naked.

Ipos is a Prince just like the two aforementioned demons, but he is also an Earl. He is the 22nd demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Day Demon of the 1st Decan of Scorpio. He commands 36 legions of infernal spirits, and he looks like an angel with the head of a lion, the feet of a goose, and the tail of a rabbit. Ipos knows of all things past and future, and he can make people verbally witty and embolden them in a social context.

Gaap is a Prince, but he is also a President. He is the 33rd demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Day Demon of the 3rd Decan of Aquarius. He commands 66 legions of infernal spirits, and he sometimes appears as a man leading four powerful Kings, while at other times he might take the form of a doctor. Gaap can give people an extensive knowledge of philosophy, social sciences, and the liberal arts. He can easily manipulate the human emotions of love and hate, and he likes to steal familiars from occultists. He can accurately tell you about anything past, present, or future, and he has been known to mischievously transport people from one country to another while they are intoxicated or otherwise unaware.

Stolus is the 36th demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Day Demon of the 3rd Decan of Pisces. He commands 26 legions of infernal spirits, and he looks like a raven at first, but then takes the form of a man. He can teach us about astrology, and the magical properties of the herbs and stones.

Orobas is the 55th demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Night Demon of the 1st Decan of Libra. He commands 26 legions of infernal spirits, and he looks like a horse at first, but soon takes the form of a man. He can reveal things past, present, and future, and he can also help a person become honored. He is especially fond of helping people become well-respected and high-ranking clergy members. He can generate good will between friends or enemies, and he will give honest answers to questions about the nature of divinity. He is generally very pleasant to work with.

Now we can proceed to a list of things in nature which are under Jupiter’s influence.


Sengreen (Sempervivum Tectorum)


Viper’s Bugloss (Echium Vulgare)

Mint of any kind

Nutmeg Husk

French Lavender

Mastic Tree



Darnel (Lolium Temulentum)

Black Henbane

Poplar Trees


Chestnut Oaks

Holly Trees

Holm Oaks

Beech Trees

Hazel Trees

Service Trees

White Fig Trees

Pear Trees

Apple Trees

Plum Trees

Ash Trees

Dogwood Trees

Olive Trees (and Olive Oil)






Sugar and Sugar Cane





Manna Ash Resin




Chicken Egg-Yolks










Wels Catfish




White Precious Stones

Golden Precious Stones






Green Jasper



Mars is sometimes called the Lesser Infortune. It is commonly associated with war, sexual aggression, anger, general conflict, and physical energy. Mars also presides over surgery, animal taming, bloodletting, and circumcision.

For guidelines about the ideal placement of Mars in astrological magic, check out this post.

Below is an extensive and organized list of things which are under the influence of Mars.

Name of the Intelligence of Mars:


Name of the Spirit of Mars:


Familiar Form of the Spirit of Mars:

He will appear in a tall, mostly-humanoid body, but with bright red skin (resembling many depictions of the devil in pop culture), the horns of a deer, and the claws of a gryphon. He will carry himself with compelling confidence, but a revoltingly aggressive disposition. He might also make loud, angry noises which sound like the bellow of an angry bull.

Common Visible Forms of the Spirit of Mars:

An armed king riding on a wolf

An armed man

A woman holding a wooden shield on her thigh

A male goat

A horse

A stag

A red robe

A pile of wool

A hog-louse






5 and 25




Elemental Quality:


Day of the Week:



Part of the Latin language (which is co-ruled by Jupiter)



The faith of those who constantly change their religious beliefs


Military uniforms, especially armor, weapons, and combat gear




Animal trainers






Pawn shops


The right nostril

The gall bladder


Mars’s incense can be made by mixing euphorbia resin, doom palm resin, ammoniacum, black and common hellebore, lodestone, sulfur, and human blood, cat blood, and a male deer’s blood. Alternately, you can use sandalwood, cypress, balsamic resin, or agar.

Zodiac Rulership:

Mars rules over the signs of Aries and Scorpio, and it is exalted in Capricorn. Its detriments are Taurus and Libra, and it falls when it is in Cancer.


Absinthe (note: If you’re purchasing absinthe anywhere in the United States, take extra care in choosing it, because there are some U.S. brands of green liquor which are deceptively labeled “absinthe” despite having absolutely no wormwood in them.)


Fly Amanita


Mars is associated with a variety of noteworthy spirits, some of which I will list below, organizing them based on what kind of spirits they are.


Samael is the angel who is most closely affiliated with Mars. According to many legends, Samael is the angel who was cast out of Heaven and given the title of “Satan.” There are many legends and mythological stories about the fall of Samael, including stories about his romantic involvement with Adam’s first wife Lilith (God removed her from Eden, and cursed her, turning her into the demon of dead babies), whom he impregnated. According to some versions of the story, this human-angel hybrid baby was the first member of the race known as the Nephilim (a word which is often translated to “giants” in English versions of Biblical texts), and when many other angels fell from their heavenly places to take human wives, many more of these Nephilim were born. God considered these children to be abominations, and some texts cite this as the reason why He caused the Great Deluge (the flood in the story of Noah’s Ark in Genesis).

Khaniael is the archangel who rules over Tuesday, and because of this, he is also closely associated with Mars.

A King of the Djinn:

Al-Ahmar is the King of the Djinn who is associated with Mars. His name seems to roughly mean “the One who is Red.”

Abbu Mohrez is this King’s informal name. It seems to roughly translate to “the Father of the Achiever,” or something along similar rhetorical lines.


Mars is associated with the 7 infernal Earls in the Goetic hierarchy. I will discuss these below, only specifying their ranks in cases where the demon in question is not simply an Earl.

Marax is the 21st demon described in the Goetia, and the Day Demon of the 3rd Decan of Libra. In addition to an Earl, he is also a President among the demons. He commands 30 legions of infernal spirits (which are separated into 3 divisions of 10 legions), and he looks like a bull with a human face. He can effectively teach you all about astrology and the liberal arts, as well as the magical properties of every kind of herb and stone. He can also provide the occultist with a wise and reliable familiar.

Ipos is an Earl, but he is also a Prince. He is the 22nd demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Day Demon of the 1st Decan of Scorpio. He commands 36 legions of infernal spirits, and he looks like an angel with the head of a lion, the feet of a goose, and the tail of a rabbit. Ipos knows of all things past and future, and he can make people verbally witty and embolden them in social situations.

Furfur is the 34th demon described in the Goetia, and also the Day Demon of the 1st Decan of Pisces. He commands 26 legions of infernal spirits, and he usually looks like a deer with a tail of fire. He will never tell the truth unless you have him within a Goetic triangle (which I will discuss whenever I get around to discussing demonology and its related arts), in which case he will look like a beautiful angel rather than a deer. If you use a Goetic triangle to compel him, he will honestly answer any questions you ask him about secrets and the divine.

Malthas is the 38th demon described in the Goetia, and he is also the Night Demon of the 2nd Decan of Aries. He commands 26 legions of infernal spirits, looks like a stork dove, and speaks in a hoarse voice. He can build very well fortified watchtowers and defensive structures, and is a very skilled military strategist who can help someone command and coordinate the forces of a military.

Raum is the 40th demon described in the Goetia, and the Night Demon of the 1st Decan of Taurus. He commands 30 legions of infernal spirits, and he looks like a crow at first, but takes the form of a man soon after. Raum’s pastimes are particularly interesting. He steals treasures from kings, destroys cities, and shatters the honor of the men who rule over the aforesaid cities. He can accurately tell you about any events past, present, of future, and he creates love between friends and enemies.

Vinea is the 45th demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Night Demon of the 3rd Decan of Gemini. In addition to his position as an Earl, he is also an infernal King. He commands 36 legions of infernal spirits, and he looks like a man with a lion’s head riding on a black horse, and carrying a venomous snake in one hand. Vinea can discover any manner of hidden thing, and has a reputation for revealing witches (which usually results in their downfall). He can help to build towers, but is especially helpful in offensive military operations, especially when your soldiers are trying to overtake some kind of wall or other barrier. He can also give you accurate information about any events past, present, or future.

Bifrons is the 46th demon described in the Goetia, and the Night Demon of the 1st Decan of Cancer. He commands up to 60 legions of infernal spirits, and he first appears in the form of a monster, but he assumes the form of a man soon after. Bifrons can give you a complete familiarity with astrology, as well as all the other sciences of the Quadrivium. He can also teach you about the magical properties of the different types of wood and stone. Sometimes, he changes the bodies of the dead, or perhaps takes them to a different place, and then he lights magical candles on their graves.

Murmur is the 54th demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Night Demon of the 3rd Decan of Virgo. In addition to his position as an Earl, he is also an infernal Duke. He commands 30 legions of infernal spirits, and he appears in the form of a soldier in a duke’s crown riding on the back of a gryphon, with a host of trumpeters preceding him. Murmur can give you an extensive knowledge of rhetoric and philosophy. He can also compel spirits of the dead to come forth and appear before the occultist, allowing us to ask them whatever questions we like. Some of my books also say that Murmur was originally a member of the Order of Thrones before he took his current place.

Andromalius is the 72nd and final demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Night Demon of the 3rd Decan of Pisces. He commands 36 legions of infernal spirits, and he manifests in the form of a man holding a serpent. Andromalius has the power to compel thieves to come return with the spoils of their plunder in hand. He can also discover hidden treasures, underhanded dealings, and covertly wicked intentions. Punishing thieves and wicked people is the main activity he participates in when he is not working to carry out a specific task.

Now that we’ve discussed some of the more complex things which Mars rules over, we can continue on to our more straightforward listing of things in nature which are under the influence of Mars.




Euphorbia Resin












Mustard Seeds


Peppers (especially those which are extremely hot)







Wild Donkeys










Horned Owls

Screech Owls






Pike Fish

Barbel Fish

Orca Whales




Red Brass









The Sun is the brightest luminary in the heavens. It represents rulership, nobility, power, and light. It rules the wealthy, and those with high social status. In addition (and contrast) to its associations with power and privilege, the Sun represents generosity, forgiveness, mercy, and salvation.

There are some tips about the ideal placement of the Sun in astrological magic here.

Below is an extensive and organized list of things which are under the influence of the Sun.

Name of the Intelligence of the Sun:


Name of the Spirit of the Sun:


Familiar Form of the Spirit of the Sun:

A large, full-bodied man who radiates a kind of intense power and warmth which can accurately be described as “cardiovascular.” He will probably be accompanied by a golden or yellow light, and his arrival usually causes the person who called upon him to sweat.

Common Visible Forms of the Spirit of the Sun:

A king riding on a lion’s back with a scepter in his hand.

A king wearing his crown

A queen holding her scepter

A bird

A lion

A rooster

A yellow or golden robe

A scepter

Caudatus (the kinds of young leaves or grains used to make cereal)

Name of the Sun in Spring:


Name of the Sun in Summer:


Name of the Sun in Autumn:


Name of the Sun in Winter:





Pure blood


6 and 36




Elemental Quality:


Day of the Week:




Part of the Greek Language (rulership of which is also shared with Jupiter and Mercury)


The religion of the ancient Sabians (who many people say worshiped the celestial bodies)



Noble and fine clothing, especially when it’s golden or yellow in color, and made of very fine fabric, such as silk


The Pope, and Christian clergy in general

Chief executive officers of large corporations

The President of the United States

Community organizers (because Jesus Christ was a major community organizer and activist)

Carpenters (because Jesus Christ was a carpenter)


Places which are naturally serene and well-lit

The palaces of kings (a category which figuratively includes places such as the White House in the United States)

The offices of less-powerful politicians such as legislators



Any man-made structure which can be described as magnificent


The eyes

The heart


To make the Sun’s incense, you should mix saffron, ambergris, musk, agar, balsamic resin, laurel berries, cloves, myrrh, frankincense, and the brain of an eagle or the blood of a white rooster with a mortar and pestle. Alternately, you can use mastic, gum benzoin, or gum laudanum.

Zodiac Rulership:

The Sun rules over the sign of Leo, and its exaltation is Aries. It’s detriment is Aquarius, and it falls when it is in Libra.



White wine

The Sun is associated with numerous spirits of various types which might be useful to understand or be aware of in certain situations. I will list some of them them below, organized according to the respective type of each spirit.


The Archangel Michael is the angel who is by far the most strongly associated with the Sun. He is the highest-ranked and most powerful angel, effectively serving as Heaven’s second-in-command. He was also directly involved in the events of many important Biblical stories. In the Old Testament, Michael is mentioned on numerous occasions. Perhaps the most important of these in in Daniel 10, where Daniel learns that Michael is the protector of Israel. In Christian scripture, he is identified as the archangel who will lead God’s army into the final battle against the forces of Hell. His name seems to mean something along the lines of “He Who is Like God.”

The Archangel Raphael rules over Sunday, and is associated with the Sun as a result of this. Although Michael is definitely the most powerful archangel, it is very important to note that Raphael is one of the only two other angels who even come close to Michael in their importance and capabilities (Gabriel being the other one of these angels). His name seems to mean something along the lines of “God is the Source of Healing.”

A King of the Djinn:

Al-Mazhab is name of the King of the Djinn who is associated with the Sun. His name roughly means “Golden One.”

Abba Deebaj is this King’s informal name. This name means something like “The Silk Brocade’s Father.”


The Sun is associated with 12 of the demons described in the Goetia (and I consider Astaroth a King as well, making a total of 13). These demons are the Infernal Kings, and when I describe them below, I will be sure to point out when any of these Kings has another rank in addition to their kingship.

Bael is the 1st demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Day Demon of the 1st Decan of Aries. He commands 66 legions of infernal spirits, and he either appears as a beast with three heads, one of a toad, one of a man, and one of a cat, or as those three animals as separate bodies, but all going forth together. Bael can grant you invisibility.

Paimon is the 9th demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Day Demon of the 3rd Decan of Gemini. He commands 200 legions of infernal spirits, and he looks like a crowned man riding on a dromedary camel, with a host of musicians going ahead of him. When he first speaks, he is usually difficult to understand. He can give you a complete understanding of all of the arts and sciences, as well as secret divine or occult knowledge. He can also present you with honors, blessing you with a good reputation in society. He can provide familiars of a good quality. Last, but definitely not least, Paimon can easily magically bind other people so that they will have to do your bidding.

Beleth is the 13th demon described in the Goetia, and the Day Demon of the 1st Decan of Leo. He commands 85 legions of infernal spirits, and he arrives on a pale horse, attended by brass players and other musicians. He is usually fairly hostile when he first arrives. If you manage to calm his irritation, though, he can create love between a man and woman. Some of my sources say he was originally an angel in the Order of Powers, and that he hopes to ascend back to his throne before the end of days.

Purson is the 20th demon described in the Goetia, and the Day Demon of the 2nd Decan of Libra. He commands 22 legions of infernal spirits, and he appears in the form of a man with the face of a lion, holding a venomous snake in one hand, while approaching on the back of a bear whose path is preceded by a host of ministering trumpeters. Purson can accurately tell you about any events in the past, present, or future, in addition to being able to discover any manner of hidden things. He is also able to provide the occultist with a good familiar spirit.

Astaroth is the 29th demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Day Demon of the 2nd Decan of Capricorn. The Goetia doesn’t specify that he is a King, designating only his position as Duke, but I thought it necessary to classify him as such, considering that in sources besides the Goetia, he is fairly uniformly referred to as a King. He commands 40 legions of infernal spirits, and appears in the form of a beautiful angel with terrible and dangerous breath riding on the back of an infernal dragon, and carrying a viper. He can give you a thorough understanding of all the liberal arts, and will always answer your questions truthfully. He is also able to give you accurate understanding of all the events of the past, present, and future, and of all secrets. In particular, Astaroth will tell you the stories of how the various angels fell.

Asmodai is the 32nd demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Day Demon of the 2nd Decan of Aquarius. Asmodai is one of the highest-ranked demons (sometimes referred to as a chief lord of Hell), though he only directly commands 72 legions of infernal spirits. When he appears, he looks like a man with three heads (one of a bull, one of a man, and one of a ram). He has the tail of a serpent and the feet of a goose, and he rides in on a dragon, carrying a flag and lance. He is capable of giving us a complete understanding of the magical uses of all the different herbs and stones. He can also give us a complete knowledge of arithmetic, geometry, and astrology. He is good at finding treasures which have been lost or hidden, and he can make us invisible, or help us to be verbally witty and eloquent. He is also capable of giving us a longer life-span.

Vinea is the 45th demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Night Demon of the 3rd Decan of Gemini. In addition to his position as a mighty King, he is also an Earl. He commands 36 legions of infernal spirits, and he looks like a man with a lion’s head riding on a black horse, and carrying a venomous snake in one hand. Vinea can discover any manner of hidden thing, and has a reputation for uncovering witches (which usually results in their downfall). He can help to build defensive towers, but is particularly helpful in offensive military operations, especially when your soldiers are trying to overtake a wall or some other kind of barrier. He can also give you accurate information about any events past, present, or future.

Balam is the 51st demon to be described in the Goetia, as well as the Night Demon of the 3rd Decan of Leo. He commands 40 legions of infernal spirits. When he manifests, he looks like a man with three heads (one of a bull, one of a man, and one of a ram) and the tail of a serpent. His eyes will be flaming, and he will ride forth on a bear, bringing a goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) with him. He has a hoarse voice, and will truthfully tell you about anything past, present, or future. He can also make us invisible and increase our wit.

Zagan is the 61st demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Night Demon of the 1st Decan of Capricorn. In addition to his position as a mighty King, he also holds the title of President. He commands 36 legions of infernal spirits, and he initially looks like a bull with the wings of a gryphon, but then assumes the form of a man. Zagan is capable of making us more witty and clever, turning wine into water, and water back into wine. He can easily change any metal into the currency of whichever nation he is working in. He also turns fools wise.

Belial is the 68th demon to be described in the Goetia, as well as the Night Demon of the 2nd Decan of Aquarius. He is easily one of the most powerful demons in Hell, and he also commands 80 legions of infernal spirits. As he approaches, you will notice that his appearance is that of a beautiful angel, and he will ride in on a chariot of fire. Belial is a particularly powerful spirit, and he regularly interferes with the people of much of the world by using some of his powers to magically appoint a lot of extremely underqualified or overall unfavorable people to legislative positions in as many governments as possible. He finds this amusing, and wants to cause as much human pain and frustration as he possibly can by doing this sort of thing. When dealing with Belial, it’s important to know that he can help us in several ways. In addition to his ability to appoint whoever he chooses to a legislative office, we should remember that he can also cause favor between friends and enemies, and that he can provide us with extremely high quality familiar spirits. However, unlike most other spirits (demonic or otherwise), Belial will not help us if we don’t make a good offering to him.

Now, we can proceed to a list of things the Sunrules over in nature.



Lotus Trees





Great Felwort



Bay Trees



Ash Trees




White Turmeric




Yellow Honey






















Glow Worms






Mollusks with spiral shells




Egyptian Glass

Cupric Oxide


Red Pearls



Gold Marcasite


Blue Sapphires



Venus is a planet which is most readily associated with ideas of love, friendship, and positive emotions between people. It is often known as the Lesser Fortune. Venus rules over beautiful singing, and all manner of pleasant sounds. It also represents an emotionally intimate kind of sexuality and pleasure.

Check out this post for advice about the placement of Venus in astrological magic.

Below is an extensive and organized list of things which are under the influence of Venus.

Name of the Intelligence of Venus:


Name of the Spirit of Venus:


Familiar Form of the Spirit of Venus:

It will usually manifest in the form of a fair-bodied woman of about average height, with a pleasant disposition, dressed in white or green, with some golden accents near the topmost parts of the outfit. If Venus is in one of her greater dignities, the forms of two young maids might accompany her (these servant forms are not actually separate entities from spirit of Venus), and the three might interact with each other playfully with the intent of drawing a lustful gaze or two.

Common Visible Forms of the Spirit of Venus:

A King riding on a camel with a scepter in his hand

A young woman dressed in very beautiful clothing

A naked young woman

A female goat

A camel

A dove

A green or white garment or outfit

A bouquet of flowers

Juniper savin


Air and Water


Phlegm and Blood


7 and 49



Decadent flavors

Delicate tastes

Elemental Quality:


Day of the Week:







Garments decorated with bright colors and geometric shapes

Traditional Arabic apparel, especially when all white in color (in a desert, white clothing will be more comfortable to wear, because it does not absorb as much heat as other colors)

Extravagant accessories and jewelry

Clothing which was designed with a lot of unnecessary ornamentation

For a man, managing to tastefully dress in women’s clothing and make-up

For a woman, dressing in her most attractive clothing (according to her own opinion, of course) which is also unnecessarily extravagant


Visual artists



Classical singers



Cheerful places



Music and performance art venues

Green meadows in the spring



The right nostril

The stomach

The genitalia


The incense of Venus can be made by mixing musk, ambergris, agar, red roses, red coral, sparrow’s brain, and pigeon’s blood. Alternately, you can use violets or saffron.

Zodiac Rulership:

Venus rules over the signs of Taurus and Libra, and is exalted in Pisces. Its detriments are Aries and Scorpio, and it falls when it is in Virgo.


Every variety of aphrodisiac

Cannabis Sativa


Venus is associated with a number of spirits of different types. Below, I will describe some of these spirits, organizing them based on what kind of spirit they are.


Anael is the angel who is most strongly associated with Venus. It is possible that his name means roughly “the Pleasure of God.”

Haniel is the archangel who rules over Friday, and that means this spirit is associated with Venus as well. Some of my books suggest that Anael and Haniel are just alternate spellings of the same name.

A King of the Djinn:

Zawba’ah is the name of this King of the Djinn, who is associated with Venus. His name appears to mean something along the lines of “Storm.”

Abba Al-Hassan is the informal name of the same King who was just introduced. It appears to mean something like “the Father of the Handsome.”


Venus is the planet which is associated with the 20 Goetic Dukes. I will list these Dukes below, and if any of them has another noble title in addition to their dukedom, I will make sure to point that out.

Agares is the 2nd demon described in the Goetia, and the Day Demon of the 2nd Decan of Aries. He commands 31 legions of infernal spirits, and he looks like an old man carrying a goshawk on his fist while riding a crocodile. He is capable of making people who always stand still run, while causing people who have fled to return. He can teach you any language you wish, and he takes pleasure in shattering personal dignities and causing earthquakes.

Valefar is the 6th demon described in the Goetia, and the Day Demon of the 3rd Decan of Taurus. He commands 10 legions of infernal spirits, and he looks like a lion with the head of a human thief. He is generally a good familiar, but he will try to tempt the occultist to steal, with the occultist’s death as a result of their their crimes as his goal in this act.

Barbatos is the 8th demon described in the Goetia, and the Day Demon of the 2nd Decan of Gemini. He commands 300 legions of infernal spirits, and he appears in the company of four kings and their armies when the Sun is in Sagittarius. He can teach you how to verbally communicate with a variety of creatures, unlock hidden treasures that have been magically sealed, accurately describe any event past, present, or future, and reconcile friends with people in positions of power.

Gusoin is the 11th demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Day Demon of the 2nd Decan of Cancer. He commands 40 legions of infernal spirits, and he appears in the form of Xenophilus (a famous Pythagorean scholar). He is able to accurately tell you of the past, present, and future, answer every question you can ask him, reconcile friends, and give people honor and recognition by their peers and society.

Eligos is the 15th demon described in the Goetia, and the Day Demon of the 3rd Decan of Leo. He commands 60 legions of infernal spirits, and he looks like a knight carrying a lance, his ensign, and a serpent. He knows the future, and in particular, he is very accurate in predicting the outcome of battles. He can discover hidden things, and he brings forth love from lords and other powerful people.

Zepar is the 16th demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Day Demon of the 1st Decan of Virgo. He commands 26 legions of infernal spirits, and he takes the form of an armed soldier dressed in red. He is able to make women love men, and to cause infertility in women.

Bathin is the 18th demon described in the Goetia, and the Day Demon of the 3rd Decan of Virgo. He commands 30 legions of infernal spirits, and looks like a muscular man with the tail of a serpent sitting on his pale horse. He can teach you about the properties of the herbs and precious stones, and he has been known to suddenly transport people very long distances.

Sallos is the 19th demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Day Demon of the 1st Decan of Libra. He commands 30 legions of infernal spirits, and appears in the form of a soldier wearing a Duke’s crown and riding on the back of a crocodile. He is able to make men and women love each other.

Aim is the 23rd demon described in the Goetia, and the Day Demon of the 2nd Decan of Scorpio. He commands 26 legions of infernal spirits, and appears in the form of a three-headed man (with the head of a serpent, the head of a man with two stars on its forehead, and the head of a cat) riding on a fiery viper. He has been known to set great cities, castles, palaces, and other monumental places on fire. He can make people witty and clever, and he will truthfully answer any questions regarding a personal or private concern.

Bime is the 26th demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Day Demon of the 2nd Decan of Sagittarius. He commands 30 legions of infernal spirits, and appears in the form of a dragon with three heads (the head of a dog, of a gryphon, and of a man) who speaks in a high-pitched voice. He has been known to move the remains of the deceased around, and to assemble his spirits on top of graves and sepulchers. He can provide people with material wealth, wisdom, and the ability to speak eloquently. He will also answer your questions truthfully.

Berith is the 28th demon described in the Goetia, and the Day Demon of the 1st Decan of Capricorn. He commands 26 legions of infernal spirits, and appears in the form of a soldier wearing red clothing and a golden crown, and riding on a red horse. He can accurately reveal the past, present, or future. He is able to bring honor and recognition to a person, and to transmute any kind of metal to gold. He is known to lie often, and should never be considered trustworthy.

Astaroth is the 29th demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Day Demon of the 2nd Decan of Capricorn. In addition to his Dukedom, it seems necessary to think of him as a King, as well (the Goetia itself does not call him such, but other sources of information about him seem to fairly uniformly acknowledge him as a King). He commands 40 legions of infernal spirits, and appears in the form of a beautiful angel with terrible and dangerous breath riding on the back of an infernal dragon, and carrying a viper. He can give you a thorough understanding of all the liberal arts, and will always answer your questions truthfully. He is also able to give you accurate understanding of all the events of the past, present, and future, and of all secrets. In particular, Astaroth will tell you the stories of how the various angels fell.

Forcalor is the 41st demon described in the Goetia, and the Night Demon of the 2nd Decan of Taurus. He commands 30 legions of infernal spirits, and appears in the form of a man with the wings of a gryphon. He is known to take pleasure in killing people, especially by drowning. He loves to capsize war ships, and has considerable power over the oceans and their winds.

Vepar is the 42nd demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Night Demon of the 3rd Decan of Taurus. He commands 29 legions of infernal spirits, and appears in the form of a mermaid. He governs the seas in general, he specifically guides ships which transport weapons and munitions. He is responsible for most ocean storms and other unfavorable conditions for maritime travel. In addition, Vepar is known to enjoy killing people by giving them severe infestations of parasitic worms.

Vuall is the 47th demon described in the Goetia, and the Night Demon of the 2nd Decan of Cancer. He commands 37 legions of infernal spirits, and he initially appears in the form of a dromedary, but then takes the form of a man who is unconvincingly trying to seem as if he’s from Egypt. He is able to accurately tell you about things in the past, present, and future. He can make enemies into friends, and very effectively cause women to especially love someone.

Crocell is the 49th demon described in the Goetia, and the Night Demon of the 1st Decan of Leo. He commands 48 legions of infernal spirits, and he appears in the form of an angel. He tends to speak occultly about cryptic or hidden things, though he is also a very good teacher of geometry and the liberal arts. He makes the sounds of flowing water, and can give warmth to baths and other waters.

Alloces is the 52nd demon described in the Goetia, and the Night Demon of the 1st Decan of Virgo. He commands 30 legions of infernal spirits, and appears in the form of a soldier wearing a Duke’s crown, riding on the back of a gryphon, and preceded by a host of trumpeters. He can give you an extensive understanding of philosophy and rhetoric, and he can bring souls of the dead before the occultist, where we can ask them whatever questions we see fit.

Murmur is the 54th demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Night Demon of the 3rd Decan of Virgo. In addition to his position as a Duke, he is also an infernal Earl. He commands 30 legions of infernal spirits, and he appears in the form of a soldier in a Duke’s crown riding on the back of a gryphon, with a host of trumpeters preceding him. Murmur can give you an extensive knowledge of rhetoric and philosophy. He can also compel spirits of the dead to come forth and appear before the occultist, allowing us to ask them whatever questions we like. Some of my books also say that Murmur was originally a member of the Order of Thrones before he took his current place.

Gemory is the 56th demon described in the Goetia, and the Night Demon of the 2nd Decan of Libra. She commands 26 legions of infernal spirits, and appears in the form of a beautiful woman riding a camel, and wearing the crown of a Duchess around her waist. She is able to reveal all things past, present, and future, and to discover hidden treasures. She can also procure the love of women.

Napula is the 60th demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Night Demon of the 3rd Decan of Scorpio. In addition to his position as a Duke, he is also a President among the demons. He commands 36 legions of infernal spirits, and appears in the form of a lion with gryphon’s wings. He can teach you the skills and crafts of a handyman, and provide extremely specialized knowledge on many professions. He is a good teacher of philosophy in particular.

Haures is the 64th demon described in the Goetia, and the Night Demon of the 1st Decan of Capricorn. He commands 36 legions of infernal spirits, and he initially appears in the form of a leopard, then taking the form of a man with fire in his eyes and an extremely unpleasant face. He should not be trusted if he is not within a Goetic triangle, since he has been known to lie. When he is within the Goetic triangle, he can reveal all things past, present, and future. He can also provide the occultist with a thorough understanding of divinity, with the added bonus of telling us the stories about the falls of the spirits. He takes pleasure in destroying his enemies, and especially in burning them.

Amducias is the 67th demon described in the Goetia, as well as the Night Demon of the 1st Decan of Aquarius. He commands 29 legions of infernal spirits, and initially appears in the form of a unicorn, but then assumes the form of a man. He is able to make musical instruments heard, and to make trees bend. The familiar spirits he can provide for the occultist are of a very good quality.

Dantaylion is the 71st demon described in the Goetia, and the Night Demon of the 2nd Decan of Pisces. He commands 36 legions of infernal spirits, and appears in the form of a man with many faces (which can be of any gender) with a book in his right hand. He is able to teach absolutely any art or science to absolutely any person. He usually generates love, and can help people relate to each other and find things in common, no matter how foreign or hostile they initially appeared. Dantaylion is also known to call secret meetings, and to make people suddenly change their minds about any given issue.

Now that we’ve gone over some of the more complex correspondences of Venus, we can list some of the things in nature which are under Venus’s rulership.




Maidenhair Ferns



Gum Laudanum




Sweet Pears















Burrow Ducks







Sea Spurge







Blue Stones






Lapis Lazuli




Green Jasper

Mercury is commonly associated with intelligence, speed, wit, and communication. It is also associated with commonness and poverty.

For advice about the ideal placement of Mercury in astrological magic, look at this post.

Below is an extensive and organized list of things which are under the influence of Mercury.

Name of the Intelligence of Mercury:


Name of the Spirit of Mercury:


Familiar Form of the Spirit of Mercury:

Usually, it manifests as a transparent, slender humanoid form of about average height. Its movements will appear more fluid than those of a human, and this spirit will be cold to the touch. It will be very well-spoken and articulate with words. Usually, the first thing this form will do when you conjure it is try to thoroughly horrify you (if it is successful, you can take comfort in knowing that you’re dealing with a real form of Mercury).

Common Visible Forms of the Spirit of Mercury:

A King riding on the back of a bear

A fair young person

A woman with a distaff

A dog

A female bear

A magpie

An article of clothing that can vary in color

A shepherd’s rod

A small walking staff



*It should be noted that Mercury can affect all elements nearly equally


Any or all of the humors mixed together


8 and 64


Unusual flavors

Tastes which are completely alien to the tongue

Tastes which are familiar, but not at all distinctive

Plain or bland flavors in general (as in food which generally lacks flavor)

Elemental Quality:

Dry-Moist (both simultaneously)

Day of the Week:




Part of Greek (which is co-ruled by three planets, the other two of which are Jupiter and the Sun)


Forbidden or secret practices (Freemasonry, for example)



Comparative religion



Casual dress

Styles commonly associated with scholars















The tongue

The brain

Mercury influences the heart, but does not rule over it


To make Mercury’s incense, mix mastic, frankincense, cloves, potentilla, agate, magpie’s blood, and a fox or weasel’s brain. Alternately, you can use any tree barks or fruit skins, cinnamon, cassia bark, citron peels, or bayberries.

Zodiac Rulership:

Mercury rules over the signs of Gemini and Virgo, and it is also exalted in Virgo. Mercury’s detriment is Sagittarius, and it is in its fall when in Pisces.


Psychostimulants (which include the amphetamines, cathinones, and methylphenidate, in addition to many other drugs)

Coffee (espresso in particular, due to its increased stimulant effects)

Mercury is associated with numerous spirits of various kinds, which I will describe below, organized by the types of spirits I’ll be discussing.


The Archangel Raphael is the angel who is most strongly associated with Mercury. Raphael is one of the most powerful and important archangels, outranked only by Gabriel and Michael. His name seems to mean something along the lines of “God is the Source of Healing.”

The Archangel Michael rules over Wednesday, which means he is also associated with Mercury to a lesser extent. Michael is the highest-ranked and most powerful of all the angels, effectively serving as Heaven’s second-in-command. In the Old Testament, Michael is mentioned on numerous occasions. Perhaps the most important of these in in Daniel 10, where Daniel learns that Michael is the protector of Israel. In Christian scripture, he is identified as the archangel who will lead God’s army into the final battle against the forces of Hell. His name seems to mean something along the lines of “He Who is Like God.”

A King of the Djinn:

Burqan is name of the King of the Djinn who is associated with Mercury. His name appears to mean “Two Thunders.”

Abbu Al-A’aja’eb is the informal name given to this King of the Djinn. This name seems to mean something along the lines of “Father of the Nomads.”


Mercury is associated with the 12 Presidents of the Goetic demons. I will describe these Presidents below, making sure to point out those which hold other seats in addition to their presidency.

Marbas is the 5th demon desribed in the Goetia, as well as the Day Demon of the 2nd Decan of Taurus. He commands 36 legions of infernal spirits, and appears in the form of a powerful and majestic anthropomorphic lion. He can uncover hidden things, and make us wise. He can also teach us handicrafts and mechanical skills. He causes and cures a variety of diseases, and has been known to magically chang

My series on astrological magic is now complete. There are thirteen posts total, each of them thoroughly discussing different concepts which are important to the effective practice of these arts. They don’t proceed in exactly the order you’ll need the information in, and I apologize for that, but I also don’t think it will be a problem. You should really make sure to carefully read the information in each of these posts before attempting to carry out this kind of work, in order to be sure that you’ve covered your bases and taken the appropriate precautions. Below is a list of all the posts in the series. I hope they are helpful to you. You’re welcome to ask us if you have any questions at all.

The Moon (and Sun)

Saturn and Mars

Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury

The Ascendant

Uses of the Decans

Parts (also known as Lots)

Image Theory I

Image Theory II

Master List of things Ruled by the Planets, Signs, and Fixed Stars

Lunar Nodes, Planetary Days and Hours, Names and Spirits of Times and Bodies

A Very Effective Method of Drawing a Circle

Consecration, Prayers, and Ritual Theory

Conclusion (Aspects, Other Loose Ends, and a Step-By-Step Walkthrough)

Thank you very much for reading. If you found this series interesting, please consider checking out Benefica’s series on the court cards in Tarot, and if you’re interested, check back soon for our upcoming series on the creation and use of talismans (which will be a collaboration between Benefica and myself).


This will be the twelfth post in my series on astrological magic. The intention of this post is to familiarize you with the basic theory you’ll need to know in order to consecrate a magic circle, and to make your orations, prayers, and petitions effectively. There are an infinite number of variations you can reasonably apply to the examples I’ll give, but you should make sure the overall formula is sound enough. Please take appropriate care if you choose to alter or improvise any of the methods here. If you have any questions, you’re welcome to ask us.

One of the original sciences of the quadrivium (Pythagoras’s teachings) was rhetoric. Today, this skill is still very useful. Without it, you may have difficulty communicating or articulating your ideas, thoughts, feelings, and desires. This is why it is important to use the most accurate phrasing possible while casting any kind of magic. If you fail to effectively or clearly communicate your consecration, orations, what your intentions are, to whom you wish to speak, or what sort of power you wish to draw from, it is unlikely that you will succeed in your work. There are many classic stories about magic and dealings with supernatural beings where the hero says what they want, but their wish is worded carelessly, and might have multiple meanings, so instead of their goal, they are granted whichever meaning of the request they did not actually desire. This is the kind of natural punishment you will be likely to receive if you speak ineffectively or carelessly while using magic, so you need to be very careful when speaking with these forces.

Another thing you should take note of is that consecration is always done from inside the circle. Once a circle is consecrated, you should not enter or exit from it until your work is properly finished. Because of that, you should always take extreme care in remembering to bring everything you need into the circle with you. If you exit the circle after it has been consecrated and before your work is complete, many things can go wrong, and your work will probably not go well.

Consecration of circles:

Pietro D'Abano recommends reciting Psalm 51:7 after the magic circle has been constructed. Brief as it may be, this prayer is definitely sufficient for the heavy function of astrological magic. While saying this prayer, it is also necessary to sprinkle the circle with holy water, or another form of skilfully blessed purging water (if you’d like to deal with benevolent forces, this practice can never hurt). This is my preferred method for several reasons.

A slightly more thorough variant of D'Abano’s method is to sprinkle your circle with holy water while you recite the seven penitential Psalms (Psalm 6, 31, 37, 50, 101, 129, and 142. In the KJV, they are Psalm 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, and 143).

Dion Fortune’s method is comparably simple and effective. Start by turning toward the east quarter. Touch your brow and say “Yours, O God,” and then touch your solar plexus and say “is the Kingdom,” and touch your right shoulder before continuing “and the Power,” and touch your left shoulder before adding “and the Glory,” and bring your hands together in front of you, clasping them together, saying “for ever and ever, Amen.” Now you should visualize a sword in your hand, and hold it in front of you, with its point toward the sky. Now, you should say “In God’s name, I accept the Sword of Power for defense against evil and aggression.” Visualize yourself doubling in height, making sure to render the image of yourself as formidable, powerful, and protected as possible. Now with the point of your sword, trace the outer boundary of your circle, and with your mind’s eye, watch it light up in bright yellow flame. Now face east again, and clasp your hands together over your head before saying “May the archangel Raphael protect me to the east.” Do the same in each direction, but instead of Raphael, invoke Michael from the south, Gabriel from the west, and Uriel from the north. After this, your consecration is complete.

Henry Cornelius Agrippa recommends the following things be kept in mind as you consecrate the place where you’ll be working. In consecrating your space, he says it is good to reference the Sanctum Sanctorum. Mount Sinai, the Tabernacle of the Covenant, Solomon’s temple, the hill of Golgotha, and Mount Tabor. You should call on names of God which pertain to the house of God, the throne of God, the Tabernacle, the Heaven of God, and names with similar symbolism.

TheClavicula Solomonis contains an extremely lengthy and demanding method of consecration. It looks to me like it would be reasonably effective, but I think it’s clear that most of the extremely specific needs it calls for are completely unnecessary. If you want to know about this method, just look at a copy of the Key of Solomon, and see for yourself.

Abraham von Worms and Abramelin the Mage make it clear that there is no exact prayer that you must say, though they recommend praying to Adonai, rather than any other name (a sound recommendation, since that name is a respectful title given to the Tetragrammaton, which is used out of reverence, because one should not attempt to speak the true name of God). They insist that a prayer from the heart which follows the right formula is the most effective kind of consecration. Of the methods mentioned above, D'Abano and Cornelius Agrippa’s methods are the most useful to me, because they are accessible and very effective. You can easily substitute your symbolism or imagery if you prefer something less Judaic, and you’re also able to combine these methods with each other, or with other methods you’re comfortable or familiar with. I hope this section has given you a general understanding of the consecration of magical circles, and of the things that go into the process of doing so.

Now, I will talk about some methods of speaking with the consciousnesses and intelligences of the planets. Keep in mind that there are many other ways to pray to the planetary intelligences, but that I’m using these particular approaches as examples. Keep in mind when dealing with the planets that it is generally considered necessary to stroke their egos and compliment them as much as possible, doing as much as you can to emphasize the greatness of all the things that planet is responsible for. These are derived from ancient Sabian methods, and it’s important to warn you that some of the methods involved here require animal sacrifices, and that these are often illegal, not to mention cruel. I also want to make it clear that they are very effective. Remember, if you carry out any animal sacrifices, you’re doing it at your own risk. I wouldn’t have you break the laws where you live, and there are definitely other reasonably effective offerings you can make to the planets (you can see some of the things the planets rule over here, if you want some other ideas of things you might be able to effectively offer to the planets).

To make a request of Saturn, you should consider that it should be in a favorable position in the sky, and you should do this on Saturday, in Saturn’s hour. Libra is the most agreeable place, Aquarius and Capricorn are also good places for it. If this can’t be done, wait until Saturn is in the midheaven, in one of its triplicities, or a term it rules over. It can be in one of the other angles or succeedent houses in addition to the midheaven, and preferably in an oriental house (in the eastern sky). Make sure Saturn is not in retrograde, and that it is in a masculine position. Make sure there are no detriments, falls, or negative aspects affecting Saturn. Especially avoid a square aspect with Mars. If it is in a cadent house or retrograde, Saturn will not fulfill your requests. Other tips about placement of Saturn are here.

Make sure to wear all black clothing, with black shoes, and a black hat on your head. Make your request in a secluded place, preferably where people are humble and pensive. Carry an iron ring and an iron censer with you. Begin burning the incense of Saturn (the incenses of planets can be found here). Turn toward Saturn’s location in the sky, and say a prayer like the following:

O exalted celestial with the great name who sits in the highest heaven, whom God made subtle and powerful! You are the lord Saturn, cold and dry, dark, the one who writes the good, the one who is always a faithful friend, hardy and adaptable in love and hate, whose knowledge is expansive and penetrative, honest and trustworthy in your promises and utterances, isolated in your operations, solitary, separate from others, familiar to suffering and sorrow, distant from joy and festivity, you are ancient and wise, and you erase the knowledge of those things which are good. You are the one who writes the good and evil. Miserable and tortured are those who are affected by your malice, and very fortunate are those who are in your favor. God has placed powers and virtues in you, and a spirit which does good and evil works. I ask you , lord, by your exalted names and your wonderful works, that you fulfill my request.

Now you should make your request, and throw yourself low to the ground, while always making sure you are facing Saturn. This shows your humble spirit, and your sorrow. After this, you should be able to conclude your work appropriately.

If you want to make a request of Jupiter, you should make sure it’s in a good position (especially concerning Saturn, but other tips are here), and safe from its detriments and fall. Wear yellow and white, with a belt around your waist. Go to a humble and gentle place, like a hermitage used in Christianity, and bring a censer made of tin. In the censer, burn the incense of Jupiter, and turn toward its location in the sky. Now you can say the following prayer.

God bless you, lord Jupiter. You are the warm and humid Greater Fortune, impartial, and fair in your workings, benevolent, beautiful, honest, and wise. You rule the truth, and equality. You are merciful, and separate from evil. You smile upon the faithful and loyal worshipers, reward those who take joy from their religions and who are not hedonistic. You are of honorable mind, and you carry out works of good freely and naturally. You are honorable in your heaven, your promises are law, and your loyalties true. I call upon you in the name of Adonai, who has given you the power and spirit you have, and by your benevolent and generous nature, that you fulfill this request.

Now, you should ask for what you request from Jupiter, and say:

For all good things come from you, and the very nature of goodness comes from you. This is why you will listen to all good-natured requests.

When you have a request for Mars, you should make sure it is well placed, and safe from its detriments and fall (more tips about the placement of Mars are here). Wear red clothing, and a red silk or linen hat with a red skullcap, with as much warlike apparel as you can wear. Hang a sword from your neck, and carry as many weapons with you as possible. You will also need to bring a mouse. Wear a copper or bronze ring on one of your fingers, and burn the incense of Mars in a copper or bronze censer. Make sure to do this in a remote place you have previously chosen. Face south, and speak the following style of prayer without hesitation or fear.

Mars, you are an honored lord of a dry heat. You are powerful and heavy, your heart can’t be moved, and you spill the blood and cause the illness of humans. You have great strength, you are hardy, fast, brave, and agile. You rule over fighters, warriors, pain, misery, injury, incarceration, sorrow, and things which are blended or dismembered. You are not afraid of anything, nor do you contemplate. Your works are yours alone, and your precision is strong and effective, as is your drive for conquest and challenges. Your bring harm to the weak and the strong, and you smile upon the warriors who love their battles. You validate the wicked and the cruel. I call on you by your names, qualities, killings, and challenges against the Lord God who gave you your power and spirit, stockpiling them and keeping them from the other planets in order for you to gain strength. Mirrih, Mars, Bahram, Ares, Angara! I summon you in the name of Adonai, so that you will hear and fulfill my request, and that you will see my humbleness before you and see fit to help me.

Now you should make your request from Mars, and say:

I call on you by the power of the archangel Uriel, who has been sent by Adonai to complete your works.

Now, you should behead your mouse, throw it into the incense fire, and eat its liver.

To make a request to the Sun, you should work on Sunday, and in the hour of the Sun. You should make sure the Sun is well-placed in relation to other planets and the signs, and safe from detriments and its fall. It is also usually good to have the Sun ascending. Wear yellow and gold clothing (preferably made of silk), a gold crown, and a golden ring. You should do this work in a small building you’ve reserved for this purpose. Bring a golden censer, and a beautiful rooster with you. Around the rooster’s neck, hang a piece of wood about 4 inches in width and length with a small burning candle on it. Start burning the incense of the Sun just before sunrise. Turn the rooster toward the Sun as it rises, and say a prayer like the following:

You are the center of our heaven, and you are honored and exalted above all celestial bodies. I ask that you, the revered and holy Sun listen to my request, and give me the friendship and good grace of the leader in question. I call upon you in the name of Adonai, who is the source of your life. You are the one who gives light to the world, and I am calling on you by many of your names. Shams, Sol, Mihr, Helios, Aras, you are at the center of the planets, and you give light and clarity to the world. Life and creation on Earth are gifts from you, your perfect placement, and your heat. I request your aid in granting me the respect and good will of the powerful people I’m dealing with, so that I may have power over places and people, just like you have power over all the planets. I ask for your pity and mercy, that I might have success in my endeavors.

The Sun in particular is responsive to a great many methods of prayer from nearly all the religions of the world. For example, Jesus Christ can be equated to the Sun (there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Christianity is a form of Sun-worship, and many scholars agree), so saying a traditional Christian prayer to Jesus Christ could probably just as easily give you the results you need. It is very useful and important to note that it is rarely or never necessary to make any kind of blood sacrifice to the Sun.

To request something from Venus, make sure that it is not in its detriments, fall, or retrograde, and that it isn’t affected negatively by an aspect of Saturn or Mars (and be sure to look at the other guidelines I’ve given for the placement of Venus here). Traditionally, there are two ways you can dress when dealing with Venus. One way is to dress in traditional Arabic garb, all white in color (Venus rules over the religion of Islam). The other option is to dress in the most feminine attire you can manage, and to exalt the feminine energy in you to the fullest extent of your abilities through that aesthetic endeavor. Silk and pearls should ideally be included in your outfit, along with golden wristbands and a golden crown or tiara. Carry a mirror in your right hand, and a comb in your left. Wear perfumes which smell like spices or nutmeg, and have a bottle of wine in front of you. Burn the incense of Venus in a censer made of gold and silver, or an alloy of the two. You will also need to bring a pigeon and a turtledove. Now, you should pray to Venus in a similar manner to the following:

Venus, may you be blessed by Adonai. You are the queen of the planets, the Lesser Fortune, fair and beautiful, and pleasantly aromatic. You are the lady who rules over ornate adornments and jewelry. You smile on lovers, joyous people, pageantry and decorations, elegance, beautiful singing and music, comforting things, recreation, and love. You love wine, relaxation, leisure, and sex, because these are of your nature. I call on you by your names in many languages. Zuhara, Venus, Anahid, Aphrodite, Tijanija, Surfa, I call you by the Lord Adonai, ruler of the highest order, and by your loyalty to Him, I ask that you hear my request.

Now, you should ask Venus for what you seek, and continue to say:

I call on you by the great archangel Anael, who is the angel of the Lord who mediates you and carries out your work.

Now, lower yourself to a vulnerable position on the ground, and repeat your prayer. After that, stand back up, behead your pigeon and turtledove, and eat their livers. Burn their bodies in the incense fire, and your prayer to Venus will be complete.

To make a request of Mercury, it is best to dress like a journalist or writer (however you think best resembles the way they might dress). Make sure Mercury is safe from its detriments and fall. It is ideal to have Mercury and the Moon in conjunction with each other in any work pertaining to Mercury (other tips about the placement of Mercury are here). Wear a ring made of solidified mercury, if you can find one. Bring a rooster with a large comb. Burn the incense of Mercury, and turn toward Mercury’s location in the sky holding a notepad or piece of paper as if you’re about to write on it. Now, say a prayer to Mercury in a similar manner to the following:

May you be blessed by Adonai, Mercury. You are honest, aware, and knowledgeable. You can teach all science, written language,and mathematical art. You are subtle and even-tempered. You understand commerce, finance, and economics. You speak through prophets and diviners. You teach logic, philosophy, geometry, and astronomy. You teach biology, rhetoric, and computer science. You teach complete cognitive awareness, and quickness of thought. You can change things from one state of being to another. You teach cleanliness, solidarity, and existential wholeness. You bring peace, and prevent people from crossing paths with evil. You also bring out the more beneficial traits of religion and law. You are helpful with Jupiter and Venus, and harmful with Saturn and Mars. You are neither male or female, but can be either in various situations. You are nocturnal sometimes, and diurnal others. You are harmonious, and you work well with whichever forces you coincide with. I call on you by many of your names. Utarid, Mercurius, Hermes, Thoth, Budha, Enki, Tir, I call you in the name of Adonai, the lord who rules over the highest order, and I ask that you hear my request, and that you bestow upon me your knowledge and wisdom.

Here, you should ask Mercury for the thing you request. Then, you should continue:

I call you by Raphael, the archangel of the Lord who carries out and regulates your work, so that you will hear and fulfill my request to you.

Now, lower yourself to the ground and repeat your prayer. Now lift your head up, and behead your rooster, burn it in the incense fire, and eat its liver. Your request to Mercury should be fulfilled.

To make a request of the Moon, you should wear childish clothing, and bring good-smelling things with you. The Moon should be in a good position, safe from detriments and its fall, and at a good aspect with one of the Fortunes (more tips on the placement of the Moon are here) Wear or carry a silver ring, and move quickly. Make sure you speak with elegance and punctuality. You should bring a censer made of silver to burn the incense of the Moon, and a calf or an ewe for sacrifice. Wash your face and turn toward the Moon to pray.

May Adonai bless you, wonderful Moon. You are kind, cool, and humid. You are fair and pleasant. You are the key to the planets, and you move quickly to shine your light on the Earth. You are the lady who rules over joy, contentment, and kind words. You love the law, and you subtly contemplate all worldly things. Cheerful songs and revelry bring you joy. Messengers, ambassadors, and hidden things are under your protection. You are uninhibited, closer to us than the other planets, you are the largest celestial body in the sky, and you are very bright in your light. You can aid good or evil, and all the planets can be joined through you. All things on Earth are either blessed by your grace or afflicted by your curses. You are the beginning and ending of all worldly things. I call you by Gabriel, the archangel of the Lord who carries out your work, and who helps to regulate your power, so that you might hear my request and grant me my wish. I call you by many names. Qamar, Luna, Meh, Selenê, Suma, Sin, Chandra. By your humility before Adonai I ask that you hear my request.

Lower yourself to the ground, and repeat your prayer. When you have done this, behead your calf or your ewe. If it is an ewe, eat her liver to seal the ritual. Burn the body of your sacrificial animal in a fire, as usual.

I hope this post has given you some insight into the methods of consecrating circles and praying to the planets in astrological magic. Keep in mind that these methods aren’t the only effective ways to do this, and that there is plenty of information available about dealing with the planets from many cultures who have their own approaches. If you’d like us to check our libraries for information of that kind, let us know.The next post in this series will be its conclusion.

